APPENDIX Dramatis Personae


The Court of Queen Lyrna Al Nieren

Lyrna Al Nieren—Queen of the Unified Realm

Iltis Al Adral—Sword of the Realm, Lord Protector of the Queen’s Person

Benten Al Grey Gull—Sword of the Realm, Protector of the Queen’s Person

Orena Al Vardrian—lady to the queen

Murel Al Harten—lady to the queen

Hollun—brother of the Fourth Order and Keeper of the Queen’s Purse

The Queen’s Host

Vaelin Al Sorna—Tower Lord of the Northern Reaches and Battle Lord of the Queen’s Host

Alornis Al Sorna—artist and sister to Vaelin, later Lady Artificer to Queen Lyrna

Dahrena Al Myrna—First Counsel to the North Tower

Caenis Al Nysa—brother of the Sixth Order, Sword of the Realm and Lord Marshal of the Thirty-fifth Regiment of Foot; later Aspect of the Seventh Order

Count Marven—commander of the Nilsaelin contingent of the Queen’s Host

Adal Zenu—captain of the North Guard, later Lord Marshal and Sword of the Realm

Kehlan—healer and brother of the Fifth Order

Orven Al Melna—captain of the Third Company, King’s Mounted Guard; later Lord Marshal and Sword of the Realm, husband to Insha ka Forna

Insha ka Forna (Steel in Moonlight)—Eorhil warrior, wife to Orven

Harlick—brother of the Seventh Order, Archivist of the North Tower; later First Librarian to the Great Library of the Unified Realm

Nortah Al Sendahl—friend to Vaelin, later Lord Marshal of the Queen’s Daggers and Sword of the Realm


Sanesh Poltar—war chief to the Eorhil Sil

Wisdom—sage elder to the Eorhil Sil

Ultin—mine foreman at Reaver’s Gulch, later captain of the First Battalion of the Army of the North

Davern—shipwright and sergeant in the Army of the North, later Master of the Queen’s Yard

Furelah—guardswoman in the Queen’s Daggers

Atheran Ell-Nestra—Meldenean sea captain and Shield of the Isles, later Fleet Lord to Queen Lyrna

Carval Ell-Nurin—Ship Lord and captain of the Red Falcon

Cara—gifted resident of Nehrin’s Point

Lorkan—gifted resident of Nehrin’s Point

Marken—gifted resident of Nehrin’s Point

Weaver—gifted resident of Nehrin’s Point


Reva Mustor—Lady Governess of Cumbrael

Lady Veliss—Honoured Counsel to the Lady Governess

Arentes Varnor—Lord Commander of the City Guard

Bren Antesh—Lord Commander of Archers

The Reader—leader of the Church of the World Father

Ellese Brahdor—orphan and ward of the Lady Governess

Allern Varesh—guardsman to House Mustor


Darnel Linel—Fief Lord of Renfael, Volarian vassal

Alucius Al Hestian—poet, friend to Alornis and Vaelin, son to Lakrhil

Lakrhil Al Hestian—father to Alucius, Battle Lord to Darnel

Elera Al Mendah—Aspect of the Fifth Order

Dendrish Hendrahl—Aspect of the Third Order

Benril Lernial—renowned artist and brother of the Third Order

Mirvek Korvin—commander of the Volarian garrison

Twenty-Seven—Kuritai, guard to Alucius

Cresia—sister of the Seventh Order

Inehla—sister of the Seventh Order

Rhelkin—brother of the Seventh Order

Renfaelin Border

Frentis—brother of the Sixth Order, friend to Vaelin, known as the Red Brother

Davoka—warrior of the Black River Clan, Servant of the Mountain, friend to Lyrna, fighter in the Red Brother’s company

Sollis—sword-master and Brother Commander of the Sixth Order

Rensial—horse-master and brother of the Sixth Order

Hughlin Banders—knight and Baron of Renfael

Ulice—illegitimate daughter to Banders

Arendil—son to Ulice and Darnel, heir to Fief Lordship of Renfael, fighter in the Red Brother’s company

Ermund Lewen—knight and chief retainer to Banders

Draker—former outlaw, fighter in the Red Brother’s company

Illian Al Jervin—escaped slave and fighter in the Red Brother’s company

Thirty-Four—former numbered slave and torturer, fighter in the Red Brother’s company

Ivern—brother of the Sixth Order, stationed at the Skellan Pass

Slasher—faith-hound and friend to Frentis

Blacktooth—faith-hound and friend to Illian


Wise Bear—shaman to the Bear People

Kiral—Lonak huntress of the Black River Clan and sister to Davoka

Alturk—Lonak Tahlessa of the Grey Hawk Clan

Verniers Alishe Someren—Imperial Chronicler to the court of Emperor Aluran

Fornella Av Entril Av Tokrev—Volarian captive, sister to Arklev Entril

Belorath—Meldenean captain of the Sea Sabre

Lekran—warrior of the Rotha, later fighter in the Red Brother’s company


Aluran Maxtor Selsus—Emperor

Emeren Nasur Ailers—former ward to the Emperor

Iveles Maxtor Seliesen—son to Emeren

Neliesen Nester Hevren—captain in the Imperial Guard

Merulin Nester Velsus—Imperial Prosecutor

Horon Nester Everen—High Commander of Imperial Forces

Raulen—gaoler to the palace dungeons


Arklev Entril—member of the Volarian Ruling Council, holder of the Treasurer’s Seat

Lorvek Irlav—member of the Volarian Ruling Council, holder of the Slaver’s Seat

Varulek Tovrin—Master of the Great Volarian Arena and Overseer of Garisai


Hirkran of the Red Axe—champion to the Othra mountain tribe


Whale Killer—leader of the Wolf People, husband to Many Wings

Many Wings—shamaness to the Wolf People, wife to Whale Killer

Astorek Anvir, also “Long Knife”—shaman to the Wolf People, adopted son of Whale Killer and Many Wings
