Chapter Eight

Alli shoved her skirt down her legs as she sat up. The bathroom door remained closed but water came on. Shock held her still otherwise, her brain reeling from what had taken place. She couldn’t think straight even with 880 out of the room.

Why is he in there? She’d kissed him or tried to, urging him to take her. She stared at the door that separated them as he showered. She’d given him the green light to do whatever he wanted to her body. Why hadn’t he taken her up on it?

It could be his dead mate. That possibility made her feel guilt-ridden. He’d just woken from his coma after watching the murder of the woman he loved. He’d been injured when he’d gone insane trying to reach her killers and attacked the bars of the cage they’d kept him locked inside.

Her arms hugged her waist as she stared sadly at the closed door between them. She’d spent months watching him sleep and learning as much as she could about his life before he’d been rescued. No files existed and the Mercile employees who’d been arrested weren’t forthcoming with much information. They’d heard on the news that the Mercile facilities were being targeted by the police and had stolen a few of the New Species.

Those lowlife jerks had tried to use their sperm to sell to some European company who’d wanted to create half-breed babies to sell on the black market as if they were some form of pets for the rich.

They’d probably stolen a mated pair of New Species in hopes of them having a child. There were only a few known cases of Mercile putting the males and females together long enough for them to become bonded. The best theory so far was that Mercile had hoped a mated pair would create a viable pregnancy. Another was that they’d used the women to control the men. The employees who’d stolen them must have given up on the female becoming pregnant and just killed her.

The water shut off in the other room and Alli braced for his return. She had no idea how to act or what to say but she wasn’t going to leave. His mental state concerned her. Would he feel guilty for touching her? Regret it? She didn’t even know why it had happened in the first place if he didn’t want her.

He opened the door abruptly, jerking her from her thoughts. His hair was wet and he wore only a towel draped around his lean hips. A lot of tan, sexy skin showed, covered with water droplets.

His stomach was flat with perfect six-pack abs on display. Dusky nipples were puckered—a temptation to lick and suck on them. One of his hands flattened near his lower belly to rub away water and she wished it were her palm on him instead. Or her mouth. She just wanted to explore every masculine inch of him up close and personal. The silence stretched, reminding her that he was probably watching her too. Alli peered into his eyes to judge his mood but he regarded her coolly, either unaffected by what had taken place or just really good at hiding his emotions.

“You can’t shower.”

That wasn’t what she expected him to say.


He crossed the room to the dresser and opened the top drawer. His back was to her when he just dropped his towel to reveal his bare, beefy ass to step into a pair of loose cotton sweatpants.

Her gaze lifted from the dark-blue material to the faded scars on his back. She was tempted to ask how he’d received them but refrained. The last thing she wanted to do was cause him pain by making him relive his past.

880 turned and approached the bed. She tensed a little but he just sat heavily on the edge. His attention fixed on the muted television. Time crawled by as she waited for him to say or do anything but he just kept his back to her. He didn’t move but she finally did. She rolled over and crawled off the bed. A hand shot out and captured her wrist.

He stared at her when she met his gaze.

“Where are you going?”

“The bathroom.”

“I said you can’t shower.”

“I took one this morning. I was going to use the bathroom.”

His fingers released. “Don’t lock it.”


The mirror was steamed over when she entered the bathroom. He obviously enjoyed really hot showers. She quickly used the bathroom and opened the storage cupboards to locate an extra toothbrush. It didn’t take long to brush her teeth, wash her face, and finally snag a hairbrush on her way back into his room.

880 watched her silently when she opened the door and cautiously approached. He glanced at her hand. “What are you going to do with that?”

“I thought I’d brush out your hair.”

His eyebrows lifted.

“I’ve done this for you at least a hundred times.”

Surprise registered on his features. “You did?”

She eased her knee on the mattress and scooted behind him. Her hand trembled a little as she started at the bottom to gently work the brush through the wet strands. “Yes. You’ve been using conditioner still. Good. I was worried they’d forget to show you what it was. We don’t want it to become a tangled mess again.”

He turned his face enough to watch her. She met his gaze before going back to her task. There was something intimate but nice about tending to him. Familiar. He wasn’t lying still anymore, though, flat on his back. It also made it easier to reach it all with him sitting. She loved his long hair.

Ted Treadmont had wanted to cut it after their patient was brought in but Alli had fought him tooth and nail. She’d personally cleaned it the first time and tended to the worst of the knotted mess it had been. It had taken her hours to work the tangles out since they’d estimated at the time of his rescue that he probably hadn’t been cleaned in weeks. It was worth all the effort as she studied her handiwork.

“All done.”

880 twisted his body to face her and his hand shot out to jerk the hairbrush from her fingers. He frowned. “Why would you brush my hair?”

“Why wouldn’t I?”

“You wouldn’t stroke it.”

It reminded her that she’d slapped him and she eased back on her haunches on the bed. “Did you use to brush it out when you were held in captivity?”

“My mate tended to my hair as I did hers. We used our fingers to comb it out after we bathed.”

“She had long hair too?”

He nodded. “The technicians didn’t cut our hair often. It was too dangerous.”

“Why would it be?”

A low rumble came from him. “We tried to kill them.”

“Oh.” She was glad she was sitting.

“They were the enemy.”


“Humans cause harm.”

“I don’t.”

“You’re a doctor.” He tossed the brush to the floor and turned toward her more, his hands braced on the bed as he half crouched. “I’m tired.

We are going to sleep.”

She’d slept poorly since she’d been arrested.

It couldn’t have been past seven at night but she didn’t point out how early it was or how they’d already taken a short nap. The idea of sleeping didn’t sound bad. “Okay.”

His gaze lowered. “Unbind your breasts.”

The breath caught in her lungs but she nodded, reaching behind her. It didn’t take long to unfasten the bra and pull the straps down her arms.

She reached up the front of her shirt and just pulled it off. 880 snatched it from her fingers to study it.

He shocked her by lifting the cups of her bra up to his nose and drawing in a deep breath. He stared into her eyes the entire time and then just tossed it away to the floor. His fist gripped the blankets to pull them down farther.

“Get under the blankets. You don’t keep body heat well.”

“Your body temperature runs slightly hotter than a typical human’s. Mine is normal.”

“Get under them.”

“You could say ‘please’.”

He snarled, flashing fangs. She moved, crawling up the bed and rolled over, lying on her side facing him. He dragged the covers over her legs to her waist and sprawled out on his back next to her. One hand grabbed his wet hair to drag it to the top of his pillow and he turned to look at her.

“Lift your head.”

She did what he wanted and he stretched his other arm out to offer her a pillow with his biceps.

It was intimate again as she lowered her cheek to rest against his hot skin. He was still a little damp but he smelled nice.


Her gaze held his as she wiggled a few inches over until her shirt pressed against the side of his ribs. He was so big. He reached with his other arm and clicked off the television. The room darkened since the sun was almost down.


Alli watched him close his eyes but she couldn’t just drift off. Her mind was too filled with questions and worries about 880. Did he regret touching her? Why had he done it? Those thoughts just wouldn’t fade.


“What?” He didn’t open his eyes.

“Why did that happen between us?”

His lips pursed and she didn’t think he’d give her an answer. Long seconds dragged by. The tension around his mouth eased. “It distracted you from your fit of rage.”

She let his words sink in and hated the pain it caused. “Oh.” He hadn’t wanted to touch her at all but instead had used her body to manipulate her. It made what had happened between them seem dirty and cold. Alli suddenly rolled to face the other way but kept his arm under her face since he seemed adamant about that.

“Where are you going?”

“Nowhere. I’m still here.”

“Your voice sounds strange.”

“I’m tired,” she lied.

“I want you tighter against me.”

She wiggled back until her butt pressed against his hip and her back rested along his torso. “Is that better?”

“You can’t stroke me in that position.”

Her hands fisted. “Here’s a life lesson for you.

You can’t always get what you want. I’m here and that should be enough.”

“What does that mean?”

“Goodnight, 880.” She closed her eyes.

Silence descended and she tried to fall asleep.

He wasn’t a typical man and maybe he didn’t see anything wrong with what he’d done or the reason for it. It still hurt but she was trying to get past it. Taking it personally would just hurt more.



“Stroke me.”

Her teeth clenched and she lifted an arm up to curl her fingers around his hand. She caressed the back of it. It would have to do because she didn’t want to face him. It would be too tempting to watch him until the light completely faded from the room.



He sniffed. “What are you feeling?”


“I don’t believe you.” He growled. “You’re being dishonest and human. I don’t like that.”

She debated on denying it but if he wanted an argument, she wasn’t going to back away from it.

“Why do you want to know?”

He paused. “Have I injured your feelings? My mate would grow very silent when I did that and refuse to look at me. You are acting that way.”

She released him and rolled, sitting up. Giving him a piece of her mind might clear the air. He looked sexy stretched out on the bed with his hair flowing over the other side of the pillow. It pissed her off.

“I’m a person with feelings, 880. How would you feel if I touched you just to change your mood and for no other reason?”

“I asked you to stroke me. That would help me sleep. It’s what I want.”

Irritation flared. “Would you welcome me stroking you if I did it to manipulate you into doing what I wanted? That’s how I feel. Sex isn’t something you use that way. I get that you’re different but let’s look up the definition of decency tomorrow, shall we? It seems you need to learn what that is.”

His eyes narrowed. “It would depend on where you rub me and what you wanted from me. That would determine if it angered me or not.”

“You’re such a man.” She turned away and lay down, giving him her back.

“I’m a male. I’m not human.”

She refrained from calling him a pig.

“Alli?” He growled her name. “Don’t turn away from me. We are talking.”

“No. We’re done. I’m going to sleep.”


The tone was threatening. She turned her head and shot him a glare. “Don’t snarl at me.”

He turned on his side, facing her. “Do you want to strike me again?”

“No. I want you to be quiet and let me cool down. That’s all you need to do. Keep your hands to yourself. Don’t even think about trying your version of mood therapy on me again.”

“You’re stressed.”

“Damn straight. A man should touch a woman because he wants to and she wants him to. It’s not supposed to be about controlling someone.”

“You enjoyed it.”

“I really don’t like you at this moment.” She couldn’t believe he was going to throw that fact in her face when she was angry.

“Do you know why I refuse to allow you to shower?”

“You’re a control freak?”

“I like the way you smell.” He inhaled deeply.

“I don’t want you to wash away that sweet scent.”

She gaped at him.

His gaze lowered to her hips. “You taste good.”

She was taken aback. His meaning was clear.

“I couldn’t resist doing that but I should have.

You’re still on my tongue.” His voice deepened.

“You should be frightened of what I want to do to you.” Those gorgeous eyes of his met hers. “I wanted to mount you but you’d break.”

That snapped her out of her dazed state. “I, um…” She wasn’t sure what to say.

“Lie down and curl into me, Alli. We should sleep.”

Temptation to discuss that topic was almost overwhelming. He was a big man, strong, but she didn’t think he’d actually hurt her if they had sex. Of course she wasn’t sure what his version of mounting meant. He could be used to rough sex that would leave her bruised and sore. That wasn’t an appealing concept.

She swallowed hard and inched closer to him as he stretched flat onto his back. He was warm when she curled up to his side and closed her eyes. He didn’t speak again and she remained silent too.

880 couldn’t sleep but Alli finally did. Her breathing changed and her body softened against him. The scent of her drove him a little insane and his dick hardened painfully after he relaxed. He had maintained an iron control over his body to hide how strongly she affected him. It had been difficult to keep his responses in check but he hadn’t wanted to spook her into calling out for help.

He lifted his hand to finger the soft, light strands of her hair. It didn’t feel the same as his or 46’s. Alli’s pale hair fascinated him. It was so light and the texture too soft. He brought some of it up to his nose. She smelled like food and he wanted to eat her. Just the thought of burying his face between her thighs made him struggle to remain still.

He eased his arm out from under her head when he knew he couldn’t take being close to her anymore. It was torture. She didn’t stir and he rolled away, getting to his feet. He paced the confines of the room and his gaze kept straying to her form. The urge to take her was growing stronger by the minute.

He opened the door and stepped out into the hallway. The male down the hall was reading a book and his head jerked up to stare at him. 880 approached him quickly.

“I need to run now.”

Surprise registered on the other male’s features. “I need to make some calls and—”

“I’m going to mount her if I don’t run right now. Do you know Alli? She’s human and small.

I need to run.” He hated the way he snarled the words but he had promised not to cause her harm.

The other male closed his book and dropped it to the floor. “I understand. Come on. I can’t take you outside without permission but I think I know what will help.”


“If you can’t fuck, you should enjoy fighting.”

The male grinned. “I’ve been there. You should learn anyway. We’ll go to the roof. Come on.”

He opened the elevator and 880 stepped inside.

He eyed the other male, a match physically to himself. “What are you called?”

“Moon.” He paused. “That’s the first thing I saw when they brought me out of Mercile. It was beautiful hanging there so high in the sky. I knew then my life was forever changed.”

The elevator opened and they were at the roof.

There was an extended porch roof over it to shield it from the weather. Moon led him out onto the flat surface, which had three-foot walls around the perimeter of the building. The male pointed up.

“Look. It’s not a full moon but isn’t it beautiful? It’s a beacon of hope and light to those lost in the darkness.” He gazed at 880. “That’s why I took that for a name.”

880 felt his chest tighten. “You chose well.”

The male stripped out of his chest coverings and sat down, tearing at his boots. “I hate these things. The entire uniform sucks but we’re required to wear them. Give me one more minute to get comfortable. I’ll teach you basic fight skills.

That will rid you of some of your excess energy.

I’ve seen Dr. Alli and I get why you’re on edge.”

He didn’t know what to say.

“You know that some of us are mated to humans, don’t you?” Moon removed his weapons, dropping them on his discarded shirt and vest.

“They aren’t like our females. They’re all soft and smaller.” He rose to his feet and walked to the center of the large area. “You had a mate from what I heard. I’m sorry for her loss.”

“I didn’t know some of our kind had mated humans.” He was surprised. “That works out fine?”


“They murdered my mate in front of me.”

Moon’s mouth tightened into a grim line of anger and it flashed in his gaze. “Fucking Mercile. I know the rage you must feel. I didn’t have a mate but there was a female once I cared about. They did something to her, pumped her full of some experimental drug. It killed her. They didn’t care.”

He took a deep breath. “Do you still want to fight or talk?”

880 debated and sat down. “Talk to me.”

Moon sat a few feet away. “What do you want to know?”

“How do we mate with females who are so fragile?”

“The doctor is under your skin, isn’t she? They are very different from our females. Softer and not aggressive.”

“She struck me.”

Moon frowned. “Why?”

“I made her angry.”

“How did you respond?”

“I didn’t harm her or cause her pain. I soothed her temper by stroking her body until she wasn’t confrontational anymore. That’s why I want to mount her. They smell so good when they are aroused.”

The male he faced smiled. “Yeah. I know.” He licked his lips. “Damn tasty too. They have not learned control over their bodies either. They respond without restraint.” Moon chuckled. “Their males don’t appreciate their bodies the way we do. Did you feel inside her?”

A growl burst from him. “She’s too small to accommodate me.”

“Go very slow and be gentle. They stretch and she’ll be able to take you. I’ve been there a few times with human females. Just be aware of your strength. Restraint is the key word. I’ve never shared sex with one as small as her but some of our males have mated human females who are her size.”

“I was told the humans who murdered my mate are being held captive. I want at them. How do I do that?”

Moon sighed. “I hear you and I understand.

You’re never going to get access to them. They aren’t being held here by the NSO. Humans have them locked up in what they call a private prison system some miles away. They are contained inside small cages with a toilet and sink. They have no freedom. They suffer there for their crimes against us. They are separated from everything they held dear and aren’t going to be freed. I visited there once when it opened. It’s as bad as we were subjected to but in different ways.”

“What differences?”

“Open cages with bars where they can see each other. They have no privacy. We had that at least.

But they aren’t chained to the walls constantly.

Their cages are smaller than the rooms we were held in. The humans who guard them are just as cruel from what I understand. They are suffering.” Moon paused. “Death would be too swift a punishment. They will never be released and will have to survive a long time with those living conditions. Do you understand?”

“I still want to kill them.”

“I know and sympathize.”

880 lifted his head to stare at the sky. “Do you ever get accustomed to this?”

Moon looked up. “No. It takes my breath away every time. Freedom is a wonderful thing. Try to enjoy it and let go of the past.”

880 softly growled. “I can’t.”

The other male met his gaze and held it. “You have a female in your room. This is a new life.

Holding on to the past means you can never be open to having a future. It took me months to come to terms with that. To embrace it. Give yourself a chance to know peace.”

“What will happen to me when they allow me to leave this building?”

“You’ll be shown to the men’s dorm. That’s what it is called despite us being ‘males’. The humans built this place as a military base but gave it to us instead. You’ll have a private home inside it and live with other males in the large building.

We’ll find something you like to do so you can become a part of our community. You’ll live, 880.

You’ll flourish and survive with your own kind.

It’s what we do and we’re good at it.” His gaze drifted to his discarded items. “They’ll make you wear the uniform while on duty.” He chuckled.

“You’ll hate the footwear but you’ll adjust.” He looked back at him. “You need a new name. It will be the final step in gaining your freedom.

Mercile gave you a number. Take that away from them too.”

“I don’t know what to call myself.”

The male slowly climbed to his feet and offered his hand. “Come with me. There are these neat electronic things called computers. They have dictionaries inside them and we’ll discuss how you feel and see yourself. I’m sure we can find something that will fit.”

880 clasped his hand and was pulled to his feet.


“A source of all meanings and words.” The male released him and scooped up his belongings. “Let’s go do some research.”

880 followed the male to the elevator. They stepped inside and he stared at Moon. “Thank you.”

“We’re family. We look out for each other. I’m here to help you.”

Emotion filled 880. “I appreciate it.”

“No need for that.” A grin spread on the male’s lips. “I’m just glad we didn’t fight. I wasn’t sure I could take you.”

880 laughed. It was good to be free.
