Chapter Thirteen

“You can’t sneak up on me.”

“I wasn’t trying to.” Myka stared at Galen from the open barn door as he shoveled the last scoop of clean sawdust into the wheelbarrow.

He wheeled the full load to Buddy’s empty stall and poured it in with no effort. She sighed, wishing she could clean stalls that easily. Then a thought occurred to her.

“Will I be able to do all the chores as easily as you do after . . . after, you know?”

He leaned against the door of the stall and crossed his arms over his chest. “You won’t be as strong as I am, but I think you’ll find bucking hay and cleaning stalls a much easier task. Although I’d still rather you not do those things. I can do them for you, or we can get someone else to.”

“Galen, I—”

“I’ll be here when and if you decide you want to be with me. I won’t leave you. I’ll help you through the change, and I’ll do my best to respect whatever decisions you make about us.”

“As easy as that, huh?”

He nodded.

“And what if I decide that I can’t be with you? What if later down the line I bring a date here? Are you simply going to stand back and respect my decision?”

He suddenly stood and took two steps toward her. They now stood toe-to-toe, and she had to crane her neck back to look up at him. Still she was not afraid.

“To answer your first question, I would be crushed. And as far as your second? Ask anything of me but that. I’m afraid I don’t have it in me to let another man lay one finger on you while I’m alive.”

She smiled up at him. “Good. But understand one thing.” She waited until he raised a brow in question. “I don’t share either. If you ever touch another woman, well, let’s just say I’ve watched the vet geld several stallions over the years.”

He chuckled, but turned pale when she simply stared up at him, unsmiling. She reached out and ran her fingers lightly over his chest. The hard muscles bunched under her touch.

“I don’t know how I will end up handling everything, Galen. I won’t act like I’m okay with all of this. It will take some time for me to come to terms with it all.”


“But I do know a few things for certain.”

“Which are?” he asked quietly.

“First of all, you can’t blame yourself for what happened.” When he started to protest, she reached up and pressed her index finger firmly against his lips. “Shhh. Let me finish,” she said, surprised at how husky her voice sounded to her own ears. “It wasn’t your fault. If it wasn’t Terrance, it could have been someone else. Hell, a drifter—a human—could have wandered out here at any time, and done worse, for that matter. If anyone is to blame for what happened, it is Terrance. Not you. Secondly, I love you. I don’t want to lose you.” She let her finger slide from his lips, but he caught her wrist and held her palm flat over his heart.

“I love you, Myka. Have from the moment I first saw you. I swear I will do everything in my power to make you and Patrick happy.”

“I know you will. I will simply have to trust that everything else will work itself out.”

“I will be here to help you through all of the other stuff.”

“There’s one more thing I’m certain of.” She caught her breath when his hazel eyes began to glow.

“What’s that?”

“I’m certain that I want you to make love to me right now.”

He cupped her face with his hands. “Be sure, angel. I’ve waited for what seems like an eternity for this moment. I’ve burnt up all of my control the last few times we’ve almost been together. I don’t think I have any willpower left where you are concerned. Once we start, I’m not sure I’ll be able to walk away.”

“I don’t want you to walk away. I want you, Galen. And I do believe you told me that you would do anything to make me happy. You making love to me would make me very happy.”

“In that case, I certainly don’t want to disappoint you.”

Before she could think up a clever response, his mouth was on hers, and she was falling back into a soft mound of hay. His tongue slid inside her mouth, and she moaned when his scent and taste hit her. He tangled his fingers in her hair and deepened the kiss. Her body caught fire instantly, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, only to wince when pain shot through her shoulder.

He leaned back and looked down at her with a scowl on his face before gently easing her shirt aside to inspect the bite.

“There’s something I need to tell you about this.” He traced the wound softly with his finger. But instead of continuing, he stood. Every muscle in his body tensed, and she shivered at the loss of his heat.

“What’s wrong?” She took his offered hand and let him pull her up beside him.

“We have company,” he said.

She took a hesitant step back, but he refused to let go of her hand to allow her to retreat further. “Wh-Who is it?” she asked.

He gently tugged her to his side, but kept her tucked under his arm as if shielding her with his body. “It’s okay, Myka. No threat.”

She followed him out of the barn to find Brent standing alone in the yard.

“Why are you here? I asked you to never come here again.” The menace in Galen’s voice could not be mistaken.

“I needed to apologize personally to the lady,” Brent said as his dark eyes rested on her.

He was a handsome man, and held an edge to him not unlike Galen—an edge of lethalness.

“She’s already been through enough,” Galen said.

Myka squeezed his hand reassuringly. “It’s okay. I’m fine.” She took a step away from him, but didn’t release his hand. “Thank you for your apology, but I can’t pretend that I’m not angry at what you did. And how could you beat Galen like that? You and your friends should be ashamed of yourselves. Galen is a good man.”

“Yes, ma’am. I’m aware of that.” Brent slid his gaze to Galen, then back to Myka. “I can only assure you that we doubted Terrance’s story pretty much from the start, but still had a duty to find Galen and get his side. Our race is in too much danger from extinction to take any risks, however small they may be. If it’s of any consolation to you, Galen gave as good as he got during the fight.”

“I can understand your need to get Galen’s side of the story, but I don’t agree with how you went about doing it. And while I’m happy Galen isn’t the only one who suffered physically during your altercation, it’s of little consolation to me. He should have never been hurt in the first place,” she said after raising her chin and looking Brent directly in the eyes.

“I hope one day to earn your forgiveness.” He bowed his head slightly. “I also wanted to extend an invitation to Sanctuary for both of you. Please feel free to visit at any time. You will always be welcome. My friend Anthony has a mate named Karen who was also bitten by a rogue. She may be able to help you with the difficulty of your first change.”

Difficulty?” Myka frowned and looked up at Galen in question.

“I haven’t discussed it with her yet. Nonetheless, if she will let me, I will be able to ease the pain.” Galen ignored her question completely, which irked her.

“There is no way to ease the pain of a change that occurs from the bite of a rogue,” Brent said.

“There is. I have witnessed it with my own eyes,” Galen replied.

Brent took a step forward, but stopped when Galen let out a low warning growl.

“Tell me. Please. It may be useful to us in the future,” Brent pleaded.

Galen stared at Brent intently. Myka held her breath wondering if punches were about to fly, but after several gut clenching moments Brent retreated a step and Galen’s shoulders relaxed before he answered.

“If a potential mate is bitten by a rogue but finds her mate before her first shift, he can bite her in the same place. It will ease the pain of the bite and make the first change easier. Almost as easy as if her mate had originally turned her.”

“I’m an ancient. I’ve never heard of this. Neither have any of the other ancients I know.”

“Now you have.”

“How can this be?” Brent asked.

“I’ve only witnessed it once in my lifetime. Many, many years ago, when things were different, when man still commanded woman. The leader of one of the packs I was running with forced it upon his mate after a rogue bit her because he knew it would relieve some of her pain. While he did it with the best intentions, and it did ease her suffering, she never forgave him. I can only assume you’ve never heard of this because it’s rare. And during those exceptional occasions when the circumstance arises, I can’t imagine many women in this day and age agreeing to be bitten again after going through such a traumatizing event to begin with. Women are no longer commanded by their mates. They make their own choices.”

Brent nodded. “Yes. I guess that is true. Thank you for this information. Like I said, it may prove useful in the future to save someone from suffering. I’m sorry again, Myka, for everything. I’m sorry to you as well, my brother. I hope to see you both at some point at Sanctuary. In fact, this would be a great place to expand if you are willing.”

“No. It’s too dangerous for Patrick. I will not expose him to rogues,” Galen said adamantly.

Myka wouldn’t argue with that. She would never intentionally bring danger to Patrick’s doorstep.

“Patrick?” Brent asked.

“Myka’s nephew that lives here with her,” Galen answered. “He’s only five and has recently lost his father. He’s had enough on his plate to deal with.”

“I did not know about Patrick. I agree. Maybe some of the women, some of the potential mates who have suffered at the hands of rogues, might do better in a more secluded place with fewer men around. That could be an option without bringing danger to the boy.”

“We’ll talk about it, but I can’t make any promises. This is Myka’s place, and she has the final say.”

She leaned against Galen, grateful that he’d respected her place and decisions.

“Good-bye. I hope you both will enjoy many years of happiness together.” Brent turned and melded into the night.

“I’m going to assume by that little conversation that it’s not going to be all kittens and rainbows the first time I shift? Not that I was looking forward to it anyway,” she muttered. Shivers of dread snaked down her spine, followed by fear.

“I wanted to discuss this with you in private. Let’s go to the house so we can talk.”

She nodded and followed him inside. He pulled a kitchen chair out from under the table, sat down, then tugged her onto his lap. After he wrapped his arms around her, she leaned back against his chest and rested her hands on his forearms.

“Tell me,” she said quietly.

“The first shift is a bit uncomfortable, but the first shift due to a rogue’s bite is . . . intense.”

She sat up and turned to face him. “And by intense you mean painful?”

“Yes. A rogue’s bite is even more painful than a fated mate’s bite.”

“Can’t say my shoulder hasn’t been burning like hell.” She shifted her shoulder and winced.

“It won’t stop hurting, may even get worse at times, until after your first change.”

“Three weeks. I have to deal with this for three weeks?” Tears shimmered in her eyes.

She wasn’t a whiner by any means, but she couldn’t deny that the pain from the bite was a little more than a simple burning like hell. As it was, she thought Freddy Krueger was trying to claw his way out of her skin with his wicked razor fingers. Could she handle a full three weeks of it? Yes, but it would be difficult at best.

“I can help you if you’ll let me, but it will take a significant amount of trust on your part.”

“Yeah, I know why too. I didn’t forget the conversation between you and Brent. I’m not sure I can go through it again, Galen. It was horrible when Terrance bit me . . . excruciating. I always credited myself with being tough, but I don’t know if I can handle it again.”

“If I bite you, it won’t hurt like it did with Terrance. It will be uncomfortable, but if I do it while we are making love, you will hardly notice. Some say it is stimulating during sex. I won’t push you on this. The decision is completely yours. I can’t begin to understand your pain or fear. I only want to help ease your discomfort. I love you. I die a little inside every time I think of what you must be going through, and how I should have protected you.”

“Let’s not get back into this being your fault again. It’s not, and I don’t blame you.” She sighed and leaned her head against his chest. “It’s bad, Galen. It really hurts bad. It comes and goes in waves, but at its peak”—she shuddered—”sometimes I want to scream.”

He tipped her chin up until their eyes met. “Let me help you,” he whispered.

“I’m scared,” she whispered back.

“I know, but I won’t hurt you.”

“I’ll think about it. Will you please make love to me now? And maybe we could use my bed?”

“Maybe we’ll get there eventually.” He smiled.

She squeaked when he lifted her from his lap and deposited her on the edge of the table in front of him. He pulled her jeans and panties off, then tugged her shirt over her head, being careful not to bump her injured shoulder. He growled low in his throat as his glowing eyes traced the contours of her body. She blushed when he placed her feet on the tops of his thighs.

“This isn’t fair,” she whispered.

“Why?” His brow shot up.

“I’m naked, and you’re not.”

“That’s easily remedied.” He stood, and got rid of his shirt.

She licked her lips at the broad expanse of muscle that was now on display, and when he reached for the buttons on his jeans, her eyes greedily fell to his fingers, waiting in anticipation. His hands froze, and it took a low growl to bring her gaze back to his face. Her breath caught in her throat at the blatantly feral look on his face. He looked as if he was about to eat her up. At that moment, she had no idea why Red would ever run from the wolf.

“What’s wrong?” She gulped in a breath of air.

“The way you look at me. Your beautiful eyes glazed with scorching need and passion just for me. It tests my control, Myka.”

“Who says you need control?” She giggled nervously.

“Me. I want to taste every inch of you, and right now, all my body wants is to get inside you as fast as it can.”

“Maybe I wouldn’t mind,” she said huskily.

He groaned, unbuttoned the rest of the buttons, and slid the jeans off his long legs while toeing his boots off. She sucked in another breath at the sight of him. He was glorious, and he was all hers.

He sat back down on the chair in front of her and placed her feet on the tops of his thighs once again. They were nearly eye to eye, and she didn’t feel quite so small from this angle. He reached out and gently traced the row of puncture wounds from Terrance’s bite. He looked up at her with anger burning in his still-glowing eyes.

“No.” She cupped his face. “Don’t bring him into this. This is only you and me. I don’t want anything or anyone else here when we are together.”

“Let me make it better for you,” he said through clenched teeth.

“I’ll think about it.”

He continued to stare at her. His gaze burned through her, heating her body, making her want to squirm, but he finally nodded. His lips captured hers, and she wound her arms around his neck. She pressed herself against his big, naked chest, and fire scorched her veins. She’d never met anyone who made her feel complete, like all of life’s mysteries were solved as long as he held her.

His tongue playfully danced in her mouth, but soon the playfulness turned dominating, demanding, and she wanted nothing more than to give him everything he asked for. In return, he gave her more pleasure than she’d ever dreamed of. He cupped the back of her head and held her prisoner to his mouth and tongue. She moaned as he licked, nibbled, and drank in every sigh, every groan, every single breath. He was devouring her, and they began to meld, blend, and become one.

She cried out at the loss of his mouth as he began to gently nip his way across her jaw, down her neck, and over her collarbone before stopping at her shoulder. Her fingers tangled in his short hair as he gently kissed and licked every puncture from the bite, even turning her to get the ones on her back before wrapping his arms around her and holding her tightly as he laid his head against her chest.

Every single touch, caress, lick, and nibble spoke of his love for her. It was as if he cherished her, as if he worshipped her, and it made her feel sexy as hell. She held him against her, and when he loosened the hug and turned his face to take one of her nipples into his mouth, she whimpered in delight.

His hands splayed over and curled around the tops of her thighs and pushed them wide before he moved to her other nipple and sucked it into his hot mouth. She arched against him and held him to her, urging him on. His fingers snaked farther up her thighs, and she moaned when he spread her labia and thumbed her clit. The pressure built inside her, and she squirmed. He stilled her by gripping her hips with his long fingers, then kissed his way down her belly before laving her navel. She whimpered again when he trailed his mouth lower and licked a trail over her mound, then tongued her clit.

She collapsed back onto the table when he buried his face between her legs. His tongue was magical in its quest to bring her pleasure, dipping inside her and circling her clit with expertise. He pushed her legs wider and tugged her to the edge of the table. When she tried to sit up again, he gently, but firmly pushed her back down and guided her hands where she could grip the lip with her fingers to anchor herself.

His tongue curled around her clit again before slowly licking a path down her slit, then diving deep inside. She moaned and tried to tighten her legs around his head, but he wedged his wide shoulders between her thighs, keeping her splayed for his welcomed assault. He licked back up to her clit, then slid one long finger inside. The pressure built another notch, and she knew it wouldn’t be long before she exploded.

She whimpered when he slid another finger inside her and stretched her until she was on the precipice of pain, but somehow that only excited her further.

“You’re so tight, angel. I want to make sure you are ready for me. I don’t want to hurt you.” His voice vibrated against her.

Her body yielded and accommodated his fingers as they slid in and out of her with ease, but when he slowly started to add a third finger, she squeaked in alarm.

“Shhh. Relax, Myka. I won’t hurt you.”

Before she could protest that three of his fingers would never fit, his tongue landed on her clit once again, and she forgot everything but the fire that shot through her and settled just under his tongue. Within moments, she was amazed that he was now making love to her with his beautiful mouth and three fingers. Not only did it not hurt, but the fullness inside her felt amazing.

“I want you, Galen. Please,” she pleaded. She didn’t want to come without him inside her this time.

He stood, and she hissed at the sudden loss of the fullness and slide of his wicked fingers. He gently turned her until she was chest down on the table, and guided her arms to stretch out at her sides. Her hips dangled over the end, and he stepped between them before leaning over her. Her entire back was suddenly engulfed by the heat of him.

She couldn’t move. He had her firmly imprisoned underneath him, but he didn’t hurt her, and she didn’t feel scared or intimidated. Far from it. She lifted her hips up, and was rewarded with the press of his cock at the opening that was unashamedly weeping for him. He began to ease inside her, and she found him to be even bigger than he’d prepared her for.

“I don’t want to hurt you. Forgive me.”

His words came next to her ear, and his hot breath fanned over her cheek. He forced the tip inside and began inching farther in. He ran his hands over her splayed arms and covered the backs of her hands with his palms before lacing his fingers with hers.

He licked the puncture wounds on the back of her shoulder, and she groaned as the pain from the bite lessened. Her body stretched with each sinking inch of his cock. She didn’t know if she wanted to scream or cry from the overwhelming sensations zinging through her body.

“Let me make this better for you,” he whispered before licking the bite again.

Her head swirled, and her body cried out for his as he stilled only halfway inside her. She sobbed and tried to push back to pull him in completely, but he had her pinned. Frustration beat at her.

“Please, Galen! Please.”

He flexed his hips and slid another inch. They both groaned, but he stilled again.

“Let me.” He licked the bite again. “Don’t be afraid. I won’t ever hurt you.”

“I’m not afraid, Galen. But I think I might die here if you don’t . . .” She flexed her hips so he knew what she meant.

“Then say yes, and I’ll give you everything you need, angel.”

She couldn’t take any more. She was going out of her mind with need. Finally, she cried out, “Yes! Yes!”

A split second later, she screamed out louder when he slammed his cock home with a thrust of his hips. The world tilted, and she became numb to everything but the feel of Galen pounding into her, of his hot body blanketing her, of the pressure building with each thrust, of the scent of him.

With each slam of his hips, she was pushed higher across the table, but slid back down with each retreat. The tablecloth allowed her to glide freely on the surface as he thrust into her over and over. She began to pant, but hung on, not wanting this to be over. But then his mouth came down over her shoulder, and teeth sunk into her flesh.

The shock and expected pain made her flinch, but the pain didn’t come. When he bit into her, the most beautiful, unadulterated pleasure bathed her in warm light. He slammed home again, and she screamed out as her orgasm ripped through her, racking her body with relentless waves of ecstasy, one after another, that robbed her of her breath. Her mouth fell open, and her eyes stared unseeing as she gave up all senses but the feel of what Galen did to her.

His hands tightened over hers as he continued to pound into her. Just when she thought she’d surely die, that no one could withstand this much pleasure at one time, he released her shoulder and gave a guttural cry as he came. Her inner muscles clenched around him with every hot jet of his release, and she cried out when they continued to spasm as if trying to drag him even deeper. With one last thrust, he collapsed over her. She was sure her bones had disappeared. She couldn’t move, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to.

He kissed her shoulder. “Better?” he asked in a gravelly voice.

“Yes. It is. It barely hurts now. But how?”

“I’m your mate. That’s how it should have felt when you were bitten.”

“Good God, Galen. I barely survived it. It was . . . it was . . . I don’t know how to explain it.”

“As if we became one. As if everything in the universe aligned in perfect harmony for that one moment,” he whispered.


He turned her over and stared down at her. “You are beautiful.”

“You’re not so bad yourself, but I think we have a problem.”

“What’s that?” he said in alarm.

“I don’t think I’ll ever be able to move again.”

“Let’s go to bed, angel.” He chuckled and scooped her up.

“Let’s,” she agreed before resting her head against his chest.

Galen made her feel safe, kept the fear of what lay ahead for her at bay when she was close to him like this. She knew that if given the choice to become a werewolf or not, she would have chosen not, but maybe that’s why she wasn’t given the choice. Fate took the choice from her for a reason—Galen. She could have loved him without being changed, but she doubted he would have been truly happy knowing one day she would die on him. Maybe this was her destiny. Maybe Terrance had taken that decision from her because fate had devised it that way. Whatever was to come, she was sure she loved Galen, and he loved her and Patrick.

Galen had proven he’d protect her, care for her, take care of her, but more than that, he’d be a great father to Patrick. While they were both aware that he could never take Travis’s place, Patrick needed a father figure in his life. She had to trust that things would work out, and with Galen by her side, how could they not? It was time for life to start giving instead of taking. She inwardly frowned. No. That statement implied she’d had a bad life, and she hadn’t.

She’d had a good life with the exception of losing some of the people she loved. Her mother. Her father. Her brother. And watching Patrick suffer as well from his loss? It had all taken a toll on her. So how had she ever thought to turn her back on Galen? He’d suffered, lost people, and was lonely, same as her. Regardless of what he was or how he’d come into her life, she loved him. And she would be thankful every day for him, Betty, Tom, and everyone she knew in town. From this day on, she vowed to do her best to focus on the good things, to keep the memories of the ones she’d lost close to her heart, and to remember the joy they’d brought to her instead of centering on the pain of losing them.
