
Plato closed the file and leaned back in the wooden chair, his brow creased, his blue eyes narrowed, and absently ran his right hand through his long gray beard. An unexpected knock on the cabin door curtailed his reflection. “Come in,” he called out.

The door swung inward to reveal a seven-foot giant wearing a black leather vest and green fatigue pants. Around his waist were strapped two Bowies. “Hi, Plato. Sorry to bother you.”

“Nonsense, Blade. How may I be of service?”

The giant’s eyes strayed to the Family Leader’s lap. “The Chronicler told me you have a certain file I need.”

“This one?” Plato asked innocently, tapping the blue cover.

“Yeah. Are you done with it?”

“Sure am.” Plato said, holding the file out. “Be my guest.”

“Thanks.” Blade walked over and took it, his gaze lingering on the older man’s face. “Any particular reason you were reading this one?”

“No,” Plato fibbed.

Blade turned to go. “Well, I’ll see you later.”

“How is Gabe doing?”

The giant stopped and glanced at his mentor. “You heard, huh?”

“I would imagine everyone in the Family knows the story by now.”

Blade frowned. “You’re probably right.”

“No one blames him for what happened.”

“He blames himself.”

A kindly chuckle issued from Plato’s lips. “When you’re five years-old and you see a slavering, mutated black bear bearing down on you, your first reaction is to run. He has nothing to be ashamed of. Especially since, as I understand it, he only ran a dozen yards or so, then went back to get Tommy.”

“That’s what happened,” Blade confirmed. “Tommy was so scared he just stood there. They were both lucky that Ares heard Gabe screaming for Tommy to run and got there in time to kill the mutant.”

“So all’s well that ends well.”

“Not quite. Gabe is upset because he ran in the first place. He thinks he’s a coward and can never grow up to become a Warrior like me.”

“I take it a bedtime story is in order?”

Blade nodded. “I’m hoping it will help.”

“If he’s anything like his father—and I know he is— Gabe will recover quickly. We all do when we’re that young.”

The giant smiled and stepped to the doorway. “Thanks again.”

“Say, Blade?”


“Did anyone ever go back to Castle Orm?”


“One of these days we should go there.”

“One of these days.”
