Author’s Notes – Paul C. Middleton

January 3rd, 2016

Well, this was an interesting book to write. I hope you found it just as interesting to read.

The major premise is based on an actual myth relating to Archangelsk and is partly responsible for the city’s name. It’s easy to find on the Interweb.

As I sit here writing this, the book has finally been reviewed by Michael, Re-reviewed by me, and is in the hands of our tender Editor Kat, who is taking time off from her duties as an avatar of Loviatar. Apparently, she wasn’t causing enough pain and torment there. So she took up an editing side gig. The Goddess of Pain and Torture is considering becoming the patron of editors as we speak. She hadn’t realized how much suffering they can cause.

In all seriousness, I enjoyed basing an entire Kurtherian Gambit book on a myth. It made me feel right at home — Twisting legends is what I do.

Seriously. It’s at the core of all my other works, and I love doing it.

But I also love the characters I’ve been able to create in the Kurtherian Universe. I think they’re a fun, if sometimes confusing, group. Kinda like most people I know.

You, the fans, should thank my long suffering Idea Wall… I mean partner. She motivates me immensely. She’ll also blush bright red when she reads this. She also suffers through patiently as I throw plot ideas at her. I know which ones are good, because they cause a change in her expression from pained patience to… well anything else, I guess. If readers have to suffer a wait, an author’s significant other often has to suffer through ridiculous plot ideas.

Trust me, readers have the better end of that deal.

Again, a repeated thanks to my Alpha team, who suffers from the poor quality of some of the stuff I drop on them (the Double D’s, Bree and Tom)

Also a big thanks to Michael for being brave enough to open his universe to not just me, but so many other talented authors.

I hope to release 3–5 books by the end of March, but the next Boris Chronicle is marked down for April… I’m studying creative writing in a pressure cooker pilot project… Designed by the indomitable Kat Lind in that time. I want to learn as much as possible from it and hope to put it all to good use in the next book. I also need to get some of my own works out, as I lost November somewhere and can’t find it.

You all know what lost months are like. Once you find them the time is all gone from them anyways.

Now for those social media links.

This is for my Blog

This is for the Betrayed by Faith Mailing list

This is my Author Facebook

This is the Series Facebook

This is my Amazon Author Page ( I’ll get around to my bio one day, I swear!) I try and check it every day. It’s a bit quiet though.
