Chapter 26: All Aboard

Lionheart and I arrived at the central London airship towers just before six o’clock. Overhead, airships of all sizes, from single-person crafts to massive international ships, floated in and out of the port. The scarlet balloon of the agency airship was clearly noticeable on the platform reserved for official government or emergency business. I parked the steamcycle then grabbed my gear.

As Lionheart and I headed toward the lift, I scanned the crowd.

“We’re not alone,” Lionheart said.

He was right. I felt it too. The airship towers were a hotbed for preternatural miscreants, many of whom likely had nothing to do with Melwas and his plans to swarm the known world with all sorts of maleficent creatures.

I eyed the crowd as we made our way toward the lift. A moment later, Agent Rose fell into step with us.

“Louvel,” she said then eyed Lionheart. “And Alpha,” she added, inclining her head to Lionheart who returned the gesture.

“Any guesses on what’s creeping around?” I asked her.

“Besides the three of us?” she replied with a light laugh. “Well, the Pellinores have some interesting guests. At least three boggarts are watching them. I spotted a banshee, but I think she’s hovering about some airship pirates pretending to be traders. There are two goblin pickpockets working the crowd. The American trading vessel seems to have brought along some sort of shapeshifter I’ve never seen the likes of before, but he’s pretending to be a human and definitely didn’t want me to notice him. And a partridge in a pear tree.”

Lionheart chuckled lightly.

Given my history with the Twelve Days of Christmas, I was less amused.

“Oh, and the boggart who arrived just behind you,” Agent Rose added.

“And Melwas?”

Agent Rose shook her head. “Not here. He was spotted in the Dark District after the attack on the agency but not since.”

I frowned. “Let’s go up,” I said, pointing to the lift.

The lift operator, spying my and Agent Rose’s red capes, opened the lift gate but said nothing. Not making eye contact with any of us, he took us up to the platform where our colleagues waited.

On the platform just outside the agency airship, I spotted Agent Keung.

And Harper.

They walked down the platform toward us.

“Harper, what are you doing here?” I asked.

“Once I heard the plan, I asked Her Majesty’s permission to come join you. I can’t have my partner out risking her neck while I’m sitting around drinking tea.”

“And keeping our colleagues safe,” I said.

“I agreed to take over Harper’s duties,” Agent Keung told me.

“And agents from Shadow Watch have arrived,” Harper added. “Shadow Watch is cleaning up the tunnels and securing headquarters. Except Agent Walsh’s unit. I sent him to the sewers.”

“But we didn’t have any issues in the sewers,” Agent Keung said.

Harper grinned. “No. We did not.”

I laughed. Served Agent Walsh right for making Harper and me take the back entrance into Shadow Watch Headquarters.

“Shadow Watch also has agents at Buckingham,” she said then turned to Lionheart. “I directed them to be cooperative with the Templars.”

Lionheart nodded.

“Thank you. I’m glad you’re here,” I told Harper. In a way, I was happy something blossomed between her and Edwin. I cared about them both, and I wanted them both to be happy. Happy together was a good thing. And if Edwin’s godmother got nasty with Harper, this time there was nothing preventing me from speaking my mind. Loudly. With a pointy item in my hand.

The head of the Pellinore division, Agent Ewan Goodwin, lifted his hand in welcome. Along with Ewan, I spotted Pellinore agents Lucy Silver and William Williamson. But I wasn’t looking for any of them. It was Rapunzel Pendragon, a young woman with a massive mop of golden hair—and her faerie companion—for whom I was searching. Both were on the airship.

“Agent Louvel,” Agent Goodwin called, moving toward me. His eyes turned from me to Lionheart. I saw him take in the werewolf and debate what to do. In the end, he gave Lionheart a polite nod.

Lionheart huffed lightly under his breath.

“Agents,” I said, nodding to Agents Goodwin, Silver, and Williamson. “Thank you for coming.”

“I understand we’re headed to Glastonbury,” Agent Goodwin said.

“Indeed we are,” I answered, my eyes flicking toward Miss Pendragon once more.

Agent Goodwin nodded nervously then rubbed the back of his neck. “Agent Keung updated us on what happened at the agency. We’re ready to help. All of us,” he said, looking back at the pair on the airship.

“I’m counting on it,” I said.

“Something tells me we’re in for a fight, Agent Louvel,” Agent Williamson said.

“Wherever would you get that idea?”

“Oh, just a hunch,” he said, glancing from Rose to Lionheart. He shrugged. “Pellinores owe you one for that mess at Willowbrook anyway. Better come aboard and tell us what’s going on.”

I looked from Rose to Harper. “Shall we?” I asked, motioning to the airship.

Harper nodded then boarded the ship.

“I’m headed back to Buckingham,” Agent Keung told me.

“I’ll come with you,” Agent Rose told him.

“You’re not coming?” I asked Rose.

“I’ll be there. Later. With my backup,” she said, motioning to the sky overhead. “We’re nightshift.”


“See you later, Louvel,” Agent Rose said, then she and Agent Keung left.

“Just a moment,” I said then turned to Lionheart.

We stepped away from the others for a moment.

“You know, I remember you standing on the roof of that hangar,” Lionheart said, motioning to the yard behind us where the Templars and I had fought the wizard Marlowe. “It’s quite possible that was the moment I fell in love with you.”

“At that moment? Why?”

“Because I came to do battle with a wizard and all the werewolves in London. And so had you. The only difference was that I came with an army. You were all alone, your red cape swirling around you. You looked like David about to take on Goliath. And there was not a flicker of fear in your eyes. I don’t think I’ve admired anyone more in my entire life.”

“Well, considering how long your life has been, that’s saying something.”

“Those age jokes will never grow tired,” he said with a light laugh.

“I certainly hope not. How about now? Any flickering in my eyes?” I asked, gazing up at him.

“Very certainly, but those sparks have nothing to do with fear.”

I winked at Lionheart. “Then let’s get this over with. We have the rest of our lives waiting for us.”

He smiled softly at me. “Be careful.”

“Of course.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too,” I whispered in reply then turned and headed toward the airship.
