Thank you!

Thank you for reading Nice Dragons Finish Last! If you enjoyed the story, or even if you didn’t, I hope you’ll consider leaving a review. Reviews, good and bad, are vital to any author’s career, and I would be extremely thankful and appreciative if you’d consider writing one for me.

Would you like to know when my next book is available? Sign up for my new release mailing list! You can also follow me on Twitter @Rachel_Aaron or like my Facebook page for up-to-date info on all of my novels.

The next Hearstriker novel, One Good Dragon Deserves Another, will be available in Fall 2014. If that’s too long to wait, I hope you’ll check out my other completed series. You can find all my books, plus free sample chapters, at

Thank you again for reading, and I hope you’ll be back soon!

Yours sincerely,

Rachel Aaron
