A knock sounded on her door, and Selina considered not answering it. She was beat, and her energy levels were in the toilet. Yesterday was a marathon for the wedding, she’d gotten little sleep the night before, and after the revelations of today, she was ready to bury herself in a gallon of ice cream and then pass out in bed. If she could convince herself to get up from her sprawl across the living room sofa.

The last thing she wanted was to deal with another human being.

She groaned when the annoying person knocked again. Her familiar, Grim, came over and stuck his cold, wet nose against her bare foot, which made her jackknife upright and curse. The big German shepherd barked and licked her toes when she glared at him.

Shuddering in disgust, she yanked her foot away. “All right, all right, I’ll get up. Damn it.”

The grumbling would have little effect on her familiar. Rubbing a tired hand down her face, she didn’t even bother using her magic to try to figure out who it was. Sometimes it was easier to do things the Normal way. She stumbled to the door and looked out the peephole.


She bit back a groan and tugged open the door, trying to freeze her expression into the frosty glare she used with co-workers. After she’d almost broken down in front of him, they needed to establish some boundaries. “Is there a new development with the case, Agent Laramie? The standard practice these days is a phone call, not a house call.”

“Nothing new with the case or I would have called your cell.” Unimpressed by her frigid bitch routine, his eyebrows arched and he looked her over. She refused to fidget or feel embarrassed that she was in faded pajamas. That she’d teared up in front of a complete stranger. A complete stranger she’d fucked. Maybe it was wrong that the tears upset her more, but that was just her.

His slow smile said he didn’t care what she wore. “We were supposed to have dinner, remember?”

Oh. Right.

She had agreed to dinner with him. And a longer sexual relationship. That he’d want to hold her to that arrangement was something she hadn’t considered. She should have. She pulled in a deep breath. “Today complicates things a little, doesn’t it?”

He sighed and shook his head. “I know it does. I tried to stay away, but I couldn’t.”

“Why not?” She wanted the words to come out a demand, but she didn’t quite pull it off.

“Because I can’t get you out of my head. I can’t stop thinking about you underneath me last night. I can’t stop thinking about you almost losing it on me this afternoon.”

She closed her eyes and got about as close to blushing as she’d been in a century. “Can we not talk about that?”

“All right, let’s not talk about you crying.” He shouldered his way in and shut the door behind him. She engaged her security spells with a flick of her fingers, while Jack loomed over her, standing so close. “Let’s talk about why it upset you that Dorothy was crying. Let’s talk about why that shut you down. Let’s talk about why this case pushes your buttons so bad.”

Yeah, like she was going to tell him that story. Of their own volition, her fingers reached up to close around the talisman she wore. Too bad the one Bess had made for herself was for creativity instead of protection. It might have helped save her. Selina swallowed convulsively, wondering how her carefully constructed life had unraveled so fast. Then again, what life did she have left to worry about unraveling?

“Talk to me, Selina.” Jack narrowed his eyes at her. “I’m not calling you Grayson outside of work. I draw the line at that door.”


His hand lifted to stroke over her cheekbone, just as he’d done that afternoon. She shivered, liking his touch too much, wanting to lean into it. Almost as much as she’d wanted to earlier. But she couldn’t allow herself the weakness. She wouldn’t.

“Talk to me.” His voice was low, coaxing.

He wasn’t going to give up. But then, he’d be a shitty agent if he weren’t a bulldog when he latched on to a topic. All she knew was that she couldn’t tell him the truth about why this case pushed her shiny red buttons. Merek didn’t know that one of the victims was her cousin, but if he did know, he’d understand that Selina could get beyond the fact that her family was involved. He’d understand Selina could handle that she was going to die. But Jack? Luca? She didn’t know them well enough to trust them, and they didn’t know her and what she was capable of. They might pull her off the case so fast her head would spin, and she couldn’t allow that.

Her name was listed nowhere on Bess’s official documentation—her aunt had made certain of that—so the likelihood that anyone would discover the connection was nil. The bottom line was she couldn’t let Bess’s killer get away again. She’d never be able to live with herself if she did. It was that simple and that complicated.

But Jack’s gaze watched her steadily, waiting. She had to tell him something, so she gave him as much of the truth as she could. “This was my first murder case. I was pretty new to the police force.”

Jack’s heavy brows drew together in a dark frown. “They gave a serial killer to a rookie?

“We didn’t know it was a serial killer at first, but it didn’t really matter. It was a vampire who did it, so they were going to kick it down to the lowest rung they could. That was me. A female rookie. I joined the NOLA PD not too long after they opened up to women.” She shrugged, though she was oddly touched that he seemed so concerned for her, even decades after the fact. She was so going soft. “You have to understand how New Orleans was back then. The local Vampire Conclave owned that town and every Magickal in it. Think Mafia ... with superhuman powers. Drugs, guns, prostitution, you name it. And I was hunting down a rogue bloodsucker.”

If anything, that made him look even more pissed off on her behalf. “So they dumped the shit on you and let you take the political fallout, too.”

“Pretty much.” She folded her arms over her chest, then dropped them when his gaze zeroed in on her cleavage. Tingles skipped over her skin, and she did her best to ignore them. “I got more help from a civilian than I did from my own department.”

“A civilian?” His eyebrows arched. “A Magickal reporter or something?”

“Hardly.” She snorted. “Theodore Holmes is the last living vampire hunter. Nice guy, if you overlook the burning, foaming-at-the-mouth hatred he has for all vamps.”


“Not at all.” A wry smile curled her lips. “But he was there for me when I needed him the most, and that made overlooking his issues a lot easier.” She sighed and couldn’t meet his gaze when she went into half truth. “So this was my first murderer, and he got away. All those people died because I didn’t know what the fuck I was doing. It’s ... haunted me. Unsolved cases happen, and I’ve put several of them behind me, but not this one. This one almost made me quit the force.”

He reached out and cupped her shoulders, his fingers massaging lightly. “This was the guy who got away.”

“Yeah.” That was true enough, and she hated the way her insides knotted at not telling him everything. It couldn’t be helped, but she wished it could. “I want to finish what I started, you know what I mean? Today was rough because it all rushed back at me ... same M.O., same scene with relatives sobbing and asking why, and me with no answers for them. Again. I’ll be fine by tomorrow, but today sucked ass.”

He drew her up against him, brushing a kiss over her forehead. His hands slipped up and down her back. When was the last time she’d allowed herself to be held, comforted? She stiffened, reminding herself that she needed to set boundaries. But a slow, insidious desire wound through her. Her body warmed, even though she didn’t want it to. Damn chemistry. She couldn’t make herself pull away. Tilting her head back, she met his eyes.

His gaze had that focused, intent look that men got right before they kissed a woman, and Selina’s insides quivered with utter want. Her core went damp, slicking with juices just that quickly. She wanted his mouth on hers again. It was stupid, but there it was.

“I want you.” The words were a deep growl.

“We’re working together now.” It took every ounce of her willpower to derail the promise in his eyes. She had to say it now or she wouldn’t be able to. If he kissed her, she was screwed. Literally.

“I know. I know we should back away. I know it would be better for everyone. I know. Damn it.” And then he tightened his grip and slanted his mouth over hers.

The taste of him was just as good as she remembered. Somehow she’d thought the champagne had sweetened the experience beyond reality, but no. Heat curled through her, liquefying her bones. It was just as intoxicating as it had been the first time his lips had touched hers. A soft moan spilled out, a sound that was shocking in its neediness. She almost pulled back, but his arms wrapped tighter around her, hauling her flush against him.

The heat burned straight to pure fire.

Everything else fled under the onslaught of lust. She thrust her fingers into his soft hair and twisted tight. Opening her mouth, she licked her way into his, wanting more of that taste. It was addicting. Her nipples beaded to painful points, moisture slicking her pussy. Now that she knew how good it would be with him, her body was primed and ready with stunning speed. His hands roamed her back, sliding down to cup her hips and rock his hard cock into the cradle of her thighs.

A high keen of need broke from her as her entire body lit. She arched into his muscular form, hooking one leg around his hip to open herself to greater contact. He took advantage of the access, backing her into the closed door and grinding his erection into her sex.

She broke the kiss, throwing her head back to gasp for air. “Gods, you just got here. For dinner.”

“Food later. I’m starving for you.” His hips surged against hers, rubbing against her clit through their clothing. An involuntary spell rolled out of her, lightning forking from her fingers. He shuddered, groaned. “Jesus, Selina.”

“More,” she gasped.

“I have no magic for you. No seduction spells.” He bent to slide his tongue over her collarbone and up her throat to her earlobe.

“I’ve had seduction spells. This is better.” She sent hot sparks streaking down his skin. “I hope you don’t mind if I use them on you.”

“Not at all.” He bit her ear, and she cried out, more moisture gushing in her sex.

It took everything she had to gather her wits and put together a coherent sentence. “I have a spell ... that would have the effect of a seduction spell from you to me.”

He pulled back so he could meet her gaze, and he searched her face for a long moment. “I’ve never even heard of such a thing.”

“I’ve picked up things along the way.” She shrugged and struggled to control her breathing, slow her heart rate down. It didn’t work. He was still pressed to her body, his pelvis moving in infinitesimal thrusts that slid his erection over her throbbing clit. She was surprised she could think at all. “I dated a vampire once who liked pleasure spells, but the fanged races suck at casting so ... I found a better way for us. That used only my magic, but both our lust.”

“Show me.” A slow grin formed on his lips, a flash of straight white teeth.

Gathering the unraveled edges of her control, she forced herself to concentrate for a moment. The spell was psychokinetic—physical manifestations of thoughts or emotions—but it didn’t have a lot of power behind it because telepathy wasn’t one of her magical gifts. It had just enough kick to work as a pleasure spell, which was all she needed.

She wrapped the spell around them, cycling it between their bodies, linking just the lust that flowed from them. Physical manifestation of any other kind of emotion was something she didn’t want to deal with. The tangle of her own thoughts the last couple of days was something she’d rather avoid, especially at a moment like this, when she was minutes away from going off like a rocket.

Stroking his hands down her arms, golden light bathed her skin, shimmering for a moment before it sank into her. He grinned. “Cool.”

No, it was hot. Burning.

“Jack,” she whispered, her breath catching as the energy spinning between them intensified.

He tugged up the hem of her top, pulling it over her head. Her pajama pants slid away even faster as she divested him of his clothing in return. She unfastened his belt and fly, untucking the bottom of his dress shirt. He dropped his jacket and set his shoulder holster on the table she had by the front door while she worked his tie free and unbuttoned his shirt. He kicked off his shoes, and they wrenched the rest of his clothes off.

Slipping her palms up his chest was a tactile pleasure, all steely muscles, crisp hair, and warm skin. She circled one flat, brown nipple, and he hissed out a breath when she zapped it with a tiny fork of lightning. She moaned when he cupped her breasts, that golden warmth spilling over her. It was exquisite torment when he twisted her nipples with slow precision.

Gods, the heat of his passion sizzled her nerves. If she’d had any doubts about this thing being mutual, they were blown out of the water. The spell let her feel how much he wanted her, how much he craved touching her.

Abandoning his chest, she went straight for gold, swirling a finger around the tip of his cock. A bead of fluid slipped down the crest and she bent to catch it with her tongue. The salty flavor and musky scent of him turned her on even more. Everything about the man revved her up. Her sex spasmed as she licked a path down the length of his hard shaft.

“Jesus, if you do that, I won’t last a minute.” He pulled her upright and grabbed her hips, crowding her back with his big body and lifting her against the door.

She wrapped her legs around his waist, arching herself in offering. Yes, she wanted him inside her. The head of his cock rubbed over her damp folds, and they both groaned as he impaled her on his dick. The stretch was just as good as it had been the day before, and she had to grit her teeth to keep from crying out. She couldn’t remember the last man who’d gotten her this wet, this fast. The feel of him against her was divine, the hard wood pressed to her back and him plastered to her front. It should have been uncomfortable, but she was beyond anything as trivial as discomfort. It was so damn good.

Everywhere their bodies touched, the pleasure spell kicked in, igniting what was already smoldering between them. Erotic energy, dark and sensual, shuddered through her. She wasn’t Normal, so she had no idea how much he could feel, but if it was even half of what she could—gods.

Sweat gathered at her temples and slipped down her skin as he began to thrust into her. She gripped his shoulders, holding on for the ride. Flexing the muscles in her thighs, she lifted and lowered herself on him, increasing the friction between them. She could have let gravity do a lot of the work, but she wanted more, faster. Now. The way he filled her was perfect.

She closed her eyes, savoring the sensations that bombarded her. The slap of skin as he shoved inside her, the rasp of his chest hair on her nipples, the low groans that escaped them, the way her body shivered as her need rose to a fever pitch. Each time he slid his cock into her, he hit her in just the right spot, and stars burst behind her eyelids. Magic and lust twisted into something so powerful it stole her breath. Gods, yes. This was exactly what she’d needed tonight. Way more satisfying than ice cream.

When he slammed deep and ground his pelvis against her clit, her pussy clenched around him, the first shimmer of orgasm rippling through her. Her nails dug into his shoulders, holding him closer.

“Selina,” he growled. “Look at me. I want to see you come for me.”

She met his gaze as her inner muscles flexed around his cock. He grinned and rubbed over her clit again, which sent her spinning into oblivion. A scream ripped from her throat as orgasm claimed her. He kept shoving his thick cock into her, and each time he entered her sent another wave of climax rolling through her, her pussy pulsing over and over again.

His gaze was locked with hers when he went over into orgasm, and she got to watch him come, too. The way his sharp blue eyes went hazy, his breath literally stopping before he groaned long and loud. He shuddered against her, his hot fluids pumping into her body.

The spurt of his come inside her made her sex fist around him one last time, and they both choked on a breath. She moaned, “Gods.”

“Yeah.” He lowered them to the floor and sprawled beside her, half on the hardwood floor and half on the area rug. His eyes closed with a groan, and he hauled her against his side, holding her close as their breathing and heart rates slowed to normal levels.

But the quiet gave her brain a chance to reengage, and her mind started racing in circles again. She rolled her eyes at herself. Way to establish those boundaries, Selina. Excellent. And yet, she couldn’t regret what they’d done. She just had to decide how to move forward from here.

She sighed. “Jack ... I’ve been loaned to the FBI for the case we’re both working on, remember? At least temporarily, we’re partners.”

“Wow, way to kill my buzz,” he grumbled. He opened one blue eye to look at her. “Does this mean I’m not invited to stay for dinner?”

“I’m serious.” She poked him in the ribs.

He heaved a sigh. “Okay, let’s have this conversation. I know we shouldn’t keep this up, but I don’t really want to stop either. I’m not sure I can. I want you. Hell, I shouldn’t have come over here, but I did.”

“This is making me feel ever so much better.”

He swatted her ass lightly. “It’s not supposed to make you feel better, it’s supposed to be honest.” His fingers stroked in circles on her backside, and a shiver went through her. “We don’t have partners in the MCU. That’s not how we operate. You haven’t been made my subordinate, nor have I been made yours. We both answer to Luca. I don’t think this is an issue. If it becomes one, we’ll deal with it at that point.”

She leaned back a little to look him in the eyes. “You’ve given this some thought, haven’t you?”

“Yep.” He grinned, wicked and enticing.

Her lips twisted into a reluctant smile. “You rehearsed that little speech on the way over here, didn’t you?”

“I thought about what I might say, yeah. I wouldn’t call it a rehearsal.” A flush reddened his neck and ears, and he rubbed his forehead.

It charmed her. He was big and tough and usually armed, but he still blushed. Damn. She didn’t want to like him, but she did. Spending the day with him had already turned him into something other than a sex toy, which meant she had no idea what category to put him into anymore. Lover? Co-worker? As she’d told him, those two things had never met since she’d joined the male bastion of law enforcement. Things had been different in centuries past, but this was now, and in this career, she’d been careful to compartmentalize.

Was she going to blow that now?

Then again, this case would be the end of her life, not to mention the end of her career. If she blew this, would it really matter to anyone but her?

No. It wouldn’t.

She didn’t want the distraction of him to be hounding her through this case, but she had no choice. He was the agent in charge, and she was just on loan. If anyone went, it was her. Plus, Merek’s vision had shown him that Jack had to be involved for a positive outcome. She’d been Merek’s partner for years before he joined the FBI—she’d seen just how accurate his clairvoyance was.

No matter what, she had to deal with Jack. There was no escape from that unless she wanted to walk away from this case, which she couldn’t do. This was her chance to make up for not catching this guy before, for not bringing Bess some justice, for being so green back then that she didn’t know what the hell she was doing.

Since she couldn’t escape dealing with Jack, her options were either accepting or trying to ignore the crazy chemistry they generated. She could pretend they hadn’t done the nasty multiple times already or she could include a few more of those mind-blowing orgasms in the last days or weeks of her life. That was the only thing she had to lose in this situation—the only thing she had any say in anyway. The rest was a foregone conclusion.

Her internal justification made her want to roll her eyes at herself again. “Okay, you can stay for dinner. I’m really not up for cooking or going out to a restaurant, but we can order some delivery.”

“Sounds like a plan to me.” He didn’t smile, didn’t so much as let victory flare in his gaze. He just watched her steadily, patiently.

It annoyed her how much she liked that, but that was something else she couldn’t change.

Under different circumstances, she’d have made an entirely different choice, but she was long past wishing for other circumstances. She had to play the hand she’d been dealt.

He stretched against the floor. “Selina, you are amazing. This was fucking awesome.”

A satiated sigh heaved out of her, and a smug grin curled her lips. “Yeah, it was.”

This was the way to kick the bucket. If she was going to go out, it was going to be with the kind of smile that only really great sex could put on a woman’s face.

It was even better than he’d remembered, and that was saying something. Because he’d recalled that it was damn fine. A grin tugged at the corners of Jack’s lips.

Sighing, he rolled to his feet and froze halfway up, his gaze locking with the most enormous German shepherd he’d ever seen. The thing was eerie how it stared unblinkingly, with one eye a normal brown and the other a chilling blue. It snapped its jaw at him once, and he didn’t flinch, but he wanted to. “Who’s this?”

Selina lifted her head to look at them. “My familiar, Grim.”

“Does he bite?” Because the dog sure looked like he’d bite, and Jack had enough self-preservation not to move until he knew he wouldn’t be the beast’s next meal.

She hummed in her throat. “If he doesn’t like you.”

“How do I know if he doesn’t like me?” He shot her a glance.

Her dark eyes twinkled with evil glee, obviously enjoying watching him squirm. “If he bites you, it’s a pretty good indicator.”

“That’s helpful, thanks.”

“No problem.”

Jack’s muscles began to shake a bit from holding the awkward, half-crouched position. “Any pointers about how to make him not bite me?”

“Nope. He does what he wants.” She pushed herself up and folded her legs.

He slowly rose to his feet, waiting to see if he needed to dive for his gun. “You couldn’t have named him Fluffy or something?”

“I didn’t name him.” Her breasts swayed a little when she shrugged and Jack had to force himself not to stare at them. Or drool. Damn, she was beautiful.

He offered her a hand to help her to her feet. “Who did name him, then?”

“Theodore Holmes.” She slipped her fingers into his and let him draw her up. The familiar didn’t growl or snap when Jack touched Selina, so he tried to make himself relax a little under the dog’s unnerving stare.

“Your vampire hunter?”

“The one and only.” Affection rang in her voice, and a knife of unwarranted jealousy twisted through Jack’s belly just as it had the first time she’d mentioned him with such warmth.

She let go of his hand and wandered over to a built-in bookshelf lined with framed photographs. She picked one up and offered it to him. “This was taken just after we met. His specialty is taking out rogue bloodsuckers, and I wasn’t about to turn down help at that stage of the game.”

He accepted the picture and saw Selina, looking exactly as she did now, but with dated clothing and a feathered Farrah Fawcett hairdo. The man beside her glared defiantly into the camera, his mouth set in disapproval. Cheerful-looking guy. “Exactly how long had you been on the force?”

“Barely a year at that point.” She took the photo back and repositioned it on the shelf. “Women had to meet the same five-foot-eight height requirement as men to become a cop in New Orleans until 1976. Someone filed a lawsuit about it and got the requirement changed.”

“What did you do before that?” Putting aside the vampire hunter and the case until later, he focused on finding out more about the woman before him. If he couldn’t make himself walk away from this attraction to her, then he wanted to know what made her tick. He doubted she’d answer personal questions at work, so he took the opportunity and ran with it.

“A lot of things. I’ve been around awhile.” A small grin fluttered at the corners of her mouth. “It’s been nice having more jobs open up in the last century or so. Housewife didn’t suit me.”

“What did suit you then?”

“I was a governess and a teacher for a long, long time in a lot of cities, mostly because that was one of the few things an unmarried woman could do.” She shrugged. “Except for, you know, prostitution.”

“Which you’d never do.”

She arched her eyebrows and managed to stare down her nose at him even though he topped her by at least eight inches. “How do you know what I’d do?”

Reaching out to brush his fingertip down her cheek and over her lips, he grinned. “While I don’t doubt that men would line up to pay you for sex, you’re not the type who’d sell yourself.”

“You’re right.” She huffed out a breath. “I haven’t.”


“Shut up.” Her dark eyes narrowed. “I was a man’s mistress for a while, which is almost the same thing, but that was when I was going through my starving artist phase. Only I didn’t like starving, so I let my lover be my patron, which basically made me his mistress.”

“Starving artist? You?” No way. Her tough-as-nails exterior did not scream an artistic personality.

She waved to a large abstract painting over the fireplace. “Behold, my masterpiece.”

“It’s ... nice.” He tilted his head this way and that. “Uh. What is it?”

“Yeah, exactly.” Her chuckle was soft and rueful. “I wasn’t very good at it, but I guess every Magickal gives art a go at one point or another. We have time to test-drive everything at least once.”

“I can’t imagine being anything other than what I am. It’s what I love to do.” He grinned. “I guess it’s good I only get one shot at this.”

“And that you got it right the first time.” She winked at him. “Are you hungry?”

He knew his grin turned into pure wickedness, and she rolled her eyes when he looked over her naked body. She was slim and totally unselfconscious in her nudity. The woman was comfortable in her own skin, and that confidence was a sexy thing. Everything about her was sexy, intriguing. So she was more than just a sex partner. So what? He’d had friends with benefits before, and that was all this needed to be. He’d maybe freaked out about it too much earlier. Everything would be fine. He was in no more danger of falling for her than he was with any other woman he’d been with since his wife died. They’d keep it light, they’d have fun, they’d have some great sex, they’d do good work together, and that would be the end of it. See? Fine.

“Food sounds good, yes. Who delivers to this neighborhood?” He waved a hand to indicate the world outside her house. “Or I can make French toast if you have bread, eggs, milk, and some spices.”

“Mmm. French toast for breakfast, I think. Assuming we don’t get called in for another murder.”

He got to stay for breakfast, huh? Well, all right then. He didn’t mind that at all. Bringing a gorgeous woman breakfast in bed was definitely a good way to start a day. Assuming they didn’t get called in for another murder. They still had a lot of paperwork to go through before he had all the information he needed to even begin to put enough pieces together to solve this case, and the New Orleans files wouldn’t arrive until the department down there managed to unearth them. Digging up a decades-old cold case took some time, especially after the damage Hurricane Katrina had done to that city. He tucked away any frustration he might feel over the delay. There was nothing he could do to speed things up, so he focused on what was in front of him. Selina.

She meandered into the kitchen and opened a drawer filled with take-out menus. “There’s an Italian place that’s good, a Japanese restaurant with amazing tempura shrimp, a Thai place I love, and a Chinese hole-in-the-wall with the best chow mein I’ve ever had.” She grinned at him. “What? I order in a lot.”

“Apparently.” He scooped out a handful of at least ten menus, and that didn’t even make a dent in the pile she had accumulated.

“Don’t judge.”

“I’m not.” He held up his hands to ward her off, but considering he still held the menus, he doubted he did much to deflect her. “I like take-out food as much as the next bachelor. I got used to having food served to me in the marine corps. I just went to the mess hall and there was something to eat. No need to cook.”

She snagged the folded papers from him. “I’d say we need one of those in the PD, but I understand the food isn’t the best.”

“We do quantity over quality.” He made a face. “Don’t even ask about MREs.”

She chuckled, sorting through the menus until she had five lined up on the counter. The rest she stuffed back in the bottomless drawer. “Are they worse than the K-rations we had in World War II?”

“You were in World War II?” He blinked. The age thing with Magickals always tripped him up. He understood intellectually they had a five-hundred-year life span, while humans only had about a fifth of that. But it still threw him off when a woman who looked his age claimed to have been involved in a war that ended decades before he was born, let alone old enough to serve in the military.

But she was nodding. “I was a nurse in the war. I was stationed in Hawaii during Pearl Harbor.”

“No way.”

“Yeah.” She grinned. “I’m old, remember?”

“Not too old to have a good time.” He winked at her and picked up the take-out list from the Chinese food place she’d mentioned. “I like chow mein. And every time I eat it, I end up wanting more immediately. Kind of like sex.”

Her eyes went round. “You want more sex now?

A laugh rumbled out of him. He couldn’t help it. The ice queen was nowhere to be found when she wasn’t at work. He liked that only he got to see this side of her. “I’ll let you regain your strength a bit. Let’s have dinner. Then I’ll have you for dessert.”

A flush rose to her cheeks and her eyes darkened with passion. He watched her nipples tighten, and his cock responded to her arousal. “Maybe I’ll have you for an appetizer, too.”

She didn’t say anything in return, just licked her lips, and he stared at her mouth. Damn, she got to him in the worst way, and he wanted her under him. He hadn’t gotten this hard, this often, since he’d been a randy teenager. But he’d been insatiable the night before. They’d both needed the distraction, and tonight? He had no idea how he’d have the energy for a repeat performance, but he knew without a doubt that he wanted her again.

As if she’d read his mind, she said, “Sex is a big yes, but a sex-a-thon like last night is not going to happen. I need to sleep and be sharp tomorrow, not running on adrenaline and caffeine like today.”

“Agreed.” He laughed. “I might be younger than you, but I’m not a kid anymore. Sleep is my friend. I don’t get as much as I should, so I take it when I can.”

“Gods, yeah. I think I’ve missed more sleep since I became a cop than I did in the entire century before that.” She sighed. “I wouldn’t trade it, though.”

“You really love it, don’t you?” Having done everything else, he would have guessed that the stress-inducing, sleepless, adrenaline-fest of law enforcement wouldn’t be that high on her list. Then again, it wasn’t as if she had to do this. She was old enough and had other skills to make a living off of. Why else would she be doing it if she didn’t love it?

It was a little odd to think he had something that fundamental in common with a woman who outstripped him in age and experience by about fifty miles. Odd, yeah. But he liked it anyway.

“Of course. I could be retired if I wanted to. I might not be rich or powerful like Millie Standish, but even modest savings for a couple of centuries adds up.” She lifted her hands, her thoughts clearly following the same lines that his had. Again.

He narrowed his gaze at her. “Are you a telepath?”

“Nope. Should I buy you a tinfoil hat?” Her grin was sharp and wicked.

“Ha, no. I was just making sure. You Magickals can be weird like that.”

“Gee, thanks.”

“No problem.” He reached for the cordless phone on her counter and flipped over the Chinese menu. “What do you want?”

She ran her nail across his collarbone and down his chest to flick his nipple. Her voice was almost a purr. “You mean, what do I want for food?”

“Yes.” Even he didn’t know if he was answering her question or approving the way she touched him. He loved that she wasn’t shy about letting him know what she wanted. Guessing games in the bedroom weren’t his idea of a good time.

“Chicken chow mein, shrimp fried rice, and an order of egg rolls.” Every word was punctuated by her swirling her finger through his chest hair and around his nipples. Her gaze danced with mischief when she peeked up at him through her thick lashes.

He shuddered, punched in the number for the restaurant, and placed their order. Her hand drifted lower, circling his navel when he hung up. “Let’s get dinner delivered before my good intentions go out the window and I do you on the counter.”

“You’re assuming I’d be opposed to that.”

“Says Detective I-Need-My-Sleep.”

“Yeah, but it’s not bedtime yet.” She managed to pull off a completely innocent expression.

Innocent, his ass. He snorted. “Maybe I’ll enjoy making you wait.”

Her eyes slitted in challenge. “I could change your mind about that.”

He had no doubt. Time for a distraction or he’d be banging her when the food showed up.

Being naked wasn’t going to help his cause at all. Her slim, bare curves were more temptation than he cared to resist. And his cock sticking out like a flagpole wasn’t going to convince her he wasn’t obsessed with getting inside her. Again.

Returning to the living room, he pulled on his pants and shirt, but left it untucked. He scooped up her pajamas and brought them to her.

Amusement twinkled in her gaze and a wry grin curved her lips. “You don’t like me naked, Agent Laramie?”

“I love having you naked, and I’ll show my full appreciation after dinner. For the moment, I need you dressed.”

She laughed outright at that, but gamely slid her clothes back on. It was a damn shame to have all of her creamy skin covered up, but he wasn’t interested in sharing the view with the delivery guy. Her stomach rumbled loudly, and Jack chuckled. She slapped a hand over it and shrugged. “Hey, I was just going to have a carton of ice cream before you showed up.”

“Looks like I got here just in time to whet your appetite for something more substantial.” He gave her an easy smile and she just shook her head at him.

“You’re incorrigible.”

“And you like it.” He winked at her and went over to sprawl on her couch, taking the time to really look around for the first time. He was usually pretty observant—it was a job qualification—but he’d been too distracted until now to observe anything other than Selina.

The house was old, the architecture maybe turn of the century. The inside seemed more spacious than it appeared from the tree-lined street outside. She lived in the eclectic Capitol Hill area of Seattle, not too far from Volunteer Park.

He liked her house. It felt good, which sounded lame even in his head, but that was the best way he could explain it. It wasn’t too girlie or fussy, it wasn’t overloaded with crap, like some of the women’s homes he’d been in. Yet, it felt warm. Unlike how she presented herself at work. She had a definite separation of work and home life. He’d bet none of her co-workers had ever been invited over.

She petted her familiar while Jack looked around, and followed him into the living room slowly, her eyes going between the couch and an oversized chair. Deciding on the chair, she moved past him.

“Yeah, no.” He snagged her arm, and tugged her down on the couch with him.

Grim barked, rising from where he’d just lain down in front of the fireplace. His hackles stood on end, a low growl issuing from his throat.

“I’m not hurting her. She’s okay.” Jack looked the dog in the eyes. The animal was a familiar, something he didn’t know a lot about. They had some magical powers, like their owners, and the ones he’d met seemed to have more awareness than regular pets, but ... he still felt a bit stupid chatting with a dog.

Grim tilted his head, ears cocked forward. His blue/brown gaze went from Selina to Jack and back again. His hackles smoothed and he snorted. Lying back down, he rested his chin on his paws.

“That dog has attitude.”

Grim’s blue eye opened and focused on Jack, a growl rumbling out. Message received. Jack was being watched, and the jury wasn’t out yet on whether or not he was getting a chunk taken out of him.

Scooting around on his lap, Selina tried to get off of him. Her squirming made him grit his teeth and grab her hips to still her. Just like that, his cock was as hard as blue steel. The feel of her, the feminine scent. He groaned, pulling her around so she straddled his hips.

Her eyes widened when she felt his erection, but instead of pulling away, she arched forward to slide her sex over his cock. Even through their clothing, the effect was electric, heat shooting through his body. There was magic in her touch when she grabbed his shoulders for leverage. He groaned, rocking his pelvis upward. Shoving his fingers into her short hair, he pulled her down for a kiss.

She tasted as sweet as she smelled, like one of those fancy coffees with caramel in it. He licked into her mouth, twining his tongue with hers. Releasing his grip on her hair, he slipped his fingers down her back. Her slender body flexed and bowed as she thrust her sex against his, the stimulation so erotic, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to hold back. And he still had his clothes on. It was insane, but there was no way he’d stop this runaway train.

Reaching between them, he feathered his thumb over her clit through her pajama bottoms. She whimpered into his mouth, a pleasure spell wrapping around them. He didn’t know if she could feel his passion for her, but he sure as hell could feel hers. The heat they generated together was likely to set the house on fire, and it built to a towering inferno. He continued to tease her sex with one hand, and moved the other around to fondle her breast. When he pinched and twisted her tight little nipple, he knew she was close to orgasm. The spell intensified its grip on him, her body went tight, her breathing hitched, and her fingers dug into his shoulders.

He wanted her to come for him. Jesus, the explosive spell spinning between them might just drag him under with her. His cock throbbed, and he thrust his tongue deeper into her mouth, stroked her clit harder and faster.

Every muscle in her body locked, and her hips jerked. He could feel climax thrumming through her, and the blast of magic that hit him, centered right where she ground her sex down into his, brought him right to the edge of orgasm. Another few seconds and he might come in his pants.

They both groaned when the doorbell rang. He let his head drop back against the couch, lungs heaving for air. So close, and his body ached with the missed opportunity. “Fuck.”

She whimpered, collapsing against his chest.

Another knock sounded, louder and longer this time, and both Grim and Jack growled.

“I’ll get it.” He laid her limp form on the couch next to him, watching her sigh with contentment.

He kissed her bent knee before he rose to his feet and walked unsteadily toward the door. He tugged his shirt forward to hide his erection, hoping he wasn’t about to shock some teen. Opening the door, he fished out his wallet and paid the middle-aged delivery driver, then brought the bags back to Selina. The scent of Chinese food had both their stomachs gurgling. Loudly.

“I guess we should eat.” He laughed as she slapped a hand over her belly.

“Yeah, or else my stomach is going to start digesting itself.”

“There’s a nice mental image.” Setting the bags on the coffee table, he sat down and dug through the bags until he found napkins and wooden chopsticks. He handed her a set while she sat up and snagged the white carton with the chow mein in it.

A deep moan filtered out of her when she took the first bite. “Oh, gods, I’ve had orgasms that weren’t this good.”

“Hey!” He laughed.

“Not with you, sheesh.” She waved her chopsticks between them. “This is good sex, in case you hadn’t noticed.”

“I had noticed, actually.” He stabbed apiece of chicken with his chopsticks and forked it into his mouth. Not their intended use, but whatever. The spicy flavor hit his taste buds, and he groaned. The food was just as delicious as Selina had promised.

“Awesome, isn’t it?” She gave him a smug look before she took another bite of chow mein.

He nodded and stole some of her noodles, offering her his carton in exchange. They fell into a companionable silence as they ate, and it felt ... nice.

“So.” She glanced at him from the corner of her eye. “You’ve mentioned the marines. How long did you serve?”

She was curious about him. The thought warmed him in a way that it probably shouldn’t. He shut that down. She was a cop and she was stuck working with him for a while. Of course, she was curious. Even if they weren’t sleeping together, she’d want to know what kind of person she was dealing with.

“I was in ROTC in college, then I served as an officer for fifteen years. I did a couple of stints in Iraq and Afghanistan. When Cavalli recruited me, I took an early retirement from the corps.”

Three sentences to describe the bulk of his life. There was so much history piled into those years—events that had shaped the man he’d become.

“What made you want to become a marine?”

“My dad was a marine.” He rooted around in the plastic bags until he came up with their order of eggrolls. He offered her first grab. “It just seemed to fit. I always knew I was going to be a lifer in the corps. It was the FBI that was a surprise, but it fits me, too.”

“Why did you make the switch? You didn’t wake up one day and say, ‘I think I’ll join the FBI,’ right?” Her brows drew together, a thoughtful expression on her face when she bit into the flaky shell of the eggroll.

“No, I never considered it until Cavalli approached me.” He shrugged. “It was something different, interesting. It let me wash the taste of war out of my mouth.”

“How did Cavalli even find you? I mean, I know Normals who know about magic are registered with the All-Magickal Council, but—” She waved her hand to indicate she couldn’t explain it.

He set the eggroll container down without taking one. “My mom and stepdad moved to Seattle for his job about ten years ago. I came to see them when I was on leave a few years back and met Cavalli through a mutual acquaintance.”

“That tells me not much.” She nudged him with her elbow. “What kind of mutual acquaintance exists between a vampire FBI agent and a Normal marine? Is your stepdad a vampire?”

He snorted. “Exactly the opposite, actually.”

“Werewolf?” There was only one species diametrically opposed to vampires. The two fanged races had a serious hate on each other. Open warfare had existed between them for centuries until the All-Magickal Council had put the kibosh on it in the late 1800s. It was too dangerous for every Magickal for the war to continue. The hatred still remained and occasionally caused skirmishes, but they’d managed not to degenerate to that kill-on-sight kind of war again. So far. Jack was as aware as anyone else in the Magickal community how tenuous the peace was at times. He’d had to clean up the mess of their fighting before. He wanted no part in more war.

He’d had enough of that in the military to last a lifetime. War was an ugly, grinding thing.

Selina touched his hand, dragging him back to the present. He realized she was staring at him, waiting for him to answer her question. “Yeah, my stepdad is a werewolf.”

“I guess that brings us back to—how did a man in a werewolf family meet a vampire agent?” She gave him a pointed look. “That’s not usually on the vacation to-do list.”

He grinned at her. “You ask a lot of questions.”

She bit into her food, unfazed by his observation. “Comes with the territory.”

“So you ask everyone this many questions about their history? Or do you just want to know more about me, specifically?” Why he wanted to know, he couldn’t say. It shouldn’t matter.

“A little of both, I guess. I’ve never met a Normal in Magickal law enforcement. Not an agent, anyway. You’re unique, and that makes me want to know why. Also, we’ve had wild and crazy awesome sex, so I’m curious about you. If it were a one-nighter, that would be one thing, but for the moment we seem to have agreed to an affair. I like to know what I’m in for.” She licked the crumbs off of her fingers, and he almost groaned watching that pink tongue swirl around her fingertips. His dick took that moment to remind him that only she had gotten off during their little couch caper earlier.

He forced himself to look away from her mouth. “You know there are Magickal branches of all public services, right? Hospitals, police, military, etcetera.”

“Yeah, I was around when that became a common practice.”

“Right, well. I did a couple of missions with some Magickal units in the marines. Force Recon. I wasn’t special forces, but I’d spent enough time in country that I knew my way around. Every now and then they’d tap me for something because I was a Normal who could play both sides, as it were. One of the guys I worked with—a vampire—introduced me to Luca.”

“Ah. Okay.” She drummed her fingers on her leg. “What about your dad?”

He blinked at the abrupt topic change, and realized this was how she kept her suspects off guard when questioning them. He wasn’t sure how to take that—being grilled like he’d committed a crime instead of giving her multiple orgasms. “What about him?”

“Well, your mom remarried to a werewolf, right?” She propped her bare feet on the coffee table, and he grinned when he saw the fire engine–red toenail polish. Such a great metaphor for her—she kept the fire hidden where no one else could see.

“Yeah.” He decided if he was going to be treated like a suspect, then he was going to be an uncooperative one. Let her ask what she wanted, but he wasn’t volunteering. It would be interesting to see what she wanted to know about him. How much was personal and how much was professional. So far, it had been pretty even, wanting to know about his career but also wanting to know why he’d made the decisions he’d made. Could go either way.

She shot him a look, telling him she knew he was being difficult. “Which means your dad wasn’t in her life anymore ... right?”

“He died when I was a kid. Cancer.” He winced when he said it. Decades later, and that word still stung, that life-stealing diagnosis. “It was totally out of the blue. He was a marine, so he went in for a routine exam, and they found something weird, so they checked it out and ... boom. Cancer. One day he was fine, and within a couple of months, he was gone.”

Sympathy shone on her face. “It had to be rough to lose him so young. I’m sorry.”

“It was rough for everyone.” An understatement. He’d spent a long time devastated and more than a little pissed off at the world. It was only a matter of time before everyone left him behind—his wife had more than proved that—but that first lesson in reality had been harsh. “My mom managed to hold things together for me, but I know she took it pretty hard. It took Darren a long time to get her to go out on a date with him. Good thing he’s stubborn, or Mom probably would have stayed single for the rest of her life.”

“And now she’s a werewolf.”

It wasn’t a question, but maybe it didn’t need to be. As far as he knew, if a fanged Magickal—the only two races who could turn Normals to Magickals—married a human, they turned them. He’d never heard of a husband or wife turning down the opportunity. No, only one stepson. He almost smiled, remembering the shock in his stepfather’s family when they learned he’d decided to stay human. They loved him, but they didn’t get it. No one did.

“Yep, for about twenty years now.” And his mother seemed happy with that. He was happy for her. She deserved it after losing his father. “They waited until I was eighteen before my stepfather Changed her. Wolf magic can be unstable, and they didn’t want to leave me an underaged orphan.”

“Sounds like a good way to handle the situation.” Her gaze turned thoughtful. “Do you like your stepfather?”

He shrugged. “I love him. He makes my mom happy.”

“He changed your life forever by making you both aware of magic,” she pointed out. “You don’t ever wish you didn’t know about this flaming hot mess that is the Magickal world?”

A direct hit. He chuckled. “Our lives will never be the same again, but I think we’re both okay with how that turned out for us. Though I have to admit it’s been a big relief for me since Chloe’s project has had such a breakthrough. When her treatment hits the market, I won’t have to worry about either of them dying at the full moon.”

The less he had to worry about the people he loved dying on him, the better. He’d had enough of that, and working in the field he did made it even more likely that those he was close to might meet a tragic end. He accepted it for himself and those who chose this life, but his parents were just regular people. He’d be just as happy not having to stress during the moon cycles.

Her eyebrows drew together. “Are you considering letting your stepdad Change you, now that lycanthropy is becoming stabilized?”


Now her dark brows rose. “You haven’t even considered it?”

He folded his arms over his chest. “It wasn’t the danger that made me turn it down in the first place, so no, I haven’t considered it since the first time I said no.”

“What was it that made you turn it down, then? Most Normals I’ve met over the centuries either fear or crave the powers of Magickals once they know they exist.” She tilted her head, scrutinizing him. “You don’t seem to fall into either category.”

A smile that he knew was just a little bit mocking crossed his face. “And that bothers you, that you can’t fit me into some neat category?”

“It makes me curious.” She waved a dismissive hand. “After this many years, I’ve found that the only thing you can expect from people—Magickal or Normal—is that they’ll surprise the shit out of you. So you’d better expect the unexpected or you’ll get caught with your pants down.”

He flashed a grin. “I like you with your pants down.”

She pursed her lips. “You’re a pain in the ass. Are you going to answer my question or not?”

“I’m sorry.” He shook his head, exaggerating a baffled expression. “I’m still stuck on the mental image of you with no pants. What was the question?”

“Why did you decide you didn’t want to be a Magickal?”

“Because I’m not a Magickal.”

“Is it really that simple?” The incisive look she gave him didn’t waver for a moment, and he was damn glad he wasn’t a criminal. He’d hate to face her in an interrogation, though he’d be glad to use her when they found a suspect for this murder.

“Not everyone wants to live forever, Selina.”

“Five hundred years isn’t forever.” A wry expression molded her features. “Especially when you’re in that final century.”

“It might as well be forever to me. I’m looking at a hundred years, max.” He sighed, as unsure how to explain it as he’d ever been. “I was born Normal, that’s what I am. Everyone always asks ‘why not?’ But my question is ‘why?’ Why do I have to want to be something other than what I am?” He spread his arms and gestured down at himself. “There’s nothing wrong with what I am. If I’m okay with it, why can’t everyone else be? Magickals may see mortals as inferior, but ... this is who I am, and I’m good with that. I don’t want to be anything else.”

“Most wouldn’t resist the offer of power, no matter what its form.” She tapped a nail against her knee, still watching his face for any breaks.

“I don’t crave power, never have.” Not even as a teenager, when he’d first been given the offer. At first, staying human had been a small tie to his father, something to connect him to the life he’d had before he’d known about magic. But now? His stepfather’s offer still stood, he knew that. Now he was just... fine the way he was.

“Huh,” she said.

“What?” He used his chopsticks to spear a snow pea pod out of one of the cartons on the table. She was still staring at him when he sat back. His eyebrows arched. “What, Selina?”

She licked her lower lip, and his gaze zeroed in on that unconsciously sensual movement. That tongue had slid over his body the night before, and he wanted that again. He wanted more from her. A lot more. For whatever reason, she’d decided to give him just that, even though they were working together day and night. His blood heated at the thought of the nights they’d have, and he reached out to run the tip of his finger from the top of her foot to her bent knee.

A shiver went through her, and her gaze darkened in rising awareness. “I’ve never met a Normal like you. At least not one so young.”

“What am I like?” He didn’t really care. His cock had gone hard in his pants, and he leaned closer to her to kiss her shoulder. Her perfume filled his nose, something sweet and edged in exotic spice. Perfect for her, and a heady aphrodisiac when mixed with the scent of her musky desire.

“Confident. No bullshit.” Her voice was just a little breathless, and he liked that. She swallowed audibly. “Comfortable in your own skin.”

He’d thought the same thing about her, but he wouldn’t argue with the assessment. Dodging live fire in a battle, and having life drop-kick him more than once meant he’d learned what he was made of a long time ago. He knew himself, and his chosen careers hadn’t left a lot of room for illusions, innocence, or any kind of bullshit. “And most Normals aren’t like that?”

“No.” Her breath caught as he eased his hand under the edge of her pants and between her legs to tease the lips of her sex. She was wet, ready. “Especially not Normal men. Fragile little male egos that annoy the shit out of me. Toddlers have more maturity.”

He snorted and leaned back, withdrawing his hand. “Wow. Okay. Tell me how you really feel.”

“You’re wearing too many clothes.” Her gaze roamed over his body. “That’s how I really feel.”

“Oh, yeah?” He chuckled, liking the way she looked at him, the way she talked about him, probably more than he should.

“I can take care of that for you.” That little pink tongue darted out to lick her lips again, and his cock jerked in response.

“Feel free.”

A wicked grin formed on her face, and she snapped her fingers. Goose bumps rose on his flesh—one of the few indicators humans had when magic was in use around them. A rush of warm air swirled around his legs, and when he looked down, his clothes were neatly folded and sitting beside his bare feet. “Huh. There’s a trick I haven’t seen before.”

“You like?” She purred, running one nail up his naked thigh. Her pajamas had also magically disappeared.

“Uh-huh. I like.” He reached over with his chopsticks and pinched her nipple.

“Hey!” She laughed and jerked back, smacking his hand away, but she shivered and both her nipples beaded tight. “Those things are greasy with Chinese food.”

“You know, you’re right. I think I got something on you. Here, let me take care of that.” He dropped the chopsticks on the table, bent forward, and sucked the tip of her breast into his mouth.

She moaned, her fingers threading through his hair. He liked her hands on him, but he wanted her silky skin rubbing against his. He wanted inside her. Tugging on her legs, he shifted their position until she stretched out beneath him on the couch.

Ah, yeah. That was what he’d craved. Every inch of her slender body pressed to his. He flicked his tongue over her nipple, circled it, bit it lightly, and loved her sounds of pleasure kissing his ears.

He touched her everywhere he could reach, the outsides of her thighs, up her ribs, the undersides of her arms. Sliding his hands until he held her wrists, he pulled them over her head to pin them to the couch cushion.

Humming in her throat, she tugged at her wrists, but he held them there and sucked her earlobe into his mouth to distract her from the fact that he had her pinned. She could escape using magic, but she’d have to focus enough to put together a defensive spell. He’d found in his work that having a diversion ready to go at all times could save him from getting fried by even the most powerful Magickals.

Now he used that to his advantage. He liked the way Selina’s stretched position arched her into him, pressed her breasts firmly against his chest. Sucking on her earlobe, he scraped it with the edges of his teeth. Her moan, and the shock of a hot pleasure spell streaking down his skin, told him the last thing on her mind was escaping his hold.

Her legs wrapped tight around his waist, lifting her hips to rub her soaking pussy against the head of his cock. His teeth sank into her lobe and a groan ripped out of him. She squealed and tilted her head to shove her ear into his mouth. Jesus, she was so responsive, especially with those cute little elf ears. Something else he’d be taking shameless advantage of for as long as he had her in his bed. Or on her couch. The floor. Wherever, whenever he could get inside her.

“Gods, Laramie.” She tugged at his grip on her hands in sharp, insistent jerks. “Will you fuck me already?”

Hell, yes, he would. He shackled her wrists together in one hand, and used the other to reach between them to grasp his cock. He rubbed the head over her slippery folds and her hard clit while she arched herself higher and tried to force him into her pussy. He was tempted to make her wait, to tease her until she went crazy for him, but he didn’t have the restraint left.

He wanted her too much to wait.

Guiding himself to her opening, he eased in the first inch of his cock. He had to grit his teeth against the staggering sensation of her tight, slick heat closing around his dick. The sound of need that exploded from her did nothing to help his control. She snapped her hips up to take more.

“Jack, Jack, Jack,” she chanted his name, and he couldn’t take the temptation.

He thrust deep, hilting his cock in one swift movement. She screamed, tried to escape his hold on her again, and ground her pelvis upward. A groan dragged out of his throat at the explosion of sensations. Her body moving against him fed a need he’d never known he had, something that went deeper than he wanted to even consider. Dark, sizzling magic poured from her, sent fire arcing over his skin. Not a real burn, but it sank within him and fanned the flames inside. It was consuming, demanding he give everything to the experience.

He bucked his hips, driving deeper into her, then withdrew and did it again. Jesus, it was perfect. He buried his face in her throat, sucking and biting the tendon that connected neck to shoulder. The intensity of the spell she cast raised every hair on his body and sent a shudder running through him. That wrenching dual perception of her desires and his melded in his consciousness. How she loved the way he pierced her, filled her, tangled with how it felt to thrust into her wet pussy.

They both groaned in pleasure when he bit her throat, sighed when her legs tightened around his waist, rocking her body into his. Through it all, his rhythm didn’t falter. He plunged his cock into her, over and over, needing that connection.

“You feel so fucking good, Selina. Tight. Wet.”

She twisted in his arms, jerking at his restraining grip, but he held tighter and moved to kiss her mouth. A diversion was definitely in order. Her lips parted under the pressure of his, her tongue thrusting out to tangle with his. The kiss went wild in moments, each of them biting, sucking, tasting, and taking. He slid his free hand between them again, rubbing her clit in time with his thrusts. She moaned into his mouth, and he felt her sex fist around his cock. A few more strokes, another flick of fingers over her clitoris, and she went over into orgasm, her explosive ecstasy bursting within his consciousness.

It was the most erotic thing he’d ever experienced, knowing—not just guessing—exactly how much pleasure he gave her, knowing how much she enjoyed his touch, how he turned her on, turned her inside out and made her scream. Nothing had ever even come close to this. Magic or chemistry, he didn’t know. He just knew it was phenomenal.

Every plunge of his cock into her wet pussy caused another wave of climax to crash through her, sent another shock of a spell roaring over him, until he could do nothing more than give in to the orgasm that beckoned. The magic, the sheer physicality of being on her and in her, her soft skin on his, her slender wrists trapped in his hand. It was too much to resist, and his hips hammered against her, the slap of their skin echoing in the room as come burst from his cock to fill her.

He groaned, shuddering. Burying his face in her throat, he sighed and relaxed against her. He should get up. Magickal or not, he was bigger than she was and he had to be crushing her. In a moment, he would move. Right now, he let himself enjoy the sensation of her pliant and soft body under him, of their hearts pounding, their breathing ragged gasps.

It was the best sex of his life, reaching down and taking hold of something deep inside him. Burning off any frustrations that cropped up during this case was going to be a lot of fun.

For the little time they had together, he wanted as much as he could get. It was all he could promise either of them, all he’d ever been able to promise since his wife made sure before she died that Jack knew all the problems in her life began and ended with him.

* * *

It occurred to Selina when she woke up later that night and went to the bathroom to pee that she should probably tell Theodore their quarry had resurfaced. Not the best time or place to think of the old man, but it didn’t change the fact that she should let him know. The Normal had retired years ago, after age had slowed him too much to do the job with any hope of success. Though she suspected his wife’s leukemia had done it more than anything else. He’d quit hunting to stay with her to the bitter end.

Skirting past the bed so she wouldn’t wake up Jack, Selina picked up her cell, walked out into the living room, and sat on the couch. Grim lumbered up from where he’d been sleeping in front of the fireplace and came over to rest his chin on her thigh. He made a questioning noise in the back of his throat.

She stroked a hand down his neck. “Nothing’s wrong. Just calling Theodore.”

He yipped, and Selina shushed him.

“I’ll tell him to say hello to your sister. Just don’t wake up Jack.”

Grim sighed but remained silent. She continued to pet him and used her free hand to scroll through her numbers until she reached the one for Theodore Holmes. She glanced at the clock. It was late, but the man lived alone now. He’d pick up.

“Hello?” The young voice of a teenager came through the line.

“Um ... I’m looking for Theodore Holmes. Is this still his number?” It was programmed into her phone, so she knew she hadn’t misdialed. Had he changed his number without telling her? Her heart squeezed—had he died and she hadn’t heard about it?

“Sure, one second.” There was a rustling sound for a moment, and then she heard in the background. “Grandpa, the phone is for you.” A pause. “I don’t know, I didn’t ask. Some lady. Did you pick up any chicks at the grocery store today and give them your number?” She laughed at whatever the response was to that.

The line picked up. “I’ve got it, Riley. Hang up now. Hello, who the hell is calling me at midnight?”

Selina cleared her throat. “Good to hear from you, too. There was a time when midnight wasn’t so late.”

“Grayson.” The tone warmed considerably. “There was a time when I wasn’t an ornery old cuss.”

She grinned at that. “No, just an ornery cuss. Not an old one.”

A grunt was the only reply he had for her.

“So, your granddaughter is visiting? Sorry I woke her.” Small talk with Theodore was like pulling teeth. With no anesthesia. He’d talk your ear off for hours about how best to hunt, trap, and kill a vampire, but idle chitchat wasn’t his forte.

“Riley lives with me now. She gives me a run for my money on ornery.” There was a rich irony and affection in the tone, as if he knew an old bastard like him shouldn’t be raising a young girl, but he liked it all the same.

Selina’s eyebrows almost arched off her forehead. “You’re child-rearing now?”

“Someone had to. She’s a good kid.” There was a wealth of love in that simple statement, but he gave no more explanation than that. No information about whether Riley’s parents had died, or abandoned her, or given up on her as a lost cause. Typical Holmes not to fill in any personal blanks. “Are you just checking in to make sure I’m still kicking or did you need something?”

She hesitated. No matter how much she burned inside to catch the motherfucker who killed her cousin, she found she just couldn’t take the old man away from a child who needed him. A child he obviously adored, in his own gruff style. She knew what it was like to live in a place where you weren’t wanted, and if Holmes came to help her with this hunt and something happened to him, then Selina would be putting a teenaged girl in the same situation she’d been in for so many years of her young life. She couldn’t do it.

“Just making sure you’re still alive and breathing.” But Grim nudged her with his nose. “Oh, and Grim wants me to say hello to Boleyn.”

“She’s right here.” A dog barked in the background. “And I’m not dead yet. That all you wanted?”

“Yep.” She chuckled. Same old Holmes. “Take care of yourself. And Riley and Boleyn. Bye.”

He grunted a farewell and disconnected.

She hung up, burying her fingers in Grim’s fur. The Normal had something left to live for, and Selina didn’t. She didn’t know if that was sad and pathetic, or just fitting. Shouldn’t she go when she had nothing left to keep her here? What better time was there? One last hurrah and then the show was over. Somehow the thought just made her feel ... empty. So she set the phone aside and went to wake up Jack for another round of distraction.
