May, 11 A.E.-Hattusas, Kingdom of Haiti-land

June, 11 A.E.-Babylon, Kingdom of Kar-Duniash

December, 10 A.E.-Tarim Basin, Central Asia

September, 11 A.E.-Nantucket Town, Republic of Nantucket

June, 11 A.E.-Ural River, Central Asia

September, 11 A.E.-Nantucket Town, Republic of Nantucket

Battalus Interruptus, Kenneth Hollard thought, dazed. Here I've spent the last three years of my life getting ready to defeat Walker, and they just up and kill the bastard!

He felt a surge of irritation, which died of shame when images from the last field hospital visit went through his head. Outside the command pavilion the sounds of the greatest block party of all time filtered in through the warm spring air. So did the smell of roasting meat; no more need to conserve every beast.

"No," Odikweos, King of Men, was saying.

"Excuse me?" Doreen Arnstein said sharply.

Her expression was sharp, but she hadn't let go of Ian Arnstein's hand since they sat down side by side at the head of the big table. He still looked a little stunned, after his first glimpse of his daughter.

"I said, no" Odikweos repeated, flashing a white smile through his grizzled beard. "Is this not your English word?" He tossed his head.

"No, I will not give up all the Wolf Lords… that is, the eqwetai of my former liege-lord. Those who needed slaying have been slain. The others are too useful to me; I shall confirm them in the most of their estates and titles, and their sons shall be Achaeans and serve my son. Nor will you attempt to slay them by stealth if you value my friendship. I will withdraw my troops from the Hittite lands; and since you hold it already, I will agree to make no moves against Sicily. Beyond that, I rule Great Achaea, and I shall make such changes there as seem good to me. We are not defeated suppliants in this war; we have decided to end it at our pleasure, for our own reasons."

Oh, please God, don't order me to invade Greece, Hollard thought.

Scratchy through the speaker, Jared Cofflin's dry Yankee voice spoke:

"Something there. Let's thrash this out."

King Kashtiliash pulled at his curled beard. "I came here because of my treaty with you, to put down the threat of Walker," he said. "Now that threat is gone. I wish to go home, and settle my realm." A broad carnivore grin. "Since my realm now includes Canaan, the Egyptians having withdrawn from it."

Tudhaliyas stirred unhappily. Kashtiliash raised a soothing hand: "And my brother the One Sun of Haiti-land will doubtless have much to do. Now that he is the only monarch with the new weapons in these lands, who may easily sweep to the Achaean sea, put down the Kaska mountain tribes, and push his frontiers far to the north and east in the Caucasus and around Lake Van."

Tudhaliyas's long dark clean-shaven face began to smile; it looked a little unnatural on his gloomy countenance. "Oh, indeed," he said, rubbing his hands. Then he cocked a sharp eye at the other Great King: "Provided nobody encroaches on my domains of Karkemish and Ugarit."

"But of course," Kashtiliash purred, a rumble in his deep chest. "Although we should consult about these horse-tamer tribes they say are advancing against us through northern Elam, the…"

"Medes and Persians," Kathryn Hollard said. "And Saka and Scythians and whatnot."

"Yes, those. Perhaps we should divide those lands between us."

"Perhaps we should," Tudhaliyas said thoughtfully.

"Perhaps we should indeed," the Seg Kallui of Kar-Duniash said. "First thing I'm going to do, though, is visit Dr. Clemens and get the IUD removed. Please hold any wars for about ten months."

Everyone chuckled. Well, nearly everyone; Marian Alston just smiled slightly. "You're making a good start on getting back to managing your own affairs," she said. "Still, I think a general treaty all 'round would be a good idea-trade, that sort of thing."

"Ayup," Cofflin's voice said. They could hear a murmur in the background, as of someone speaking softly in his ear. "I've got some ideas on that…"

King Kashtiliash crouched to look down one of the avenues of the great model city atop the table. Justin Clemens and his wife Azzu-ena waited uncertainly amid a bustle of scribes, clerks, engineers Babylonian and Nantucketer, officers, and attendants. Outside the tent, the great sprawling construction camp on the west bank of the Euphrates was in full swing. Most of the streets and broad avenues were still only pegs and string, but thousands of laborers were already trenching the lines for sewers and water systems.

From the corner of his eye he could see a first section of sewer actually being built, an egg-shaped tunnel of fired brick set in asphalt mortar. Not far away rested lengths of ceramic water pipe, tubes ten feet long and a yard across, with walls four inches thick. The great petroleum-fired kilns added another tang to the air, under the massed stink of Babylon across the river.

"Ah, Justin Clemens son of Edgar!" the King said. Clemens bowed. "How goes your work?"

"Faster than I thought it could, King of the Four Quarters," Clemens said.

He walked to the edge of the model; it was twenty feet on a side, resting on thick planks and those on trestles. The city of dreams it showed was definitely Babylonian-marked with the terraced pyramids of ziggurats, the blocky shapes of palace and temple. The layout wasn't, though; a gridwork of avenue and street, with broad radial ways driving through from the center. Along the water side was a great brick wall and highway to contain floods, and three long-arch bridges crossed the broad Euphrates. There was no city wall; instead a quartet of low-slung forts bristling with cannon covered the landward approaches and commanded the river passage. Blue-painted canals brought water to parks and gardens as well.

Clemens pointed to his own project near the northeastern corner.

"The waterworks are going up quickly," he said. "The big pumps just arrived from Irondale in Alba, and a couple of Leaton's people. We should have enough clean water for the labor force within a week."

Kashtiliash nodded. His wife Kathryn looked up from the other end of the table, making a quick note and handing it to a messenger.

"I want to get the sewer works functional as soon as possible too," she said. "If we can get the farmers using processed sludge rather than raw night soil, it'll cut dysentery in the villages around here by three-quarters."

"We need to put in village wells as well," Clemens noted quickly. "Sealed-tube wells with hand pumps."

"All in good time," Kashtiliash said. "There is work for my lifetime, and my sons'." He looked at his queen and grinned, and she returned the expression.

A shake of the leonine head. "But that is not what I wish to speak of, best of healers," he said. "Here, come."

He drew a cloth from a smaller table. The model there was of a complex of buildings, two-story blocks around courtyards; there were even models of tiny palm trees there.

"You wished to remain in the land of Kar-Duniash, did you not, Justin son of Edgar?"

Clemens nodded, a little wary. There was more good he could do here, and he thought it would be easier for him to adapt to this than Azzu-ena to Nantucket.

"Well, here you shall. It shall be called the Clemens Teaching Hospital."

He stopped, grinning at the younger man. Clemens grew aware that his mouth was hanging open like a carp's. Jesus, I thought we'd have a little clinic, build it up gradually

"King of the Four Quarters-I and my wife cannot run such an, an institution by ourselves."

Kashtiliash rumbled laughter under Kathryn's contralto chuckle.

"You won't have to," the queen said. "There's all those orderlies that the Coast Guard trained-remember, those slaves Kash's father gave us, and we freed? You did a fair bit of that yourself."

"And there will be other Nantukhtar doctors who will come," Kashtiliash said. "Even if they come only for a brace of years each, they will not find me niggardly. You yourself, Justin son of Edgar, I will double the wage you receive-and you will have this fine house, and I will add thereunto a thousand iku of well-watered land near the city by kudurru-grant."

Clemens felt a sharp pain in his ankle, where Azzu-ena had kicked him; outwardly she was the picture of demure modesty, with her shawl drawn over her head and held across her lower face with one hand.

"Ah," he said, bowing again, "The Bull of Marduk is generous!"

"And in this hospital you will not only cure the sick, but teach," Kashtiliash said, warming to his thoughts. "I have sent to your Island for copies of the books of healing-soon my own printing press will be at work, with men trained at Ur Base. You will take the sons-

"And daughters," Azzu-ena and Kathryn said simultaneously.

"And daughters." Kashtiliash smiled fondly. "Of physicians and scribes and priests-thus their families will object less- as apprentices."

"And commoners, my Lord King," Clemens said, quietly but firmly.

"As you wish. And this is only the beginning! Near your hospital will grow over the years a great school of all learning- the lore of my folk, and the New Learning of yours. Such is called a university, is it not? Yes, it will take much gold, as much as many regiments of riflemen, but it will-

He looked at the queen. "Remember that night on the terrace, beloved of the King's heart?"

"Yes," she said, smiling.

"I promised then that I would not leave my people in the dirt. And I will not!"

The great scarred hand closed unconsciously into a fist, and the dark hawk eyes flashed. Clemens cleared his throat.

"Ah, King of the Universe, I… my wife and I did plan to visit Nantucket before settling."

"Excellent," Kashtiliash said, all business once more. "You may arrange much of what we will need there. I will be visiting myself, and the Seg Kallui."

He laughed at Azzu-ena's start. "Yes, a conference of the Great Kings is to be called, wise lady, in Nantucket Town. Much thought has gone into the arrangements." A snort. "Not least, to ensure that the Great Kings are still Great Kings when they return-we have all agreed to move against any usurper, so there will be none such."

A boy's eagerness lit the King's face. "And I, I shall see the homeland of wonders myself!"

"Jesus, that's not going to fly again," Vicki Cofflin said.

She completed her limping walk around the staked-down dirigible. Or what was left of it. The hull had a perceptible kink in it, where broken frames and stringers creaked. Bits of the doped fabric that covered it fluttered tattered in the cold desert wind; large patches were bare, and she could see inside to the gasbags.

"Well, no," Alex Stoddard replied.

He didn't look as beaten-up as she-his right arm wasn't in a cast, for starters-but the bruises on his face had only begun to fade.

"None of the engines are functional, to start with," he went on, blinking at the sun and the alkaline dust blowing from the bare earth around them. "And going on from there. Still, she kept us alive, the Emancipator."

"Which is a miracle," she said, looking at the riven rock that speared the sky not far to the north.

Wherever we are, it's a desert basin with some bloody enormous mountains around it.

"I thought we were all going to die when we headed for the moon after we dropped the emergency ballast," Stoddard said. "We must have hit twenty-five thousand feet, at least, the way the emergency valves spilled hydrogen. I passed out around twenty, I think."

Vicki grunted-it was more comfortable than talking, with a mouth bruised and cut inside on the edges of her own teeth- and looked over at the row of five graves not far away. They already looked timeworn, even though they'd only been there a few days. This eternal wind…

Which is why we stayed aloft so long. With no control, landing was extremely tricky. By the time they'd all become fully conscious again, it hadn't mattered how much further they drifted looking for a good spot.

"Heads up, ma'am! Delegation coming out from the oasis!"

The call came from the lookout in the observation post atop the hull. Vicki gave a quick glance around; nothing could hide the scrapes and broken bones, but everyone was as neat as possible… and more to the point, everyone had a rifle or pistol, and there were two functional Gatlings.

Plus the Shipwreck Kit, she thought-every Islander craft carried that, a set of how-to books and basic tools.

The locals came closer, a crowd of footmen with bronze-headed spears led by a brace of chariots and followed by a crowd of women and children. Vicki narrowed her eyes as she took them in.

Well, however far east we came, we aren't into Oriental country yet.

The man in the lead chariot was six-foot or so, in reddish-brown tunic and trousers and boots, with a falcon-headed bronze ax in one hand, knife and sword at his belt, compound bow and javelins racked in his war-car. His long beak-nosed face was about the same shade as hers, and his shoulder-length hair was a russet brown.

Ok, these look like Caucasoids, she thought-northern Europeans, at that; blonds, redheads, and brunettes all plentiful. Some were wearing what looked like tartan plaids, at that. She took in that, the plumed and bedizened horses drawing the chariots, the weapons…

"These bastards get around, don't they?" Alex said, echoing her thought.

"Get me the Number Three phrasebook from the Shipwreck Kit," she said.

That was the one titled: Early Indo-European Languages- Useful Phrases. She spoke the Sun People dialect of Alba; that ought to be a help.

"Hail," she said, when the chiefs charioteer drew rein. "Ekwos?" she added, pointing to the horse…

"Osu, su-diwom," he said, and turned to take a clay goblet from an attendant. "Poixesoine medhuos?" he went on, holding it out to the strangers.

It was a long way home, and they'd need the locals' help. The surest way to get that was to make them offers they couldn't refuse.

They probably have some local enemies. Damn, I wonder what's happening at home?

The radio had been very thoroughly smashed. Not that news would make any difference here, but it would be nice to know…

"So, a new world," Doreen Arnstein said, laying Miriam down in her crib.

Ian leaned over his daughter, watching the infant-blue eyes blink into sleep. Outside the noise of the festivities was still a dull background roar under a clear autumn sky; the wine beat in his own ears, like his blood, or the sea. Through the window came the pop and multicolored starburst of fireworks. Their housekeeper Denditwara was in a rocking chair by the window, with her own newborn in her lap.

"It's a new world every time we produce one of these," Ian said, tucking the blanket up around his child.

"We?" Doreen said, raising a brow. "I seem to recall doing most of the work, myself."

"Details," he said loftily, as they turned down the stairs and he dodged her poking finger in his ribs.

They came out onto the little verandah, deep in shadow with only the whale-oil lights of the streetlamps. Up to the north there was a blaze of kerosene light and a sound of song from the old Congregational church, where a midnight service of thanksgiving was under way, Prelate Gomez presiding. Their friends were waiting for them, and David was deep in conversation with the Alston-Kurlelo and Cofflin children; he caught snatches of excited descriptions of Babylon and Hattusas and Mycenae. And a lament over the general uselessness of infant siblings, too…

"Glad I'm through making those speeches," Jared Cofflin grumbled.

"Glad we're through with the battles," Marian said. Swindapa squeezed her hand.

Several other pairs were coming up the road, away from Main Street. King Kashtiliash strode briskly, the embroidered robe of formality swirling around his muscular thighs like a warrior's cloak, the tall flowerpot hat spangled in gold sequins glittering in the lamplight; beside him Kathryn Hollard matched him stride for stride in robes more elaborate and just as gorgeously colored. Her brother followed, Raupasha at his side. Unlike the Babylonian monarch, she was frankly gawking as she peered about, clinging to her husband's arm. Isketerol of Tartessos brought up the rear; he was looking about him with a slight quirk to his lips, remembering, pointing out this or that to his son Sarsental. The boy goggled as openly as Raupasha much of the time, then remembered his dignity.

Odikweos of Great Achaea walked beside them with a sailor's roll to his stride, shrewd hazel eyes missing nothing.

"So this is the city that brought all the great kingdoms to their knees," he said, as they halted with the group about the steps of the Councilor for Foreign Affairs' house.

"Brought them together in peace, Your Majesty," Ian Arnstein said soothingly.

"Is there a difference?" Odikweos said; but he said it grinning. "Forgive my wayward son," he went on to Marian and Swindapa, bowing in courtly wise with a swirl of his cloak. "He found… ah…"

"Company more interesting than ours, and much prettier than his father," Alston finished for him. "We'd best be getting on to Guard House. I don't quite trust anyone else to do a moa leg properly-they go dry if n you don't catch them just right. And the wine will have breathed, the steaks are sitting in the garlic marinade ready to go on the grill, and oysters are better chilled."

Swindapa leaned over to whisper in her ear and she laughed, an easy full-throated sound, as at an old family joke. Then she called: "Heather! Lucy!"

The children were eventually rounded up, to fall in behind the adults. They took the roundabout route to Guard House, which led them back into the crowds spilling up from Main Street; they dodged a conga line led by a couple of Marines in rumpled uniform, and including a Kassite warrior from the Babylonian Royal Guard, a piratical-looking scarred Achaean, a Tartessian in a saffron cloak followed by a nude redhead who was probably Fiernan and certainly the merrier for the bottle of screech she was waving in a free hand. The crowds about cheered them on, just as polyglot and nearly as carefree, in languages that rang with Semitic gutturals, the rapid-fire sinuosities of Greek, nasal Yankee twangs…

"Hard to believe it's over," Jared Cofflin said again.

"Over?" his wife replied. "It's barely beginning!"

Doreen Arnstein looked upwards. "Did you know," she said thoughtfully, "that time travel is mathematically identical to faster-than light travel? If one's possible, the other must be too. Someday…"

"Ayup," Jared nodded, in answer to both. "Mebbe." He looked around. "Mebbe this time we'll be able to avoid some of the old mistakes."

"Yes, we'll make new ones-all our own," Swindapa laughed.

"Undoubtedly," Ian Arnstein said. "At least they'll be new and interesting blunders. In the meantime… let's eat!"

Althea Walker, last scion of the House of the Wolf, turned in the saddle and looked behind her. The Carpathians had long since faded from view; all she could see from horseback was an infinity of grass that waved stirrup high on her horse, hissing in the long melancholy wind. Ahead was the line of a great river, marked by the green groves of trees vivid against the brown-tawny summer grass. She turned her mount away from the caravan and spurred it up a slight rise.

Here she could wave the mounted guards back a little, far enough that none could see the tears drying on her cheeks in the hot dry wind as she stared westward. It whipped strands of her blond hair around her face, sun-faded white against the brown tan.

Nothing to see except grass rippling like the sea, beneath the huge blue dome of heaven. Wagon after wagon creaked by, wheels jolting on the hard ground and canvas tilts fluttering in the dry hay-scented breeze; they and the herds of cattle and sheep and horses raised dust that hung overhead in a haze. They were important wagons, though; stuffed with machine tools and books, and the skills of those who rode in them or trudged along beside were crucial, too.

Mounted warriors formed a screen that stretched out to the edge of sight, sun blinking off their metal. Ohotolarix came trotting in from an inspection sweep, his horse taking the slope effortlessly despite a tall warrior's weight. Well, it was a son of Bastard, her father's quarter horse…

He saw the carved-stone set of her face, and the direction of her eyes.

"He shall be avenged," her father's handfast man said, laying his own hand on her shoulder for a moment.

Althea nodded. "But that wasn't what I was thinking of," she said.

He looked at the girl in surprise. "What, then?"

"That I won't make my father's mistakes. That I will not strike too soon, nor will I settle by the sea where the Islanders-" she spat to one side, into the tall grass-"can get at me."

Ohotolarix nodded. "Well, this Ferghanna place we're heading for is about as far from salt water as we could go," he said.


It was Eddie, calling from the space he'd kept open in the basement taproom of the Brotherhood of Thieves. Treaty celebrations meant there was just barely room for three more at the end of the long table, now that the guitar-and-drums band on the tiny corner dais had folded up. A low roar of sound came out to meet them, along with smoke, the smell of roasting meat and frying fish and fresh bread and the smells of massed humanity; Spring Indigo flinched back a little as it died away and a song bellowed out:

Head the ship to homeward

Shake out every sail

Lithe leap the billows-merry sings the gale!

Captain, work the reckoning

How many knots a day?

'Round the world-and home again

That's the Island way!

Peter Giernas touched her on one elbow, Sue on the other; she shifted Jared on her hip, smiled and headed in with them. A waiter eeled through the crowd, blinked in recognition, and half-shouted apologetically: "I'm sorry, Captain Giernas-no dogs allowed!" Perks was sticking close to his master's side, pressed against his thigh. At the words he looked up at the waiter, sensed his meaning and fixed him with a yellow-eyed glare, bristling and showing long wet teeth. Giernas made a precautionary grab for his ruff and smiled at the server.

"Don't worry," he said. "Perks here is fine, as long as I'm with him."

"Ah… oh, well, he's a war hero too, I suppose." Heroes dime a dozen, Giernas thought, as they pushed the rest of the distance and squeezed in. He didn't mind the crowding-much. It wasn't as if he had to take it for long, after all. Eddie was grinning, a little the worse for beer but not drunk by any manner of means. The voices in the background went on, as the four of them settled in:

We've fought pirates from Achaea

Bought tin 'mid Java seas

Drunk beer in Anyang taverns

In the shade of camphor trees!

Across the Line and Gulf Stream

'Round by Table Bay

Everywhere-and home again

That's the Island way!

"Here," Eddie said. "Still hot."

The plates were heaped, with roast pork and crackling, potatoes, steamed new vegetables; there were hunks of good wheat bread hot from the oven dripping with butter, and honey for dipping. Spring Indigo nibbled a piece of the bread cautiously, then bit enthusiastically.

"This is better than bannock with bear fat!" she said.

"Hell of a lot better, honey." Giernas laughed and took a pull on the mug. "Well, people, I got through to the man at the Pacific Bank, and the prize's been condemned, right enough." He brought out a folded piece of paper from a pocket of his buckskin hunting shirt. "Here it is!"

When he read out the figures, Jaditwara's eyes went wide. Eddie let loose with a Zarthani war whoop, which didn't attract as much attention as it might have, not tonight. Giernas laughed long and loud himself; it was good to be young, a well-loved father and husband… and rich. Before the war, before the Expedition, he'd been a bachelor, content enough to rent a room over the Laughing Loon in Providence for the times he wasn't rangering around and camping under a tree. Now…

Now I'm not rich like Leaton or Brandt, he thought, diving into the roast pork and savoring the longed-for taste of fresh vegetables. But I'm rich enough to be able to do what I want, eat my own mutton with my feet under my own table. And to look after my own folk without asking any man's leave to do it. That's a good feeling.

"Medals are fine," he said aloud. "But gold is sort of a more tangible mark of the Republic's feelings. Speaking of which, you're going to have to show a little more respect from now on." He took out a pin with two small silver bars on it. "It's Ranger Captain Peter Giernas from now on."

"Diawas Pithair!" Eddie swore.

He and Jaditwara leaned over to slap him on the back and shoulder. Jared patted him, too, then went back to looking around, as alert as a cricket and fearless as a badger, beating time to the chanty with pudgy infant hands; a lot of others were doing that with beer mugs:

Nightly stands the North Star

Higher on our bow

Straight we run to homeward

Our thoughts are in it now!

A jolly time with friends on shore

When we've drawn our pay;

All about-and home again

That's the Island way

Oh, that's our Island way!

The waiter came back with more beer, and a large meaty bone, rawly fresh. Giernas snaffled it off the tray before anyone else could try giving it to Perks-no sense in taking a chance of spoiling a happy occasion and the youngster certainly meant well-and handed it under the table without looking down himself. The wolf-dog's great murdering jaws took it; then slurping and cracking noises started to come from the floor by their feet. Perks wasn't what you'd call a finicky eater… but then, neither were a lot of the people here tonight. Spring Indigo was cutting up small pieces of her plateful and feeding them to Jared as she ate.

"Don't grovel too much," he said, swallowing and reaching for the mug again. "You three are lieutenants. I'm surprised the Council didn't take Prelate Gomez' job and give it to Spring Indigo here."

"Good to have gold and rank," Eddie nodded. "Now that I'm going to have a son to inherit my herds."

"Or a daughter, maybe," Jaditwara said sharply, looking at him with wry affection. "More to come, either way."

Eddie nodded, sobering a bit. "Oath-brother, Chief-Sue, Indigo, my oath-sisters-1 will miss you."

"Hell, you planning on going further away than Long Island?" Giernas said. "That's not too far for a visit now and then."

The ex-Zarthani and the woman who'd been born to the Earth People looked at each other.

"New 'Sconset," Eddie began.

"By the Silver River," Jaditwara continued.

Buenos Aires, on the Rio de la Plata, Giernas thought. Of course, no reason we should use the Lost Geezer names, now is there?

"They're handing out land there," Eddie said. "Oath-brother, you wouldn't believe the land-and veterans are all getting a full section. So I'll…" he paused, yelped like a man who'd been kicked in the shin, "… we'll have two square miles together." He set his mug down with a thump. "But it means being very far away! I've half a mind-

He cut off; Giernas was laughing again, and Sue and Spring Indigo along with him, laughing into his solemnity. Mercurial, his brows drew together in a scowl.

"Hell, Eddie," Giernas said at last. "What do you think I was about to try and talk you into? There's already a Ranger Captain here-they want another one down in New 'Sconset, to keep Hollard from falling over his thick Marine feet. They'll be needing Rangers; there's locals to deal with, not so many on the Pampas but lots up in the mountain country. Big stretch of unknown territory there! And scouting up along the coast…"

This time they all laughed; even Jared, happy because the adults were. Giernas wiped the plate with a heel of bread and belched comfortably, waving for a glass of applejack with his beer, and some of the cherry cobbler. Sue caught his eye and drooped the lid over one of hers; he put an arm around her shoulders, and one around Spring Indigo's waist. Yeah, the night is young.

"Land like you wouldn't believe," Eddie was enthusing. "Grazing fit for the Gods." He looked at Spring Indigo. "Like your people's country, oath-sister; tall grass to the horizon, but without the cold winters."

"My people are here," Indigo said, laying her head on Giernas’s shoulder. "But it will be good to have broad plains about me."

"And to live by the sea," Jaditwara said. "And see the stars of the southlands-something to teach my daughters."

"Next-door ranches," Sue said. "And we can afford to develop 'em in style-no living in sod huts for twenty years while we slave to pay off loans."

"Good grazing and good hunting," Eddie went on. "I can see it now, my hall-oh, all right, Jaddi, our hall-broad fields golden for the harvest, pastures, the colts kicking their heels in the morning mist."

"A base," Giernas nodded. "Home, somewhere to rest in-between times."

The snowpeaks of the Andes floated before his mind's eye, and Iguassu falls, and the Amazon, and condors wheeling over the step-pyramids of Cerro Sechin. He raised his mug.

"Drink to it-to new beginnings!"

Oh, Tom will to his parents

Jack will to his dear

Jane to loves and children-

Bob to steaks and beer!

Vicki to the dancing room

To hear the fiddles play;

'Round the world-and home again

That's the Island way.

Oh, that's the Island way.

Everywhere-and home again That's our Island way!
