Dear Reader,

Do you enjoy folklore? If you’re like me, then you probably don’t go in for the Technicolor Disney versions. Perhaps you like your myths and legends a little darker, a little more like the original Grimms’ Fairy Tales, the ones that caution us, teach us, and speak to the innate fears within us all.

If you’re a fan of stories that go bump in the night or of movies like Rosemary’s Baby or Pan’s Labyrinth, I bet you’ll delight in this sinister supernatural thriller that challenges our understanding of modern motherhood and the myths that shape our lives. In Melanie Golding’s unsettling debut Little Darlings, folktales do not spring from whimsy; they serve as a warning. And if you’re a parent like I am, those warnings carry a bigger weight. Perhaps that’s why I had trouble putting this book down; Lauren Tranter, the new mom struggling with her transition into parenthood, reminded me of those early days, those late nights, and the sense that anything could go wrong at any moment. But it also reminded me of the wonder—and magic—of being a parent. Raw, heart-pounding, and beautifully written, Melanie’s debut was unforgettable. Like the fairy tales we read to our children, it will stay with you long after the last page.

Once you’ve had a chance to dive in, I’d love to hear your thoughts at

All my best,

Matt Martz

Publisher, Crooked Lane Books
