This was supposed to be a novella. We were supposed to finish it in a couple of months. But the story ended up growing and growing, and eventually we gave up on trying to figure out how long we wanted it to be and let it be as long as took. It was so fun to write, and we hope you’ll enjoy reading it.

Many people helped us along the way. We would like to thank Nancy Yost, Natanya Wheeler, Sarah Younger, and Cheryl Pientka of NYLA for their help and expertise in bringing this manuscript to publication. We are grateful to Rossana Sasso for the editorial input, to Stefanie Chin for a thorough copyedit, and to Gina Nicholls for proofreading.

We are deeply indebted to our beta team: Michelle Badillo, Harriet Chow, Gloria, Dr. Chrissy Hall, Katherine Heasley, Jessi Halligan, Elżbieta Jaskulska, Veronika "Lyra" Kovaničová, Maura O'Toole, Jeanne L.D. Osnas, Sarah Platt, and Chiara Prato. Thank you for making our book better by sharing your insight and knowledge. We had the benefit of their expert advice on anthropology, archeology, zoology, botany, all things Irish, and even ballet. All errors of fact and science are ours alone.

This novel took some liberties with earth and biological sciences in the name of artistic license.
