Throughout the ages man has struck against man with merciless strength through prejudice, ignorance or fear.

Humanity, in all its often courageous, intuitive and compassionate acts, is still capable of great evil against one another.

Blood has been spilled.

Power has been sought, fought for, betrayed for, and souls destroyed in the quest for.

And those who spilled the blood; started the wars; betrayed their countries, their friends and their children for power; sold their souls for it, have still had their moments of kindness, their moments of compassion.

But have we really learned from the past?

Have we taken to heart the mistakes our forefathers made and begun the quest to ensure they’re never made again?

This is the “What If . . .” behind the Breeds.

Have we learned from our past?

Have we learned from the prejudices, the acts of mercilessness, and the unthinking search for power our forefathers sought?

Or is man, in all his, or her, humanity, only waiting for the chance . . .
