14. Lola

I went back outside and brought in the other materials which I had purchased here and there in Victoria. I then closed and bolted the door. "Who is there?" called down Miss Henderson, from upstairs. "It is Jason," I said. The slave did not count."Who is she?" asked Miss Henderson from the head of the stairs. "Is it not obvious?" I asked.

"It is a female slave. I am calling her Lola." this seemed to me appropriate, as it was the name which she ahd worn in the House of Andronicus. "Who is she?" asked Lola. I smiled to myself. She would not have draed to speak so peremptorily before another male on Gor.Miss Henderson stood aghast at the top of the stairs, that a slave should have spoken so."She is pretty and in your house," said Lola to me, "and yet she is not in a collar. I see that you have not changed since the House of Andronicus, Jason."Insolent slave!" cried Miss Henderson. She had not worn a house veil since the night I had kenneled her.I noted that Lola had used my name. That would cost her, I decided an additional five strokes.

"There is shopping to be done," I told Miss Henderson. "Attend to it," "I do not wish to," she said. "Attend to it," I told her.

"Yes, Jason," she said angrily. She descended the stairs, took some coins from the kitchen, unbolted the door, and left. I rebolted the door again after her.

Lola looked at me. "At least I shall have an easy slavery," she said.

I had found her this morning near noon when I had been on my luncheon break. At such times, for my amusement and interest, I occasionally frequented some of the dock markets, where though cheap girls tend to be sold there, one may occasionally see a real beauty being vended. It is pleasant of course to see women being sold, particularily if they are beautiful.

She was kneeling, back on her heels, naked, on the hot boards of a slaver's platform. The boards were rough and splintery and there were tiny droplets of tar on them. She was shackled by the wrists on a short chain to an iron ring, heavy, whose plate was bolted into the boards.

"Lola!" I had said, my mouth full, chewing on the meat I had bought on the wharves.She had jerked back, seeing me.The sales had not yet begun. "What do you want for her?" I asked."Ten copper tarsks," he said. "Done!" I said.

"No!" she cried. "Be silent, Wench," he ordered her. I removed a ten-tarsk piece from the lining of my tunic. Workers do not commonly carry pouches at their work.

"Do not sell me to him," begged the girl, "please!" But he kicked her brutallly to silence. I paid him and he unshackled her. He also removed his collar from her throat."Come along," I told her. She descended from the platform and naked and miserable, heeled me as I threaded my way slowly from the place. She did not try to escape. She knew there was no escape for her. She was a Gorean slave girl.

I stopped at the warehouse where I had been working and collected a half day's wages. My employer did not object,for he could see that I had purchased something of interest. Doubtless, I was eager to get her home.

"Continue working, Jason" called one of the fellows. "Let her here in the warehouse. We will see that no harm comes to her!" There was much laughter. I waved to them as I left the warehouse. "Have her once for me!" called one of my fellow workers after me."Little do they know you!" she said bitterly.

On the way home I stopped in the market to buy a few thinks, some articles for which I thought I might find a use. "Why are you buying a slave whip?" she asked me."Be patient," I told her. "Perhaps you will learn."

I also bought some chains, and binding fiber, and other things. Interestingly for no reason I clearly understood, I bought two sets of certain articles.Also on the way home, I purchased her a slave tunic and stopped at the shop of a metal worker, where i had her measured and purchased a collar for her. I had the collar inscribed according to my specifications. I put it in my sack with its two keys, tied to it with a string.

I snapped my fingers, and the girl, to the side, rose from her knees and lightly hurried to the table, beside which she again knelt, head down. "You may clear, Lola," I told her. "A deferential slut," said Miss Henderson, who knelt across the table from me.Lola kept her head down."Rather different that when you brought her into the house this afternoon," she said. "What did you do to her?"

"Reminded her she was a slave," I said."I see," said Miss Henderson.Lola rose to her feet and padded softly, barefoot, carrying the dishes to the kitchen. "Her tunic is sleeveless and too short," said Miss Henderson. "It pleases me," I said. "Of course," said Miss Henderson. "She is yours."

"Why have you tied me like this?" has asked Lola.

I had tied her wrists together before her body, before the opened door of the house, leaving a dangling, loose strap of about a foot in length.

I then swept her from her feet and carried her across the threshold and put her down on her feet, near the side wall to the left."Why have you carried me into the house as a capture slave?" she asked. I had rebolted the door, after Miss Henderson, sent on her shopping errands by myself, had exited.I had then turned again to face Lola. We were alone in the house.

She looked at me. "At least I shall have an easy slavery," she said. "Stand here," I told her, positioning her about five feet from the wall, facing it, to the left of the door as you enter, beneath a stout beam."I shall make you a poor slave," she said.

I went to the side of the room and loosening the chain, lowered the chain. Attached to the end of the chain, on theother side of the beam ring, now descending, was a wide circle of steel, a steel ring, some six inches in diameter. I stopped thechain where the steel ring dangled at her belly."You know what that is?" I asked her. "I am a slave girl," she said. "Speak it," I said."It is a whipping ring," she said.I tied her tethered wrists, by the free end of the strap to the ring.

"Why have you tied me to the whipping ring?" she asked. "Why do you think?" I asked. "You're bluffing," she said.

I went back to the wall and pulled the chain again through the beam ring. Then her hands were held well over her head…

"I will make you a poor slave," she said. "Oh!" she said."Perhaps not," I said. "Release me," she said tensely. She stood now, painfully, on the tips of her toes.

I hooked a link of the chain on the holding hook, lifting her a quarter of an inch higher, securing her in place. "Let me go," she said.I walked about her, and then faced her, looking upon her.

"You are luscious," I told her. "I think you may make an excellent slave. "Let me go!" she said squirming in the leather. "Yes, and excellent slave, "I said. Then I went behind her.

"What are you going to do?" she asked. "What do you think?" I asked her. "You cannot frighten me," she said."I know you cannot strike me. You are too weak to whip me, and make me obey you. You are a man of Earth!" Long ago you had me beaten in the House of Andronicus," I said. "In your role as a free woman in the slave training you deliberately spilled wine and blamed me, and ordered me whipped. The whipping was very painful. Do you recall?" She said nothing.

"You have never adequately paid for that." I said. "Paid?" she asked. "Yes," I said. "Do not forget you are a man of Earth," she said. "Oh yes," I said, "the men of Earth never make a woman pay for anything. She may even humilitate them and destroy them as men with total impunity. It that right? "Yes, yes!" said the girl."Not always," I said.

"Master?" she asked. "And this is not Earth," I said. "Master?" she asked. And then, suddenly she screamed, caught fully, helplessly, in the blurred, whistling slash of the five-standed Gorean slave whip. Ten strokes did I give her.

Then she hung weeping, shuddering at the ring. "How canyou whip me?" she asked. "You are a man of Earth." I went to her and by the hair jerked back her head, and she cried out in pain. "Is this the touch of a man of Earth?" I asked. "No," she said frightened."Too," I said, whispering in her ear, "you are a new slave who has been brought recently to my house." "No," she begged, "No!"

Sometimes a girl is whipped when she is first brought into a new house. It is regarded, in some cities, including Victoria as a way of making clear to her that the house in which she now finds herself is a house in which she is a slave.

Ten strokes more then did I administer to the fair beauty."Too," I said, "earlier you dared to speak my name."Forgive me Master," she sobbed. "That has earned you five extra strokes," I informed her.She moaned and then was shaken five times, encircled in the burning lashes, being repaid for her insolence.

When I lowered the whip she sagged in the leather, fastened at the ring, and slipped from consciousness. I went before her and slapped her awake. She looked at me, startled, awakened in pain, terrified."And onemore stroke," I told her, " to remind you that you are slave." "Yes Master," she whispered.I delivered the blow, lettig it be the fiercest of her beating.I then put aside the whip and lowered the chain. She collapsed to the floor. I unbound her hands from the rings, freeing her too of the tether which had confined her wrists.

She lay on her stomach on the tiles of the hall. She lifted her head slowly. She shook her head to clear her vision. She looked at me disbelievingly.

I removed my sandles and threw them to the files, near where she lay.Obediently, on her hands and knees, one by one, putting her head down, she brought them to me in her teeth, and put them down before me. She then looked up."Kiss the whip," I told her.She took the whip, held before her, in her small hands, and pressing her lips fervently to it, kissed it.She then looked up at me, and I saw in her eyes, moist and awe-stricken, that I was her Master. I then collared her.

"Your duties in this house, Lola will be numerous and complex. In particular you will be a house slave. You will dust and clean the house and keep it neat. You will mend and sew. YOu wil wash and iron clothing. You will shop and cook and serve. all manner of domentic tasks, trival and servile unfit for free women, will be yours." "Yes, master," she said.

"Too, you will take orders in this house from Lady Beverly, Miss Henderson, who is a free woman in the house, as you would as if from me, but you are to remember always that is it I who owns you and not she."

"Yes, Master," she said. "But for such a handsome Master am I to be only a house slave?" Foremost among your duties," I said, "for you are beautiful, will be to attend to the pleasures of your Master." "Yes, Master," she said. "Please forgive me Master, for not having been pleasing to you before." "Do you wish to be whipped again?" I asked. "No, Master," she said, "No!"

The whipping had convinced her that she was under discipline. This understanding, or course, goes far beyond the mere pain of a particular episode. The whipping in itself, though of considerble moment, is insignificant when compared to the lesson it teaches. It teaches her that she is at his mercy, and is owned, truly.This fulfills something very deep in the female. This is the lesson of the leather. This isnot to deny, of course that a woman who is fully conscious of her imbonded condition, does not fear the whip. She does, for she knows what it can and will do to her if she is not pleasing. The only woman who does not fear the whip is she who has not felt it.

"Then perhaps you should begin to be pleasing to me now," I said. "Yes, Master!" sahe said and began to kiss at my body. "But on the other hand," I said, "perhaps you should merely tie my sandals." "Let me tie them later," she said. "Let me please you now," "Do you bet it?" I asked. "Yes Master," she said. "Very well," I said.

Lola, kneeling behind the bars of the slave kennely, looked up at me. "You are so different now from before," she said. I shrugged.

She put her arms timidly through the bars, to touch me. "Will you not again sometime, subjec me to slave rape?" she asked. "Perhaps," I said.

"I am pleased that you bought me," she whispered. "I will try to serve you well." Do notthink things will be easy here for you," I said, "for there is a fee woman in the house."

"I will obey her," said Lola, "and with perfection" "But do not forget," I said, "that it is I who owns you and not she." "I shall not forget Master," she smiled. then she kissed her finger tips and putting her hand through the bars, put her hand to my waist. "The Mistress will be home soon, and then doubtless, you will soon be set to chores." "Yes Master," said Lola.

Lola now returned to the small table and, kneeling, head down, served us our dessert, slices of tospit, sprinkled with four Gorean sugars.

"I see there may be some advantages to having a slave in the house," said Miss Henderson. "I never doubted it," I said. "Youmay serve the black wine now, in small cups, Lola," said Miss Henderson. "Yes Mistress," whispered Lola.

This was a delicacy. I had purchased, some days ago, but we had not yet served it. In a few Ehn Lola returned with the tray, with the vessel of steaming liquid, the creams and sugars, the tiny cups and the small spoons for mixing and measuring.

"Delicious," said Miss Henderson. "Thank you Mistress," said Lola. She then drew back a bit, and knelt, to be unobstrusive and yet available, instantly, to serve should free folk wish aught.

"You are a very pretty girl, Lola," said Miss Henderson regarding her. "Thank you Mistress," said Lola, head down. "Men must find you attractive," said Miss Henderson. "Perhaps, Mistress," said Lola, "some men." I smiled to myself. The man who did not find Lola attractive must indeed be an inert dolt.

"How long has you been a slave?" asked Miss Henderson. "Four years, Mistress," said Lola. "Have you have several Masters?" asked Miss Henderson.

"Yes, Mistress," said Lola. "Have you served them as a slave?" she asked. "yes Mistress," said Lola. "As a full slave?" asked Miss Henderson.

Lolo lowered her head further. "Yes, Mistress," she whispered. "Did you enjoy their hands on your body?" asked Miss Henderson. "Yes, Mistress," whispered Lola. "I see that you are a true slave," said Miss Henderson.

"Incidentally," I said to Miss Henderson, "move your things out of the master bedroom." "It is my bedroom!" she said.

"No," I said,"I am taking it. It is larger. And it has a porch, and a view of the garden and sky. I am renting the house. I am making it mine."No!" she said. "Too," I said, "it has the great couch, the one with the slave ring at its foot.

"I see," said Miss Henderson looking angrily at Lola. Lola did not raise her head, but knelt there, her knees close together, in the brief slave tunic. "I see," said Miss Henderson and rose to her feet, hurrying angrily upstairs.

I finished my black wine, enjoying it. When I had finished, I permitted Lola to clear the table and address herself to the work in the kitchen.

After a time, I went upstairs. Miss Henderson had cleared the room. I looked at the heavy iron slave ring, about eight inches in diameter, set in the stone of the great couch. I then went into Miss Henderson's room. She was sitting on the couch. "You did not knock," she said. "I need not knock to enter the room of my kept woman," I said. I then took my things from the room and put them into the master bedroom. I looked over the balustrade to the sky beyong. It was lovely. As I again started downstairs, I met Miss Henderson on the lasnding. She too was going downstairns.

"You seem angry," I said. "Not I," she said."Why are you goind downstairs" I asked. "To supervise the slave," she said. "Such girls are lazy and will do no work if they are not closly watched.

I stepped aside and let her precede me down the stairs. She was a free woman, and a woman of earth. She was not a slave, who must heel her Master.

"Come here Lola," I said.

It was not in the early evening. Miss Henderson and I, with small cups of a Turian liqueur before us, lounged in the living room. A tharlarion-oil lamp lit the room."Stand her," I told Lola. "Yes Master," she said.

"Surely you are not angry," I said to Miss Hendrerson, "that I bought her?" I faced Lola away from me. I put my hands on her ankle. "Look at this ankle," I said. Lola trembled. "And these calves and thighs," I said, "and the luscious, central curves of her, and these breasts and shoulders." I put my hand under her chin lifting it up. "And this neck in my collar," I said, "and this head and face and this hair. Surely you can see that she was an excellent buy. "Yes," said Miss Henderson angrily, "she was an excellent buy."

"When you have finished your work tonight, Lola," I said, "go up upstairs to the master bedroom. Take your clothes off and kneel there, by the slave ring, and await my pleasure."Yes, Master," she said, and went then hurriedly to the kitchen.

"Just like that?" asked Miss Henderson. "Of course, " I said. "She is a slave."It must be pleasant to have such absolute power over a woman," she said. "Yes," I said.

In time, Miss Henderson and I had finished the liqueur. Lola cleaned the glasses and put them away. Then head down, quietly, when she had finished, she slipped past and made her way upstairs to the master bedroom.

"Do you find her more beautiful than I," asked Miss Henderson. "She is quite beautiful," I said. "But I do not think that she is more beautiful then you. You are quite beautiful, you know."Yes it is she whom you kneel at your slave ring not I," said Miss Henderson.

I gritted my teeth, forcing the thought of Miss Henderson kneeling naked at my feet at my slave ring, awating my pleasure, from my mind. It was all I could do to control myself She was the most incredibly attractive female I had ever known."You are a free women," I said. "Perhaps, I would make a good slave," she said."I doubt it," I said, "You are a woman of Earth."

"Gorean men say that we make excellent slaves," she said. "It is only necesaary that we understand clearly that we are slaves, and are put under discipline. We then blossom in our slavery, beautifully, as much or perhaps even more so than Gorean girls."

"I have given you respect," I said. "I have given you freedom. I have given you money. I have relieved you of work. I have denied you nothing. Yet you remain dissatisfied."You have denied me one thing," said she. "What is that?" I asked."A collar," she said.

"Go to your room," I said."Of course," she said, "Let me not keep you from your slut." She rose from the table and lifting the hem of her robes, went to the stairs."She is doubtless already naked, and at your ring," she said. "She had better be," I said, "unless she wishes to be whipped."

Angrily Miss Henderson ascended the stairs."Miss Henderson, remeber that your door is to be left unbolted," I said."I know," she said."That my door be bolted is not permitted. A keeper must always have acces to his kept woman."She then entered her room, the smaller room whichk previously, had been mine.She closed the door firmly, decisively, angrily. I listened carefully. She did not bolt it.

I then, not hurrying, went upstairs. I entered my room and closed the door behind me, bolting it.I looked down at Lola. She knelt naked at the ring.

She looked up at me and smiled, "I await your pleasure Master," she said.

"Spread the furs," I said, " and light the ravishment lamp."I removed my tunic, throwing it aside.In a few moments, Lola lay on the furs a the foot of the couch on her belly, her hands at her sides, the backs of her hands to the furs, the palms of her hands vulnerably up, exposed.

I crouched beside her and took the nearby chain and collar. I fastened the chain to the slave ring and then closed the heavy collar about her neck, over the other collar.She was then chained by the neck to my slave ring. I took her body in my hands and turned her to her back. Her weight was light for my strength.She looked up at me, breathlessly, "I am yours, Master," she whispered. "that is known to me, " I said."Yes, yes Master," she whispered, lifting her lips to mine.

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