Chapter Two Letting a Feral Warlock Down Easy

Karma eyed the bane of her existence across the width of his shop. He’d barely moved a muscle since she stormed in on him—which was even more annoying than if he’d been ranting and waving his arms or even manhandling her. His presence was an active force in the room, slamming doors, prowling and looming over her, but his lean, long-limbed form could have been carved from stone.

She would have admired his control if not for the fact that even his stillness seemed born of an inherent wildness. He was composed of extremes—wholly black eyes and tan skin paired with prematurely white hair, extreme height, but without the slumped shoulders of a man in the habit of bending down to address the world around him. When he did deign to move, his movements were graceful, almost artistically choreographed, but there was an intense masculinity to his grace.

She’d left her brother’s wedding reception—which had, thank God, gone perfectly as soon as Rodriguez banished the damn mischief demon—determined to settle things with Prometheus once and for all.

Her heart had been throbbing with rage the entire drive here. It still throbbed, but her anger had been replaced by an edgy awareness—like her body instinctively knew she was in the room with something that could maul her if roused. A bear. Despite his lanky build, Prometheus reminded her distinctly of a bear.

Or perhaps a lion with a thorn in his paw. A thorn he clearly expected Karma to remove, even though he’d been one in her side for months.

He’d lost something, had he? “Did the rightful owners steal it back?”

“No.” His lips twitched. “It is neither an object I stole nor one stolen from me.”

“Before I even ask what you’ve lost, let’s be clear on the ethics—since I know that’s a sticky area for you—you are one hundred percent certain this object belongs to you, aren’t you? And don’t lie to me. I have a lie detector on my staff and she will out your ass in a heartbeat.”

“Oh, it’s mine all right.”

A flicker of hope lit in Karma’s chest. It went against the grain to help Prometheus in any way, but if a quick find could get him off her back forever, she was willing to make an exception to her don’t-trust-a-wily-warlock rule if only to end this. She nodded once, sharply, coming to a decision. “Okay. I want it in writing that you will stay the hell away from me and my people if we do this, but I have several finders on staff. One of them will locate your item and after we’ve confirmed that it does, in fact, belong to you, I’ll have someone return it to you.”

“I’m afraid it’s going to be a little more complicated than that.”


“Meaning your staff isn’t the only reason I came to you. I need your assistance, Karma. Your abilities. Do you honestly think I wouldn’t have bribed one of your finders into working directly for me if it were that simple?”

Why would he need her? Her abilities were mostly useless—uncontrolled precognition, some channeling and the occasional snatch of telepathy. Nothing that would be any help in finding a lost item. Unless that wasn’t the real reason he wanted her.

At the reception, after the bouquet toss while the bride Lucy led the rest of Karma’s employees and a few wedding-crashing ghosts in the chicken dance, Rodriguez had pulled Karma aside to tell her the demon he’d banished had babbled something about Prometheus having a crush on her and harassing her in an attempt to get her attention. Could there actually be some truth in that ridiculousness? Was this whole thing about a crush?

A pack of wild butterflies invaded her abdomen—the sensation not nearly as unpleasant as she might have wished.

How exactly did a girl ask a sociopathic warlock if he harbored a secret passion for her? He was already a massive pain in the ass. She didn’t want to think about how much worse he would be if he added spurned suitor to his repertoire.

Maybe she was jumping to conclusions. Please let me be jumping to conclusions. “What exactly is it you think you need from me? What did you lose?”

He lifted one shoulder in a slow, deliberate shrug—the gesture failing to convey any sense of casualness. “It’s my heart actually. I need you to help me retrieve it.”

“You lost your heart.” Karma felt her face heating. Holy crap. He really was in love with her. An insanely powerful and completely immoral warlock was in love with her. Let him down easy. “Look, Prometheus. I’m sure there are lots of—” masochistic “—girls who would be flattered by your interest, but I really don’t have time for any sort of relationship-type thing right now.”

“What are you talking about?”

She flushed, inexplicably embarrassed by the conversation. Where was her legendary cool? Why did talking about this man’s feelings so rattle her? “Your demon. He told my exorcist about how you…feel. For me. This…crush, or whatever you want to call it.”

Prometheus blinked, the calm sweep of his lashes seeming to take a lifetime. “What exactly did my demon tell you?”

“He said you’d been trying to…woo me.”

“Woo you?” He released a sharp bark of laughter. “Don’t flatter yourself, sweetheart.”

Karma bristled. “You know as well as I do that demons can’t lie, Prometheus.”

“True, but the average mischief demon has the comprehension level of a first grader. Just because they can’t lie doesn’t mean they’re never wrong.”

“So you never told the demon you were in love with me.”

He sighed. “Honestly, Karma, I don’t remember what I told the demon. I was extremely drunk the night I summoned it, probably rambling incoherently—”

“About your love for me.” She arched a brow skeptically.

“I must have told it that I’d lost my heart and needed your help to get it back. Demons aren’t known for being brilliant. He must’ve gotten it muddled. For all I know I was slurring my speech and declaring my love for jelly donuts too.”

She blinked, her face heating as what he’d said sunk in. “You seriously summoned a corporeal demon while you were so drunk you don’t remember what you commanded it to do?” The irresponsibility that entailed was jaw-dropping, but the power required and the ability to wield it while hopelessly intoxicated—that was beyond impressive. The force of concentration, of will, needed to summon a demon was more than most people possessed sober and this man could do it drunk? Who was he?

“I’m not apologizing,” Prometheus warned, and Karma got the sense apologies were anathema for him. “But, for the record, summoning a demon to harass you is not something I would typically do sober.”

“So you don’t, you know, love me?”

He held up both hands in a whoa there gesture. “I don’t even know you. And, no offense, angel, but you aren’t exactly my type.”

She felt her face heating again. This time with mortification. Not that he was her type. Though he was…impressive. In a way she’d never encountered before. But she certainly wasn’t bothered by the fact that an asshole warlock wasn’t secretly pining for her.

“I just need your help. And I’m willing to go to whatever lengths necessary to secure it.”

“To retrieve your heart,” she asked skeptically. She glanced toward his chest, a strange hunch suddenly tightening hers. “Why do I have the feeling that isn’t a metaphor?”

Prometheus smiled, though the warmth of it never touched the serpentine cold of his black eyes. “Wanna check my pulse?”

She shook her head, unsure whether she was denying his offer or the very impossibility of what he was implying. “How is that possible? How could you not have your heart?” Karma thought of Brittany, her new receptionist-slash-wedding-planner-slash-all-around-good-luck-charm, who was herself a heart-transplant survivor. “Did you…” she waved toward his chest, “…did you have a transplant? Did they replace it?”

“Nothing quite so mundane,” Prometheus admitted. “I traded it, but not for another heart.”

“What pumps your blood? What keeps you alive?”

“My power, Ms. Cox.” He spread his palms and electricity arced between them, crackling through the air.

Not for the first time she found herself wishing her hunches weren’t so freakishly accurate. She dealt with ghosts and demons on a daily basis, but there was something deeply disturbing about realizing she was talking to a man who literally had no heart in his chest. Like being told zombies and vampires really did exist and one was standing three feet in front of her.

Karma would have stepped back, but her shoulders were already pressed to the glass behind her. “How…?” Her voice cracked and she wet her lips before trying again. “How is that possible?”

“It isn’t the good kind of magic, Ms. Cox. I’m not surprised you aren’t familiar with it.”

Realization slammed into her brain, the pieces falling into place with the shattering certainty that came with her own gifts activating. She knew how Prometheus had lost his heart. She didn’t want to know. She didn’t want to believe. She wanted, as she often did when the worst of the visions came to her without warning, to live in a world where dark magic didn’t exist and she never had to see what it wrought.

“You sold it, didn’t you? You sold your heart to the devil.”

Prometheus smiled, unrepentant. “A devil. A particularly lovely one named Deuma. Typically, they deal in souls, but I was able to negotiate an alternative. And technically speaking, I traded it.”

“For your power.”

He inclined his head in ascent. “For my power. Twenty years of immense power, to be precise.”

“Twenty years?”

“I was only nineteen at the time. It seemed like an eternity.” He shrugged, as careless as ever. “The stupidity of youth.”

Her breath caught. There were the beginnings of crow’s feet around his eyes, but with his white hair, if she judged from his appearance alone she could have placed his age anywhere between thirty and forty-five. “How long ago…?”

“Nineteen years, nine months and five days. So you see why the sense of urgency. I need you and your people to help me locate my missing heart and restore it to me.”

Karma’s extremities suddenly felt chilled, like ice was starting at her fingertips and spreading like a malicious frost toward her core. Visions flickered through her brain, but she needed to hear him say it. “And if we don’t? In three months…”

“My power dies out. And if I don’t have my heart back by then, so do I.”
