This past year has really driven home why books have an acknowledgments page. Writing an initial draft might be done in solitude, but everything after that isn’t.

First, I want to thank God, for granting me what I hadn’t even dared to pray for.

Next, I want to thank my husband, Matthew, for giving me the love and support that made me believe I could pursue my dreams, and for accepting me as I am, which has made all the difference.

I want to thank the fans of the Night Huntress series. Your enthusiasm for my characters means more to me than I can ever express.

I owe a huge thank you to my editor, Erika Tsang, who really rolled up her sleeves with me on this one. Aside from her outstanding feedback on what was and wasn’t needed to get this story told, she also spent an hour with me discussing the varied potentials for a ghoul’s diet (hope your appetite has finally recovered!). You’re the best, Erika.

Thanks go to my agent, Rachel Vater. I can’t imagine anyone else helping me along this journey.

Immense gratitude goes to Tom Egner, for my gorgeous covers. Further thanks go to the wonderful people at Avon Books, who’ve made my experience with the publishing world such a pleasant one.

Sincerest thanks go to Melissa Marr, Jordan Summers, Mark Del Franco, and Rhona Westbrook, for beta-reading OFITG and keeping me on track. Also thanks to Vicki Pettersson, for enough hours of encouragement to warrant therapy payments.

Of course, I’m grateful to my family, especially my parents and sisters. Your unconditional support has meant the world to me.

Last but not least, I want to again thank Melissa Marr. You’ll never know how important your friendship has been along this strange, bumpy road. I’d try to articulate, but we both know you’re better with words than I am.
