With these Hat dresses, shawls and small mantles were worn. Such was the sober and retiring toilette of the beuinninf; of the Second Empire, a régime destined to transform it by degrees into a complicated, showy, and exaggerated costume, of doubtful taste and no stjde, with the exception, about 1864, of a few passing alterations and additions.

The main idea of the reign—so far as fasliion was concerned—the great innovation which was to give the tone to toilette, was Crinoline, hooted, attacked, contemned by journalists, caricaturists, husbands, everybody, but victorious over all the clamour and all the mockery.

Bonuet, 1848.

as well as over the blame which it really deserved.

It may be said quite truly that under the Empire woman occupied three or four times as much place in the world—at least in circumference—as dyu'ing any preceding period, even that of Louis XV. of unvirtiious memory,

l'or crinoline reigned more despotically than paniers. It was adopted Ijy women of every class, and girls wlio worked in the fields did not consider themselves dressed on Sundays unless tliey wore balloon-shaped steel hoops like those of the town ladies.

Bustles, and petticoats flounced with horsehair stuff, had made the eye gradually familiar with the enlargement of skirts, and when crinoline, pure and simple, was abandoned, first for steel hoops, and then for the ' cage ' with hoops and cross-bars of steel, the ladies were delighted with the balloon-like effect, and the cage-crinoline became fashionable all over the world.

It is unnecessary to dwell upon the many objections to this mode—we can remember what they were—or upon its inconvenience 5 but, from the aesthetic point of view, crinoline ought to be solemnly anathematized, ridiculed, and excommunicated, for ever—that is to say until the day of its re-appearance under another name.

It is true tliat the skirts wliicli were spread out over the much-reviled crinolines looked like wobbling domes, and that the entire


toilette was loaded in a heavy and awkward style with little shabby adjuncts ap^ilied to common stuffs, while the paniers of the eighteenth century were worn under the artistically-trimmed skirts of gowns made of rich brocade and flowered stuffs. The exaggeration and the absurdity of paniers possessed the charm of gracefulness, while crinoline had nothing to redeem its ridiculous movement. The masterpiece of Impeiial fashion was overdone.

Witli these absurd and intrusive crinolines, worn by the women of the period, we may recall the memory of the Talma, the burnous, a rather pretty Algerian mantle, the 'pinch-waist ' in ribbed silk with pagoda sleeves—oh ! that pagoda sleeve ! It was an ugly and inconvenient funnel made uglier by lace or fringe trimming.

Special mention must be made of shawls» the famous Indian cashmere, and the large ' tapis ' shawl. The elegance of the shawl has been much lauded, but in fact it is not elegant at all, unless it be small, almost as narrow as a scarf, and worn with an easy carelessness. What is there to be said for the big shawl, hitched upon its wearer's shoulders as though

upon a clothes' peg, and hanging straight down, hiding her figure and her attire ? Merely that it is an ugly garment, and tit only to he worn by market-women on Sundays.

Among convenient inventions we may notice capelines, zouave jackets, red garibaldis, and


Second Empire Bouuet.

figaros, among the commendable novelties of the Empire.

Bonnets were not meritorious. About 1863, the cabriolet shape, with a curtain, and flowers both outside and inside the brim, was universally worn ; it was in fact only the original big bonnet of the Restoration period, spoiled, ridiculously trimmed, and coming to a lamentable end.

Such, then, was the unbounded luxury with which President Dupiu reproached the women of the time, in the famous pamphlet that made a sensation in 1865,—the luxury which attained its utmost height in the great City on Grand-Prix days, spreading from the hippodrome of Longchamps all along the boulevards, the luxury which, we were told, made of Paris a second Byzantium in decline, gave scandal to the worthy bourgeoise in a little shawl, and brought blushes to the cheeks of the rest of virtuous Europe, still constant to sweet simplicity, and practising the cult of Saint Muslin at sixpence a yard.

This demoralizing and appalling luxury may have been unbounded, but it was not artistic, or in good taste, aud it conveyed at great cost the impression of a sham.

Although the recoil has not yet gone far enough to enable us to estimate or pass judgment upon the fashions of the Second-Empire period as a whole, without being influenced by the sense of something ridiculous that is always conveyed by things merely 'gone ont,' it seems to me that the women and the artists of the next century will regard it very mncli as we do now. We cannot imagine the painters of that future day reviving the fashions of 1860 in their pictures, for the


delight of fine ladies and Americans in the twentieth century.

Nevertheless, as the custom of sea-bathing became more and more diffused, and was about to develop into a regular annual migration of the whole of the middle classes to the Norman

1 Pince-tiiillc.

or Breton coasts, these habitual summer excursions brought about some welcome changes in fashion.

In 1864, short dresses had a brief triumph, which originated at the fashionable sea-bathing places. No more trailing skirts, or long gowns Avith broad Hounces were worn. The crinoline Avas retained, but moderated in its width, and skirts were draj)ed, caught up, and adorned with a great variety of ornamental trimmings, all large and effective.

Fancy, which had been suppressed since 1830, was once more allowed some play. The very smart short skirts displayed very smart and much-adorned boots; thin little boots were these, coming well up above the ankle, and with high clinking heels. For a short time some fine ladies adopted the tall Louis Treize cane at the seaside.

To this period wide handsome mantles with large sleeves, and also the outdoor garment called 'jump-in' (Saute-en-barque) belong. Hats, quite different from the formal tied bonnet, and saucily perched a little on one side, like bull-fighters' liats,^ with big tufts, or feathers, were worn. The hnir was dressed low.

Large Empire mantle.

waved on the forehead, and placed in a long net at the back of the head.

Short skirts, which suited the crinolines so 1 Known in England .1.^ tlie ' pork-pie.'

well, with broad belts and buckles, and all the braid and gimp with which fashionable costume was covered, were, however, speedily displaced by a return to the objectionable long dresses, and fashion immediately lost its smartness.

The crinoline itself was eclipsed for a while, in 1867, when flat, trained gowns, and ' peplum ' bodices (denoting a revival of the taste for tragedy—fragments from the great French tragedies were recited at this time at the Café-Concert), little ' i^late ' bonnets stuck on in front of the big ball-like chignons, with streamers down the back, called by the expressive name of " Follow me, young man ! " became popular. And so the fight between wide skirts and narrow skirts went on ; crinoline, having held out for a few years, was finally beaten and dead. The big-hooped crinoline now belongs to the domain of archaeology ; it is an antique, like the panier and the farthingale.

As width was still desired, the defeated petticoat was succeeded by the 'pouf,' a big bunch of the gown-material tucked up at the

back over the skirt. Fashion was now on the path of anti-crinoline reaction, and the width of skirts was reduced and re(Uiced, until at last gowns were actually moulded on the body, a mode which lasted two or three years, about 1880.^ The fashions of that time were very pretty, very œsthetic; but after a while the least little increase of width was admitted, and soon after came the ' tournure,' or petticoat-bustle.

From the period of ' clinging ' gowns, we still retain the jersey bodices, which mould the bust and the hips very becomingly. The jersey is admirably adapted to Avalking and country costume. For several summers, from one end of Europe to the other, on every beach in England, France, and elsewhere, the jersey was worn as a kind of obligatory uniform ; women, young girls, children, boys or girls, all were dressed in dark blue jerseys, ornamented with gold anchors—every costume was a sailor's. Children still Avear this becominsf 1 'Tied-l)ack' time in Encjland, and convenient garment, and now it is being adopted by tourists and cyclists.

The day of sumptuary edicts, and legislation by governments with the object of restraining luxury, is over. From the time of Philip the Fair to that of Richelieu a long series of edicts were issued ; these were always rigorously applied just at first, before they fell into oblivion, even by kings who exhausted their Treasuries by the extravagance of their Courts. An instance of this is afforded by the bedizened fop, Henry III., who, in one of his fits of repression of other people's lavishness, threw thirty women into the prison of Fort l'Evêque in one day—and they not the least among Parisian ladies—for having defied his prohibition of brocade and silk.

The time of sumptuary prohibitions, of royal rescripts is over. In the general interests of industry and commerce, all that can develop luxury on a large scale must now be fostered. Luxiiry on a small scale ought, on the contrary, to be repiessed as much as possible, or


rather, it ought to have been repressed ; the evil was wrought in past times, and it is now past remedy.

Cliugiug gowQ before l'"80.

Ah ! if fashion, which is mightier than kings and ministers, than decrees, laws, and edicts, had but ordained the preservation of the old feminine costumes of our provinces, the local modes which were in many instances so graceful and becoming, those rural refinements which Paris has so often borrowed, in the various forms of o^owns, mantles, and head-dresses, the Bressan coifs, the lace caps of Caux, the large Breton coifs, the caps of the women of Aries, &c., &c., Avhat a salvage there would have been !

But fashion did nothing of the kind, and those pretty things have vanished before the influx of sham and shabby finery, the tasteless caricature of Parisian elegance, in the shapeless 'confections' turned out by hundreds, and convo3^ed into the r(motest parts of the country !

Local fashions, and the peculiar individual grace of dress that belongs to special regions, have finally ceded their place to new fashions which are mostly pretentious and ridiculous. The ' costume of the country ' has vanished from all our provinces ; it is lost, and now it is for ' the fashion of the towns ' to indemnify us for the loss by some real grace and elegance.

Fasliion is in a period of transition and experiment ; for lack of new novelties, it is trying imitations of the novelties of the past—those which have grown old enough, as the Empress Josephine's dressmaker said.

Fashion goes from the Louis-Seize or Empire 'cut' to the attire of the Valois, to Louis-Treize bodices, to mediseval sleeves, or else to the leg-of-mutton sleeves of 1830. We shall see what will come of these experiments, and whether, in the case of the art of dress as in that of every other art, the study of the ancient shall bring forth tlie new.

Let us hope that an original fashion, 'fin de siècle,' to use the current phrase, may at last arise. If this be so, the granddaughters of the fair ladies of the present day will be able to form mental pictures of their grandmothers in attire that was really their own, a personal possession, and not in costumes borrowed from all the a^es.



Du tout premier Vertiigadin, Celui qu'inventa Madame Eve A celui qu'admirons soudain, Que d'autres passant comme rêve ! Combien leur existence est brève ! Tu resplendis toujours pourtant, O beauté changeante sans trêve, Mais où sont les modes d'antan.

Où donc es-tu, riche bliaut Armorié sur chaque maille, Et le peliçon d'Isabeau ? EscofRon de haute taille Pour qui l'on vit mainte chamaille, Hennin qui charma Buridan ? Hélas, ce n'est plus qu'antiquaille— Mais où sont les modes d'antan 1

Oil est la fraise de Margot, Et le surcot doublé d'hermine, Oil sont les manches à gigot ? Habit cavalier d'héroïne Que portait Reine ou baladine. Large panier pompadourant, Et toi-même aussi, crinoline — Mais où sont les modes d'antan !


Dame, il ne fut point de semaine Depuis le temps d'Eve pourtant Qui n'eût caprices par trentaine. Mais où sont les modes d'antan !


Head-gear, etc. See p. 168.

The following lines bear witness, among other matters, to the height of the head-gear in England at this time.

"The buckle then its modest limits knew, Now, like the ocean, dreadful to the view, Hath broke its bounds, and swallowed up the shoe : The wearer's foot, like his once fine estate, Is almost lost, the encumbrance is so great. Ladies may smile—are they not in the plot 1 The bounds of nature have not they forgot ? Were thej'- design'd to be, when jîut together. Made up, like shuttlecocks, of cork and feather ? Their pale-faced grandmammas appeared with grace When dawning blushes rose upon the face ; No blushes now their once-loved station seek ; The foe is in possession of the cheek ! No heads of old, too high in feather'd state, Hinder'd the fair to pass the lowest gate ; A church to enter now, they must be bent, If ever they should try the experiment."

Prologue to Sheridan's Trip to Scarhorwuyh, acted in 1777.

Cadogan. See p. 179.

For the Cadogan (said to be derived from the first Earl of Cadogan, who died in 1726), see Murray s Dictionary. The following quotation is given from Memoirs of Baroness D'Oberkirch,vo\.. ii. chap. ix.—" The Duchess of Bourbon had introduced at the Court of Montbéliard [the fashion] of Cadogans, hitherto worn only by gentlemen." It was a mode of plaiting and looping the hair behind, and has been revived of late years in Paris.

Guillotine. See p. 203.

The guillotine at this time was canonized as " La Sainte Guillotine," and worn on necklaces in place of the cross.

Richard Clay 8; Sons, Limited, London Sf Bungay.

St. Dunstan's House, Fetter Lane,

London, E.C. 1892.

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Farm Festivals, ill. 12.^. 6d.

See also Rose Library.

CARLYLE, L'ish Journey in

18i9, 7s. Qd. CARNEGIE, Andrew, American FouT-in-hand in Britain,

10s. Qd. ; also Is.

Round the World, 1 Os. 6d.

Triumphant Democracy,

6s. ; new edit. Is. 6d. ; paper, Is. CAROVÉ, Story tvithout an

End, illust. by E. V. B., 7s. Qd. Celebrated Racehorses, 4 vols.

126s. CELIÈRE. See Low's Stan-

dard Books. Changed Cross,&c., poems, 2s.6(i. Chant-look Companion to the

Common Prayer, 2s. ; organ ed. 4s. CHAPIN, Mountaineering in

Colorado, 10s. Qd.

CHAPLIN, J. G., Bookheeping,

2s. e,d. CHATTOCK, Notes on Etching

new edit. 10s. 6d.

CHERUBINL See Great Musicians.

CHESTERFIELD. See Bayard Series.

Choice Editions of choice boohs, illustrated by C. W. Cope, E.A., T. Creswick, E.A., E. Duncan, Birket Foster, J. C. Horsley, A.E.A., G. Hicks, R. Redgrave, R.A., C. Stonehouse, F. Tayler, G. Thomas, H. G. Townsend,

Choice Editions — continued. E. H. Wehnert, Harrison Weir, &c., cloth extra gilt, gilt cd^es, 2s. 6d. each ; re-ipsue, Is. each.

Bloomfield's Farmer's Boy.

Campbell's Pleasures of Hope.

Coleridge's Ancient Mariner.

Goldsmith's Deserted Village.

Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield.

Gray's Elegy in a Churchyard.

Keats' Eve of St. Agnes.

Milton's Allegro.

Poetry of Nature, by H. Weir,

Rogers' Pleasures of Memory.

Shakespeare's Songs and Sonnets.

Elizabethan Songs and Sonnets.

Tennyson's May Queen.

Wordsworth's Pastoral Poems.

CHREIMAN, Physical Culture of Women, Is.

CLARK, A., A DarJc Place of the Earth, 6s.

Mrs. K. M., Southern

Cross Fairy Tale, 5s.

CLARKE, C. C, Writers, and Letters, 10s. 6d.

Percy, Three Diggers, Gs.

Valley Council; from T.

Bateman's Journal, 6s.

Classified Catalogue of English-printed Educational Works, 3rd edit. 6s.

Claude le Lorrain. See Great

CLOUGH, A. H., Plutarch's

Lives, one vol. 18s. COLERIDGE, C. R., English

Squire, 6s. S. T. See Choice Editions

and Bayard Series. COLLINGWOOD, H. See

Low's Standard Books. COLLINSON, Adm. Sir R.,

H.M.8. Enterprise in Search of

FranHin, lis.

COl^BER, J.,Flowers of Japan; j Decoration, coloured Japanese Plates, 42s. nett.

In all Departme7its of Literature.



COWLEY. See Bayard Scries. COX, David. See Great Artists. COZZENS, P., American

Yachts, pfs. 211. ; art. pfs. 31^. 10s. See also Low's Standard

Books. CRADDOCK. See Low's

Standard Novels. CREW, B. J., Petroleum, 21s. CRISTIANI, R. S., Soaj} and

Candles, 42s.

Perfumery, 255.

CROKER, Mrs. B. M. See

Low's Standard Novels. CROUCH, A. P., Glimpses of

Feverland (West Africa), Gs. • 071 a Surf-hound Chad,

Is. 6cL ; new edit. 5s. CRUIKSHAN"K, G. See

Great Artists. CUDWORTH, W., Ahraliam

Sharp, 26.?. CUMBERLAND, Stuart,

Thought-reader's Thought:?,10 s . 6d. See also Low's Standard

Novels. CUNDALL, F. See Great

Artists. J., Slialies^jpeare, o. Ç)d.,

5s. and 2s. CURTIN, J., Myths of the Russians, lOs. 6cl. CURTIS, C. B., Velazquez and

Murillo, with etchings, 31s. Gd.

and 63s. GUSHING, W„ Anonyms, 2

vols. 52s. Gd. Initials and Pseudonyms,

2.'s. ; ser. II., 2l3. CUTCLIFFE, H. C, Trout

Fishing, new edit. 3s. 6d. DALY, Mrs. D., Bilging,

SquattiMig, <^c., in N, 8. Australia,


D'ANVERS, N., Architecture and Sculpture, new edit. 5s.

Elementary Art, Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, new edit. 10s. Gd.

Elementary History of

Music, 2s. Gd. Painting, by F. Cundall,

DAUDET, A., My Brother

Jacl;, 7s. Gd. ; also 5s. Port Tarascon, by II,

James, 7s. Gd. ; new edit, 5s. D AVI ES, C, Modern Whist,

4s. DAVIS, C. T., BricJcs, Tiles,

^'c, new edit. 25s. Ma7izifacture of Leather,

52s. Gd.

Mamifaciîire of Paper, 2Ss.

Steam Boiler Incrustation,

8s. Gd. G. B., International Law,

lOs. Gd. DAWIDOYv^SKY, Glue, Gela-

tine, ^''c, 12s. Gd.

Day of my Life, by an Eton boy, new edit. 2s. Gd. ; also Is.

DE JOIN VILLE. See Bayard Series.

DE LEON, Edwin, Under the Stars and Under the Crescent, 2 vols. 12s. ; new edit. Gs.

DELLA ROBBIA. See Great Artists.

Denmark and Iceland. See

Foreis^n Conn tries.

DENNETT, R. E., Seven Years

among the Fjort, 7s. Gd.

DERRY (Bishop of). See

DE WINT. See Groat Artist.s. DIGGLE, J, W., Bishop Era-

scr's Lancashire Life, new edit.

12s. 6d. ; popular ed. 3.9. 6d. —— Sermonsfoi- Daily Life, 5s

A Select List of Books

DOBSOî^, Austin, Hogarth, with a bibliography, Ac, of prints, illust. 24s.; 1.paper 52s. 6cZ.

See also Great Artists.

DODGE, Mrs., Hans Brmker, the Silver Skates, new edit. 5s., 3s. fid.. 2s. 6cl. ; text only, Is.

DONKIN", J. G., Trooj^er and Bedskin; N. W. mounted police, Canada, 8s. Qd.

DONNELLY, Ignatius, ^^Zaw-

tis, the Antediluvian World, new edit. 12s. Qd. ftegar'e'Co Zwmn, authorized

edition, 3s. Gd.

Doctor Huguet, 3s. &d.

Great Cryptogram, Bacon's

Cipher in Shakespeare, 2 vols. 30*.

Ragnarolc : the Age of

Fire and Gravel, 12s. Qd.

DORE, GUSTAVK, Life and Reminiscences, by Blanche Roosevelt, fully illust. 24s.

DOS PASSOS, J. R., Law of Stockbrokers and Stock Exchanges, 35s.

DOLJDNEY, Sarah, Godica Durleigh, 3 vols. 31s. 6d.

DOUGALL, J. D., Shooting

Appliances, Practice, Sj'c, 10s. Gd.; new edit. 7s. Qd.

DOUGHTY, H. M., Friesland

Meres and the Netherlands, new edit, illust. 10s. Qd.

DOVETON, F. B., Poems and Snatches of Sotigs, 5s. ; new edit. 3.?. 6d.


Low's Standard Books.

DUNCKLEY ("Verax.") See

Prime Ministers.


Prairie and Bush, 6s.

Durer. See Great Artists. DYKES, J. OsATALD. See Preachers.

Echoes from the Heart, 3s. ^d. EDEN, C. H. See Foreign


EDMONDS, C, Poetrrj of the Anti-Jacohin, new edit. 7s. Qd. and 21s.

Educational Catalogue. See Classified Catalogue.

EDWARDS, American Steam

Engineer, 12s. Qd.

Modern Locomotive En-

gines, 12s. Qd. Steam Engineer's Guide,

12s. 6d. H. Sutherland. See

Great Musicians. M. B., Dream of Millions,

Sfc, Is. See Low's StandardNovels.

EGGLESTON, G. Cart, Jug-

gernaut, Qs. Egypt. See Foreign Countries. Elizabethan Songs. See Choice


EMERSON, Dr. P. H., East

Coast Yarns, Is.

English Idylls, new ed. 2s.

Naturalistic Photography,

new edit. 5s. Pictures of East Anglian

Life ; plates and vignettes, 105s.

and 14:7s.

and GOODALL, Life on

the Norfolk Broads, plates, 126s. and 210s.

]Vild Life on a Tidal

Water, copper plates, ord. edit. 25*. ; edit, de luxe, Q3s.

K. W., hy G. W. COOKE,

8s. Qd.

Birthday Book, 3s. 6d.

Li Concord, a memoir,

7s. Qd. English Catalogue, 18G3-71,

42s.; 1872-80, 425.; 1881-1»,

52s. Qd. 5 5s. yearly.


In all Departments of Literature.

English Catalogue, Index vol.

1837-56, 26s.; 1856-76, 42s.;

1874-80, 18s. Etchings, vol. v. 45s. ; vi.,

25s. ; vii.. 2.js. ; viii., 42s. English Philosophers, edited by

E. B. Ivan Millier, M.A., 3s. 6d.

each. Bacon, by Fowler. Haniiltou, by Monck. Hartley and James Mill, by Bower. Sbaftesbnry & Hutcheson ; Fowler. Adam Smith, by J. A. Farrer.


See Low's Standard Books. ERICHSON, Life, by W. C.

Church, 2 vols. 24s. ESMARCH, ¥., Handbook of

Surgery, 24s.

Essays on English Writers.

See Gentle Life Series. EVAKS, G. E., Repmtance of

Magdalene Bespar, Sçc, poems,

5s. S. & F., Upper Ten, a

story, Is.

W. E., Songs of the Birds,

n. ed. 6s. EVELYN, J., An Inca Queen,

5s. John, Life of Mrs. Godol-

pMn, 7s. 6d. EVES, C. W., West Indies,

n. ed. 7s. 6d. FAIRBAIRN, A. M. See

Preachers. Familiar Words. See Gentle

Life Series. EARINI, G. A., Kalahari

Desert, 21s. EARRAR, C. S., Histœ-y of

Sculpture, ^c., 6s.

INIaurice, Minnesota, 6s.

FAURIEL, Last Days of the

Consulate, 10s. Gd.

FAY, T., Three Germanyt, 2 role. 35$.

FEILDEN, IT. St. J.-, Soyne Public Schools, 2s. 6d.

Mrs., My African Home,

7s. 6d.

FENN, G. :Manville. Seo Low's Standard Books.

FENNELL, J. G., Book of tlie Roach, n. ed. 2s.

FFORDE, B., Subaltern, Police-man, and the Little Girl. Is.

Trotter, a Poona Mystery,


FIELD, Maunsell B., Memories, lOs. 6d.

FIELDS, James T., Memoirs, 12s. Gd.

Yesterdays with Authors,

16s. ; also 10.S. 6d.

Figure Painters of Holland.

See Great Artists. FINCK, Henry T., Pacific

Coast Scenic Tour, 10s. 6d. FITCH, Lucy. See Nursing

Record Series, Is. FITZGERALD. See Foreign

Countries. Percy, Book Fancier, 5s.

and 12s. Gd. FITZPATRICK, T., Autumn

Cruise in ihe ^gean, 10s. Gd

Transatlantic Holiday,

lOs. Gd.

FLEMING, S., E7igland and

Canada, 6s.

Foreign Countries and British Colonies, descriptive handbooks edited by F. S. Pulling, M.A. Each volume is the work of a writer who has special acquaintance with the subject, 3s. Gd.

Australia, by Fitzgerald.

Austria-IIungary, by Kay.

Denmark and Iceland, by E. O.Otté.

Egypt, by S. L. Poole.

France, by Miss Roberts.

Germany, by L. Sergeant.

Greece, by S. Baring Goold.


A Select List of Books

Foreign Countries, &c.— cont. Japan, by Mossman. Pern, by R. Markham. Russia, by MorfiU. Spain, by Webster. Sweden and Norway, by Wooda. West Indies, by C. H. Eden. FOREMAN", J., Phili2:)pine Islands, 21s.


Nyassaland, 7s. 6d. rOWLEE, Japan, China, and

India, 10s. 6d.





FRANC, Maud Jeanne, Beatrice Melton, 4s.

Eniih/s Clioice, n. ed. 5^".

Golden Gifts, 4s.

Hall's Vineyard, 4s. '

Into tlie Light, is.

Jolm^s Wife, is.

Little Mercy ; for letter,

for worse, is,

Marian, a Tale, n. ed. 5s.

Master of Ralston, is.

Minnie's Mission, a Temperance Tale, 4s.

No longer a Child, is.

Silken Cords and Iron

Fetters, a Tale, 4s.

Two Sides to Every Question, 4s.

Vermont Vale, 5s.

A plainer edition is ^JubZ'is/iecZ at 2s. Gd.

France. See Foreign Countries. FRANCIS, F., War, Waves,

and Wanderings, 2 vols. 24s.

See also Low's Standard


Frank's Ranche ; or, My Holiday in the Rockies, n. cd. 5s,

FRANKEL, Julius, StarcJi

Glucose, ^"c, 18*.

ERASER, Bishop, Lancashire Life, n. ed. 12s. 6d.; popular ed.

3s. 6d.

FREEMAN, J.,3Ielhour?ie Life,

lights and shadoivs, 6s.

FRENCH, ¥.,Home Fairies and

Heart Flowers, illust. 24s. French and English Birthday i

Booh, by Kate D.' Clark, 7s. Gd. French Revolution, Letters from

Paris, translated, 10s. Gd. Fresh Woods and Pastures Netv,

by the Author of "An Angler's

Days," 5s., Is. Gd., Is. FRIEZE, Dupre, Florentir^e

Sculptor, 7s. Gd. FRISWELL, J. H. See Gentle

Life Series. Froissart for Boys, by Lanier,

new ed. 7s. Gd. FliOUDE, J. A. See Prime

Ministers. Gainshorough and Constable.

See Great Artists. GASPARIN, Sunny Fields and

Shady JVoods, Gs.

GEEECKEN, British Empire, 7s. Gd.

Generation of Judges, n.e. 7s.6d.

Gentle Life Sei'ies, edited by J. Hain Priswell, sm. 8vo. Gs. per vol.; calf extra, 10s. Gd. ea.; 16mo, 2s. Gd., except when price is given.

Gentle Life.

About in the World.

Like unto Christ.

Familiar Words, Gs. ; also 3s. Gd.

Montaigne's Essaya.

Sidney's Arcadia, 6s.

Gentle Life, second seriea.

Varia; readings, 10s. Gd.

Silent hour; essays.

Half-length Portraits.

Essays on English Writers.

OtherPeople'sWindows,6s. &2s. 65.

A Man's Thoughts.

In all Departments of Literature,


George Eliot, by G. "W. Cooke,

lOs. Gd. Germamj. See Foreign Countries. GESSI, RoMOLO Pasha, Seven

Years in the Soudan, 18s. GHIBERTI & DOInTATELLO.

See Great Artists. GILES, E., Australia Twice

Traversed, 1872-76, 2 vols. 30*.-. GILL, J. See Low's Eeaders. GILLESPIE, W. M., Surveying, n. ed. 21s. Giotto, by Harry Quilter, illust.


See also Great Artists.


Devotions, 2s. GLADSTONE. See Prime

Ministers. GLENELG, P., Devil and the

Doctor, Is. GLOVER, R., Light of the

World, n. éd., 2s. Qd. GLIJCK. See Great Musicians. Goethe's Faustus, in orig. rhyme,

by Huth, 5s. Frosa, by C. A. Buchheim

(Low's German Series), 3s. 6cî. GOLDSMITH, 0., She Stoops

to Conquer, by Austin Dobson,

illust. by E. A. Abbey, 8is.

See also Choice Editions.

GOOCH, Fanny C, Mexicans,

16s. GOODALL, Life and Land-

scape on the Norfolk Broads, 126s.

and 210s. &EMERSON", Pictures of

East Anglian Life,£o 5s. and £7 7s. GOODMAN, E. J., The Best

Tour in Nor way, Gs.

N. & A., Fen Skating, 5s.

GOOD YEAR, W. H., Grammar

of the Lotus, Ornament and Sun

Worship, 63s. nett.

GORDON, J. E. H., Physical Treatise on Electricity and Mag-netism. 3rd ed. 2 vols. 42s.

Electric Lighting, 18s.

School Electricity, 5s.

Mrs. J. E. IT., Decorative

Electricity, illust. 12s. G OWER, Lord Ronald, ILand-

hook to the Art Galleries of Belgium

and Holland, 5s. Northhrook Gallery, G3*'.

and 105s. Portraits at CastleHoward.

2 vols. 126s.

See also Great Artists.

GRAESSI, Italian Dictionary,

3s. Gd. ; roan, 5s. GRAY, T. See Choice Eds. Great Artists, Eiograj)hies,

illustrated, emblematical binding, 3s. Gd. per vol. except where

the price is given. Barbizon School, 2 vols. Claude le Lorrain. Correggio, 2s. Gd. Cox and De Wint. George Cruikshank. Delia Eobbia and Cellini, 2s. Gd, Albrecht Diirer. Figure Paintings of Holland. Fra Angelico, Masaccio, &c. Fra Bartolommeo, &c. Gainsborough and Constable. Ghiberti and Donatello, 2s. Gd. Giotto, by ÏÏ. Quilter, 15s. Ilogarth, by A. Dobson. Hans Holbein.

Landscape Painters of Holland. Land seer.

Leonardo da Vinci. Little Masters of Germany, by

Scott ; éd. de luxe, lOs. Gd. Mantegna and Francia. Mcissonier, 2^. Gd. Michelangelo. JIulready.

Muiillo, by Minor, 2s. Gd. Overbeck. Eaphael.

A Select List of Books

Great Artists — continued.



Romney and Lawrence, 2s. 6cl.

Rubens, by Kett.

Tintoretto, by Osier.

Titian, by Heath.

Turner, by Monkhouae.

Vandyck and Hals.


Vernet & Delaroobe.

Watteau, by Mollett, 2s. Qi.

Wilkie, by Mollett,

Great Musicians, edited by F, Hueffer. A seriea of biographies, 3.Î. each :—

Bach, by Poule.




English Church ComposerB,

* Gluck, Handel, Haydn,

* Marcello. Mendelssohn. Mozart,

*Palestrina and the Roman School.


Eossini and Modern Italian School.



Richard Wagner.


* Are not yet published. Greece. See Foreign Countries, GRIEB, German Dictionary, n.

ed, 2 vols. 21s. GRIMM, H., Literature, 8s. 6d. GROHMANN, Camps in the

Rockies, 12s. 6d. GROVES, J. Percy. See

Low's Standard Books. GUIZOT, History of England,

illust. 3 vols, re-issue at 10s. 6ci.

per vol. History of France, illust.

r9-lssue, 8 vols. 10s, 6d, each,

. Abridged by G, Masson, 5s.

GUYOX, Madame, Life, 6s.

HADLEY, J,, Roman Law,

7s, Qà. Half-length Poiiraiis. See

Gentle Life Series. HALFORD, F. M., Dry Fly.

fishing, n. ed. 25s,

Floating Flies, 15s. & SO^j.

HALL, Hoîo to Live Long, '2s. HALSEY, F. A,, Slide Voice

Gears, 8s. 6d. HAMILTON. See English

Philosophers. E. Fly-fishing, 6s, and

10s. 6(3.

Riverside Naturalist, 14s.

HAMILTON'S Mexican Hand-hook, 8.S. 6tZ.

HANDEL. See Great Musicians.

HANDS, T,, Numerical Exercises in Chemistry, 2s. 6ct. ; without ans, 2s.; ans. sep. 6d.

Handy Guide to Dry-fly Fishing, by Cotswold Isys, Is.

Handy Guide Book to Japanese

Islands, 6s. 6d.

HARDY, A, S., Passe-rose, 6s. Thos. See Low's Standard Novels. HARKUT, F„ Conspirator, 6s.

HARLAND, Marion, Home

Kitchen, 5s. Harper''s Young People, vols.

I.—VII. 7s. Qd. each ; gilt 8s, HARRIES, A. See Nursing

Record Series,

HARRIS, W. B., Land of the

African Sidtan, 10s, 6d. ; 1. p.

31s. 6d. HARRISON, Mary, Modern

Cookery, 6s.

Skilful Cook, n. ed. 5s.

Mrs. B. Old-fashioned

Fairy Book, 6s. W., London Houses, Illust.

n. edit. Is. 6d., 6s. not j A 2s. 6d.

In all Departments of Literature>



English Philosophers. HATTON, Joseph, Journalistic

London, 12s. Gi, • See also Low's Standard

Novels. HAWEIS, n.^.,Broad Church,

6s. Poets in the Pulpit,'10s.6d.

new edit. 6s. ; also 3s. 6ci.

M-vs., Housekeeping, 2s. M.

Beautiful Houses, 4s., new

edit. \x. HAYDN. See Great Musicians. HAZLITT, W., Round Table,

2s Qd. HEAD, Percy R. See Illus.

Text Books and Great Artists. HEARD, A.F., Russian Church,

16s. HEARN, L., Youma, 5s. HEATH, F. G., Fern World,

12s. 6d., new edit. Qs. Gertrude, Tell us Why,

2s. 6d. HELDMANN", B., Mutiny of

the " Leander," 7s. 6d. and 5s. See also Low's Standard

Books for Boys.

HENTY, G. A., Hidden Foe,

2 Tols. 21s.

See also Low's Standard

Books for Boys. Richmond, Australiana,

5s HERBERT, T., Salads and

Sandwiches, 6c?.

HICKS, C. S., Our Boys, and

what to do with Them; Merchant

Service, 5s. Yachts, Boats, and Canoes,

lOs. 6d. HIGGINSON", T. W., Atlantic

Essays, 6s. History of the U.S., illust.


HILL, A. Statelet, From Home to Home in N.-W. Canada, 21s., new edit. 7s. 6d,

G. B., Footsteps of Johnson, 63s, ; édition de luxe, 147s.

HINMAN, R., Eclectic Physical Geography, 5s.

Hints oil proving Wills u-ithout Professional Assistance, n. ed. Is.

HOEY, Mrs. Cashel. See Low's Standard Novels.

HOFEER, Caoutchouc 4- Gutta

Percha, 12s. 6d.

HOGARTH. See Gr. Artists. HOLBEIN. See Great Artists. HOLDER, Charles F., Ivory

King, 8s. 6d.

Living Lights, 8s. G(7.

Marvels of Animal Life,

8s. Qd. HOLM, Saxe, Draxy Miller,

2s. 6(7. and 2s. HOLMES, 0. Wendell, Before

the Curfew, 5s.

Over the Tea Cups, (})S.

Iron Gate, ^-c, Poems, 6s.

Last Leaf, 42s.

Mechanism in Thougld

and Morals, Is. 6d, Mortal Antipathy, 8s. 6d.,

2s. and Is. Our Hundred Days in

Europe, new edit. 6s.; 1. paper

15s. —— Poetical Woi'ks, new edit.,

2 vols. 10s. 6d. Works, prose, 10 vols. ;

poetry, 4 vols. ; 14 vols. 84s.

Limited large paper edit., 14 vols.

294s. nett. —— See also Low's Standard

Novels and Rose Library. HOLUB, E., South Africa,

2 vols. 42s. HOPKINS, Manlet, Treatise

on the Cardinal Numiers, 2*, 6d.

A Select List of Books

Horace in Latin, with Smart's

literal translation, 2s. Qd. ; translation only, Is. 6tl.

HORETZKY, C, Canada on

the Pacif.c, 5s. Soio and where to Fis?t, in

Irelnnrl, by H. Eegan, 3.?. 6d. HOWARD, Blanche W., Tony

the Maid, 3s. 6d. See also Low's Standard

Novels. HOWELLS, W. D., Suburban

Sketches, 7s. 6d. Undiscovered Country,

3s. 6cZ. and Is. HOWORTH, H. H., Glacial

Nightmare, 18s. Mammoth and the Flood,

18s. HUDSON", N. H., Purple Land

that England Lost ; Banda Oriental 2 vola. 21*. : 1 vol. Qs.

HUEFFER. E. See Great Musicians.

HUGHES, Hugh Price. See Preachers.

HUME, F., Creature of the

Night, Is.

Humorous Art at the Naval

Exhibition, Is.

HUMPHREYS, Jennet, Some

Little Britons in Brittany, 2s. 6cl.

Hundred Greatest Men, new

edit, one vol. 21s.

HUNTINGDON", The Squires Nieces, 2s.6d. (Playtime Library.)

HYDE, Hîindred Years by Post, Is.

Hymnal Companion to the Boole of Common Prayer, separate lists gratis.

Iceland. See Foreign Countries.

Illustrated Text-Books of Art-Education, edit, by E. J. Poynter, E.A., illnst. 5s. each.

Architecture, Classic and Early Christian.

niust. Text-Books — continued. Architecture, Gothic and Kenais-

siince. German, Flemish, and Dutch

Painting. Painting, Classic and Italian. Painting, Enfjlish and American. Sculpture, modern. Sculpture, by G. Redford. Spanish and French artists.

INDERWICK, F. A., Inter-

regniim, 10s. 6d.

Sidelights on the Stuarts,

new edit. 7s. Qd, INGELOW, Jean. See Low's

Standard Novels. INGLIS, Our New Zealand

Cousins, 6s, Sport and WorJc on the

Nepaul Frontier, 21s. Te7it Life in Tiger Land,

18s. IRVING, W., Little Britain,

lOs. 6cZ. and 6s. Works, " Geoffrey Crayon" edit. 27 vols. 16L 16s. JACKSON, J., Handioritinsi

in Relation to Hygiene, 3d.

New Style Vertical Writing

Co'py-Boo'ks, Series I. 1—8, 2d. and 1(Z. each.

Neio Code Copy-Books,

22 Nos. 2d. each.

Shorthand of Arithmetic,

Companion to all Arithmetics, 1*. Gd.

L., Ten Centuries of European Progress, with maps, 12s. 6d.

JAMES, Croake, Law and Lawyers, new edit. 7s. Qd.

Henry. See Daudet, A.

JAMES and MOLE'S French Dictionary ,3s. &d. cloth ; roan, 5s.

JAMES, German Dictionary,

3s. 6d. cloth ; roan 5s.

JANVIER, Aztec Treasure House, 7s. 6(2. J new edit. 5*.

In all Departments of Literatnrc.


Japan. See Foreign Countries.

JEFFERIES, KiCHARD, Amaryllis at the Fair, 7.«. 6c?.

Bevis, ncAV edit. 56*.

JEPHSON, A. J. M., Emin Pasha relief expedition, 21.s.

JERD0:N'. See Low's Standard Series.

JOHNSTON, H.H., The Congo, 21s.


South Italian Volcanoes, 15s.

JOHNSTONE, D. L., Land of

the Mountain Kingdom, new edit.

3s. 6d. and 2s. 6d. JONES, Mrs. Herbert, San-

dringham, Past avd Present,

illust., new edit. 8s. 6cZ. JULIEN, F., Conversational

French Reader, 2s. 6d. English Student's French

J^xaminer, 2s. First Lessons in Conversa-

tional French Grammar, n.ed. Is. French at Home and at

School, Book I. accidence, 2s. ; key, 3s.

Petites Leçons de Conversation et de Grammaire, n. éd. 3s. Petites Leçons, with

phrases, 3s. Gd.

Phrases of Daily Use,

separately, Qd.

KARR, H. W. Seton, Shores

and Alps of Alaska, 16s,

KARSLAND, Veva, Women

and their Work, Is. KAY. See Foreign Countries. KENNEDY, E. B., Blacks and

Bushrangers, new edit. 5s., 3s. 6d,

and 2s. Ctd.

KERR, W. M., Far Lderior, the Cape, Zambesi, cS^c, 2 vola. 32s.

KERSHAW, S. W., Protest, ants from France in their English Home, Gs.

KETT, C. ^Y., Rulens, 2,s, Gd.

Khedives and Pashas, 7s. 6d.

KILNER, E. A., Four Welsh

Counties, 5s.

King and Commons. See Cavalier In Bavard Series.

KINGSLEY, R. G., Children of Westminster Abhcy, 5s.


Standard Books. KIPLING, Rudyard, Soldiers

Three, ^c, stories. Is. Storg of the Gadshys, new

edit. Is. Li Black and White, &c.,

stories, Is.

Wee Willie WinJcie, 6fc.,

stories, Is.

Under the Deodars, (jr.,

stories, Is,

Phanto77i Richshaw, cjr.,

stories, Is. *^* The six collections of storie:

may also be had in 2 vols. 3s. Qd,

each. Stories, Library Edition,

2 vols. 6s. each. KIRKALDY, ^Y. G., David

Kirkaldy's Mechanical Testing, Sis.

KNIGHT, A. L., In the Web

of Destine/, 7s. 6cZ.

E. F., Cruise of the Falcon, new edit. Zf. Qd.

E. J., Alhania and Montenegro, 12s. Qd.

V. C, Church Unity, 5s.

KNOX, T. W., Boy Travellers,

new edit. 5s.


tnons, 3s. Qd.

KUNHARDT, C. P., Small

Yachts, new edit. 50s.

Steam Yachts, 16s.

KWONG, English Phrases, lis. LABOULLAYE, E., Abdallah,

2s. Gd. LALANNE, Etching, 12s. Gd.

A Select List of Books

LAMB, Chas., Essays of Mia, with designs by C. 0. Murray, 6s.

LAMBERT, Angling Literature, 3s. 6d.

Landscape Paijiters of Holland. See Great Artists.

LANDSEER. See Great Ar-

lists. LANGLEY, S. P., mw Astro-

nomy, 10s. 6c?.

LANIER, S., Boy's Froissart,

7s. 6d. ; King Arthur, 7s. 6d. ; Mnhinoqion, Is. 6cZ. ; Percy, 7s. Gd.

LANSDKLL, Henry, through Siberia, 1 v. 15s. and 10s. 6d.

Russia in Central Ana,

2 vols. 42s.

Through Ceniral Asia, 12s.

LARD EN, W., School Course on Seat, n. ed. 5s.

LAURIE, A., Secret of the

Magian, the Mystery of Ecbatana, illns.6s. See also Low's Standard Books. LAWRENCE, Sergeant, Auto-

hingraphy, 6s.

and'ROMNEY. See Great


LAYARD, Mrs., West Indies,

2s. Gd. LEA, H. C, Inquisition, 3 vols.

42s. LEARED, A., Marocco, n. ed.

16s. LEAVITT, New World Trage-

dies, 7s. C>d.


Shooting, 18s.

Wild Fowl Sliooting,

lOs. 6(2. LE FRO Y, W., Dean. See

Preachers. LELAND, C. G., Algonquin

Legends, 8s.

LEMON, M., Small House over the Water, Çs,

Leo XIIL Ufe, 18s.

Leonardo da Vinci. See Great Artists.

Literary Works, by J. P.

Eichter, 2 vols. 252s. LIEBER, Telegraphic Cipher,

42s. netfc. Like unto Clirist. See Gentle

Life Series. LITTLE, Arch. J., Yang-tse

Gorges, n. ed., 10s. Sd. Little Masters of Germany. See

Great Artists. LONGFELLOW, Miles Stan-dish, illas. 21s. Maidenhood, with col. pi.

2s, 6d. ; gilt edges, 3s. 6d. Nuremberg, photogr. illu.

31s. 6d. Song of Hiawatha, illust.

21s. LOOMIS, E., Astronomy, n. ed.

8s. ed. LORNE, Marquis of, Canada

and Scotland, 7s. 6d.

Palmerston. See Prime


Louis, St. See Bayard

Series. Low's French Readers, edit, by

0. F. Clifton, I. 3d., II. 3d., Ili.


German Series. See

Goethe, Meissner, Sandars, and


London Charities, annually, Is. 6d. ; sewed, Is.

Illustrated Germ. Primer^


Infant Primers, I. illus.

3d. ; II. illns. 6d. and 7d.

Pocket Encyclopœdia, with

plates, 3s. 6d. ; roan, 4s. 6d. Readers, I., 9d. ; II., lOd.;

III., Is. ; IV., 1». 3d. J v., Is. id. ; VI., 1». 6d.

In all Departments of Literature.


Loxoh Select Parchment Series. Aldrich (T. B.) Friar Jerome's

Beautiful Book, 3s. 6d. Lewis (Rev. Gerrard), Ballads of

the Cid, 2s. 6d. Whit tier (J. G.) The King's Missiye.

3s. 6d.

Lulu's Stand. Library of Travel (except where price is stated), per volume, 7s. 6d.

1. Butler, Great Lone Land ; also 3s. 6d.

2. Wild North Land.

3. Stanley (H. M.) Coomassie, 3s. 6d.

4. How I Found Livingstone ;

also 3s. 6d.

5. Through the Dark Continent, 1 vol. illust., 12s. Qd. ; also 3s. M.

8. MacGahan (J. A.) Oxns.

9. Spry, voyage. Challenger.

10. Burnaby's Asia Minor, 10s. Qd.

11. Schweinfurth's Heart of Africa, 2 vols. 15s. ; also 3s. 6(i. each.i

12. Marshall (W.) Through America.

13. Lansdell (H). Through Siberia, 10s. 6i.

14. Coote, South by East, 10s. Qd.

15. Knight, Cruise of the Falcon, also 3s. Qd.

IR. Thomson (Joseph) Through Masai Land.

19. Ashe (E. P.) Two Kings of Uganda, 3s. Gd.

Loiv's Standard Novels (except where price is stated), 6s.

Baker, John Westacott.

Black (W.) Craig Royston.

Daughter of Heth.

House Boat.

In Far Lochaber.

In Silk Attire.


Lady Siverdale's Sweetheart.

New Prince Fortunatua.

Penance of John Logan.

Stand Fast, Craig Royston I


—^ Three Feather».

Loiv's Stand. Novels — continued

Blackmore (R. D.) Alice Lorraine.


Clara Vaughan.

Cradock No well.

Cripps the Carrier.

Ereme, or My Father's Sins.

Kit and Kitty.

Lorna Doone.

Mary Anerley.

Sir Thomas Upmore.


Bremont, Gentleman Digger.

Brown (Robert) Jack Abbott's Log.

Bynner, Agnes Surriage.

Begum's Daughter.

Cable (G. W.) Bonaventure, 5s.

Coleridge (C. R.) English Squire.

Craddock, Despot of Broomsedge.

Croker (Mrs. B. M.) Some One Else.

Cumberland (Stuart) Vasty Deep.

De Leon, Under the Stars and Crescent.

Edwards (Miss Betham) Half-way.

Eggleston, Juggernaut.

French Heiress in her own Chateau.

Gilliafc (E.) Story of the Dragonnades.

Hardy (A. S.) Passe-rose.

(Thos.) Far from the Madding.

Hand of Ethelberta.


Mayor of Casterbridge.

Pair of Blue Eyes.

Return of the Native.


Two on a Tower.

Harkut, Conspirator.

Hatton (J.) Old House at Sand, wich.

Three Recruits.

Hoey (Mrs. Cashel) Golden Sorrow.

Out of Court.

Stern Chase.

Howard (Blanche W.) Open Door.

Ingelow (Jean) Don John.

John Jerome, 5s.

Sarah de Berenger.

Lathrop, Newport, 5s.

Mac Donald (Geo.) Adela Cathcart.

Guild Court.

A Select List of Books

Loivs Stand. Novels — continued.

Mac Donald (Geo.) Mary Marston.


Stephen Archer, &c.

The Vicar's Daughter.

Weighed and Wanting.

Macmaster, Our Pleasant Vices.

Macquoid (Mrs.) Diane.

Mnsgrave (Mrs.) Miriam.

Osborn, Spell of Ashtaroth, 5s.

Prince Maskilofi".

lliddell (Mrs.) Alaric Spenceley.

Daisies and Buttercnps.

Senior Partner.

Struggle for Fame.

Eussell (W. Clark) Betwixt the Forelands.

Frozen Pirate.

Jack's Courtship.

John Holdsworth.

Little Loo.

My Watch Below.

Ocean Free Lance.

Sailor's Sweetheart.

Sea Queen.

Strange Voyage.

The Lady Maud.

Wreck of the Grosvenor,

Stouart, Kilgroom.

Stockton (F. E.) Ardis Claverden.

Bee-man of Orn, 5s.

Hundredth Man.

The late Mrs. Null.

Stoker, Snake's Pass.

Stowe (Mrs.) Old Town Folk.

Poganuc People.

Thomas, House on the Scar.

Thomson, Ulu, an African Romance.

Tourgee, Murvale Eastman.

Tytler (S.) Duchess Frances.

Vane, From the Dead.

Wallace (Lew.) Ben Hur.

Warner, Little Journey in the World.

Woolson (Constance Fenimore) Anne.

East Angles.

For the Major, 5s.

- Jupiter Lights.

See also Sea Stories,

Low's Stand. Novels, new issue at short intervals, 2s. Gd. and 2s.

Blackmore, Alice Lorraine.


Clara Vaughan.

Cripps the Carrier.

Kit and Kitty.

Lorna Doone.

Mary Anerley.

Tommy Upmore.

Cable, Bonaventure.

Croker, Some One Else.

Cumberland, Vasty Deep.

De Leon, Under the Stars.

Edwards, Half-way.

Hardy, Laodicean.

Madding Crowd.

Mayor of Casterbridgc.


Two on a Tower.

Hatton, Old House at Sandwich.

Three Recruits.

Hoey, Golden Sorrow.

Out of Court.

Stern Chase.

Holmes, Guardian Angel.

Ingelow, John Jerome.

Sarah de Berenger.

Mac Donald, Adela Cathcarfc.

Guild Court.

Stejihen Archer.

Vicar's Daughter.

Oliphant, Innocent.

Riddell, Daisies and Buttercups.

Senior Partner.

Stockton, Bee-man of Orn, 5s.


Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine.

Stowe, Dred.

Old Town Polk.

Poganuc People.'

Thomson, Ulu.

Walford, Her Great Idea, &c., Stories.

Low's German S&'ies, a graduated course. See " German."

Loxo's Headers. See English Reader and French Reader.

Low's Standard Boohs for Boys, with numerous illastrations, 2s. Qd. each ; gilt edges, 3s. 6d.

In all Departments of Literature.


Zow's Stand. Books for Boys —

continued. Adventures in New Guinea : the

Narrative of Louis Tregance. Biart (Lucien) Adventures of a

Youug Naturalist.

My Rambles in the New World.

Boussenard, Crusoes of Guiana. Gold Seekers, a sequel to the

above. Butler (Col. Sir Wm., K.C.B.) Red

Cloud, the Solitary Sioux; a Tale

of the Great Prairie. Cahun (Leon) Adventures of Captain Mago.

Blue Banner.

Célière, Startling Exploits of the

Doctor. Chaillu (Paul du) Wild Life under

the Equator. Collingwood (Harry) Under the

Meteor Flag.

Voyage of the Aurora.

Cozzens(S.W.) Marvellous Country. Dodge (Mrs.) Hans Brinker ; or,

The Silver Skates. Du Chaillu (Paul) Stories of the

Gorilla Country. Erckmann - Chatrian, Brothers

Kantzau. Fenn(G.Manville) Off to the Wilds.

Silver Canon.

Groves (Percy) Charmouth Grange;

a Tale of the 17th Century. Heldmann (B.) Mutiny on Board

the Ship Leander. Henty (G. A.) Cornet of Horse : a

Tale of Marlborough's Wars. . Jack Archer ; a Tale of the

Crimea. Winning his Spurs : a Tale of

the Crusades. Johnstone (D. Lawson) Mountain

Kingdom. Kennedy (E. B.) Blacks and Bushrangers in Queensland. Kingston (W. H. G.) Ben Burton ;

or, Born and Bred at Sea. Captain Mugfoi-d ; or, Our

Salt and Fresh Water Tutors.

Dick Cheveley.

—— Heir of Kilfinnan.

Loio's Stand. Books for Boys — continued.

Kingston (W. H. G.) Snowshooa and Canoes.

Two Supercargoes.

With Axe and Rifle on the

Western Prairies. Laurie (A.) Conquest of the Moon. New York to Brest in Seven

Hours. MacGregor (John) A Thousand

Miles in the Rob Roy Canoe on

Rivers and Lakes of Europe. Maclean (H. E.) Maid of the Ship

Golden Age. Meunier, Great Hunting Grounds

of the World. Muller, Noble Words and Deeds. Perelaer, The Three Deserters ;

or, Ran Away from the Dutch. Reed (Talbot Baines) Sir Ludar : a

Tale of the Days of the Good

Queen Bess. Rousselet (Louis) Drummer-boy: a

Story of the Time of Washington.

King of the Tigers.

SerjDent Charmer.

Son of the Constable of

France. Russell (W. Clark) Frozen Pirates. Stanley, My Kalulu—Prince, King

and Slave. Winder (P. H.) Lost in Africa.

Low'' S Standard Series of Books by popular writers, cloth gilt, 2s. ; gilt edges, 2s. Gd. each.

Alcott (L. M.) A Rose in Bloom.

An Old-Fashioned Girl.

Aunt Jo's Scrap Bag.

Eight Cousins, illust.

Jack and .Jill.

Jimmy's Cruise.

Little Men.



Lulu's Library, illust.

Shawl Straps.

Silver Pitchers.

Spinning-Wheel Stories.

Under the Lilacs, illust.

- Work and Beginning Again, ill.

A Select List of Books

Loto's Stand. Series — continued. Alden (VV. L.) Jimmy Brown, illust.

Trying to Find Earope.

Bunyan (John) Pilgrim's Progress,

(extra volume), gilt, 2s. De Witt (Madame) An Only Sister. Francis (Francis) Eric and Ethel,

illust. Holm (Saxe) Draxy Miller's Dowry. Jerdon (Gert.) Keyhole Country,

illust. Robinson (Phil) In My Indian


Under the Punkah.

Roe (E. P.) Nature's Serial Story. Saintine, Picciola. Samuels, Forecastle to Cabin, illust. Sandeau (Jules) Seagull Rock. Stowe (Mrs.) Dred.

Ghost in the Mill, &o.

My Wife and I.

We and our Neighbours.

See also Low's Standard Series. Tooley (Mrs.) Life of Harriet

Beecher Stowe. Warner (C. Dudley) In the Wilderness.

My Summer in a Garden,

Whitney (Mrs.) A Summer in Leslie

Goldthwaite's Life.

Faith Gartney's Girlhood.


Real Folks.

The Gayworthys.

We Girls.

The Other Girls : a Sequel.

*;j;* A iieiv illustrated list of 1)001:3

for boys and girls, with 'portraits

of celebrated autliors, sent post

free on application.

LOWELL, J. E., Among my Books, Series I. and II., 7s. 6cf. each.

My Study Windotos, n. ed.


Vision of Sir Launfal,

illus. 63s.

MACDONALD, A., Our Sceptred Isle, 3s. 6d. • D., Oceania J 6s.

MACDONALD, Geo., Castle Warlock, a Homely Romance, 3 Tols. 31s. 6d.

See also Low's Standard


Sir John A., Life.


Curve Pictures of London, Is. MACGAHAN, J. A., Oxus,

7s. 6d. MACGOUN, Commercial Correspondence, 5s. MACGREGOR, J., Eob Boy in

the Baltic, n. ed. 3s. 6d. and 2s. 6d, Eoh Roy Canoe, new edit.,

3s. Qd. and 2s. fid. Yawl Rob Roy, new edit.,

3s. 6d. and 2s. 6d, MACKENNA, Brave Men in

Action. 10s. fid.

MACKENZIE, Sib Moeell,

Fatal Illness of Frederick the

Noble, 2s. 6d. MACKINNON and SHAD-

BOLT, South African Campaign,

50s. MACLAREN,A. See Preachers. MACLEAN, H. E. See Low's

Standard Books. MACMASTER. See Low's

Standard Novels. MACMURDO, E., History of

Portugal, 2ls.; II, 21s.; III. 21s. MAHAN, A. T,, Influence of

Sea Power on History, 18s, Maid of Florence, 10s. Qd. MAIN, Mrs., Hiffh Life, 10s. 6d.

See also Burnaby, Mrs.

MALAN, A. N., Cobbler of Cor-

nikeranium, 5s. C. F. DE M., Eric and

Connie's Cruise, 5s. Man's Tlwughts. See Gentle

Life Series.

MANLEY, J. J., Fish and

Fishing, 6s,

In all Departments of Literature.



See Great Artists. MAKCH, F. A., Comparative

Anglo-Saxon Grammar, 12s.

Anglo-Saxon Reader,

Is. 6d.

MARKHAM, Adm., Naval Career, Us.

Whaling Cruise, new edit.

7s. 6d.

C. E,.,Pe?'M. See Foreign

Countries. Fighting Veres, 18s.

JVar Between Peru

and Chili, 10s. 6d. MARSH, G. P., Lectures on

the English Language, 18s.

Origin and Hidory of the

English Languaqe, 18s.

MARSHALL, W. G-., Tlirough

America, new edit. 7s. Qd. MARSTOÎT, E., Hoio Stanley

wrote " In Darkest Africa," Is. See also Amateur Angler,

Frank's Kanche, and Fresh

Woods. W., Eminent Actors, n. ed.

MARTIN", J. W., Float Fishing and Spinning, new edit. 2s. Massage. See Nursing Record


MATTHEWS, J. W., Incivadi

Yami, 1-ls.

MAURY, M. F., Life, lis. 6d. —— Physical GeograjjJiy 'and

Meteorology of the Sea, new ed.'Cs. MEISSNER, A. L., Childreji's

Own German Booh (Low's Series),

Is. 6d. —— Fi7-st German Reader

(Low's Series), Is. 6d. Second German Reader

(Low's Series), Is. 6d. MEISSONIER. See Great



Prime Ministers. MELIO, G. L., Swedish Drill,

Is. fid.

MENDELSSOTIN Famih/, 1729-1847, Letters and Journals, 2 vols. 30s. ; new edit. 30s.

See also Great Musicians.

MERRIFIELD, J., Nautical

Astronomy, 7s. (jd.

MERRYLEES, J., Carlsbad,

7s. 6d. and 9s.

MESNEY,W., Tungking,Ss. 6d.

Metal Worhers^ Recipes and Processes,by W. T. Biannt,12s.6(/.

MEUNIER, V. See Low's Standard Books.

Michela7igelo. See Great Artists.

MILFORD, P. Ned Stafford's Experiences, 5s.

MILL, James. See English Philosophers.

MILLS, J., Alternative F^emen-

tary Chemistry, Is. 6cL

Chemistry Based on the

Science and Art Syllabus, 2s. Gd.

Elementary Chemistry,

answers, 2 vols. Is. each. MILTON'S Allegro. See

Choice Editions.

MITCHELL, D.G.(Ik. Marvel)

English Lands, Letters and Kings, 2 vols. 6s. each.

Writings, new edit, per

vol. 5s.

MITFORD, J., Letters, 3s. 6d. Miss, Our Village, illust.

5s. Modern Etchings, G3s. & 81s.66?. MOLLETT, J, W., Dictionary

of Words in Art and Archœologg,

illnst. 15s. Etched Examples, 31s. Qd.

and 63s. See also Great Artists.

A Se led List of Books

MONCK. See English Philo-

so|)hers. ^rONEY, E., Tlie Truth About

America, 5s. ; new edit. 2s. GcZ. MONKHOUSE. See G. Artists. Montaigne's Essays, revised by

J. Hain Friswell, 2s. Qd.

See Gentle Life Series.

MOORE, J. M., New Zealand

for Emigrant, Invalid, and Tourist,

MOEFILL, W. R., Russia,

3s. Qd.

MOELEY, Henry, English Literature in the Reign of Victoria, 2s. 6d.

Eive Centuries of English

Literature, 2s. MORSE, E. S., Jaimnese Homes,

new edit. 10s. M. MORTEN, Hospital Life, Is. MORTIMER, J., Chess Players

Pockct-Book, new edit. Is.

MORWOOD,V.S., Our Gipsies, 18s.

MOSS, E. J., Great South Sea,

8s. Qd. MOSSMAN, S., Japan, Zs. 6d. ]\IOTTI, PiETRo, Eleme?itary

Russian Grammar, 2s. 6d. Russian Conversation

Grammar, 5s. ; Key, 2s. MOULE, H. G. G., Sermons,

3s. 6d. MOXLEY, West India Sanatorium, and Barhados, 3s. Gd. MOXON, W., Pilocereus Senilis,

3s. Qd. MOZART, 3s. Gr. Musicians. MULLER,E. See Low's Stand-

ard Books. MULLIN, J. p., Moulding and

Pattern Mahing, 12s. Gd.

MULREADY, 3s. M. Great

Artists. MURILLO. See Great Artists.

MUSGRAVE, Mrs. See Low's Standard Novels.

SavageLondon, n. e. 3s. %d.

My Comforter, 4'c., Religious

Poems, 2s. Gd. Napoleon I. See Bayard Series. Napoleon I. and Marie Louise,

Is. Gd.

NELSOjST, Wolfred, Panama, 6s.

Nelson'sWords andDeeds, 3s. Qd. NETHERCOTE, Pytchley

Hunt, 8s. Gd. Neio Democracy, Is. Neio Zealand, chromos, by Bar-

rand, 168y. NICHOLSON, British Asso-

dation Work and Workers, Is. Nineteenth Century, a Monthly

Review, 2s. Gd. per No. NISBET, Hume, Life a7id

Nature Studies, Gs. NIXON, Story of the Transvaal,

12s. Gd.

NordensJciiJld's Voyage, trans. 21s.

NORDHOFF, C., California,

new edit. 12s. Gd. NORRIS, Rachel, Nursing

Notes, 2s. NORTH, W., Ro7nan Fever,

25s. Northern Fairy Tales, 5s. -NORTON, C. L., Florida, 5s. NORWAY, G., Hoio Martin

Drake Found his Father illus. 5s.

NUGENT'S French Dictionary,

new edit. 3s. Nuggets of the Goupjh, 3s. Nursing Record Series, text

books and manuals. Edited by

Charles P. Rideal. 1. Lectures to Nurses on Antiseptics

in Surgery. By E. Stanmore

Bishop, With coloured plates,


In all Departments of Literature.


Nursing Record Series — contin.

2. Nursing Notes. Medical and Surgical information. For Hospital Nurses, &c. With illustrations and a glossary of terms. By Kachel Norris (née Williams), late Acting Superintendent of Royal Victoria Military Hospital at Suez, 2s.

3. Practical Electro-Therapeutics. By Arthur Harries, M.D., and H. Newman Lawrence. With photographs and diagrams. Is. Qd.

4. Massage for Beginners. Simple and easy directions for learning and remembering the ditl'erent movements. By Lucy Fitch, Is.

O'BRIEN", Fifty Years of Con-cession to Ireland, vol. i. IGs. ; vol. ii. 16s.

r Irish Land Qîiestion, 2s.

OGDEiSr, James, FIi/ - tt/i7i(/, 2s. 6d.

OGEADY, Bardic Literature of Ireland, Is.

History of Ireland, vol. i.

7s. 6c?.; ii. 7s.Vkî.

Old Masters in Photo. 73s. Ç>d.

Orient Line Guide, new edit. 2s. Qd.

ORLEBAE, Sancta Christina, 5s.

Other Peo2)Ie's Wi7idmvs. See Gentle Life Series.

OTTÉ, Denmark and Iceland, 3s. 6d. Foreign Countries.

Our Little Ones in Heaven, 5s.

Out of School at Eton, 2s. 6d.

OVEEBECK. See Great Artists.

OWEN, Douglas, Marine Insurance, 15s.

Oxford Days, by a M.A., 2s. 6f?.

PÂLGEAVE, Chairman's

Handbook, new edit. 2s.

»■ Oliver Cromwell, \0s. Qd.

PALLISER, China Collector's

Companion, 5s.

History of Lace, n. ed. 21s.

P ANTON, T/omei? of Taste,2s.Gd. PiVEKE, Hmin Pasha Eelief

Expedition, 21s.

PAEKEE, E. H., Chinese Ac-

count of the Opium War, Is. 6tZ. PAESONS, J., Principles of

Partnership, 31s. 6J. T. P., Marine Insurance,

2 vols. 63s. PEACH, ^?z?ia?s of Stcainstoich,

lOs. Qd. Peel. See Prime Ministers. PELLESCHT, G., Gran Chaco,

8s. Qd. PENNELL, II. C, Fi^hiuy

Tackle, 2s.

Sjjorting FisJi, 15s, & SOs.

Penmj Postage luhilee, Is. PEEEY, NOKA, Another Flock

of Girls, illus. by Birch & Cope-land, 7s. 6d. Peru, 3s. Gd. Foreign Countries. PHELPS, E. S., Struggle for

Immortality, 5s. Samuel, Life, by W. M.

Phelps and Porbes-Bobcrtson,

12s. PHILLIMORE, C. M., Italian

Literature, new. edit. 3s. Gd. PHILLIPPS, W. M., E7iglish

Elegies, 5s. PHILLIPS, L. P., Dictionary

of Biographical Reference, new.

edit. 25s. W., Law of Insurance, 2

vols. 73s. 6cZ. PIIILPOT, H. J., Diabetes

Mellitus, 5s.

Diet Tahles, Is. each.

Picture Gallery of British Art.

I. to VL 18s. each. Modern Art, 3 vols. 3L^. 6c?.


A Select List of Books

PINTO, How I Grossed Africa,

2 vola. 42s. Playtime Library. See Humphrey and Huntingdon, Pleasant History of Reynard the

Fox, trans, by T. Eoscoe, illus.

7s. 6d. POCOCK, R., Gravesend His-

torian, 5s. POE, by E. C. Stedman, 3s. 6d.

Haven, ill. by G. Doré, 63s.

Poems of the Inner Life, 5s. Poetry of Nature. See Choice

Editions. Poetry of the Anti-Jacohin,7s. 6d,

and 21s. POOLE, Somerset Customs and

Legends, 5s. S. Lane, Egypt, 3s. M.

Foreign Countries. POPE, Select Poetical Works,

(Bernhard Tauchnitz Collection),

2s. POECHER, A., Juvenile

French Plays, Is. Portraits of Racehorses, 4 vols.

126s. POSSELT, Structure of Fibres,


Textile Design, illust. 28s.

POYNTER. See Illustrated

Text Books. Preachers of the Age, 3s. Qd. ea. Living Theology, by His Grace the

Archbishop of Canterbury. The Conquering Christ, by Rev. A.

Maclaren. Verbum Crucis, by the Bishop of

Derry. Ethical Christianity, by H. P.

Hughes. Sermons, by Canon W. J. Knox-

Little. Light and Peace, by H. R. Reynolds. Faith and Duty, by A. M. Fairbairn. Plain Words on Great Themes, by

J. O. Dykes. Sermons, by the Bishop of Sipcn,

Preachers of the Age — continued.

Sermons, by Rev. C. H. Spurgeon.

Agonice Ghristi, lay Dean Lefroy, of Norwich.

Sermons, by H. C. G. Moule, M.A.

Volumes will follow in quick succession by other tvell-known men.

Prime Ministers, a series of political biographies, edited by Stuart J. Raid, 3s. 6d. each.

1. Earl of Beaconsfield, by J. Anthony Froude.

2. Viscount Melbourne, by Henry Dunckley (" Verax").

3. Sir Robert Peel, by Justin McCarthy.

4. Viscount Palmerston, by the Marquis of Lorne.

5. Earl Russell, by Stuart J. Reid.

6. Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, by G. W. E. Russell.

7. Earl of Aberdeen, by Sir Arthur Gordon.

8. Marquis of Salisbury, by H. D. Train.

9. Earl of Derby, by George Saints-bury,

*^* An edition, limited to 250 copies, is issued on hand-made paper, medium 8vo, botmd in half vellum, cloth sides, gilt top. Frice for the 9 vols. 41. 4*. nett.

Prince Maskiloff. See Low's Standard Novels.

Prince of Nursery Playmates, new edit. 2s. 6cf.

PRITT, T. N., Country Trout

Flies, 10s. 6d. Reynolds. See Great Artists. Purcell. See Great Musicians. QUILTER, H., Giotto, Life,

Sfc. 15s. RAAIBAUD, History of Russia,

new edit., 3 vols. 21s. RAPHAEL. See Great Artists. REDFORD, Sculpture. See

Illustrated Text-books.

REDGRAVE, Engl. Painters, 10s. 6d. and 12j.

In all Departments of Literature.


EEED, ^iViY^.Z.,ModernShi]ps

of War, 10s. Qd. T. B., Roger Ingleton,

Minor, 5 s. Sir Ludar, See Low's

Standard Books. REID, Mayne, Capt., Stories

of strange Adventures, illust. 5s. Stuart J. See Prime

Ministers. T. Wemyss, Land of the

Bey, 10s. Qd. Remarliahle Bindings in British

Museum, \Q%s.; 94s. 6cZ.; 73s. Qd.

and fiSs.

EEMBRANDT. See Great Artists.

Reminiscences of a Boyhood, Qs.

KEMUSAT, Memoirs, Vols. I. and II. new ed. 16s. each.

Select Letters, 16s.

REYNOLDS. See Gr. Artists.

Henry R., Light ^- Peace,

S(c. Sermons, 3s. 6rf.

RICHARDS, J. W., Alumi-

nium, new edit. 21s.


Books, 3«. 6d.

RICHTER, J. P., Italian Art, 42s.

See also Great Artists.

RIDDELL. See Low's Standard Novels.

RIDEAL, Women of the Time, Us.

RIFFAULT, Colours for Painting, 31s. 6d.

RIIS, Hoto the Other Half Lives, 10s. 6d.

RTPON, Bp. of. See Preachers.

ROBERTS, Miss, France. See ForeiËrn Countries.

W., English Bookselling,

earlier history. 7s. Cid.

ROBIDA, A.,Toilette, coloured, Is. Qd,

ROBINSON, « Romeo " Coatcs, Is. U.

Noah's Arh, n. ed. 3s. 6f?.

Sinners ^ Saints, 10s, M.

See also Low's Standard

Series. Wealth

and its Sources, Law of Patents,

S. See Clioico

5s. W. C.

3 vols. 105s. ROCHEFOUCAULD. Sec

Bayard Series. ROCKSTRO, History of Music,

new ed. 14s.

RODRIGUES, Panama Canal, 5s.

ROE, E. P. See Low's Standard Series.

ROGERS, Editions.

ROLFE, Pom.peii, 7s. M.

Ro7nantic Stories of the Legal Profession, 7s. Gd.

ROMNEY. See Great Artists.


Eome Life of Longfellow, Is. 6(7.

ROSE, J., Mechanical Drawing, 16s.

Practical Machinist, new

ed. 12s. 6d.

Key to Engines, 8s. dd.

Modern Steam Engines,

31s. Gd.

Steam Boilers, 12s. (jd.

Rose Lihranj. Popular Litem-ture of all countries, per vol. \f., unless tbe price is given.

Alcott (L. M.) Eight Cousins, 2s. ; cloth, 3s. Gd.

Jack and Jill, 2s. ; cloth, 5s.

• Jimmy's cruise in the Pinafore, 2s. ; cloth, 3s. Gd.

■ Little Women.

Little Women Wedded ; Nus.

4 and 5 in 1 vol. cloth, 3s. Gd.

Little Men, 2s. ; cloth gilt,

3s. Gel.

A Select List of Books

Rose Lihrary—continued. Alcotfc (L. M.) Old-fashioned Girls,

2s.; cloth, 3s. 6c?.

• Rose ia Bloom, 2s. ; cl. 3s. 6tL

Silver Pitchers.

Under the Lilacs, 2s. ; cloth,

3s. Qd. Work, A Story of Experience,

2 vols, in 1, cloth, 3s. Qd. Stowe (Mrs.) Pearl of Orr' s Island. Minister's Wooing.

. We and Our Neighbours, 2s.

. My Wife and I, 2s.

Dodge (Mrs.) Hans Brinker, or. The Silver Skates, Is. ; cloth, 5s. ;

3 J. 6(Z. ; 2s. 6 i.

Lowell (J. R.) My Study Windows. Holmes (Oliver Wendell) Guardian

Angel, cloth, 2s. Warner (C. D.) My Summer in a

Garden, cloth, 2s. Stowe (Mrs.) Dred, 2s. ; cloth gilt,

3s. Qd. Carleton (W.) City Ballads, 2 vola,

in 1, cloth gilt, 2s. M. Legends, 2 vols, in 1, cloth

gilt, 2s. 6cL Farm Ballads, Qd. and 9(Z. ; 3

vols, in 1, cloth gilt, 3s. Qd. Farm Festivals, 3 vols, in 1,

cloth gilt, 3s. Qd. Farm Legends, 3 vols, in 1,

cloth gilt, 3s. Qd. Clients of Dr. Bernagius, 2 vols. Howells (W. D.) Undiscovered

Country. Clay (C. M.) Baby Eue.

Story of Helen Troy.

Whitney (Mrs.) Hitherto, 2 vols.

cloth, 3s. Qd. Fawcett (E.) Gentleman of Leisure. Butler, Nothing to Wear. ROSS, Maes, Cantabria, 215. ROSSmi, &c., See Great

Musicians. Rothschilds, by J. Reeves,?^". Qd.

Roughing it after Gold, by Rux,

new edit. Is. ROUSSELET. See Low's

Standard Books.

ROWBOTHAM, E. J., Prairie

Land, 5s. Royal Naval Exhibition, a souvenir, illus. Is. RUBENS. See Great Artists. RUGGLES, H. Z., Shakespeare' s

Method, 7s. Qd. RUSSELL, Cr.W.E.,Gladstone.

See Prime Ministers. W. Clark, Mrs. Dines'

Jeivels, 2s. Qd. Nelson's. Words and Deeds,

3s. Qd. —— Sailor's Language, illus.

3s. Qd. See also Low's Standard

Novels and Sea Stories.

W. Howard, Prince of

TVales' Tour, illust. 52s. Qd. and 84s.

Russia. See Foreign Countries. Saints and their Symbols, 3s. 6d. SAINTSBURY, G., Earl of

Derby. See Prime Ministers. SAINimE, Picciola, 2s. Qd.

and 2s. See Low's Standard

Series. SALISBURY, Lord. SeePrime

Ministers. SAMUELS. See Low's Standard Series. S ANDARS,(Te>'ma?i Primer, Is. SANDEAU, Seagull Rock, 2s.

and2s. 6CÎ. Low's Standard Series. SANDLANDS, Hoiv to Develop

Vocal Poiver, Is. S AU ER, European Commerce,5s.

Italian Grammar (Key,

2s.), 5s.

Spaîiish Dialogues, 2s. 6d.

Sp)a7iish Grammar (Key,

2s.), 5s. Spanish Reader, new edit.

3s. Qd. SAUNDERS, J., Jaspar Deane,

10s. Qd.

In all Departments of Literature.


SCHAACK, M. J., Anarchij, 16s.


for technical schools, 10s. 6cJ. SCHERER, E.^mys in Mir/lish

Literature, by G. Saintsbnry, 6s. SCHERR, English Literature,

history, 8s. 6d. SCHILLER'S Prosa, selections

by Buchheim. Low's Series 2s. 6d. SCHUBERT. See Great Musicians. SCHUMANN. See Great

Musicians. SCHWEmrURTH. See Low's

Standard Library. Scientific Education of Dogs, (js. SCOTT, Leader, Renaissance

of Art in Italy, 31s. 6d.

See also Illust. Text-boolcs.

Sir Gilbert, Autobio-

Mography, 18s.

W. B. See Great Artists.

SELMA, Robert, Poems, 5s. SERGEANT, L. See Foreign

Countries. SJiadoto of the Rod; 2s. Qd. SHAFTESBURY. See English

Philosophers. SHAKESPEARE, ed. by R. G.

White, 3 vols. 36s. ; edit, de hue,


Annals ; Life ^ Work, Is.

Hamlet, 1603, also 1604,

7s. 6d. Hamlet, by Karl EIze,

12s. 6cL —— Heroines, by living painters, 105s. ; artists' proofs, 630s. — Macbeth, with etchings,

105s. and 52s. 6d. Songs and Sonnets, See

Choice Editions. —— Taming oj the Shreic,

adapted for drawing-room, paper

wrapper, Is,

SHEPHERD, British School of Painting, 2nd edit. 5s.; 3rd edit, sewed, Is.

SHERIDAN,i2i>a^ col. plates,

52s. 6d. nett; art. pr. 105s. nett.

SHIELDS, G. 0., Big Game

of North America, 21s.

Gruisings in the Cascades^

10s. 6c?.

SHOCK, W. H., Steam Boilers,

73s. 6d. SIDNEY. See Gentle Life

Series. Silent Hour. See Gentle Lifo

Series. SIMKIN, Our Armies, plates in

imitation of water-colour (5 parts

at Is.), 6s. SIMSON, Ecuador and the

Putumayor, 8s. 6d. SKOTTÔWE, Hanoverian

Kings, new edit. 3*. 6d.

SLOANE, T. 0., Home Experi-

vients, 6s. SMITH, HAMILTON, and

LEGROS' French Dictionary, 2

vols. 16s., 21s., and 22s. SMITH, Edward, Cobbett, 2

vols. 2is.

G., Assyria, 18s.

Clialdean Account of

Genesis, new edit, by Sayce, 18s. Gerard. See Illustrated

Text Books. T. Roger. See Illustrated

Text Books. Socrates. See Bayard Series. SOMERSET, Our Village Ufe,

5s. SjJaiyi. See Foreign Countries. SPAYTH, Draught Player,

new edit. 12s. 6d. SPIERS, French Dictionary,

2 vols. IBs., half bound, 2 vols.,

21s. SPRY. See Low's Stand. Library.

A Select List of Books


Preachers. STANLEY, H. M., Congo, 2

vols. 42s. and 21s. In Darkest Africa, 2 vols.,


Emin's Rescue, Is.

See also Low's Standard

Library and Low's Standard Books.

STAET, Exercises in Mensuration, StZ.

STEPHENS, F. G., Celebrated Flemish and French Pictures, witli notes, 28s.

See also Great Artists.

STERNE. See Bayard Series.

STERRY, J. AsHBT, Cucumber

Chronicles, 5s.

STEUART, J. A., Letters to Living Authors, new edit. 2s, 6d. ; edit, de luxe, 10s. 6d.

See also Low's Standard


STEVENS, J. W., Practical Workings of the Leather Manufacture, illusfc. 18s.

T., Around the World on

a Bicycle, over 100 illust. 16s. ; part II. 16s.


of Moral Philosophy, 3*. 6d.

STOCKTON, F. R., Casting

Away of Mrs. LecJcs, Is.

The Dusantes, a sequel, Is.

Merry Chanter, 2.>'. (jd.

Personally Conducted,

illust. by Joseph Pennell, 7s. 6(/. Budder Grangers Abroad,

2s. Qd.

Squirrel Inn, illust. 6*.

Story of Viteau, illust. 5s.

new edit. 3s. 6(1.

Three Burglars, \s. à, 2s.

See also Low's Standard


STORER, F. H., Agriculture,

2 vols., 25s. STOWE, Edwin. See Great

Artists. Mrs., Flowers and Fruit

from Her Writings, 3 s. Qd. Life . . . her oion Words

. . . Letters and Original Composition, 15s. Life, told for boys and

girls, by S. A. Tooley, 5s., new

edit. 2s. Qd. and 2s. Little Foxes, cheap edit.

Is. ; 4s. 6d.

Minister's Wooing, \s.

Pearl of Orr's Island,

3s. 6d. and Is. l/jicle Tom's Cabin, with

126 new illust. 2 vols. 18s.

See also Low's Standard

Novels andLow's Standard Series, STRACHAN, J., New Guinea,


STRANAHAN", French Paiiit-

ing, 21s.

STRICKLAND, F., Engadine,

new edit. 5s.

STUTFIELD, El Maghreb,

ride through Morocco, Ss. Qd. SUMNER, C, Memoir, new

edit. 2 vols. 36s. Sweden and Norway. See

Toreign Countries. Sylvanus Bedivivus, 10s. (jc?. SZCZEPANSKI, Technical

Literature, a directory, 2s TAINE, H. A., Original,

I. Ancient Eégime, French devolution, 3 vols. ; Modern Eégime, vol. I. 16s.

TAYLOR, H., English Constitution, 18s.

R. L., Analysis Tables, Is.

Chemistry, Is. Qd.

Techno-Chemical Beceipt Book, 10s. 6d.

In all Departments of Literature.


TENNYSON. See Choice


Ten Years of a Sailor^s Life,

7s. 6d. THAUSING, Malt and Beer,

45s. TRÈAK&TON, British Angling

Flies, 5s.

Thomas à Kempis Birthday-Bool, 3s. Qd.

Daily Text-Book, 2s. 6d.

See also Gentle Life Series.

THOMAS, Bertha, House on

the bear, Tale of South Devon, Us.

THOMSON, Joseph. SeeLow's Standard Library and Low's Standard Novels.

W., Algebra, 5s. ; without

Answers, 4s. 6tZ. ; Key, Is. 6d.


Heads, and what they tell us, Is.

THOKODSEN, J. P., Lad and

Lass, 6s. TICKNOE, G., Memoir, new

edit., 2 vols. 2ls.

TILESTON, Mart W., Daily

Strength, 4s. 6/. TINTORETTO. See Great

TITIAN. See Great Artists.

TODD, Life, by J. E. Todd, 12s.

TOURGEE. See Low's Standard Novels.

TOY, C. H., Judaitsm, \is.

Tracks in Nonoay, 2s., n. ed. \s.

TRAILL. See Prime Ministers.

Transactions of the Hong Kong Medical Society, vol. I. 12s. Qd.

TROMHOLT, Aurora Borealis,

2 vols., 30s.

TUCKER, Eastern Europe, 15s. TUCKERMAN, B., Eiiglish

Fiction, 8s. 6cZ.

Lafayette, 2 vols. 12s.

TURNER, J. M. W. See Gr.


TYSON, Arctic Adventures, 25«. TYTLER, Sarah. See Low's

Standard Novels. • M. C., American LiterU'

ture, vols. I. and II. 24s. UPTON, II., Dairy Farming,

2s. Valley Council, by P. Clarke, 6s.


Great Artists, VANE, Denzil, Lynn's Court

Mystery, Is. See also Low's Standard

Novels. Vane, Young Sir Harry, 18s. VELAZQUEZ. See Gr. Artists. and MURILLO, by C. B.

Curtis, with etchings, 31s. 6d. and

63s. VERE, Sir F., Fighting Veres,

18s. VERNE, J., Works by. See

page 31. Ver7iet and Delaroche. See

Great Artists. VERSCHUUR, G.,At the An.

tipodes, 7s. 6d.

VIGNY, Cinq Mars, with

etchings, 2 vols. 30s. VINCENT, F., Through ami

through the Tropics, 10s. 6d. Mrs. II., 40,000 Miles

over Land and Water, 2 vols. 21s. ;

also 3s. 6d. VIOLLET-LE-DUC, Architec

ture, 2 vols. 31s. 6d. each. WAGNER. See Gr. Musicians. WALERY, Oîcr Celebrities,

vol. II. part i., 30s.

WALFORD, Mrs. L. B. See

Low's Standard Novels. "WALL, Tombs of the Kings

of England, 21s.

WALLACE, l..,Bennur,1s. Gd.

Boyhood of Christ, 15s.

See also Low's S tand.Novs,

A Select List of Books,

"WALL AG^yli., Rural Economij

of Australia and New Zealand,

illnst. 21s. nett. WALLER, C. H., Names on

the Gates of Pearl, 3s. 6d. Silver Sockets, 6s.

WALTOIs^, Angler, Lea and Dove edit, by R. B. Marston, with photos., 210s. and 105s.

Wallet-hooJc, 21s. & 4.2s.

T. H., Coal-mining, 25s.

WARNER, C. D., Their Pilgrimage, illust, by C. S. Reinhard,

7s. 6(Z. —— See also Low's Standard

Novels and Low's Standard Series. WARREN, W. F., Paradise

Found, Cradle of the Human Race,

illust. 12s. 6cJ. WASHBURNE, Recollections

{Siege of Paris, ^"c), 2 vols. 36s. WATTEAU. See Great Artists. WEBER. See Great Musicians. WEBSTER, ^paw. See Foreign

Countries and British Colonies. WELLINGTON. See Bayard

WELLS, H. P., Salmon Fisherman, 6s. Fly-rods and Tackle,

10.Î. 6(2. J. W., Brazil, 2 vols.

32s. WENZEL, Chemical Products

of the German Empire, 25s. West Indies. See Foreign

Countries. WESTGARTH, Australasian

Progress, 12s. WESTOBY, Postage Stamjjs ;

n descriptive Catalogue, 6s. WHITE, Rhoda E., From In-

fancy to Womanhood, 10s. 6d.

R. Grant, England without and within, new ed. 10s. 6d. ' Every-day English, lOs. Gd.

WHITE, R. Grant, Studies in

Shakespeare, 10s. 6d. Words and their Uses,

new edit. 5s. W., Our English Homer,

Shakespeare and his Plays, 6s. WHITNEY, Mrs. See Low's

Standard Series. WHITTIER, St. Gregory's Guest, 5s. Text and Verse for Every

Bay in the Year, selections, Is. 6d. WHYTE, Asia to Euroj^e, 12s. ^VIIWFF,Four Civilizations, 6s. WILKES, G., Shakespeare, 16s. WILKIE. See Great Artists. WILLS, Persia as it is, 8s. 6d. WILSON, Health for the People,

7s. Qd. WINDER, Lost in. Africa. See

Low's Standard Books. WINSOR, J., Columbus, 21s. History of America, 8 vols.

per vol. 30s. and 63s. WITTHAUS, Cliemistry, 16s. WOOD, Stveden and Norway.

See Foreign Countries. WOLLYS, Vegetable Kingdojn;

5s. WOOLSEY, Communism and

Socialism, 7s. 6d. International Law, 6th ed.

18s. Political Science, 2 vols.


AVOOLSON, C. Fenimore.

See Low's Standard Novels. WORDSWORTH. See Choice

Editions. Wreck of the " Grosvenor," 6d. WRIGHT, H., Friendship of

God, 6s.

T., Town of Cowper, 6s.

WRIGLEY, Algiers Illust. 45s Written to Order, 6s.


La.bg s Cbowit 8vo.


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Plainer binding, plain edges.

Ilandsomo cloth binding, gilt edges.

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Parts I. and II

Sector Servadac

The Fur Country

The Earth to the Moon and a

Trip round it

Michael Strogoff

Dick Sands, the Boy Captain . I Five Weeks in a Balloon . . . iHdventures of Three English-j men and Three Russians . . Round the World in Eighty Days

Floating City

The Blockade Runners. . . . Dr. Ox's Experiment . . . . ft. Winter amid the Ice . . . Survivors of the "Chancellor".

Martin Paz

The Mysterious Island, 3 vols. :— I. Dropped from the Clouds

II. Abandoned

III. Secret of the Island . .

The Child of the Cavern . . .

The Begum's Fortune ....

The Tribulations of a Chinaman

The Steam House, 2 vols.:—

I. Demon of Cawnpore . .

II. Tigers and Traitors . . .

The Giant Raft, 2 vols.:—

I. 800 Leagues on the Amazon

II. The Cryptogram ....

The Green Ray

Godfrey Morgan

Kéraban the Inflexible:— I. Captain of the "Guidara" II. Scarpante the Spy . , The Archipelago on Fire . . The Vanished Diamond . , Mathias Sandorf . . . . ,

Lottery Ticket

The Clipper of the Clouds , North against South . . , Adrift in the Pacific . . . The Flight to France . . . The Purchase of the North Pole i. Family without a Name . Cesar Cascabel s. d.

Containing the wliole of text with some illustratit

Cloth binding, gill edges, smaller type.

CBLEBEArED TRAVELS AWD Teavellees. 3 vols. 8vo, 600 pp., 100 full-page illustrations, 7i.

Èilt edges, 9». each :—(1) The Eiploeaiiow of thk Wokld. (2) Thb Gekat Naviqatobs o? ISHTHBKIH CbuiUBÏ. (3) Thb GbBAT ExpLOBEBB 01 IHB NUTEIBENTH CeWTUBX.


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Price Half-a-Crown.

Amongst the contributors the following representative names may l\ mentioned :—Lord Tennyson, the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, Cardin. Manning, Mr. J. A. Fronde, Mr. Ruskin, Mr. G. A. Watts, R.A., Eail Grey, the Earl of Derby, Lord Acton, Mr. Herbert Spencer, Mr. Fredericil Harrison, Mr. Algernon C. Swinburne, Mr. Leslie Stephen, Professo.l Huxley, Sir Theodore Martin, Sir Edward Hamley, Professor Goldwiil Smith, and Sir Samuel Baker.




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