Chapter One

New York City, 100 years ago…

Jaden Blackthorn shivered in the darkness, his eyes glued to the cat spitting and hissing in the corner of the alleyway. Damn, he was so hungry. But the thought of feeding from a human, of doing what he’d asked him to do, turned his stomach. Jaden couldn’t kill that way.

He just couldn’t.

They’d laughed at him, the poor little half-breed who’d refused to feed, refused to fight. Refused to kill. Then they’d kicked his ass out into the night and wished him a quick death. It was the best he could hope for, too, because he was an abomination now, something to be feared, someone to be hunted. He could never go home again. He was what his Sire called leanan sidhe.

He was death.

A crimson tear slid down his cheek. The end was near. If he didn’t feed soon he would be left with only two choices. Sit in the sun and die, or let go, let the creature within control him and feed until some knight of the so-called White Court found him and put him out of his misery.

He almost wished one of them would. He was adrift, lost in a world that had never accepted him from the day of his birth. His white father had abandoned his Seneca mother before he was ever born, his mother passing away when he was only ten years old. He’d grown up in one of the state run orphanages, lived there for six years before he was turned out. He’d slowly worked his way across the state before finally landing in New York City at the age of twenty, only to find things were far worse than he’d ever imagined they would be. He’d managed to eke out a living before he’d met his Sire, but it had been hungry work, and bleak.

His Sire had taken him, turned him against his will and offered him a place, a way to belong, something he’d never before had. Jaden had been tempted by his dark promises that he would never be alone again. He couldn’t deny that. But the price of belonging to his new “family” was higher than Jaden was willing to pay.

He could still hear his Sire’s voice in his head. “When you’re hungry enough, you will be back.”

No. He wouldn’t. Not ever.

He could hear the cat’s heartbeat, terror making it race. He couldn’t wait much longer or the poor creature would suffer even more than it was already going to. He didn’t want to kill the creature, but what choice did he have? His Sire had told him the only way he could feed was to kill his prey.

Damn it to hell and back again. Jaden liked cats. This one was just as dirty, scared and hungry as he was. He stared into the green eyes, willing the creature to calm down, trying to ease its fears before he was forced to fight it.

His newly sensitive ears picked up the sound of laughter at the end of the alley. He ducked back into the shadows, praying whoever it was wouldn’t see him in all his dirty glory.

The cat meowed, the sound pitiful and starved, curious now that the predator in Jaden was no longer focused on it.

One of the pair of footsteps paused. “Father? Would you excuse me for a moment?”

Shit. The voice belonged to one of the rich types who sometimes slummed in this neighborhood. He could tell by the smooth voice, rich as cream, deep and full of confidence. The idiot was going to get himself killed if he wasn’t careful. Jaden bit back the bout of hysterical laughter. He pushed back even farther into the shadows, his back hitting the harsh bricks, their pinprick unevenness scratching him through the thin material of his cotton shirt. His eyes darkened to deepest black, the whites all but gone. He could feel the flames of his hunger dancing inside his pupils.

Please. Please don’t come down this alley.

The heartbeat of the man was strong, the barest hint of blood tickling Jaden’s nostrils. The man had cut himself at some point during the day and cleaned the wound, washing off the blood, but not enough.

Not nearly enough.

The rich, tangy scent called to him in a way the poor cat never could. There was something there, something different. Something he’d never scented before that had saliva pooling in his mouth. He battled his hunger, desperate to hold off the inevitable.

Why hadn’t he fed off the cat? Some stranger’s life was in danger because he had been too pathetic to even kill a cat.

“Here, kitty kitty.”

Jaden blinked, stunned. The man was calling…to the cat?

“It’s all right, little one. I won’t hurt you.”

Jaden shuddered. The man’s voice nearly had him walking out of the shadows and into his light. The promise of safety in that voice was almost his undoing.

The scent of the man’s blood would mean his death.

“Go away,” he whispered, barely aware he’d spoken. He closed his eyes tight. “Please go away.” God, his teeth ached.

The sound of the man’s footfalls stopped. “Who is there?” Wariness had entered that rich voice.

Jaden didn’t understand why he was compelled to answer, but he did. “Nightmares. Go away.”

“Come out where I can see you.”

Jaden smiled. If he came out the man would never leave this alley. “No.”

“I will not hurt you.”

At that Jaden laughed. “No. But I might hurt you, and I do not want to do that.”

“I doubt you could hurt me, little one.”

Jaden growled. Little one? His fangs descended. That tantalizing scent of blood was closer now. How had the man approached without Jaden hearing it? “I am not a little one.” I am a monster.

“No, I can see that.”

Jaden gasped, his head rapping against the brick wall. There, in front of him, was one of the most beautiful men he’d ever seen. Blond hair framed a face sculpted by the angels themselves. Strong, masculine, the expression full of compassion, it was a face meant to grace the most elegant dining rooms. Jaden felt small and ugly by comparison. The man’s shoulders were wide, his hands strong, the fingers lean. Those fingers reached up and tipped up Jaden’s chin, taking in every nuance of his face. The black, inhuman eyes, the fangs, the dirt and the bloody tears all proclaimed Jaden’s inhumanity. His long black hair was matted with filth and he stank to high heaven. By all rights the man should be reeling in horror and disgust.

Jaden was startled to realize the man before him was only a few inches taller than he. His scent, that incredible bloody scent… He ripped his face away, hiding his fangs behind his arm. “Get away.”



The man shook his head, something strange sparking in those steely gray eyes. “No. You need help.”

The hunger was out of control. Jaden’s entire being hurt. He was going to kill this man if he didn’t leave now. “I don’t need help.”

A soft hand cupped his cheek. “Yes, you do. I know exactly what you need.”

Oh, God, that was the hand the man had cut. Jaden could smell it, see the little seam where the blood had formed a scab. All he had to do was reach out and… “Go away.” Please, dear God, go away. He could feel the tears start up again.

He was going to kill this man. Then he was going to kill himself.

He closed his eyes and prepared himself for a dying man’s feast.

When he opened them again the blond was gently pushing his head away from his neck. “That’s enough for now, my friend.”

Jaden blinked. The hunger was gone. The feral need to kill had abated. The man…the man was still alive. Jaden licked his lips and moaned.

The man tasted delicious. Almost effervescent. Definitely not human. “Who are you?”

The man smiled. “Duncan Malmayne, at your service.” And he bowed, bowed to Jaden Blackthorne, ex-Black Court vampire and unwanted half-breed, with all the grace he would show to a visiting prince.


Duncan laughed and offered his hand to the small cat Jaden had attempted to feed from. “Hello to you too, young madam.”

“Who are you?”

Duncan’s eyes gleamed, silver sparks dancing in their depths. His skin gleamed under the shadowed moon. His ears, now that Jaden looked closely, were delicately pointed. Silver danced along his skin. “I am Duncan Malmayne, Seelie Sidhe lord and heir to the Malmayne Clan.”

White Court. Seelie meant White Court. That was the first thing his Sire had pounded into his head, to avoid the White Court like the very plague. They hunted his kind, killed them with glee. “Why?”

The man tilted his head. “Why what?”

“Why feed me?” Why save me? I’m not worth it.

“Because you did everything in your power to send me away. You tried to save me at the expense of your own life.”

“I’m vampire.” Evil. Born and bred, it was in his blood now. He would never be free of the taint.

“Truly?” Duncan’s eyes widened comically, the oval pupils proving once and for all that he was far from human. “I had no clue.”

The laughter in his voice made mockery of that which had filled his Sire’s. That laughter had been cold and cruel. Duncan Malmayne’s laughter drew Jaden in, made him smile. Made him warm for the first time in weeks. “Thank you for…” He swallowed hard. He couldn’t even bring himself to say it.

Duncan Malmayne’s laughter subsided. There was no pity in his gaze, only understanding. “You’ve been abandoned?”

Jaden nodded. He still was not sure if what ran through him was relief or rage that his sire had discarded him two weeks ago.

“How old are you?”


Duncan shook his head. “No. How old are you?”

Oh. “A month, my lord.” Something about Malmayne demanded the honorific from him.

Malmayne’s jaw clenched. “Have you petitioned the Gray Court for admittance?”

“The…Gray Court?” What was the Gray Court? His Sire had never mentioned that there were more than two Courts, the White and the Black. It was death to even approach the White Court, but Jaden couldn’t bring himself to embrace the pure evil the Black Court embodied.

But a Gray Court? A place where a vampire like him, reviled by both Seelie and Unseelie, might find a place to belong? Was it possible?

“I thought not.” Malmayne put his hand on Jaden’s filthy sleeve. “Come with me.” Fear shot through Jaden. Was Malmayne going to kill him now? “I’ll explain things to you, help you find your way. When you’re ready to leave, you’ll be able to take care of yourself. I promise nothing will happen to you in my care.” He knelt and picked up the mewling cat, cuddling the creature close and scratching behind its filthy ear.

Jaden’s heart pounded. Something about the way Malmayne touched the cat, despite its dirt, made him long for something he couldn’t name. “Why are you doing this?”

For the first time, the Sidhe seemed uncertain. “I’m not sure. But there’s something about you. I cannot leave you here to die.” The uncertainty fled, leaving behind determination. “So you will come with me and live.” He held out his hand.

Jaden didn’t hesitate. He took Duncan Malmayne’s hand, knowing his life would never be the same again.

Nebraska, present day and just after Halloween…

Moira watched her family disappear into the distance, the only home she’d ever known nothing more than a dollhouse on the horizon. The tall man beside her hadn’t given her much of an option about leaving. She’d found herself bundled into his limo before she could blink.

Of course, she’d still been reeling from the incredible kiss he’d placed on her lips just moments before she found herself in the vehicle and on her way. Something within her had responded to the stranger, something that kept her from fighting his Claim on her.

What was up with that?

Moira never went with the flow. She always followed her own path. She was a leader, not a follower, and damn proud of it. So why had she followed like a meek little lamb while this man bundled her up and drove away?

Why did it bother her so much that they’d left Jaden Blackthorn behind?


She turned to the stunning blond sitting next to her. His charcoal gray suit was much darker than the silver gray of his eyes. His blond hair was slightly longer than was fashionable, brushing the tops of his shoulders. His lips were full and pink, calling her for another taste. With the way his body filled out that suit she bet he was massive everywhere. He had the face of an angel and the body of a warrior. Despite the suit he managed to trip every he-man fantasy she’d ever had, and then some.

“Do you know who I am?”

She rolled her eyes. She might be just this side of blond but she was far from the stereotype. “Duncan Malmayne, new lord of Clan Malmayne. You’re a five-hundred-year-old Sidhe who is blood bonded to Jaden Blackthorn, the vampire who kidnapped Ruby. Your sister was a psychotic bitch and your father—”

“Is dead.”

The cool tone of voice told her nothing. Did he grieve his father, or was he glad that the man who’d allowed his daughter to deal out so much grief and pain was dead?

“I’m sorry.” She wasn’t, but it seemed like the right thing to say.

“Do you know who I am?”

“Didn’t I just answer that question?” She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him.

His lips twitched. “Redheads. I’d forgotten about that temper.”

Her eyes narrowed. He was beginning to piss her off. “Strawberry blonde.”

He tugged on one red-gold curl. “More strawberry than blonde.” He tipped her chin up. “I’m yours, and you’re mine.”

She could feel her eyes go wide at the silver sparks dancing in his eyes. “Wait. What?”

“You know what I’m talking about. You tasted it when we kissed.”

Oh, crap. “That’s not possible. I don’t have enough Sidhe blood to recognize or Claim a true bond.”

She blinked. Or did she?

The children of Sean Dunne each had unique abilities their half-Sidhe, half-Leprechaun blood granted them. Leo, for all that his powers tended toward his Sidhe half, had still managed to claim land in the leprechaun way. He’d used the leprechaun’s bond with the earth to find and rescue his true bond, Ruby, but the bond was weak and his powers over the land miniscule.

Shane, a true half-blood, could summon whatever his imagination could conjure up so long as the materials it was made out of were “of the earth”, a concept he’d tried and failed to explain to her. He couldn’t make a plastic water bottle, but he could make silk shirts. Unfortunately, using the ability exhausted him beyond belief. The more intricate the item, the more tired he became.

As for herself, Moira took after her father the most. She would count herself almost pure leprechaun. Her bond to the earth was strong. She could hear the trees whisper to one another, feel the grass grow beneath her feet. The earth itself told her things in her dreams, things that would send her father into a tizzy if he knew about them. She hadn’t ever planned on leaving the Dunne farm; the land called to her the same way it did to her father. She couldn’t imagine living in a big city, surrounded by concrete and glass. She needed dirt beneath her feet and green, growing things. She hoped Duncan understood that or they’d have problems from the get-go.

“You know I’m right, Moira.”

She blew her bangs out of her eyes. Yes, he was right, and it was her mother’s fault. Aileen Joloun Dunne was pure blooded Sidhe, and aristocratic. It was possible that Moira could tap into that part of her heritage unconsciously, know her true bond when she tasted him. Maybe even Claim him and Bind him with the Vows, though she had to ask herself if it would be as strong a bond.

Besides, who knew she’d find her mate so young? By Sidhe standards she was still a child at only fifty years old. Sidhe weren’t considered adults until they reached the age of one hundred years. She eyed the man next to her, feeling anything but childish. Then again, by leprechaun standards I’m a grown woman.

She had to admit, Duncan Malmayne tasted damn good. She licked her lips, remembering when his mouth had descended on hers. She’d stood there in her father’s yard, watching Jaden by the limo, his long, dark hair dancing on the evening breeze. She’d been strangely eager to see him again, to know that the mental voice he’d used to soothe her fears and calm her mind had been the true man. The vampire who’d kidnapped Ruby and forced Moira to fight to defend her had turned out to be their greatest ally in the Malmayne house. The thought of seeing him again had her twitchy, restless. She needed to see him, to see for herself that the terrible wound Jeremy West had inflicted on him had in fact healed. She’d felt the piercing of the stake through Jaden’s back, had known that he would have died if Jeremy’s aim had been truer. The blood on her own back had terrified her parents, but Moira knew that she’d suffered along with the vampire, if only mildly in comparison.

Then he was there, his dark eyes dancing, and she’d known beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was fine.

They’d arranged to meet with the new Malmayne lord at night due to the vampire’s susceptibility to sunlight, a courtesy that hadn’t gone unnoticed by Jaden. Jaden had looked pleased to see her, a gleam in his dark eyes that seemed directed solely at her. His Native American heritage was obvious in his dark hair and bronzed skin, skin that hadn’t faded in the years since he’d been turned. Her belly had turned in lazy circles, her breath coming faster. Somehow she’d just known the vampire had come solely to claim her. The affection that had poured out of him for her had eased her fears about the other man in the limo, the newly minted lord of the Malmayne clan and her mother’s ex-fiancé. Despite Leo’s reassurances that the new head of the Malmayne clan had not come to claim blood debt, she still felt that his entrance into their lives would change things forever.

Duncan had stepped out of the limo and proceeded to prove her right.

“Perhaps we should test the theory. See if what I believe is true.” Duncan tipped up her face with a smile.

She blinked, the memory of Jaden’s face when Duncan had descended on her fading from her mind. The vampire had looked stunned, even…hurt? But then Duncan’s face had blocked out the night, the startled joy in his face making her heart race. He’d kissed her, and nothing else had mattered.

Not her family. Not even the defeat of the Malmaynes who had done their best to destroy the Dunnes. Only the presence of Jaden had continued to tickle her senses.

Just the thought of him still did.

She stomped out the shiver of unease at the thought of the vampire. She was almost positive Duncan was her true bond. She shouldn’t be entertaining thoughts of the seductive vampire. She licked his lips and could almost taste him again. “Maybe we should.”

Duncan bent to her, his lips touching hers with reverence. She smiled against his mouth, waiting for the Sidhe lord to take what he so obviously believed was his.

He played with her mouth, teasing little sips that left her wanting more. By the time he parted her lips she was dying for a real taste. He dipped inside, offering her the spicy taste of a Sidhe, and she took it and demanded more.

He gave it to her. He hauled her into his arms and devoured her. His taste exploded on her tongue, drove through her with a shaft of need, of want that left her writhing on the leather seat.

Oh, yeah. He’s the One. She no longer had any doubts.

Duncan Malmayne was meant to be hers.

So why did her thoughts instantly return to the vampire they’d left behind? Some small part of her knew he suffered agony, but she didn’t know why. If it was a physical pain she would have ordered Duncan to turn the limo around and damn the consequences.

But something had hurt Jaden’s heart before he shut her out of their weak blood bond. Was it the knowledge that Duncan had found his true bond and begun to Claim her? Was he jealous that he’d have to share his bond brother’s affections?

She didn’t know. She just hoped whatever had caused Jaden grief he would get over it, and soon. She didn’t like the thought of him suffering. Not one little bit.

Duncan was ecstatic. He’d found his true bond, the one person the universe had created just for him. To find out that she was the descendant of the woman he’d been contracted to wed was irony of the tallest order.

Duncan couldn’t believe the luck he’d had. All of the things that made Aileen Dunne such a beautiful woman existed in her daughter, but they were refined, honed, tempered by her inner fire. While Aileen was gorgeous, there was a gentleness about her that no one could deny.

Despite what others might say, she was well-matched to her leprechaun husband. Duncan was quite glad things had worked out the way they had. If they had gone through with the arranged marriage the way their families had wanted they both would have been miserable. He needed someone to keep him on his toes, and Aileen was too soft for that. Her softness grounded her husband, Sean, tempered his wild ways. They were a perfect match in every way.

Her daughter, on the other hand, was truly stunning, with her mother’s gentle eyes and her father’s warrior’s stance. He’d stepped one foot out of the limousine and felt like he’d been punched right in the stomach.

There had been only one other time when he’d felt like that. He frowned, but shook thoughts of Jaden aside. He couldn’t allow himself to be distracted by thoughts of his bond brother. Besides, his bond with Jaden was nothing like the one he’d have with Moira.

He had a mate to Claim, and he couldn’t be happier about it.

His first sight of Moira Dunne would be burned into his memory for all eternity. Waist length red-gold curls, bound in a loose braid, had called his fingers to bathe in their fire. Stunning green eyes flashed at him, intelligence simmering in their depths. Her pink lips had curled up in a welcoming smile even while her fisted hands revealed her wariness. She’d stood with her feet braced apart, a warrior queen ready to defend her own. Something had passed between Jaden and Moira, something that brought a softening of the smile on her lips, relaxed the tense set of her shoulders. He’d been grateful for whatever reassurances Jaden had given her, but he had no time to thank the man.

Duncan had to have Moira. After four hundred years of waiting, of longing, he’d finally seen the woman meant to be his. The breath had left his lungs in a rush. The lust nearly toppled him to his knees. He was damn surprised he’d been able to walk toward her without falling at her feet. His cock had been rock-hard in seconds, an ache between his legs he had no intention of denying. He’d moved forward in a daze, his hands reaching for her, his mind reeling with the knowledge that here, here where he’d least expected it, he’d found the keeper of his heart. He’d kissed her, tasted her and known what he had to do.

He had to take her. She belonged to him.

So he bundled her into the limo with a smile, informed her family that she was his, and waited for Jaden to get into the car.

Jaden had refused. Duncan was still trying to figure that one out. If he’d stayed behind only to fill in the gaps for the Dunne family why had he shut Duncan out of his mind? True, he’d mentioned something about giving him privacy with Moira, but still. They’d never been apart for long, at least not mentally. The last few weeks in Paris, unable to communicate with Jaden, had been a strange sort of torture he’d never before been forced to endure.

Another thing he needed to discuss with the vampire. Was it possible that their bond had become too strong? Duncan had actually started to feel ill while in France, a rare occurrence for the Sidhe. He’d returned home as soon as possible only to feel the near-fatal blow Kaitlynn’s “friend”, Jeremy West, had dealt Jaden. The pain had nearly dropped him. Only the knowledge that Jaden had survived kept Duncan from losing his mind long enough to get to him.

Only to find Leo Dunne had connected with the land in order to save his wife from Kaitlynn. The reassurance that Jaden would live, that the land itself was sustaining him, had eased the terror riding him. If Leo hadn’t killed Jeremy in such a spectacular way Duncan was certain he would have found a way to make the Black Court vampire suffer a thousand deaths for harming Jaden.

Duncan shook his head and turned his attention back to Moira. Jaden would be home soon, and then everything would come clear. In the meantime, he had Moira in his arms, and he had no intention of wasting any time in making her his.

Too bad he just couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right.

Jaden watched the fading dust of the limo and turned to the Dunne family with a smile. Inside, his heart was broken in two. He laughed to himself. It made perfect sense that it was in two pieces. It had just been ripped from his chest, and wasn’t it fitting that Moira and Duncan each held a piece? Still, he had things to do, places to go, yadda yadda. He was certain that someday he’d be able to see Duncan and Moira together, happily bonded, and not want to drop to his knees in agony.

And maybe someday monkeys will fly out of my butt.

“What the hell is going on?”

Jaden turned to Aileen Dunne, the sight of her reminding him of the woman who had just taken off with a piece of him in her little hands. “Seems Duncan has found his true bond.” He shrugged. “You know how it goes. You get a little kiss, do a little mattress mambo, mutter a few words and before you know it you’ve got a little wife nagging at you to lower the toilet seat.”

Leo Dunne was the only one of the Dunne family to look even remotely amused. Sean Dunne glared at him, his green eyes flashing, the pebbles at his feet popping like water on a hot skillet. “That isn’t remotely amusing, vampire.”

“Dad, chill. It’s okay. Jaden’s cool.”

Jaden blinked in shock. The last person he’d expected to stand up for him just had. “Thanks, Shane.”

Shane Joloun Dunne shrugged his shoulders, an easy grin on his face. “I know what you did in that control room, and I know how you saved Ruby. You’re all right as far as I’m concerned.” The man brushed his golden curls off his forehead, his emerald eyes twinkling. “Besides, something tells me that you’re not done with us. Not by a long shot. We might as well get used to you being around, right?” Shane winked at him, looking like he knew something no one else did, including Jaden.

That’s it. I hereby declare you a freaky-ass dude. “Yeah. Well. My bond brother just mated your sister. I’m betting we’ll see each other over Thanksgiving turkey once in a while.” Not. If the pain he was experiencing now was anything like what he’d feel when he saw Moira and Duncan happily snuggled together he’d probably be forced to do a little sunbathing. Enough sunlight would eventually render him dead enough not to care what happened between the only two people he’d ever loved.

Even Leo, the normally easy-going brother, was looking at Shane like he’d lost his damn mind. “What the hell are you talking about?” From the amused exasperation in the Sidhe’s voice it wasn’t the first time he’d been forced to ask Shane that question.

“You’ll see.” Shane slung an arm around his mother’s shoulder. The poor woman was so tense she jumped. “Let’s go inside and have a nice cup of tea. Okay, Ma?”

“But, Moira.” Aileen refused to allow her son to turn her, keeping her gaze focused on Jaden. She was wringing her delicate hands. Jaden was worried she’d start ripping off fingers if she tugged any harder. “Where is Duncan taking my daughter?”

If I know my bond brother, to the nearest bed. “Probably back to Dunne’s new house.” He pointed to Leo, who was cuddling his wife close to his side. Ruby was a delightful armful, with rounded breasts and hips and a pouty mouth that Jaden, under other circumstances, would have loved to taste. “Don’t worry.” He stared down the road. He couldn’t catch even a fleeting glimpse of the limo. “Your daughter’s with the best man I know.” He turned to face them again and plastered a smile on his face. “Tea sounds good.” The bow he gave them was exaggerated. He was delighted when Ruby giggled. “Shall we?” He offered the brunette his arm, grinning when she took it. He stuck his tongue out at Leo and sauntered into the house with the newest Dunne, trying his best to pretend that he wasn’t bleeding to death inside.
