What started off as a simple off as a simple story of survival in a post-apocalyptic world has grown, and has far exceeded any expectations I had. Not that I had any to be honest, so I guess exceeding that wasn’t all that difficult, but it’s more than I could ever have imagined. I enjoy telling the tale and having the characters talk to me, telling me their tale. They have become an intimate part of me. I feel their anxieties, their joys, their sorrows. I hear their shouts, their thoughts, live the events with them. They give me hints about what is about to happen but I’m never sure until I sit down and start typing.

I won’t give any spoilers away but I took a little literary license in some parts. I had to simplify some parts to keep the story flowing without dragging it down with details. Perhaps I’ll explain where I did that with the next book. Okay, there’s a spoiler.

Also, there is some scenes that are written about from different perspectives. While it may not have advanced the story much or told for character development, it just felt right to tell it from different angles. I like going into this mode at times as it shows parts that aren’t observed from the other participants and, to me, I feel that it gives a deeper feel for the scene. So, I will offer my apologies for that in advance.

The part of the tale in this book ran away from me. There was to be more in the story line but the characters tell the tale how they want it told. I have little to say in what gets put down. I try to slow it down at times, or speed it up, but it’s to no avail. It comes out how it does. So, the parts that were initially in mind when I started out on this ninth book will have to be told in the next one. With that said, what do you say we get on with the story? If you happen to enjoy the book, if you would head back afterward and leave a review, I would be eternally grateful.

John O’Brien
