Chapter Seventeen

Marko didn’t know whether to laugh or roar with frustration. He’d come awake with Kellsie draped over him, her hot mound pressed against his raging hard-on and her hands stroking his skin. Hades couldn’t have designed a better torture for him if he’d tried.

Yet this was a slice of heaven as well.

There was no denying he wanted her. It wasn’t safe to be indulging in sex right now, but if not now, then when? Time was running out. Marko had a gut feeling that soon after the sun went down everything would change.

For whatever reason, Hades was giving them this respite. The question was why?

Did he want them to build up false hope? Was he hoping to make them feel more desperate by waiting until the last moment?

With the dark lord it was anyone’s guess. Some people thought of him as violent and cruel, and while he might be ruthless, he wasn’t impulsive. He was cold and calculating, manipulative and sly. There was no mercy in him. Anything Hades did had a purpose, and it was always one that favored him.

Kellsie’s clever tongue circled one of his nipples and he completely lost his train of thought as lightning bolts of pleasure shot through him. He gripped her head, holding her close. He felt her lips curve into a smile before she closed her lips over the nub and sucked.

He groaned and tightened his fingers around her. He had to force himself to ease back. Had to remember that she was human and he could hurt her.

That was enough to dampen some of his ardor. The last thing he ever wanted to do was hurt Kellsie.

And maybe that was the god’s plan. Make him so enamored of Kellsie he’d do anything to protect her, even give up his life and his mission to the dark lord.

Marko tried to think, but that became impossible as Kellsie’s lips left his nipple and she started to graze down his torso. Her lips and mouth and tongue kissed and laved and nipped their way over his abs and down to his waist.

Not wanting to wait any longer, he willed his pants away.

Kellsie froze for a moment and then she laughed. “Now that saves time.” She eased away and sat beside him. He could feel her gaze on his cock and wished there was more light. Not that he needed it to see by, but she didn’t have his enhanced vision and he knew she couldn’t see him as well as he could see her. He watched her as she licked her lips again. Damn, she was so unselfconsciously sexy.

He wanted to flip her onto her back and fuck her. But she deserved this time to do as she wished. And damn him, but he wanted it too. He wanted to feel her fingers wrapped around his cock, her warm mouth closing over the thick head.

But first, he wanted her naked. “Take off your bra.” He’d been so caught up with what she was doing to him that he’d forgotten she was still mostly dressed. She might not be able to see him all that well, but he could see every inch of her pale skin. And she was perfection.

The darkness seemed to give her confidence and she reached behind her and unhooked her bra. The froth of lace and satin fell away to reveal two perfect globes tipped with rosy-pink nipples, the bear claw pendant nestled between them.

“Magnificent,” he breathed. He reached out and cupped both mounds, testing their weight before circling the tips with his thumbs.

“Marko.” He loved the way she said his name, half-moan and half-demand. He didn’t know if she wanted him to keep going or to stop. He brushed her nipples with the pads of his thumbs.

She cried out and pushed forward, settling her breasts more firmly against his palms. She was so responsive to his touch. He gently pulled on the tips and she bit her bottom lip to keep from crying out.

“Marko.” She was panting hard now. “I want my turn.”

Frowning, he eased his touch, palming her breasts to soothe the ache he knew she must be feeling. He could have her. Right here. Right this moment. He could see it on her face. She wouldn’t stop him. She’d welcome him with open arms.

But she’d be disappointed at not having her way, and damned if he couldn’t stand the thought of her being disappointed. As hard as it was, he pulled his hands away and rested them on his stomach. Her gaze followed and then went lower. His cock flexed as soon as her gaze settled on it.

“I’m all yours.”

Kellsie smiled and jumped to her feet. For a brief second he thought she was going to run from him again. He tensed, ready to give chase. Relief struck him like a sledgehammer when her hands went to the opening of her jeans. By the time he’d processed the fact she wasn’t leaving, she had her sneakers, socks and jeans off and was shimmying out of her panties.

Praise the Lady.

The oath was a vivid reminder of his mission. Was he jeopardizing it by spending time making love with Kellsie? Before he could decide, she was kneeling next to him.

A new tension filled him as she reached for his shaft. She stroked one finger up and down the hard length, tracing the thick vein on the underside. “You’re so hard, but your skin is so soft.” He wanted her to hurry but managed to keep his mouth shut. Although if she didn’t speed things up a bit he’d have a much larger problem on his hands. He was closer to the edge than he wanted to be.

She wrapped her hand around the base of his shaft. “You’re so big, so thick. Yet you fit inside me.” He was going to come if she kept talking like that. He felt his dick getting even bigger, swelling beneath her touch.

He groaned when she stroked her hand from base to tip and back again. Her skin was cool against the heat coming off his cock.

“I want to know what you taste like.” She lowered her head and he held his breath. She delicately lapped at the bead of liquid that seeped from the slit. “Salty and warm. Mmm.”

Goddess, he didn’t know how much of this he could take. He clenched his hands into fists by his sides. He’d hold out as long as he could because as much as he wanted his cock buried in her moist cunt, he wanted to experience her mouth on him.

She wrapped her tongue around his cock head, bathing it in moist heat. His hips arched upward. She had to take him in her mouth. Now.

But it didn’t happen. Her hand continued to stroke up and down his hard length while her tongue and lips teased and kissed. Finally, he could stand it no longer. “Kellsie,” he growled. “Take me in your mouth.”

“You sure you want it?” she teased. He couldn’t answer. If he opened his mouth he’d roar with pent-up sexual frustration. Inside, his bear was snarling at him to mount her, to take her and mark her as his.

As if sensing he was at the end of his tether, she parted her lips and took him inside. Marko’s back arched and he yelled as his hips thrust upward. Kellsie used her hand to keep him from going too deep too fast. He was glad she had some control over the situation because his was shattered.

The stroke of her tongue, the feel of her hot breath and mouth closing around him was as close to perfection as he’d ever felt. As willing as he was to die for his cause, he wanted to live to experience this sensation again.

Kellsie lightly dragged her teeth over him and Marko thought his dick might explode. He gritted his teeth, not wanting it to end too soon.

Kellsie hollowed her cheeks and sucked. God, Marko tasted good—musky and masculine and hot. His erection was pulsing and flexing in her hand, virile and alive. She didn’t think it was possible, but he was getting even harder.

He arched upward and a low, inarticulate sound broke from his lips. It was more like a growl than a sound a normal man would make. Maybe it should have frightened her, but it didn’t. Instead it made her hot and she knew her sex was damp with growing need.

She loved having him like this, knew it would be so easy for him to turn the tables on her and take over their lovemaking. That he was letting her run the show was only arousing her even more.

Her breasts ached, so she rubbed her torso against one of his hard, hairy thighs. That didn’t bring any relief, but simply heightened her already out-of-control arousal. She wanted his hot cock buried inside her, but she also wanted to pleasure him with her mouth.

What a dilemma.

She almost laughed. She’d gone from celibate woman to sex fiend in such a short time and it was all Marko’s fault. There was something about him she simply couldn’t resist, nor did she even want to.

He caught her head between his hands and guided her, showing her what he liked, moving her so her mouth slid up and down his shaft. She let her mouth slip over the tip and lapped at the slit with her tongue before taking him deep once again.

He groaned her name, the sound harsh and tortured within the confines of the dark cave. She had no idea what would happen to them, but right here, right now, she was happy.

This incredible specimen of manhood wanted her as much as she wanted him. She loved him. It was a heady feeling. Oh, she knew that she didn’t come first in his world. Not with a goddess to rescue and fellow warriors to free. She understood that. It might sting a little, but it wasn’t as though he was throwing her aside to go have a beer with the boys.

He’d also saved her life when he could have easily traded it to get what he wanted. That meant he cared, at least a bit. And that was enough.

His fingers tightened in her hair, tugging at her scalp. “I’m going to come if you don’t stop.”

Hmm, that sounded fine to her. She used her teeth to rake gently over his hard length as she stroked up and down.

He swore and fisted his hands a bit tighter. “Kellsie. I’m serious. You have to stop.”

She raised her head and blew on his moist, heated flesh. “Why?”

She sensed she’d startled him. His groan sounded more like a growl. “I have no idea.”

Her fist squeezed the base of his shaft. “There you go. There’s no good reason.” With that, she lowered her mouth again. As she began to work his cock with her mouth, she reached between his legs and cupped his testicles with her free hand. A low moan was dragged from him when she carefully squeezed. His sac was taut and pulled up tight against his body. Wouldn’t be long now.

Now that he knew she wasn’t going to stop he let go of his ironclad control. He whispered her name over and over like a prayer.

The hot flex and pulse of his shaft in her hand and mouth told her he was close. She knew her jaw would be sore after this. His erection was broad and thick and she had to stretch her mouth to get around him. But it was well worth the effort.

Kellsie moved her hand to the region between his testicles and his anus and felt a new tension invade him. Using her nails, she scraped over that sensitive spot.

He went wild. She was grateful she had her fist wrapped around the base of his shaft so he couldn’t go too deep. He was out of control as he pistoned his hips into her mouth.

His legs and body stiffened. She could sense the shift, feel the release shooting up his cock and into her mouth. Kellsie swallowed and kept sucking until he was spent.

Marko groaned, threw his muscular forearm over his face and went limp. Kellsie gave a few more light sucks before releasing him. Now that the heat of the moment had passed, she realized how chilly the cave had become. Reaching behind herself, she tugged the fur-lined cloak over her back.

The needs of her body were making themselves known the longer she lay there with her head resting on Marko’s stomach. Her sex was hot and wet and her breasts ached for him to touch them. But as much as she wanted sex, wanted him, she was content to lie next to him, basking in the pleasure of his release.

To pass the time, she toyed with the curly hair of his groin and was surprised when his cock stirred to life once again. She raised her head, turned and looked at him. He was watching her, his dark gaze roaming her face. She wasn’t certain what he was looking for.

He gripped her shoulders and urged her up and over him until she was lying right on top of him. Oh, that was perfect. The thick hair of his chest felt good against her stiff nipples and his hardening shaft rubbed against the folds of her pussy.

“Thank you.” There was such wonder in his voice she leaned down and kissed the tip of his nose.

“You’re welcome.”

She should feel self-conscious. After all, she hadn’t even known the man for one whole day. But none of that seemed to matter. She grazed her mouth over his smiling lips when they parted for her.

He gripped her ass and began to knead the rounded globes, grinding her pelvis against his. She was shocked by how quickly he was recovering. His shaft was as hard as it had been before he’d come in her mouth.

She swiveled her hips and his erection rubbed against her clit. She didn’t even try to smother her cry of pleasure. Instead, she did it again.

Marko laughed and swept one hand up her back and buried it in her hair. He rolled and her back hit the ground. No, it wasn’t the ground. It was the thick cape, which was far more comfortable. Somehow he’d gotten it spread out beside him before he’d moved. Maybe he did that magic poofing thing he was always doing with his belongings. Either way, she didn’t care. The soft fur caressed her skin like a million stroking fingers.

He propped himself up on his arms and stared down at her. The position pressed his erection against her in a most gratifying way. She hooked her legs around his flanks and began moving over his cock.

Oh, yeah. Each stroke brushed her swollen flesh and clit. It felt incredible.

“Kellsie,” he groaned and buried his face against her neck. He nipped at her neck with his sharp teeth, making her jump. Then he laved the sting with his rough tongue. She almost orgasmed on the spot. Who knew her neck was so sensitive?

He laughed and she loved the low sound. It was a slightly rusty sound and she knew he surprised himself each time, which made it all the more precious to her. He hadn’t had much reason to laugh during his long years of imprisonment.

“It’s my turn now,” he whispered against her ear. A shiver raced down the side of her neck and over her arms. Goose bumps rose on her chest at the dark promise.

He sat back and flipped her onto her stomach. He did it so easily, as if she weighed nothing at all. His strength was enormous.

His hands settled on her shoulders and he dug his fingers in, loosening the tight muscles. She groaned long and low. “That feels wonderful.”

He straddled her thighs and settled in, working his magic on her back, tracing his fingers lightly over her tattoo as he worked his way down to her butt. She knew he liked her tattoo and was glad she had it. If she lived through this it would always remind her of Marko and their time together. Kellsie sank into the soft fur beneath her and moaned as her body turned to jelly beneath Marko’s touch.

He shifted position so he could work on her thighs and calves. Heat pulsed between her legs until she thought she might explode. She parted her legs, hoping he’d take the hint and touch her.

The fiend stroked her everywhere but there. Her sex burned with need, her slick channel clutched at air, wanting his cock buried inside her.

“Marko.” She wanted him but didn’t quite know how to ask. As though her saying his name was the signal he’d been waiting for, he slid his arm beneath her stomach and urged her up onto her hands and knees.

Excitement skittered through her. Her skin was warm and flush but his hands were positively hot as he steadied her. “I want to fuck you. So hard and long you’ll never remember another man you ever had.”

If she could catch her breath she’d tell him that was no problem. She couldn’t remember anyone but Marko and never would.

The broad head of his cock nudged against the opening of her channel. She shoved back, trying to get him inside her.

“You want me.”

It wasn’t a question but she answered him anyway. “Yes.” And if he didn’t take her soon she was going to take matters into her own hands.

He dug his fingers into her hips as he slowly fed his cock into her one slow inch at a time. He was broad and long and stretched the delicate muscles. It was almost painful, but stopped just short. Waves of pleasure washed over her as he filled her completely. She’d never felt so possessed by a man before. It might have frightened her if it had been anyone but Marko. For some reason she trusted him completely. And that in and of itself should have scared her to death.

Maybe it would later, but all she wanted him to do now was to move. She rocked her hips slightly, driving him even deeper.

His breath was hot against her spine as he kissed the line up to her nape, his sharp teeth grazing her skin and making her shiver with desire. He glided his hands over her torso until he captured her breasts. Then he started to move.

He started slow and she cried out when he almost slid all the way out of her, only to moan in delight when he powered his way back in. Her body eagerly stretched to accommodate his girth and length. It was delicious. The hot slide of his penis in and out of her pussy was unlike anything she’d ever experienced. In this position he felt even larger than he had the first time he’d taken her.

She relaxed, enjoying the sensation. That’s when it changed. The thrust of his hips grew faster, harder. He toyed with her taut nipples, tugging them gently as he rammed into her from behind.

Her breathing grew faster until she was panting in time with each thrust. “More,” she cried. She was so close now, every nerve ending in her body firing.

Marko thrust hard, his hips smacking against her butt. He nipped at her neck, grazing the skin with his sharp teeth. His testicles bounced against her with each motion, brushing her swollen clit. Their skin was damp with perspiration and the slapping sound of their bodies coming together over and over echoed in her ears. The smell of sex permeated the air around them, filling her nostrils.

Kellsie reached for her orgasm. She was so close. She moved with Marko, shoving her hips back on each of his forward thrusts. It was too good. She knew it couldn’t last.

Her inner muscles clenched down hard on his shaft. Heat flashed over and through her like a wildfire out of control. Crying out, she threw back her head and screamed his name as she came.

He didn’t slow down. Didn’t stop. If anything, he pumped even harder and faster. Only his grip on her was holding her up. Her orgasm went on and on. Or maybe she had two. All she knew was she was on fire, burning from the inside out in the most marvelous way.

Marko gave a yell, ramming against her one final time. Hot jets of semen filled her as he came. When it was over, he groaned and collapsed, taking her down with him. He rolled them onto their sides, still buried inside her.

His lips grazed her temple. His warm breath bathed her face.

Kellsie was content to stay like this forever. What she got was a few minutes before Marko stirred and slowly disengaged his body from hers. She bit her lip to keep from whimpering at the loss.

He turned her onto her back and traced her forehead, nose, cheekbones and jaw with his fingers, as if memorizing her features. She thought he might say something, give her some indication of what he felt for her. She waited with bated breath, silently begging him to give her something to hold on to.


He sighed and sat. “We need to get dressed.”

That fast the mood was shattered. Kellsie blinked back the tears that came out of nowhere. She would not cry. She was a modern single woman, totally independent. She didn’t need anyone, least of all a man.

Just because the sex was spectacular didn’t mean there was anything else between them. And she was lying to herself. She already cared way too much. Heck, she loved him and nothing would ever change that. He’d ruined her for other men. If she survived this mess, she knew she’d grow old alone. No way any other man would do after Marko.

Don’t think about it, she admonished herself. She had more important things to deal with. Like the fact she was still stark naked.

Grabbing her underwear, she dragged them on. God, she wished she could get a shower. She was sticky and sweaty.

Marko moved into her line of vision. He was already wearing his leather pants and boots. Of course he was. He could just poof them on. He didn’t need to get dressed like a mere human did. It was another bucket of cold water in her face, a reminder that he wasn’t human. He was her lover for this brief interlude, but she couldn’t expect any more from him than that.

The reminder settled on her like a heavy weight and she didn’t look at him as she pulled on her jeans, socks and sneakers. He hovered beside her as she hooked her bra and tugged on her long-sleeved top. Thankfully, the sleeves had dried. The last thing she wanted to do was to wear damp clothes.

As much as she wanted to wrap herself in the cloak it was too bulky. “You need to get rid of that.” She pointed at the rumpled fabric that had served as her bed only minutes before.

“Kellsie.” There was an underlying emotion in the way he said her name, but damned if she could figure out what it was. And right now she didn’t have the time or energy to figure it out.

She rubbed her arms and moved away from him. “How much time do you think we have?” Better to get things back on a business-like setting. It would be all too easy to forget Hades and his minions were out there. And that would be a fatal mistake. They’d been left pretty much alone up until now, but Kellsie had a feeling in the pit of her belly that told her the situation wasn’t going to last.

Marko sighed but said nothing as he picked up the cloak and shook it out. Between one moment and the next it disappeared back into the void or wherever the hell that stuff came from. It was like a cosmic closet or something. She’d love to have one just like it in her tiny apartment. Talk about a space saver.

The sword he’d given her was resting against the wall and she reached for it. Marko caught her arm and stopped her. She looked at him then. He looked every inch the intimidating warrior he was. Massive and dark and not the kind of guy you’d want to meet in a dark alley. But definitely the kind of man you wanted by your side in a fight.

He didn’t say anything, didn’t make any promises or declarations. He simply pulled her against his chest and closed his arms around her. The tender gesture almost undid her. She swallowed the lump in her throat and dragged in a shaky breath. She had to get a grip on herself.

“We have to go.” She thought she detected some regret in his voice but maybe she was projecting. Either way, he was right. It was past time.

And speaking of time… She glanced at her watch but couldn’t see the hands in the dark. For once she wished she wore a digital with backlighting instead of an old-fashioned watch with hands.

When he released her, Kellsie took a deep breath and reached for the sword. Marko manifested his own weapon and led the way to the opening of the cave. “Stay close.”

As if she’d run off into the woods by herself. Hello. She was an actress in horror flicks. She knew what happened to the dumb-ass chicks who ran off alone into the woods. No way did she want to meet one of those scary demons by herself. Not when she could have an immortal warrior beside her.

“No problem,” she muttered when he seemed to be waiting for her reply before stepping out into the night.
