With hate in her bloodshot eyes, the mother ran past her baby, knocking the table and sending the highchair on its side. The baby screamed and then tried to claw at the tiles to pull itself toward Mitchell.

She was just a few yards away.

Mitchell looked at the chair in front of him. He gave it a swift kick, sending it skidding across the floor and into the woman. She ran right into it. The momentum knocked her legs out from under her and she went sprawling to the ground face first.

Mitchell could hear the sound of people knocking chairs and tables over to get to him. He leaped to his feet and spotted three people getting close on his left. The nearest was a teenage boy in a Burger King uniform.

Without looking, Mitchell grabbed the chair he had been sitting in and flung it at the young man. He hurled it at his face. The young man held out his hands to swat it away.

The chair bounced off his shoulder and hit a snarling teenage girl in the bridge of her nose.

On Mitchell’s right, a crowd of a dozen people had abandoned their places in front of the Panda Express and were only two tables away. He looked over his shoulder at the narrow exit from the food court to the main atrium. Rows of tables and chairs lined the center. An old man and three blue-haired women had abandoned their bagels and coffee and were running toward Mitchell.

He looked back at the rest of the food court and decided his best chance was to go through the old people.

He ran into the old man as he tried to block Mitchell. Withered hands covered in liver spots reached out and tried to pull at him. The old man let out a yell and gnashed at Mitchell with a mouth full of dentures. Mitchell pushed the man in the chest, sending him into the women.

Desperate to gain some time, Mitchell started scattering the chairs and flipping the tables into the crowd as they surged into the narrow passage. Mitchell ran into the atrium and ducked as a woman pushing a stroller ran toward him.

Three women came out of Lord & Taylor at the other end of the atrium to see what the commotion was. Their faces changed and they started screaming. Three sets of manicured hands reached out to claw at Mitchell as he got closer.

Mitchell’s feet skidded across the floor as he came to a stop when he realized that exit was going to be blocked. The crowd from the food court was starting to make it through the overturned tables and chairs and spill into the atrium.

The atrium opened up into two wings. Mitchell ran toward the closest one.

A woman selling scented candles at a kiosk came at Mitchell. He jumped out of the way and hit a clothes display in a Banana Republic. Two sales girls came screaming at him from inside.

Mitchell regained his balance and ran down the mall. He felt a hand touch his backpack as someone got close. Up ahead he could see a shoe store with shoe racks in front.

As he passed it, he pulled on the racks, toppling them to the ground. He looked back over his shoulder and saw the two Banana Republic girls fall over it. Behind them was the surge of people from the food court.

The first few dozen people tripped over the girls and the racks and fell to the floor on top of them. The mob in back just pushed their way through or trampled them underfoot. It was a horrific pileup as waves of people kept coming through. Those that fell were just treated like an obstacle by the people behind them.

There was an exit coming up ahead of Mitchell that led to a service corridor. If he could make it in there, the narrow hallway should slow the crowd down. He prepared to make a quick turn into the alcove and through the doors.

He was thirty feet away from the alcove when two mall cops came running out. One of them was talking into a radio. He locked eyes on Mitchell and held the radio overhead like a club. The other mall cop followed suit and the two of them ran to intercept him.

Mitchell dodged to his left and ran around a toy kiosk. He elbowed the middle-aged woman as she got out of her chair to attack him. She fell back into the chair and continued going head over heels.

He moved through a rest area and jumped over a couch to the other side of the mall. One of the mall cops tripped on the toy kiosk woman and tumbled. The other was still right behind Mitchell.

Sales people and customers had begun to step into the center of the mall as the commotion got louder and the crowd’s howling screams grew closer. Two young men and a girl walked out of a Hollister, looked at Mitchell and charged in his direction. They formed a wall as they closed in on him.

Looking for the weakest link, Mitchell ran straight into the girl and pushed her in the chest. Pink-colored nails tried to scratch out his eyes as she fell backward. He kept moving. From behind he heard two thuds as the young men ran head on into the crowd and their bodies fell to the floor. Mitchell could hear a sickening crack as a leg or an arm was broken.

Directly in front of him was a large department store. The front looked clear of people. Maybe he could make it in there and lose some of the crowd in the clothes racks. He pumped his arms and kept pushing himself to keep going. Occasionally he’d feel a hand grab at his backpack and then fear would kick in and he would find a little more speed.

He was dying to turn around to see how big the crowd was and how close, but he didn’t dare lose a millisecond of advantage. The sound of pounding footsteps, kiosks being toppled and wailing as people screamed at him told him enough to just keep running.

The only thing helping him was the fact that due to the law of averages, the people who could run faster than him were somewhere back in the mass of people. If they were able to break free, god help him. All it would take would be someone to grab one ankle or just loop one arm through his damn backpack and he would trip and fall to the ground. The last thing he would ever see would be a tidal wave of people falling on top of him, tearing him to shreds with their hands and teeth.

Thank god he jogged. Thank god he’d lost that 30 pounds last year. Mitchell knew he’d have been fucked if he hadn’t been in reasonably OK shape. He’d be dead.

The entrance to the store was deserted. He ran through it and tried to pull over a rack of coats when he moved by. Only one fell to the floor. In front of him was a perfume counter. A woman behind it with too much plastic surgery and makeup looked up at Mitchell and then leaped onto the counter like a cat.

The glass countertop broke as the woman jumped into the air and tried to claw at his throat. He was already moving to the right to go around the perfume counter. She overshot and fell into a display of men’s cologne, sending hundreds of boxes into an avalanche on the floor.

Mitchell looked to his left and spotted the escalator. He skidded around the corner and ran up it. It was going down. Fuck!

Wait, this is good, he realized. Mitchell knew the secret to going the wrong way was to run up it in large steps and to not stop. It took him a half-dozen strides and he was at the top. He turned around for the first time since he left the food court.

“Holy shit!” he shouted as he saw the mob.

It wasn’t a few dozen people. It was hundreds of people all trying to surge onto the escalator. Two or three would try to step onto it and then get tripped up by the people in back of them. Those people would then try to step over the people in front of them. Other people were trying to climb over on the side rails. Fingers and hair got caught between the collapsing metal stairs, trapping them.

Mitchell watched in horror as a man in thick glasses pulled away a stump of a hand and tried to use it to climb over another person whose face was shoved between the railing and the escalator.

As much of a cluster-fuck of human carnage as it was, the sheer body count of people was adding up, and they were making progress. Mitchell pulled a display rack of glassware in front of the escalator and shoved it down onto the crowd. He watched wineglasses and brandy snifters rain down on people before the shelving collapsed in the middle of the escalator. That was when he realized the up escalator across from him was going to be bringing a deluge of people as soon as they worked their way around.

He could see people running around the bottom of the up escalator to join the mob. He had seconds to do something. From behind he felt a hand reach out at his throat and start to strangle him. Mitchell jerked his head back and bashed in his assailant’s nose. He turned to see a saleswoman topple into a rack of wallets.

Mitchell recognized her. She’d once helped him pick out a suitcase for a trip he never ended up going on with Rachel. The woman had been exceedingly polite.

All of that was gone as she made it to her feet and ran at Mitchell. He sent a knee to her face but tried to soften the blow out of guilt. She fell to the ground again. Mitchell used this opportunity to push another display over. This one he dropped onto the entrance of the up escalator to create a temporary roadblock.

People were halfway up the down escalator. Mitchell looked around the upper level for an exit. He remembered the woman going to a storeroom near the bedding department. Mitchell headed in that direction.

If he could get into the storage room, maybe he could block the door. If it led to a service corridor, he could hopefully find a fire exit and get out of the building. From there, he had no idea what he would do. For the moment, he forced himself to disconnect his actions from anything bad that was happening to the people chasing him. In his mind the building was on fire and he had to get out.

He ran around the shaft and past the exit for the up escalator. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a mass of people making their way through the tables and suitcases he’d dropped in front of it. Ahead of him, two athletic-looking men came running from the bedding section.

Mitchell reached out and grabbed a large metal pot and threw it at the closet one. It hit him in the face and opened up a gash above his eye. The man didn’t flinch.

He tried to avoid them by running left, but they cornered him in front of a display table. Rather than go around it, they just climbed onto it. One of them was on all fours reaching out to claw Mitchell. The other landed on his feet and was ready to jump on Mitchell. He knew he couldn’t handle the both of them in close quarters.

The table wobbled as the two men climbing over it unbalanced it slightly. Mitchell grabbed the edge closest to him and lifted as hard as he could. The table flipped over and the two men fell off. One was trapped under it while the other fell backward and smashed the back of his head against another display. He fell to the ground like a rag doll.

There was a snarl to Mitchell’s left as luggage lady came at him. He jumped onto the overturned table and ran into the mattress section. He tried running over the tops of the beds but lost too much speed as the mattresses absorbed his footsteps.

He spotted the entrance to the storage area and ran to it. The luggage lady tripped and fell behind him as one of her heels broke. Behind her, the mob had finally made it to the top of the escalator. Mitchell could see splatters of blood on the bodies of the people in the lead.

He felt like he was going to throw up. Somewhere a buzzer was going off because the escalator was jammed. Mitchell tried not to think what was jamming it as he bolted through the doors leading to the service corridor.
