Author’s Notes – Michael Anderle August 12, 2016

Well, crackers. I don’t know what Paul is going to write as I sit here and write this one. So, I can’t be snarky and it kinda sucks. I liked the opportunity to know what Paul wrote first last time.


For those that read the author notes in The Kurtherian Gambit series know that I’m new to this author gig. Like, I’m not even out of my Freshman year, yet. So, there is a LOT I haven’t seen, witnessed or, sometimes, have a clue about. I just keep taking this authoring gig one day at a time and thank my lucky stars you, the fans, like Bethany Anne and her people.

I try to remember that even ‘bad’ guys (or females) have reasons they are doing something, usually because we (as parents) screwed something up. Well, at least that is how it feels sometimes. Mind you, occasionally the parents deserve it, sometimes not. Either way, once they are outside of the family walls, it is all on them to stand up and be accountable for their actions.

So Paul had intended to write a different book first before tackling this one. The problem, as he told me, was this story was in his head so much, he couldn’t focus on his other book. So, he needed to get this story out, and he did.

Really, really quickly. I’m writing this Author note about 29 days from the last author note on July 14th.

With the awesome fan base for The Kurtherian Gambit, and a strong spin-off character in Boris, the first book, Evacuation, STAYED #1 in its category for a looooong time. In fact, due to the first book, I had two (2) #1 books in their genre at one time (TKG 11 — Sued for Peace and The Boris Chronicles, Evacuation). Evacuation is still #3 in the Best Sellers in Action & Adventure Short Stories right next to #2 by George R. R. Martin himself.

Pretty cool.

Now, we are releasing Retaliation and we intend (for at least a few days) to knock ol’ George off his throne.

Maybe… I hope. ;-)

If we do, it will be a really cool feeling, I have to say.

Forever grateful for my family, my readers and fans, our beta-readers and our editor in all things.

Michael Anderle
