Chapter Seventeen

The Floating Stones; Unusual Precautions are Taken; I Converse with Tarl Cabot

Many of the crew, and certainly myself, were fascinated by the floating stones which appeared occasionally in the water, as we sailed west. More than one had been drawn aboard. They were rock, but light. One could crumble it in the hands, crush it against the deck. When we broke such stones open, we found the interior spongy, and porous, riddled with tiny apertures. We did not know the origin of these anomalous substances. If any knew, the information was withheld from us. Through familiarity, we soon lost interest in these strange stones, which, as we moved on, were occasionally encountered in drifts or shoals.

Oddly enough, by command of Lords Okimoto and Nishida, ropes were strung about the open deck, this though the weather was clear. Two days after this it was ordered, despite the heat of the day, that hatches were to be secured, save when used for ingress or egress. A day after that, access to the open deck was primarily restricted to officers and the duty crew. It was close below decks. There was much grumbling amongst the men. It was doubtless particularly unpleasant for the some two hundred kajirae aboard, intended for gifts, eventual sale, trade goods, and such, on their chains in the keeping areas. Often, in good weather, in the groups into which they were divided in the Kasra and Venna keeping areas, they would be brought to the open deck for an airing and exercise. At such times they were not chained, or even roped. To where might they run? Off-duty crew members might gather about while the girls, in one group or another, were brought to the deck. And much was the good-natured raillery, suggestions, observations, evaluations, hootings, whistles, jokes, gestures, and such, to which the lovely properties were subjected. Sometimes they clung together, frightened, as men closed in about them, but they soon realized it was forbidden to touch them, and then several of them dared to torment the men, with the movements, the posings, the expressions, and gestures of slaves. But did they not know they might be noted, and marked, well remembered by one fellow or another when, obedient to the snap of the whip, they might ascend the auction block? One fellow could not resist such provocation and seized a blond kajira, crushing her to him and raping her lips with the kiss of the master. He was flogged and she put under the five-stranded slave whip. He grinned under the lash but she wept, but I think, too, she would not forget that kiss. Did she not, later, often enough, when possible, place herself within his purview? Surely he marked her, and might keep her in mind. Perhaps she dreamed of being led to his quarters, bound, on his chain. I used to watch, when convenient, the second group from the Kasra keeping area, for in it was a slave, a ship slave, whom I thought might one day prove to be not without some interest. She had streaming dark hair, lovely flanks, an exquisite figure, and an inviting love cradle. Her face, so vulnerable so delicate, so beautiful, now that she was in bondage, might have made a bronze mirror cry out with pleasure. Her name was Alcinoe. I had thought she had behaved well when confronted with the horror of Seremides, but, of late, it seemed she had tried to carry herself as a free woman, that is, as much as possible when one knows there is a collar on one’s neck. I gathered she was pretending not to notice me, or the others. She affected a haughty, supercilious expression, and, once, when she looked at me, she looked away, her lip curling, as though in contempt. This amused me. Did the slut not know she was marked, incisively, unmistakably, and quite nicely; did she think she could slip a collar? I recalled her insolence in the place of dining. Did she not recall her punishment, at the mast, nor my lenience in not running her back to the Kasra keeping area, hands thonged behind her, a punishment tag wired to her collar? I recalled how she had begged, kneeling, at my feet, as a slave, plaintively, the attentions of a master, which attentions had been denied her. Was she now concerned to pretend that that had never happened, or that it had been of negligible consequence? Did she dare now attempt to assume the airs, the attitude, of a free woman? Did she not know that at a mere snapping of fingers she must tear away her tunic and prostrate herself?

I was not the only fellow, of course, as you may have gathered, who enjoyed seeing kajirae brought to the deck, and exercised. They are so beautiful! It was delightful to see them, too, in their free Ehn on deck, hurry to the rail, throw back their heads, and drink in the keen, rushing fresh air of vast, glorious Thassa.

I did not know how much they knew of our venture, of the course, of the incidents at the warning ship, and such.

Did they know that war had been done on this very deck, now sanded and smoothed clean?

Did they know of the fleet of Lord Yamada?

Did they understand that these waters, so glasslike, so serene, might be fraught with peril?

I supposed not.

Would one explain such things to verr or kaiila?

Curiosity is not becoming in a kajira.

I have upon occasion mentioned an officer named Pertinax, a friend, it seems, of Tarl Cabot, the commander, or captain, of the tarn cavalry. He had been, for example, this Pertinax, captain on one of the galleys lost in the Vine Sea, that on which I had shared an oar with Licinius Lysias, the fellow from Turmus. In any event, when the first group of the Venna keeping area was brought for its airing and exercise to the open deck, this Pertinax was usually about, interestingly, seemingly preoccupied with one duty or another. It was not difficult, after a time or two, to detect that his presence at such times was not likely to be a matter of coincidence. It seemed clear, after a bit, that the object of his attention was a particular slave, a blue-eyed, blond-haired barbarian named Saru. Her hair was only half-grown, and thus I supposed she was either a recent slave, for some barbarian females come from the barbarian lands with their hair short, or that it had been shaved once or twice, perhaps as a punishment, or for use as catapult cordage, for female hair is much desired for that purpose. In any event, his interest was clearly justified, as she was a nicely formed, even luscious, bit of collar-meat. Barbarians, incidentally, are often of high quality, perhaps because of the time and cost of their acquisition and transportation. For this reason, if no other, they are likely to be selected with great care. It is not as though a city fell, and its women, naked, chained together, in lines a pasang or more in length, were marched away between the lines of victors, now their masters, to new walls, within which they would wear collars. It is rather as though they were fruit in an orchard, to be scouted with circumspection, and only then, after careful consideration, the choicest of the choice, selected for the delectation of foreign tables. This sort of selection is apparently not as difficult as it might seem, for, at least according to my understanding, many women in barbarian lands, even free women, do not dress their faces, but leave them naked, as naked as those of slaves; that it is not unusual for their calves and ankles to be discernible; that their small hands are often ungloved, and such. Is it not obvious that such women are slave stock, that they are suitably embonded, that they are by nature the rightful properties of masters? Surely they must long for the collar, and their fair limbs for the shackles, and the weight of chains, else they would not so blatantly invite them. Too, interestingly, in the barbarian lands, it seems that many women are distressed and forlorn, many not knowing why, denied the rights of their nature, forbidden the fulfillments of their ownership and submission, forbidden the joys of the surrendered, yielding slave. On Gor they come home to themselves, and their sex, and find the fulfillments denied to them in their own countries. Not only is the barbarian slave often intelligent and beautiful, such things involved in their selection, but, commonly, as well, she is hot, devoted, and dutiful. Embonded, she finds her freedom; enslaved, she is most content. In any event, whatever may be the reason, or reasons, such women tend, almost invariably, to do well on the block. They are prize stock. Men bid heatedly for them. This is perhaps one reason they tend to be resented, if not despised and hated, by their Gorean collar sisters, and, certainly, by free women. It is probably not pleasant to be a barbarian slave amongst Gorean women, either slave or free. Men, of course, like them.

I did not know if the slave, Saru, knew herself observed, for when she would turn, Pertinax would usually be otherwise occupied. To be sure, I would suppose it was suspected. When a slave knows herself observed, other than casually, she may well suppose the fellow is considering her against his resources. I did see the slave, once, seeing his eyes upon her, cry out, softly, and extend her hands to him, but he looked away, paying her no attention. As they were both barbarians I wondered if they had known one another in the barbarian lands. If so, that might well be forgotten. A mighty chasm now separated them, unbridgeable, save by the chain or whip. He was a man, and an officer, she a woman, and a slave. I was interested in this matter, and had made some inquiries. She was not a ship slave, but the property of Lord Nishida himself. She was apparently being groomed to be a gift for the shogun, Temmu. Her eye color and hair color were unusual, I gathered, in the lands of the Pani. Doubtless that would add something to her interest, or value. Lord Nishida had two contract women, as the expression is, at his disposal, Sumomo and Hana. These women, I gathered, were not slaves. Certainly they were not collared. On the other hand their contracts could be bought and sold, and the women would accompany the contracts, which did not, to me, seem all that different from being slaves. To be sure, they had a higher status, and were presumably respected and treated with courtesy. The Pani did, of course, keep slaves, as the gifting of Saru would make clear, as well as the likely disposition, sale or such, if land were ever reached, of the lovely beasts normally housed in the Kasra and Venna keeping areas. Saru’s outburst, and appeal, for the attention of Pertinax, brought her two strokes of her trainer’s switch, and she shrank down to the deck, covering her head. The switch was lifted, but did not fall a third time. Pertinax noted the punishment of the slave, and smiled, as she lifted her head to him in horror. Then he turned away. The strokes had been well deserved. A slave should know better.

She put down her head again, trembling.

She then understood that he approved of her punishment, that he recognized its suitability, and that, in similar circumstances, she would receive no less at his hands. She realized then that she was a slave, and even at his hands, should he one day own her, would be treated as what she was, a slave, and nothing more, as was appropriate.

When a barbarian male recovers his manhood, it is not likely to be relinquished.

I was concerned, however, at the interest taken in the blond slave by Pertinax, for she belonged, as I had learned, to Lord Nishida. It can be quite dangerous for one fellow to take too great an interest in the slave of another. A subtle line exists in such matters. Many masters, in their pride and vanity, and as evidence of their wealth, good fortune, or taste, enjoy displaying their slaves, much as owners of various goods, of various sorts, enjoy displaying other sorts of properties, statuary, rare coins, artworks, fountains, veminium gardens, classical czehars, early editions of famous scrolls, antique kaissa sets, and such. For example, it is not unusual to see masters in the parks, in the plazas, and on the boulevards leading, or being preceded by, a leashed slave, often with her small hands braceleted behind her. The back-braceleting of slaves is quite common, for it draws the arms back, this accentuating the beauty of her breasts, and proclaiming her vulnerability. These masters usually relish the admiring glances cast upon their properties, the compliments received, and so on. This is not unusual. The case is similar with other animals, prize sleen, silken-coated kaiila, even saddle tharlarion. To the male, of course, the female slave is of particular interest. Thusly, in the case of the female slave, the natural possessiveness, the easily aroused suspicion and jealousy, of an owner is particularly engaged. It is one thing, for example, to welcome attention bestowed on a prize kaiila and even another’s envy of one’s possession of so splendid an animal, and quite another to suspect that the other may have designs upon the beast. Slave theft, as other forms of theft, is not unknown. To keep a slave chained at night then is not simply to keep her in place, to help her keep in mind that she is a slave, and to have her conveniently at hand if she might be desired, but, as well, to guard against the work of slave thieves. It is easy to surprise, gag, turn, and bind a woman, but it is quite another to free her from a chain. So slaves are often chained at night, even in public barns. Consequently, almost all slave theft, as opposed to the theft of other valuables, takes place during the Ahn of day. Another discouragement of slave theft, aside from commonalities of Home Stone, and such, is that slaves, particularly in the high cities, tend to be abundant, and cheap. Why risk the theft of a slave when one might purchase one, perhaps better, at the local auction house? Prices are sometimes depressed, too, particularly in the fall and winter. To be sure, some slaves are extremely desirable, and those tend to be the most carefully supervised, guarded, and watched.

I wondered if Lord Nishida knew of Pertinax’s interest in the slave in question. I hoped not. On the other hand, as I understood it, Lord Nishida had no great personal interest in the slave, other than her political value, as a gift to a greater lord. Indeed, I was given to understand that he had, at least originally, reservations concerning the personality and character of the slave. Given the length of her hair, then, it might have been, once or more, shaved, perhaps as an indication of his encouragement that she hasten to improve herself. And, in any event, the hair might be used for catapult cordage. Indeed, in one of the storerooms, there were rolls of woven female hair, ready for cutting and fastening in the engines. Some was blond, and perhaps some of that had been harvested from the slave. The female slave who is a female, and the most female of all females, is often a vain creature, and will do much to avoid her shearing. The mere threat of shearing often does much to improve a girl. Female hair, incidentally, is much stronger, and more pliant, than common cordage. Too, it is weather resistant, as common cordage is not. Thus it is preferred on the walls of cities, at bridgeheads, in the fields, on the decks of warships, and such.

If Lord Nishida knew of the interest of Pertinax in his slave, he had not, at least as yet, as far as I knew, brought his disapproval, doubtless subtly, to the attention of Tarl Cabot, the commander of the tarn cavalry, who then, presumably, as Pertinax’s friend, and commanding officer, would advise him of his possible indiscretion. Lord Nishida, of course, as I read him, was a highly intelligent, patient, rational man. He would doubtless proceed indirectly, and politely. If the girl was the property of Lord Okimoto, the matter might proceed differently. His Pani would be likely to set upon Pertinax, strip him, tie his feet together, and cast him, on a rope, over the stern, for the few sharks which tend, even in the open sea, to follow a ship, for the garbage. In any event, I thought Pertinax would be well advised to forget the slave. Surely there were many others he might consider with less risk, and several of these others, at least in my view, would bring a higher price off the block than the blonde, not that there was anything in particular wrong with her.

I will mention one anomaly, however, something that did not seem to fit into the common routines and practices of slave management on the great ship. It had to do with a particular group of slaves, from the Venna keeping area, where higher slaves were commonly housed. The anomaly was that this group was always brought to the deck hooded. The hoods were common slave hoods, opaque, enclosing the head completely, and fastened about the neck with a buckled strap, except that each buckle, once fastened, was secured in place by a small padlock, joining the buckle and a deep-sewn collar ring. The hood, thus, could not be casually removed. I did not understand the necessity, or advisability, of the hooding. It was explained to me that the slaves were of such beauty that hooding was a precaution against loosening the larls of desire amongst the crew, even the Pani, with the result of anticipated bloodshed, but I found this hard to believe. Whereas many women are beautiful, and many more beautiful than others, I doubted that amongst truly beautiful women there was that much difference. I was familiar with the markets in Jad, in Temos, in Brundisium, and Ar, and had seen enough beautiful slaves, indeed, women who had brought gold from buyers, rather than silver, to know that amongst beautiful women extraordinary differences, at least of figure and features, did not exist. Differences in price would be more commonly a function of origin, education, intelligence, training, and such things, than beauty. For example, a woman of high-caste origin would be likely to sell for more than a similar girl of a humbler origin. This was not to deny that the hooded slaves were doubtless beautiful, and, certainly, as they were tunicked, there was no doubt about the attractiveness of their figures. Indeed, most seemed at, or near, ideal block measurements, those measurements sought by professional slavers before bringing their merchandise to the large, sawdust-covered pedestal from which they would be vended. The thought crossed my mind that perhaps the hoods were emplaced to conceal the identity of the slaves, but there seemed no point to this as there would be few on the ship, or, presumably, at its destination, to whom their identity would be of any interest. As it is said, the identity of a slave is given to her by the collar. In this sense, there is only one identity for a slave, that she is a slave. The hoods would not be worn, of course, in the privacy of the Venna area itself. Perhaps that was why the observation panel in the door of the Venna area was fastened shut, and could not be slid aside, as that of the Kasra area, below. They would be hooded before leaving the area, and unhooded after their return to the area. It might also be noted that this group, when brought through the corridors and up the companionways to the open deck was in belly coffle. In this way, a single rope, tied snugly about their bellies, held them together, a rope which, given the delight of their figures, even though their hands were free, could not be slipped. All in all, I did not understand the nature of the group, or the reasoning behind the hooding. The belly coffle, of course, given the hooding, was a sensible arrangement. It tended to keep the girls together, and would reduce the likelihood of accidents. In their exercising, the two free ends of the rope were usually fastened about masts, commonly the third and fourth mast. The deck of a ship, the structures and paraphernalia about, the footing often uncertain, sometimes difficult, is a venue no rational person would choose to traverse blindly. Even were one not hooded, the open deck might be dangerous; the great ship, after all, despite its breadth, was a narrow, moving platform, little more than a pitching twig, so to speak, in the midst of a wide, deep, capricious sea.

As mentioned, of late, ropes had been strung about the deck, rather in the fashion that such ropes are used in rough seas. This seemed puzzling to me, as the weather was clear. I have also mentioned the closure of hatches, and the restriction of the open deck primarily to officers and the duty crew. All of this, given the weather, made no sense to me. As I was soon to relieve Aeacus at the foremast’s platform and ring, I felt entitled to come early to the open deck. As mentioned, it was close below decks.

I looked about.

Tarl Cabot was at the bow, below the stem castle, scanning the horizon with a Builder’s glass. There were some dark clouds, or what I took to be dark clouds, on the horizon, both to the north and south. As I had frequently served with the commander, largely at his assignment, prior to the fate of Seremides, whom I no longer regarded as a threat, I decided to stand near to him, at the rail. As it did not seem appropriate that I address him, I remained silent, hoping he might recognize me. He looked about, and smiled. “Tal, Callias,” he said. I gathered I had been less subtle than I had intended, but he did not seem offended. “Tal, Commander,” I said. He understood, I suppose, that I hoped to speak with him. He made things easy. It was his way.

He handed me the glass. “What do you see?” he asked. “I see little,” I said, “three dark clouds, one to starboard, two to port.”

It pleased me that he had asked my opinion.

“Rain?” he inquired.

“I see no curtain of darkness beneath the clouds, and thus it is not rain,” I said, “but doubtless they are rain clouds.”

“Do you anticipate a storm?” he asked.

“I think not, from the sky,” I said. Surely that was evident.

“You think they are rain clouds?” he said.

“Certainly,” I said.

“I am told,” he said, “by Lord Nishida that they are not clouds.”

“What then?” I asked.

“Smoke?” he said.

“Impossible,” I said. “There is nothing to burn, there is only the sea.”

“I am told,” he said, “that such things are not smoke.”

“Clouds, then,” I said.

“No,” he said, taking back the glass. “Ash,” he said.

I recalled the coating on the sails some days earlier, the staining on the canvas, the granular, sootlike darkness on the deck, the brief sense of something stifling about, how, for a moment or two, it had been hard to breathe.

“There was ash before,” I said.

“What might be its source?” he asked.

“I know not,” I said. “I am afraid. Perhaps from the Sardar, a sign of the displeasure of Priest-Kings.”

“The Sardar is far,” he said.

“True,” I said.

“No natural origin?” he said.

“No,” I said, “there is nothing to burn in the water.”

“Do you know the name of these waters?” he asked.

“No,” I said.

“There are various names,” he said, “the Raging Sea, the Sea of Fire.”

“The sea is calm,” I said. “Thassa sleeps.”

“She may awaken,” said Cabot.

“I understand little of what is occurring,” I said. “Why, in a gentle sea, are the storm ropes strung, why must the hatches, in warm weather, remain closed, why are few now allowed on deck?”

“I too know very little about these things,” said Cabot.

“At least,” I said, “we are no longer pursued by the fleet of Lord Yamada.” This seemed clear, from the reports of the mizzenmast watch.

“Why?” asked Cabot.

“I do not know,” I said. “Perhaps they cannot match our speed.”

“Surely,” he said, “you note we have spread no more than a fifth of our canvas, and are moving slowly.”

“True,” I said.

“Why?” he asked.

“I do not know,” I said.

“We are proceeding with caution,” he said.

“Why?” I asked.

“I do not know,” he said.

“The sea is calm, the sky clear,” I said.

“There is ash in the distance,” he said.

“It is far away,” I said.

“True,” he said.

“I see no danger,” I said.

“Nor I,” he said.

The bar sounded.

“The watch turns,” I said. “I must relieve Aeacus.”

“Do not neglect to fasten the safety rope,” said Cabot.

“The sea is calm,” I said, “unusually so.”

“Do it,” he said.

“Yes, commander,” I said.

To be sure, this was a matter of routine with me.

“Following the recall,” he said, “a count of weapons was made.”

“Yes?” I said.

“Several are missing,” he said.

I nodded. I was not surprised.

“Callias,” he said.

“Commander?” I said.

“If you were the admiral of the fleet of Lord Yamada,” said Cabot, “and you outnumbered your enemy ten or more to one, would you not press on, hoping to bring about an engagement, even if weeks later?”

“Yes,” I said, “I would press on.”

“And yet the fleet soon desisted in its pursuit.”

“Yes,” I said.

“Why?” he asked.

“I do not know,” I said.

“I fear,” he said, “we will soon learn.”

I then ascended the ratlines, to relieve Aeacus.
