Chapter Six

Garrick smiled in triumph as he walked back to the side entrance. His mate could balk and do her best to push him away, but she would soon learn they were meant to be together.

Nika stood at the open door waiting. Before he stepped in, she put a hand on his chest to keep him out. "A few ground rules first. No touching or kissing."

He looked pointedly down where her hand rested on his chest. "It would seem you're already breaking one of your rules."

She quickly yanked her hand back. "As I said, no touching or kissing. And none of this 'we're meant to be together forever' crap, either."

Garrick sighed dramatically. "Well, there go all my plans, right out the window.

Are you sure about the no touching or kissing?"

"Doubly sure. Either you agree to my rules or I'm not going to let you upstairs."

"All right. I'll follow your rules." He would agree to anything at this point.

Nika took a step back, giving him enough room to walk into the small entranceway hall. A flight of stairs at the end of it led to the flat. She shut the door behind him before brushing past him and going up the steps. He followed behind her, enjoying the view of her backside.

When they reached the flat, Nika motioned for him to go into the living room.

Garrick took a seat on the couch and looked around the room. It was sparsely decorated with an armchair, coffee table, and the couch he sat on, all of which had all seen better days. A tele sat on another smaller table across from the couch. The light blue paint on the walls was a bit faded, and the dark blue carpet on the floors showed signs of wear and tear. The improvements done on the pub downstairs had not extended to the flat above.

Slipping onto the armchair kitty-corner from the couch, Nika didn't say anything when she stared in his direction. The annoyance she had to be feeling about having him in her home showed on her face. Her scowl was hardly welcoming.

"You don't have to sit way over there," he said and patted the couch cushion next to him. "There is plenty of room here."

"I think I'll stay where I am. It's safer this way."

"What's the matter, Nika? Don't you trust me not to break your rules?"

"Of course I don't trust you," she said with a sneer. "So far, you haven't really listened to me when I've said to leave me alone."

"Only because I know deep down inside that isn't what you want."

She rolled her eyes. "So now you're a mind reader?"

"No." Garrick decided it was time for them to move off this particular subject.

"Are you going to offer me something to drink? My throat is kind of dry from having to yell at you to let me in."

"Fine." Nika stood. "All I have up here is bottled water in the fridge. Is that okay?"

"Water is all right with me."

He watched her walk out of the living room and disappear down the small hallway off to his right. The sound of a fridge door being opened and then shut reached his ears. Nika returned a few seconds later.

When she moved closer to the couch to hand the bottle of water to him, he stuck out his leg and purposely tripped her. As she landed on him, Garrick fell back on the couch, twisting so Nika ended up sprawled along his body. Her breath left her lungs in a whoosh, and her lips hovered over his. She stiffened, but didn't make any move to get off.

Trying to act the part of the innocent, he said, "Don't look at me. You're the one who tripped. I just let you use my body for a softer landing."

Her gaze lingered on his lips. "I wouldn't exactly call your body soft."

"You've got that right," he said huskily and lifted his hips into her, letting her feel his hard-on. She licked her lips and Garrick forced himself to remain still.

"I thought I told you no touching," Nika said.

"Well, from where I'm lying, I would say you're the one doing the touching since you're on top of me." He held up his hands. "See. I'm keeping my hands to myself."

Nika's gaze drifted to his hands, then zeroed back in on his mouth. She took her bottom lip between her teeth. Intense arousal shot through him, making his cock even harder. It jerked inside his jeans as he pictured what it would feel like to have Nika's mouth sucking him deep.

With a quiet moan, she whispered, "Aw, fuck it."

Her lips came down on his. Garrick growled low, wrapped his arms around her, and kissed her back. He sucked Nika's tongue into his mouth and let her twine hers with his. While they kissed, he put his hands on her arse, shifting her so the apex of her thighs landed on his erection. She ground down on him as he lifted his hips into hers.

She'd come like this the night before, but this time, he didn't want any of her clothes between them. The next time he made her come, he wanted his mouth on her pussy.

With the taste of Nika on his tongue and the scent of her arousal perfuming the air he breathed, Garrick fought to keep his wolf side under control. A difficult undertaking, especially with her on top him, riding him through his jeans. His cock was so hard he was about ready to explode. Every time he touched Nika, his need to have her became stronger. She made him ache until all he thought about was burying himself in her warm body. Over and over again.

Garrick pushed his hands under the back of Nika's shirt, caressing her silky skin.

When he reached the fastener of her bra, he released the hooks. She deepened their kiss as she shifted a little to the side and palmed his cock. The feel of her fingers running along his length had his shaft straining against the zipper of his jeans.

Holding Nika to him, Garrick sat up and slowly lifted her shirt up her body. He pulled back when it reached her unfastened bra to give her a chance to refuse if this wasn't what she wanted. In answer to his questioning stare, she took hold of her shirt and pulled it off over her head. Keeping her gaze on him, she let her loosened bra straps fall down her arms, then dropped it to the floor with her shirt.

His gaze fell to her breasts. They were definitely more than a handful, topped with dusky rose nipples. They were perfect, and he couldn't wait to have his mouth on them again.

"So beautiful," he breathed against her skin.

He nuzzled a breast before taking her taut nipple into his mouth. Garrick covered the other breast, tugging at that nipple, while he sucked on the other. Holding her this way felt like heaven.

Nika buried her fingers in his hair and held him to her while she rocked against his cock. He released her nipple and moved to take the other into his mouth. With caressing strokes, he glided his fingers down across her ribs and belly to rest on the top of her jeans. He undid the button and pulled down the zipper. By slow degrees, he pushed the waistband down her hips.

Garrick pulled away, lifted her off his lap, and made her stand before him. "I need to taste you, Nika. Will you let me?" To show her exactly what he wanted, he tugged her jeans farther down her legs.

Eyes heavy with desire, Nika nodded. "I want you to. I ache."

A couple of quick tugs, and her jeans pooled around her ankles. She stepped out of them, leaving her only in her panties. Garrick moved to stand beside her and picked her up. He carried her the short distance to the armchair and placed her on it. He went down on his knees in front of her and placed feather-light kisses across her stomach, swirling his tongue in her bellybutton when he reached it. While he kissed his way lower, he hooked his fingers into the waistband of her panties. He pulled them down her long, slim legs and off.

Skimming his hands up the inside of her legs, Garrick spread them apart. He lifted each one to rest on the low armrests. In this position, Nika was totally open to him. Looking at her pussy, he saw she was already wet. Her folds glistened with her juices.

"Seeing you like this, I could feast on you all day," he said. He ran a finger along her pussy, then brought it to his mouth for a lick. "I've tasted nothing sweeter."

"Garrick," she moaned.

"I know what you need, babe, and I'm going to give it to you."

Cupping her bottom in his hands, he lifted her as he brought his mouth down to her pussy. He lapped up more of her juices before he used the tip of his tongue to tease her clit. Nika's moans grew louder with each lick. His arousal beat at him, but he held himself in check. He wanted her to come first.

The tips of his fingers burned when his claws fought to come out. He curled his hands against her skin, fighting the shift. Once the sensation subsided a little, Garrick brought one hand to the entrance of her body. Sucking on her clit, he pushed one finger inside her. Nika gasped and tightened her inner walls while he moved it in and out. He pushed a second finger inside, angling them up higher to hit in just the right spot to make her pant and beg for more.

She was close. It wouldn't take much on his part to push her over the edge into release. Knowing that, his shaft throbbed even more, and a bead of pre-cum leaked from the tip. Unable to stand having his cock pinched by the front of his jeans, he undid them with his other hand.

Nika lifted her hips, riding his fingers. Just as her pussy started to clamp down on them, he quickly pulled them out as his claws burst through the tips of his fingers.

He licked and sucked on her clit until she settled.

Knowing his eyes had gone wolf—since his eyesight had become more acute—

Garrick tried to hide his face against Nika's stomach until he got himself under control.

She didn't give him the chance. Bringing her legs down on either side of him, she pushed on his shoulders and sat up. Using her body, she knocked him over onto his back on the floor. He quickly shut his eyes.

She straddled his thighs and pushed his shirt up to his chin. "It's your turn," she said before she kissed a trail across the top of his chest.

"Nika," he said hoarsely. "If you keep this up, I'm going to make love to you."

She dragged the flat of her tongue over his nipple, and he hissed a sharp breath through his clenched teeth.

"I know."

She wanted Garrick. Right this moment, she was beyond being able to think past the demanding needs of her body. He may have given her an orgasm, but she was far from sated. He'd woken her body from a three-month dry spell, and there was no denying it wanted his cock buried inside it.

Licking his other nipple, Nika reached down to his open jeans. She parted the material, allowing his cock to spring free. With the tip of her index finger, she circled the broad tip, rubbing a bead of pre-cum into Garrick's skin. Her pussy clenched. She wrapped her hand around his thick length and pumped it up and down.

Garrick groaned as he lifted his hips and pressed his cock tighter into her fist. "I like having your hands on me."

Inching down his body, she yanked his jeans down over his muscled ass. "Take these and your shirt off, Garrick. I want to see all of you."

Only lifting off the floor far enough to drag his shirt over his head and to push his pants down, he then kicked them the rest of the way off while Nika rose on her knees. Once he was free of them, she settled back down on his thighs. She ran her gaze over his nakedness. His body was a sculptured work of art. All hard, cut, well-defined muscles. She skimmed her hands up his washboard abs to his solid chest.

On the cap of his left shoulder, she noticed a black tattoo. Turning his arm slightly to get a better view of it, she traced it with the tip of her finger. It looked to be Anglo-Saxon in design. Having lived in Norwich long enough to have heard of the Sutton Hoo ship burial, she recognized the style from some of the items for sale in tourist shops. The tattoo depicted the figure of a stylized man flanked on either side by two stylized wolves standing on their hind legs. She'd always found a tattoo on a man sexy, and decided she'd trace it with her tongue later if the opportunity arose.

Turning her attention back on Garrick's cock, she moved a little bit farther down his legs and dragged the flat of her tongue along the underside of his shaft. Harsh breaths punched out of his mouth when she took him in a firm grasp at the base and circled the head with the tip of her tongue. Nika opened her mouth and sucked him inside. Using her other hand, she gently fondled his balls.

Her head bobbed up and down as she took him almost to the back of her throat and back out. Taking him in again, she stroked the sensitive spot just under the flared head with her tongue. Garrick uttered a strangled groan, his hips arching to pump his cock into her mouth.

He only let her pleasure him for a few minutes more before he pulled on her arm. "Enough, Nika. I can't take anymore."

After giving him one last lick, she moved up his body until she straddled his hips. Nika positioned herself over his cock, then slowly pushed down. She watched Garrick as she took him to the hilt inside her pussy. His eyes were closed, but he wore an expression of extreme pleasure on his face.

Nika braced her hands on his wide chest before she started to ride him. He was so thick and long, he filled her to capacity. Up and down, she moved on him. Their moans and harsh breathing increased in volume when she set a quicker pace. She angled her hips, and Garrick's cock hit her G-spot with each stroke. Closer and closer, another orgasm neared, her body coiling tighter. Then she was there. With a whimpered moan, she came, her inner muscles clenching tightly around his thick shaft.

In a show of strength, Garrick rose into a sitting position and flipped her on her back, keeping their bodies joined. Holding most of his weight on his bent arms, he pumped his hips between her legs, striving for his own release. His cock grew even harder when he pushed her into another climax. He pumped once, twice, then drove into her one final time. As Garrick started to come, his cock swelled, seemingly locking deep inside her until he couldn't move. His deep moans filled the room as he came.

Nika held him tight, and much to her surprise, she felt another splash of cum hit her inner walls. And then another a few seconds later. Garrick lay still on top of her with his head pressed against the crook of her neck. She shifted beneath him and found his cock had indeed swelled to the point where they were locked together. She sucked in a sharp breath when she felt another splash of cum.

Dear God. What the hell? This isn't normal. Nika shifted once again, but this time Garrick put a hand on her hip to hold her still.

"Just wait," he said in a gruff voice. "It'll go down soon."

It took almost a full minute for the swelling to subside and for him to stop coming. During that time, Garrick kept his face in her neck. When his flaccid cock slipped free, Nika shoved him off her. She sat up and looked down where he lay on the floor next to her.

"Do you mind telling me what just happened?" she asked.

Garrick opened his eyes and unclenched his hands. A crooked grin spread across his lips. "Considering you weren't a virgin, I would have to say you already know."

She slapped his arm. "That isn't what I meant, and you know it."

His grin faded. "That's never happened before." Garrick reached up and gently stroked her cheek. "Only with you."
