“No, no. Don’t put that there. It’ll end up in the picture. And you. You, over there. You need to stand closer.” The photographer shook his head in frustration at the lack of cooperation. He left his place behind the camera in an attempt to once more put everyone back into the proper position.
Evan tugged Amy closer to his side and waited for the rest of the pack to get their shit together.
She turned to smile up at him. “Happy?”
“Is this a trick question?” Evan squeezed her fingers. “Yes, I’m happy. I’ll be even happier once we get permission to leave the building site and go enjoy the party.”
She gave him a wink. “You know they couldn’t do the groundbreaking without you. The head contractor insisted. He didn’t care if Shaun, Gem or I were available, it was all about you.”
Over the last month Evan had found a special kinship developing he hadn’t expected with some of the quieter members of the joint Takhini-Canyon pack. “Yeah? Well, the party we’re headed to is all about you. Did you know…?”
He slapped a hand over his mouth, partly because he’d just about let a secret spill, but mostly to tease her.
Amy’s eyes narrowed. “Did I know what? What?”
She would have twisted to face him and demand more details, but Evan held her still. “Don’t move. We’re ready for the picture, and if you mess it up, you’ll be in big trouble.”
Amy laughed softly, but listened to his warning. They leaned on the shovel they’d been given, pretending to push it into the soil of the cleaned-up building site that by the summer would see the opening of the brand-new and expanded Moonshine Inn. Construction was due to start the following Monday.
Evan took hold of his mate’s hand and didn’t let go throughout the entire tour and the journey back to the pack house. He couldn’t get enough of touching her, and he didn’t think that sensation would ever go away.
They were barely through the door when he lost her to some of the more exuberant members of the pack.
“Look! Look what we got you.” They tugged Amy into the common room and promptly handed her a control.
Amy whistled, then broke into a celebratory dance, hands raised in the air, her hips shimmying from side to side as she took in the giant screen on the wall and the enormous Call of Duty logo filling the screen. “Sweet. Who wants to get their butt kicked first?”
That was it. Evan lay odds he wouldn’t see his mate for the next six hours as the pack took turns getting whomped. So far, the only person who had come close to beating Amy at any computer game was, surprisingly enough, Shaun.
Evan wandered over to where his Beta was holding up a wall, fingers wrapped around an oversized hamburger as he kept an eye on the festivities. “Good grief, how many patties did you put on that thing?” Evan asked.
Shaun swallowed his mouthful before eyeing the thick mass in his hand. “This one? It’s only a pound and a half. The chef-dude said it had to tide me over until the steaks are ready.”
“You’re lucky you’re a wolf. I would hate to see your cholesterol levels otherwise.”
“No doubt.” Shaun grinned. “But I am a wolf, therefore I have no worries about the twenty-four-ounce tenderloin I ordered with blue-cheese crumbles and extra fries.”
Evan’s mouth watered. “Damn, it’s good to be a wolf,” he agreed.
Shaun’s pleased expression only grew bigger as he nodded. “And yes, I did order you the same thing as me.”
“Good man.” Evan thumped him on the shoulder, then made his way farther into the room. He passed Justin, blinking for a moment at the man, who instead of his typical suit and tie was now attired in faded jeans and a flannel shirt. The mystery made him pause until he spotted Amanda shyly motioning the bear shifter forward, patting the open spot on the love seat beside her.
Oh, really? Amy had bet him something was on the horizon for those two, and he’d insisted she was crazy. Looked as if he owed her twenty bucks.
Everywhere he looked the pack was enjoying themselves. At least, the rowdy part of the pack. He observed for a moment, smiling happily, then slipped through the doors and into the back section of the pack house where Amy had instituted a few changes in the layout and house rules.
As he expected, there were a dozen wolves curled up in easy chairs, the seating arrangements organized to allow for privacy even while in the midst of a large crowd. People dipped their heads politely as he passed, gentle smiles and waves that warmed him as much as the enthusiastic thumps on the back he’d gotten earlier from other members.
Laney rose from her corner and offered a hug, and Evan had to force back the tightness in his throat. He held her gently, but the fact she didn’t pull away meant a whole lot.
He kissed the top of her head. “Are you having a good time?”
She nodded. “Dexter is playing with some of the other kids. He’s so happy, and I’m so grateful for everything you’ve done to make us feel welcome.”
“It’s what pack does. Thank you for being a part of it.”
She crawled back into her chair, pulling out her book and breathing a sigh of contentment as she fell back into the pages.
Evan had to move quickly before he ended up bursting into tears or some such bullshit. There were still moments when clashes were inevitable, but for the most part the combined packs were cooperating and finding ways to have fun, and those were the most important things.
It was neat to see the longer they worked together, the more often previous Takhini members went straight to Amy for help, while the Canyon folk slipped into Evan’s office for a quiet moment of conversation.
Evan’s phone rang about the same time a deafening cheer rose from the common room—Amy must have pulled off some wild and crazy move in the game, and the shouts of encouragement were loud enough to shake the walls. It amused him that some pack still called out Sam, some Amy. She didn’t seem to mind, simply answering to both names.
She would always be Amy to him, though.
He stepped onto the outside deck into the cold October weather to get some quiet. “Your dime, spill it.”
“Hey, boss. I talked to Amy earlier, and she told me to call you now. How’s the party going?” Caroline’s familiar voice on the line brought him nothing but a smile.
“Well, hello, world traveler. The party is going well, but I don’t suppose you know where we stored the beer mugs?” Evan teased.
“I’m so thrilled to tell you I have absolutely no idea.” Caroline’s joy was more than obvious. “We’re headed to Germany next, if you want me to send a few steins your way.”
Evan laughed. “Just a joke. Send a few mementos of your trip if you feel like it. I’m glad you’re having a good time. How’s that overstuffed teddy bear you married treating you?”
She sighed happily. “Oh. My. Word.”
That’s what he’d figured. “Enough said. No more details needed. You know that kind of discussion makes me uncomfortable.” Evan ignored her snort of disbelief. “You’re lucky you ended up with a shifter, because no one else on earth could keep up with you.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” She paused for a moment. “I was happy to hear from Amy. We must have talked for over an hour, catching up. She thinks you’re pretty incredible, by the way. Sounds as if you and her are a perfect match. And I’m so, so pleased for you. Really.”
“She’s my mate. That says it all.” Evan looked over Whitehorse, the hills to the east that were dusted white with snow. “How did we get so lucky, Caroline? How did we end up in the right place, at the right time to find the perfect people at our sides?”
“I have no idea, but I have no complaints whatsoever with what fate handed me.” A deep voice sounded in the background, and Caroline laughed. “Tyler says to say hello, and he hopes you’re behaving yourself. But that if you’re not behaving yourself, tough luck, I’m still not allowed to bail you out of trouble.”
Evan’s world was filled to the brim with people who cared for him and, as hokey as it was, people who he had to admit he absolutely adored. “Tell him I’m looking forward to the next time we fight, but in the meantime have a great time in Europe, and we’ll see you in the spring.”
He put his phone away, continuing to look over the city that had become his home. Running the merged Takhini-Canyon packs just made it that much brighter.
But the brightest part was having a pair of strong arms slip around his waist as Amy cuddled in tight. She was the absolutely perfect cherry on top.
“You looking for some alone time? Because I can come back and find you later.”
“Now is perfect.” He leaned his back against the railing and settled her between his legs. “There’s another thing I’ve learned from your pack. How to slow down and smell the roses.”
Amy caressed his face. “Our pack.”
Evan kissed her, ignoring the city and the pack members who trickled onto the deck before silently leaving to give them privacy.
When he pulled away, her face glowed with happiness, just the way he liked. “I thought I wouldn’t see you for days. Who’s playing the game?”
She tilted her head to one side, the result damn adorable. “I gave the control up to Shaun. Made him my master-at-arms, and told him I was relying on him to set a new record. He acted as if I’d knighted him or something. He might not be available to fly any sightseeing tours for the next week.”
“He’s eager to defend your honour.”
Amy made a rude noise. “He wanted to play, is all. Well, plus he hopes to impress me enough I’ll teach him the backdoor secrets on Halo so he can set a new high score.”
A burst of laughter escaped before he could stop it. “I’m glad you two are getting along.”
She draped her hands over his shoulders and leaned back slightly, swaying gently from side to side to some unheard music. “We got a call from Shelley and Chase. They wanted to let you know that come the spring, they plan to bring a couple dozen trees out from the bush. A contribution to the hotel. Shelley will send the details later so the designers can work them into the landscaping. It’s their gift to us. To the biggest pack in the North.”
More people who Evan cared about, and who he was glad to have in his life. As much as he needed to give to the pack, the fact he was personally loved in return brought him to his knees.
And yet… “I’d give it all up, you know.”
A crease appeared between her eyes even as she continued to stroke his shoulders. “Where did that come from?”
Evan shrugged. “Just had to be said. I love that we’ve established a strong, new pack, and there are a shit-ton of good people around Whitehorse, no matter if their party style is quiet or loud.”
“Or as it seems right now, quiet or ear-shattering.”
The cheers had grown shriller, and they grinned at each other. Contentment flooded his soul, but he didn’t want to miss making his point.
“But at the root of it all?” He cupped her chin, bending his knees until their eyes were on the same level. “At the center, and right here where it counts the most?” He pressed her fingers over his chest. “Right here is where you are. I don’t care if we’ve got the biggest pack in the North, or the smallest, as long as I’m with you.”
Her eyes sparkled. “Ditto.”
Evan pulled her against him, and they gazed over their domain. Hand in hand and heart to heart.
“I love you, Evan.”
Her words whispered through his head. The ultimate intimacy.
He looked into her eyes again and saw his world reflected there. “I love you, Amy. And I always will.”
United. Whitehorse forever.