Chapter Two

Elsa watched Brand drink the last of his ale. He was almost too good-looking for words. She’d never thought of herself as the type of woman who liked a man with long hair, but when it came to Brand, she would think it a travesty if he were to cut it short. The way it was suited him. She could almost picture him in armor, looking like a warrior of old with his hair and muscular frame. And for some silly reason, she thought Brand would fit into that time period no problem. He gave off a vibe that let everyone in the pub know he wasn’t to be messed with. His gaze scanned the room from time to time, as if looking for an enemy attack or something.

The way Brand was seemed to call out to a very feminine side of her, one that gloried in the idea that he was all male and would protect her from anything. She was quite capable of taking care of herself, but there were times when she wished she could have a big, strong man in her life to lean on when she wanted to. Teddy hadn’t fit that bill, but Brand sure as hell could.

Elsa emptied her glass of wine, her mind already made up on how she wanted the rest of their date to go. She placed the wineglass down on the table and squeezed Brand’s hand, which still held hers. “How about we have our next drink at my flat? I have some beer and wine there.”

The flare of heat she saw in Brand’s eyes had her sucking in a deep breath. Then an ache built inside her pussy when he shifted his hand around hers and made small circles against the inside of her wrist while staring at her as if he wanted to eat her. Elsa knew exactly how she wanted him to do that. It involved both of them naked and his head between her legs.

Brand’s nostrils flared slightly when he drew in a breath. His gaze became even more heated. “Let’s go,” he said. He released her hand before he pulled enough money out of his pocket to cover their bill.

Elsa stood at the same time Brand did. He held out his hand, and she slipped hers into it, linking their fingers. Her heart beat faster in anticipation of what she hoped would come next after they arrived at her flat.

He walked her out of the pub and to the parking lot. Her gaze ran over his silver Lexus. He definitely had money. The car was one of those newer sports models that only the well-to-do could afford.

When they reached the Lexus, Brand unlocked it with a push of a button on the remote attached to his keychain. He then held open the passenger door for her to get inside. Once she was settled, he closed it before walking around the front of the car to the driver’s side. Elsa watched him as she put on her seatbelt. The way he moved even turned her on, all lethal grace with his heavy thigh muscles flexing with each step he took.

The short drive to her flat was over before Elsa knew it. She directed Brand to where he could park in the visitor parking at the back of the building. Once they were out of the car, she led him to the rear entrance and unlocked the secured door. They took the two flights of stairs up to reach her flat. She unlocked her door and pushed it wide open as she stepped through it. Brand followed behind her and shut it.

From force of habit, she stepped around him and engaged the lock before she turned to face him. “Would you like that beer now?”

He nodded. “Sure.”

“Go take a seat in the living room, and I’ll be right back with it.”

Elsa left Brand and headed for her small kitchen. She placed her purse on the table before she took a wineglass out of the cupboard for herself and put it on the counter. Next, she went to the fridge and took out a bottle of beer for Brand and the white wine she’d opened the night before. She poured herself a glass and then put it back in the fridge. After picking up both drinks, she headed for the living room where Brand sat on the couch. She handed him his beer before she took a seat next to him.

“Nice place,” he said.

“Thanks. It’s small, but I don’t mind. Means I have less to clean. Housework isn’t one of my favorite things to do.”

“You’d never be able to tell.”


She took a sip of wine. Now that she had Brand up in her flat, she hesitated on whether or not she should make the first move. Elsa was woefully out of practice. She inched closer so her thigh pressed against his. The heat from his body soaked into hers. The scent of the aftershave he used filled her nose. It smelled very masculine, matching the man who wore it.

Elsa lifted her head to say something, but he took her wineglass from her and put it, along with his untouched beer, on the coffee table in front of them. He then put his arms around her, turning to face her, and dragged her closer. His lips came down on hers in a gentle kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck, returning it, her blood heating.

“I’ve waited so long to do this,” Brand said softly against her lips before he took her mouth in a more thorough kiss.

She opened her mouth as his tongue swept along her lips, seeking entrance. She shivered in delight when he tasted her. Wetness pooled deep inside her pussy, and her arousal increased. Elsa wanted to touch and explore every inch of Brand’s body, feel his hard muscles under his clothes.

Their kiss turned more carnal, and Elsa moaned into Brand’s mouth. Having never been much on the shy side, she dropped one hand and cupped his cock through his jeans. What sounded almost like a soft, animal-like growl pushed out of Brand when she stroked him. Her pussy clenched, aching to have him inside it. He was thick and long.

Brand pushed her back on the couch so she lay stretched out on it. He followed her down, never breaking contact with her lips. Her hand trapped between them, Elsa continued to stroke his cock. It jerked in her grasp, causing her to moan. Being in Brand’s arms, she realized how mediocre sex had become with her ex. Teddy had never caused her body to go up in flames, or made her want to tear his clothes off so she could do wanton things to him. Only Brand excited her that much.

A large hand came up and covered her breast. His thumb brushed back and forth along her taut nipple. Elsa gasped into Brand’s mouth when he plucked at it. She released his cock and skimmed her hand around his body until she reached his hard ass. She gripped it and urged him fully between her legs. His erection came in contact with her jean-clad pussy, and she ground against him.

Brand made that growling sound again before he pulled away from her lips and kissed his way along her jaw and down the side of her neck. He propped himself up on one bent elbow as he used his other hand to work on the buttons of her blouse and then pulled the bottom of it out of the waistband of her jeans. He pushed the material aside and yanked one of her bra cups aside. He shifted lower on her body until he drew even with her breast. Elsa sank her hands into his thick, black hair and held him to her chest as he circled her nipple with his tongue before he sucked it inside his mouth. Each pull on the taut peak caused her pussy to grow wetter, aching with need.

He released her nipple and pulled down the other bra cup before he sucked on the second. Elsa lifted her hips against Brand, her moans sounding breathy. God, she wanted him. And given how hard his cock was, he wanted her too.

Feeling bolder, her body on fire, Elsa pulled Brand’s head away from her chest and yanked him up to take his lips once more. She sucked his tongue into her mouth, loving the taste of him. Obviously taking him by surprise, she rolled them both so they fell off the couch and onto the floor with Brand on the bottom. He let out a grunt when he hit. Now on top, Elsa pulled away from his lips and went up on her knees, straddling his hips. She looked down at him and found he had his eyes closed, his wide chest rapidly rising and falling with each breath he took.

Elsa yanked up his T-shirt to his chin and then sucked in an appreciative breath at the work of art she’d just revealed. Brand’s chest and abs were well defined. She scooted lower on his thighs and used her tongue and lips to explore all those muscles, learning all the planes and angles.

She continued her downward travel until she reached the top of his jeans. Elsa licked the strip of skin just above it as she undid the button and zipper. She parted the material and pushed down the waistband until Brand’s cock sprang free. Since he wore no underwear, there wasn’t any other barrier between her and his erection. She looked at it and licked her lips. Brand was a big man in every sense of the word.

Elsa dragged a finger down the length of Brand’s cock. It jerked in response. He felt like velvet-wrapped steel. She imagined how good it would feel to have it moving in and out of her pussy. Before that happened, she wanted to taste him and thoroughly explore that part of him.

With her fingers wrapped around his thickness, Elsa pumped her hand up and down. Brand lifted his hips, pushing his cock into her grip as she stroked him. He grew even harder. Giving him one last pump, she fisted his shaft at the base. She bent her head and laved the very tip with the flat of her tongue, licking away the bead of precum that had leaked from it. Brand let out a deep moan.

She opened her mouth and took him inside, almost taking him to the back of her throat before she slid him almost out. Her head bobbed as she sucked him in and out. Brand buried his hands in her hair, and Elsa felt a slight prickling sensation along her scalp where he held her.

Brand let her pleasure him this way for only minute more before he pulled her up his body and rolled them so she ended up on the bottom. She then sucked in a sharp breath when he undid the front clasp of her bra and took a nipple into his mouth. He ran a hand down her side before he lifted himself slightly to undo her jeans. They were pushed down past her hips along with her panties, and Elsa helped him peel them off her. She thought for sure he’d settle between her legs and sink his cock into her pussy, but Brand released her nipple and shifted even farther down her body.

He wedged his wide shoulders between her thighs and dragged his tongue along her wet opening. “You taste as good as you smell,” he said, his voice husky.

“Yes,” she said, panting. He licked her again, circling her clit. “Don’t stop. More.”

Brand licked and sucked on the small bundle of nerves that was the center of her pleasure, alternating that with stiffening his tongue and pushing it inside her pussy. Elsa’s arousal continued to build. Her body coiled tighter, edging ever nearer to release. She ground herself against his mouth, unable to hold still any longer.

He pushed his tongue inside her pussy while a finger stimulated her clit. Elsa moaned as she came, her inner walls clutching, pleasure washing over her in waves. Brand continued to work her, making her climax go on and on. Once it was over, her body went limp, and she fought to catch her breath. She’d never come so hard just from oral sex. Brand was definitely a keeper.

He rose above her before he lowered himself on top of her to nuzzle the side of her neck. Elsa opened her legs wider, thinking this time he’d take her, but once again, he didn’t. Brand placed a hard thigh between hers, his still erect cock pressing against her hip. She dropped her hands to his ass to urge him in the position she wanted. He didn’t budge.

“Brand?” she asked, not understanding why he held back.

He nipped her neck before he licked it. “I’m not taking you on the floor,” he said.

She smiled. “In that case, my bed is just a short walk away. We can move this to my bedroom.”

“How about we finish our drinks first? Let things simmer a bit.”

Elsa shivered in anticipation. She could wait a little bit longer to have Brand. It would only make their coming together more intense, especially since she doubted she’d be able to stop thinking about having him.

“Okay,” she said. “We’ll finish our drinks and then move to the bedroom.”

Brand rolled off her and stood in one smooth movement. Elsa sat up and reached for her jeans and panties. She sighed to herself when he shoved his cock back inside his pants and zipped them up. She could wait. It might kill her, but she could do it.

* * *

Brand watched Elsa tug on her jeans before she did her bra and blouse back up. He ached to stop her, wanting to continue with what they had started, but he kept silent. If he hadn’t already known Elsa was his mate, he would have known now. While she was in his arms, his eyesight had grown keener, heralding the change to wolf’s eyes. Also his claws had broken through the skin of his fingertips. Both were signs that she was his. The last thing would be while they made love. Just before he came, his cock would swell until Elsa and he were locked together. Once he reached release, he’d continue to come in half-minute intervals until the swelling went down. He knew all this from his mated fellows-in-arms.

What would happen between them had Brand wanting to slow things down just a touch. Elsa was going to notice—there was nothing he could do about that—but he planned to take his time with her. He’d eventually tell her what he was, though not today. He planned to make love to her, more than once, before he had to leave her to go on a night of hunting werewolves sired by Fenris the wolf. He’d waited so long to touch and taste her, sink his body into hers. He was going to have her before he told her the truth just in case she didn’t take the news too well. And from past experience with the other mates of his brothers-in-arms, Brand expected Elsa to react badly.

Once Elsa was dressed, they sat on the couch. Brand passed Elsa her drink before he grabbed his beer. He put his arm around her and tucked her against his side. She leaned into him. He drew in a lungful of air, the scent of her arousal still strong around them. His blood rushed hotly through his veins, and his cock throbbed with unfulfilled desire.

“I like sitting here with you like this,” Elsa said. “But I still think it would be better if we moved to my bedroom.”

He chuckled. “Patience.”

“That’s easy for you to say. You know, it’s not nice to get a girl all hot and bothered and then tell her to wait.”

Brand kissed the top of Elsa’s head. “I promise to make it up to you. I want to get to know you a bit better.”

She sighed dramatically. “All right, though there isn’t much more to tell. Besides my parents, I have an older sister. She’s my best friend. And speaking of her, she wanted to know if you have any single friends. Renea sometimes goes through men like tissue.”

He smiled. “I only have one friend who is unattached. The others are all married, and two of them have started families.”

“I’ll have to meet this friend of yours then. I can check him out and see if he’d be a good match for my sister.”

“You’ll meet Chris and the others once I bring you to my place. We all live together.”

Elsa swallowed the mouthful of wine she’d taken. “You all live in the same house? Even your friends with kids?”

“Yes. They’re more like family than just strictly friends.”

“How many of you are there?”

“Fourteen. Five couples and two babies.”

Elsa’s eyes widened. “Holy crap, that’s a lot of people for one house. Your place must be bloody huge.”

“It’s a manor house.”

“Of course it is,” she said with a laugh. “How else would you comfortably fit that many people in a place?” Elsa took another sip of her wine. “You aren’t drinking your beer.”

Brand took a huge swig from the bottle he held, drinking a quarter of it. “Is that better?”

“Much. The faster you drink, the faster we get back to the good stuff.”

“You always this impatient?”

“When I want something, yes.” Elsa met Brand’s gaze, giving him a heated look. “And I definitely want you.” She then took a big sip of her wine, which drained the glass.

Brand lost the battle to cool things down a bit. The way she stared at him made his cock even harder. It pressed uncomfortably against his zipper, probably leaving an imprint on his dick. He mentally said to hell with his plans and downed the rest of his beer in two big swallows.

Not saying a word, Brand rose to his feet before he turned to face Elsa and looked down at her. He reached out his hand. Once she placed hers in his, he picked her up and swung her over his shoulder so her head hung down his back. He walked in the direction of the bedroom.

She giggled. “I have to say I have a very nice view of your arse in this position.”

“And I of yours,” he said, and reached up to fondle her ass, running a finger along the seam of her jeans until he delved between her thighs. He heard Elsa’s breath hitch.

Brand stepped into the bedroom and walked straight to the queen-size bed. He lowered her onto the mattress and stood at the side of it as he stared down at Elsa. Already there was a splash of color on her cheeks, her breathing had grown faster, and the scent of her arousal permeated the air around them. He bit back a growl of need that threatened to rumble out of him. She looked beautiful sprawled on the bed, but she’d look even better naked.

“Take your clothes off for me,” he said in a voice husky with arousal.

She peered at him wantonly as she reached for the buttons on her blouse. Elsa took her time undoing them and then pushed the silky fabric off her shoulders and down her arms. She gave it a toss over the side of the bed. Next, she undid her bra, and it followed in the blouse’s wake.

Brand gazed at her more-than-a-handful breasts, which were tipped with taut, rosy-pink nipples. His cock jerked, throbbing in time with his rapidly beating heart. Somehow he managed to stay where he was, watching as Elsa took off her jeans. She hooked her panties with her fingers and slowly pulled them down past her hips and long, toned legs. She teased him and damn well knew it.

Hungering for her, he reached for the bottom of his T-shirt and yanked it over his head before he tossed it to the floor. Brand placed his hands on the top of his jeans to undo them, but Elsa rose on her knees and shook her head.

“Not so fast,” she said, and slid off the mattress to stand in front of him. “I get to take off the rest of your clothes. But first I want to have a better look at you.”

He sucked in a sharp breath as she trailed a hand across his chest. She moved to stand at his side and ran her fingers up his left arm, starting at his wrist and working her way up to the cap of his shoulder where Tiw, the Anglo-Saxon god known as the sky father, had put his mark after Brand had vowed to serve him. Done in black, it depicted the figure of a stylized man flanked on either side by two stylized wolves standing on their hind legs. The man symbolized Tiw, while the wolves represented Brand and the rest of the warriors.

Elsa traced the mark with a fingertip. “I love your tattoo.”

“Thanks,” he said gruffly.

She shifted back to his front and undid his pants. She shoved her hand down the front and grasped his cock. Brand couldn’t hold back a moan. The feel of her touching him so intimately kicked his libido into high gear. Elsa gave him a good squeeze before she pulled her hand out and pushed his jeans down. Once his pants reached his ankles, he stepped out of them and kicked the garment away.

Brand cupped the back of Elsa’s head and brought her closer as he took her mouth with his own. She wrapped her hand around his cock again and pumped it. He moaned against her lips while she worked his shaft. He loved the taste of her on his tongue.

Needing to be inside Elsa, he gently pulled her hand off him and picked her up. He placed her on the bed and followed her down. Brand reached between her legs and caressed her pussy. His fingers came away wet with her juices. He pushed one inside and then a second. He pumped them in and out. Elsa’s inner muscles gripped them, and her hips lifted, matching the pace he set.

“Now, Brand,” she said, panting. “I want you now. Don’t make me wait any longer.”

He pulled his fingers out of her just as the tips burned and his claws pushed through his skin. He knew his eyes had already gone wolf, which he tried to hide from Elsa by keeping them only open to mere slits.

Brand shifted fully on top of Elsa with his hips wedged between her spread thighs. The tip of his cock came to rest against her slick opening. She wrapped her arms around him as he pushed the head inside her pussy, and then he slowly worked himself deeper until she’d taken him to the hilt. He canted back his hips, almost pulling all the way out, before he surged back into her. Her inner muscles gripped him, increasing the pleasure he felt. His cock grew harder when he pumped at a faster pace.

He took her in hard thrusts, the sound of her moans filling his ears. Brand reached under Elsa and took hold of her bottom to angle her hips where he wanted them, careful not to scratch her with his claws. A low wolf’s growl rumbled out of his chest. It wasn’t going to take much for him to find his release. She felt way too good. Elsa put her legs around his waist and locked her ankles at the small of his back. She met each of his strokes. The sound of their harsh breathing filled the room.

Feeling the point of no return edging ever nearer, Brand said huskily, “Come, Elsa. I can’t hold back for long.”

“Almost there.” She then let out a keening moan.

Brand felt her pussy rhythmically clutch his cock as Elsa climaxed. Her strong inner walls squeezed his shaft in a tight fist, milking him into his own orgasm. His erection swelled until he no longer could move inside her. Their bodies became locked together. He groaned, a bit of a wolf’s growl mixing with it, as he emptied himself deep inside her. Brand collapsed on top of Elsa and held her tight against him. Fighting to catch his breath, he felt himself come again.

Elsa ran a caressing hand along his back. “That was amazing.” She sucked in a breath as his cock pulsed once more, sending a splash of cum into her. “Are you still coming?” She tried to shift under him, but Brand stopped her from moving much. “And are we … stuck … together?”

He lifted most of his weight off her, resting his upper body on his bent arms and then lowered his head to brush a kiss across her lips. “Yes to both those questions. Does it bother you?”

“Not really, it’s just … different. Oh, you did it again.”

After that last pulse, Brand felt the swelling in his cock go down somewhat. “Only with you.”


“This has only happened with you.”

“And you don’t find that strange?”

He grinned and kissed the tip of her nose. “No.”

“That’s all you have to say about it? Just no?”

Now able to pull out of Elsa, Brand rolled to his back, taking her with him so she lay on top. “It just means you turn me on so much I can’t control myself.” He kissed her slow and deep before he released her mouth. “Shall we see if you can make me come like that again?”

She gave him a sexy smile. “That would be my pleasure, as well as yours.”
