Chapter Twenty-Seven Epilogue

Excerpts transcribed from selected BBC news broadcasts
Three days after the event at Chernobyl

“New information is coming to us tonight from the ghost city of Prip’Yat which, as you may recall, suffered from a reported earthquake three days ago. Reports indicate that this tremor was not actually an earthquake, but was the result of the detonation of a high explosives device inside the sarcophagus at the abandoned Chernobyl nuclear power plant. We are working to confirm this report with our journalists in the field.”

Four days after the event at Chernobyl

“Military-grade video footage provided to us from an anonymous source shows us the astonishing tale of an entire covert operations mission that took place inside Chernobyl and the neighboring town of Prip’Yat. Multiple independent analysts have confirmed that said video footage, which is widely available on the internet at this time, is not a forgery, though the contents of said video are both disturbing and gruesome. The video and audio shows a team of two Russian covert operations agents moving into the Ukrainian city of Prip’Yat on a mission to investigate reports of a disturbance in the area. We have compiled a series of clips from this video to give you a brief summary of the mission, but we must warn you that this footage is extremely graphic.”

Eight days after the event at Chernobyl

“Thus far, attempts to find the only presumed survivor of the mission, a civilian youth known only as ‘Yuri’ have failed. Family members of Yuri have come forward to say that their son vanished in the middle of the night, and they are unsure whether he ran away to avoid media attention or whether he was taken in for interrogation by government officials. Attempts to get comments from officials within the Russian and Ukrainian governments have been met with silence. This is undoubtedly due in part to the strain both governments are feeling as they scramble to contain the public relations disaster and mass hysteria that has unfolded.”

Twenty-five days after the events at Chernobyl

“Independent research teams have been dispatched to Chernobyl in an attempt to study the environment of what is now being referred to as ‘The Beast of Chernobyl’ in an effort to understand the origin of this new species. Environmental groups have also seized upon the beast as a symbol for their movements, denouncing nuclear energy as the food source for what they call ‘an abomination on the earth.’ Said groups in countries across the globe are pushing for independent investigation of their country’s nuclear weapons stockpiles and power plants to determine whether the creature discovered at Chernobyl was an isolated case, or the beginning of a trend.”

Four months after the events at Chernobyl

“The BBC is working to investigate reports of disturbances at nuclear facilities throughout the UK and Western Europe. We have been working with colleagues and reporters in the field in several other countries who have experienced similar disturbances and we will bring you updates as soon as we have them. For now, we urge our viewers and listeners to remain calm, continue your routines and avoid panic.”
