
Some Months Later

Rebecca and Amalie Elisabeth contemplated the newest map of the area that would have become a nice neat USE Province of Swabia if real life had not intervened.

“It looks like knotted fringe,” Amalie said. “Down at the bottom of the map, all the way from the Rhine to the Bavarian border, like a table runner hanging over the edge.”

Rebecca shook her head. “No. I think it’s more like up-time macrame. I saw some in Donna Bates’ house-the woman whose daughter has married Prince Vladimir-back the first year or so after the Ring of Fire, when I was living in Grantville. The maker starts with a lot of strings fastened to a dowel or rod. She brings them down and knots them, over and over, to make a pretty design.”

She shook her head again. “Poor Michael.”
