Crandall: Linda from Anchorage, you're on. Caller: Hello, Frank. I wanted to tell you how much I admire you. Thank God there's somebody to get the truth out. Crandall: Thank you, Linda. What did you want to talk about? Caller: The comet? Crandall: Okay. What about the comet? Caller: Frank, doesn't it seem to you that the whole thing's a hoax? Crandall: In what way, Linda? Are you saying there is no comet? Caller: Oh, no. There's a comet, all right. You can see it. But I think Kolladner and Haskell saw a way to turn it to political advantage. Crandall: Tell me how. Caller: Oh, come on, Frank. You don't really think they're going to leave a vice president on the Moon if it's going to be destroyed, do you? Crandall: What do you think is going to happen? Caller: Well, damn, the story's already beginning to come unraveled. First they said he was going to sacrifice himself, and now they're saying, well, maybe they can get him off, that they've got some hero space pilot who's going to make the effort, but how it's a thousand-to-one shot. You want to bet he makes it? Crandall: You sound a trifle cynical, Linda. Caller: Realistic, Frank. I'm just realistic.