
Alone in his highrise apartment, Miles went to his bedroom closet and took out a box he hadn’t looked in for a very long time. With shaking hands, he carried it over to his bed and sat down.

The box wasn’t very big, but it held some items that he held dear. He’d tried to throw them away once, but he hadn’t been able to do it. They were mementos from a time in his life when he thought he could be a better man. That was before it had all fallen apart.

Taking off the lid, he reached inside and took out a photograph that had been taken twenty-eight years before. The last time he’d looked at it had been eleven years ago.

Looking at the woman with long brown hair that smiled back at him from the picture, he gently brushed her cheek with the tip of his finger. It was a picture of Sarah, the mother of his daughter. She hadn’t been his mate, but he’d loved her just the same. And she had loved him until he’d let his greed and need to find the foretold one come between them.

For years, he’d tried to push her out of his mind, and for a while, he had succeeded.

Then in a moment of weakness eleven years before, he’d taken out her picture only to have a vision showing him her death. He’d had no idea that she’d left a daughter behind.

His daughter.

Jaden looked more like her mother than she looked like him. It had been a shock to smell his scent mixed in with hers. He’d never thought of himself as a parent, but knowing a part of Sarah lived on in Jaden, he longed to get to know her better. But the chances of that were slim. She was the mate of one of the Protectors, as well as the foretold one.

Learning his daughter was the one he’d sought to use and control for so long left him not knowing what to do. He may have taken the dark road of life, but the part of him that Sarah had made feel human had never really died. When it came to his daughter, he had a conscience after all. Ripping her away from her mate to bend her to his will, making her suffer, was something he couldn’t bring himself to do.

Stuck between what he knew was right and the ambitions he’d lived with for centuries, Miles stared at the one woman who had expected him to be more than what he was. With the knowledge of what his daughter truly was, his life would no longer be what it once was. What was he supposed to do now?

The End

The End
