Suckling the thick crest of the heavy cock filling her mouth as deeply as possible, Diane let her tongue rub and caress the underside with languorous pleasure. At the separation of flesh at the top of the flared iron-hard crest, she felt a heavy throb as it seemed to flex, expand and retreat.

Her heart beat faster. The knowledge of the barb located there, feeling its warning pulse, the threatening stretch of the flesh, stole her breath.

Rachel had told her about it, but details had been amazingly sketchy. Diane knew what to expect though, and the thought of it had her tightening the grip she had on him as she laved the area again.

“Ah yes, wildcat.” Lawe groaned above her. “So fucking good. So sweet. Sweet, sweet fucking mouth.”

He buried his hands in her hair and his fingers clenched in the thick strands. The slight pinch of the pulling action was more erotic than it should have been. It sent flares of incredible striking pleasure piercing her womb, clenching it as her clitoris throbbed in painful need.

“Suck it, baby,” he growled, the erotic rasp of his voice stroking over her senses as a whimpering moan vibrated in her throat.

She had had only two lovers, and neither of them had been vocal. To hear Lawe’s rough voice whispering encouragement, hearing the pleasure in it, had her riding the edge of orgasm and he had yet to even take her.

“Diane, sweet baby,” he whispered above her as she stroked the heavy shaft with her fingers, ran them lower and allowed the tips of her fingers to play over the smooth, silken flesh of his balls.

The fine, barely there, invisible body hair Breeds possessed was said to be as soft as silk beneath a woman’s fingers. It was softer, Diane decided as she let her fingers caress to his thighs. Almost like a downy pelt created for a woman’s sensory pleasure.

His fingers tightened in her hair, pulling at the strands as Diane swirled her tongue around the heavy crest of his cock, tasting the head and relishing the male taste of his flesh.

Each lick only seemed to make her hungrier for him. With each little taste, she swore she could taste the faintest hint of sweet pears mingling with the taste of his flesh.

It was an addictive taste. She wanted more. She wanted to fill her mouth with him, taste him, experience every ounce of pleasure that could be gained from it.

Between her thighs her clit was swollen, throbbing with furious abandon as need flooded her system. She could feel the muscles of her pussy convulsing, clamping together as hunger overwhelmed her.

Her juices flowed from the sensitive flesh, dampening the folds between her thighs and sensitizing her clit to the point that pleasure rode the edge of pain.

“Enough! God, Diane, not like this.” The rough edge of his voice had a shiver racing up her spine as his fingers tightened in her hair and pulled her head back.

“No. Lawe, please.” Frustration, need and hunger converged as strong fingers gripped her upper arms and pulled her to her feet.

Before she could protest further, his lips were on hers again, his hands sliding to her rear where he gripped her, lifted her, then turned and pressed her against the wall.

Lawe could feel his hands trembling, feel the control he prided himself on melting from the inside out. He was losing it. Losing it in a wave of heat and pleasure that made no sense, even within the bonds of mating heat.

He had his mate backed against a wall, her knees gripping his hips, the soft, velvety heat of her cunt rubbing against the shaft of his dick.

He could feel the dampness of her juices, slick and wet. He rolled his hips, the luxurious softness against his sensitive flesh bringing a grimace to his lips, baring his canines as he lowered his head.

He wanted to taste her. He wanted to touch her.

“Ah God,” he whispered just below her ear. “I need to fuck you, Diane. Like air, like breath, I need you.”

He felt as though he would die if he weren’t inside her soon. And at the same time, if he didn’t touch her, didn’t consume her, then he would die from that need as well.

He licked the soft flesh just beneath her ear and felt her breathing escalate further as her hips shifted, the hard little bud of her clit raking against his cock.

He rubbed his tongue against her, much as she had rubbed hers against the hidden barb on the heavy crest of his dick. A slow, tasting rub. A consuming caress that filled his mouth with the taste of her and the taste of the mating hormone. And both were similar. Both filled his senses with the taste of sweetened spice, of juicy summer pears causing him to nip the delicate flesh with a compulsive bite.

A moan rippled from her chest. A breathless little sound that tightened every muscle of his body as his fingers speared into her hair, his palm cupping her scalp as he turned his head to her lips.

He simply touched the soft curves with his own lips first, let himself feel her, breathe her air as she stared back at him with a vulnerable hunger that sank clear to the soul he had been trained to believe he didn’t have.

“I could consume you,” he growled against her lips as he licked them first.

Her lips parted, those incredible dark brown eyes opening, her lashes fluttering as her gaze met his.

This wasn’t the warrior who stared out at the world with such suspicion and wariness. This was the woman he would give his very life to protect. The one that made his guts tighten with fear at the thought of her facing bullets.

“You’re just staring at me,” she whispered against his lips as that steely determination he normally saw in her gaze flashed in for an instant.

“You mesmerize me.” It was nothing less than the truth. “You destroy me, Diane.”

Her lips parted to say more and Lawe found himself helpless to do anything but take advantage.

His tongue sank past her lips, finding hers as he felt the ache and throb of the glands beneath his tongue as it hit the warmth of her mouth.

That spicy summer taste filled his senses again as her lashes drifted closed and an aching moan whispered from her once again.

His free hand slid from her hip to the curve of her breast, turning to cup the delicate flesh as his thumb raked over a hardened nipple.

As badly as he wanted her kiss, he wanted that nipple too. He wanted to pull it into his mouth, lave the tender bud with his tongue and suckle her with an erotic hunger he felt he was starving for.

“Lawe,” she whispered his name as he felt his lips moving down the slender column of her neck. “This doesn’t change anything. I won’t let it. I won’t let you chain me.”

He nipped in retaliation, drawing another moan from her as he then licked the erotic little wound.

“It will change everything,” he assured her. “And I never wanted to chain you.”

It would change them both, whether they wanted it to or not. Just as it would chain them both.

Holding her slight weight to him, Lawe turned and bore her to the bed. Placing his knee in the mattress he lowered her to the comforter, his gaze narrowing as her eyes opened once again, staring up at him with a dazed pleasure that awed him.

He’d always pleased the women he’d had in his bed, he’d made certain of it. But seeing that look in his mate’s eyes had his stomach tightening and his cock swelling harder, impossibly larger, with a male pride that made no sense to him. He hadn’t even brought her to her orgasm yet. That pride should be saved for her completion, yet here it was, rising in response to the pleasure he was giving her.

Lifting his hips from between her thighs, he allowed his hand to stroke from the rounded curve of her breast then down her curved waist, to her hip, to slide between her slender thighs and the humid warmth between them.

Hot, slick, the moisture gathered on the silken folds of her cunt, lying thick and heavy, easing the way for his fingers as they slid through the narrow slit.

Her hips jerked, a small, throttled cry falling from her lips as her hips arched, lifting to him as he let just the tip of his finger circle the hardening little bud of her clit.

Silken, throbbing with arousal, the little nubbin reached out for his fingers as Diane’s hips twisted and writhed against his touch. The scent of her cunt, heated and female, drew him, making his mouth water for her taste as his lips moved from along her torso, easing closer to the humid dampness mesmerizing him.

Between his thighs his cock was a solid ache, throbbing against the comforter as he sought to draw as much of her in as possible.


Mine. The word echoed through his head in a primal thought, a silent roar of primitive possession as he let his cheek brush against the curls between her thighs.

Neat, feminine, barely shielding the soft folds, those curls were dewed with her juices, a sweetened elixir he was dying to taste.

With a gentle lick, a touch as soft as a breath, he licked over the droplets, feeling her still beneath him.

Not out of fear.

Out of anticipation.

A ragged, animalistic sound rumbled in his throat as he let his tongue ease into her slit, working up, gathering the wet silk to his tongue and tasting pure ecstasy as he drew it to him.

“Lawe! Oh God . . .” Diane arched, blinded by the surge of pleasure that tore through her system like a kaleidoscope of pure light and color.

Tightening her fingers in his hair she fought to hold him in place, the feel of his tongue, just a bit more of a rasp than human, caused electric currents to pop and zing through the little bud as they sent snaking fingers of rapturous sensation to attack her womb.

Back arching, her head thrown back, she bent her knees and pressed her feet into the bed as her hips pressed closer. She couldn’t get close enough, she couldn’t get enough sensation, enough pleasure building at just the right moment to send her surging over that edge of ecstasy awaiting her.

It was just out of reach. So close it tempted and tantalized as each stroke of his tongue threw her closer to that edge without allowing her to fly over.

“So good,” she moaned as a surge of heat pierced her clitoris, wrapped around it and burned with sensual flames. “Oh God, Lawe. I can’t bear it . . .”

She needed to come. Just once. Just enough to ease the ever tightening conflagration burning through her.

Instead, he stoked it, stroked her, and sent her racing into a storm of pure sensation while holding her back from the orgasm she was fighting to reach.

A rumbling moan of pleasure vibrated against the sensitive bud as she felt his fingers, the calloused tips stroking from the inside of her thigh to the swollen folds of her pussy.

She lifted again, her hips grinding into his lips as she fought to breathe, then held her breath as she fought for release.

A ragged moan, so unlike her, filled with pleading and with a hiss of agony and pleasure escaped her throat as she felt those teasing, tormenting fingertips at the entrance to her vagina.

Not just one, but two. Broad, strong, they rubbed and caressed as he pressed her thighs farther apart with his free hand. Spreading her legs wider she arched to him again, certain she couldn’t bear such an intimate touch without exploding in pure need.

Yet he managed to keep her poised on that edge even as his fingers began to stretch her entrance. Rubbing, caressing, easing inside her as Diane felt her juices gathering and flowing harder as the pleasure rose with impossible heat.

Rachel hadn’t mentioned this, she thought hazily as that imperative need began to burn brighter, hotter than before, higher than she could imagine it.

Mating heat.

Rachel had told her it was impossible to fight once it began.

She didn’t want to fight it. Unfamiliar territory rose before her, more dangerous than any mission she had ever attempted. Adrenaline raced through her system, sang through her veins and the taste of candied pears and spice filled her senses as she felt those broad, male fingers penetrate her with a sudden, dominant thrust.

Lightning. It rushed through her pussy, clenching the inner muscles with involuntary spasms as a cry tore from Diane’s lips. Heated and heavy, his fingers stretched her and sent a sensual pinch of painful pleasure through the delicate tissue.

Her juices flowed through the narrow channel as she writhed beneath him, working her hips to stroke the length of his fingers inside her as she relished the invasion.

“Lawe!” Crying out his name, she tightly wound her fingers in his hair again as she felt both of his fingers pull back, then push inside her forcefully.

One knee bent, her body suddenly desperate for more, fighting without conscious thought to slip over that magical edge of release, Diane arched closer. Tried to force his fingers deeper.

Lifting her leg back to prop her foot on Lawe’s shoulders, her hips worked on his fingers as he fucked them inside her. The rasp of his harder, rougher flesh against the delicate inner tissue had her nerve endings screaming with pleasure. Perspiration layered her flesh as the pleasure expanded inside her, racing through her veins, flaming through her. As his lips released her clit and only his tongue, just the roughened rasp of his tongue, began to rub, flicker and caress her with quick, driving licks, Diane felt the world itself begin to unravel.

Pleasure was such a tame word. Ecstasy didn’t even come close.

A supernova of such intense sensations that she couldn’t make sense of them exploded inside her with a starburst of energy. Color and light whipped through her mind, exploded behind her eyelids as a wail of violent ecstasy burst from her lips.

Lawe came over the shuddering form of his mate, his teeth clenched, primal pleasure and power tearing through him as he rolled her to her stomach and lifted her hips to him.

Her fingers curled into the comforter. The scent of her cunt, a soft, feminine sweetness that filled his senses drew him, possessed him. Gripping the base of his dick, he moved in behind her, one hand gripping her hip as he lined the swollen head of his erection with the wet silken folds of her pussy and began pushing inside her.

Delicate inner muscles gripped him immediately in a hold that stopped just short of pain. Milking the thick head to pull him deeper, her grip tightened and released, her juices flowing and easing his way as he fought to hold back the primitive response to his mate’s pleasure.

He hadn’t anticipated this.

He had known it would be an animalistic response. He’d known that once he got between her thighs she would loosen the control he’d fought for all his life.

But not to this extent. He hadn’t anticipated this. Hadn’t anticipated the animal inside him taking over completely or stealing away the control necessary to ensure he took her with the gentleness, with the depth of aching pleasure he so wanted to give her.

He was an animal, and God help him . . .

He clenched his teeth tight as he fought and failed to hold back the primal response.

A snarl of hunger tore from his throat as he pressed inside her, pushing, thrusting into her as he worked his hips, pushing his cock inside her with short, shallow thrusts.

He couldn’t ease in. Despite the desire to take her slow and easy. Despite the vow he’d made to himself that he would take her in such a way, still, he took her like the animal he was.

Gripping her hips he came over her, his lips at her shoulder, his kisses meant to soothe her as he buried inside her to the hilt, over and over. The fierce grip of her pussy pulled him deeper, fluttering against the sensitive flesh of his cock as he felt the pleasure–pain of the barb throbbing just beneath the swollen crest.

He nipped her shoulder, then growled in self-loathing at the fierceness of the bite.

“God, yes!” Her cry was as much a shock to his system as the loss of control was.

Her hips moved into each thrust, her cunt clutching at him, clenched tight on every fierce stroke inside the moist depths as her slick, honeyed juices eased the raw possession.

Not that the animal inside him cared. It was on fire for her, so hungry for her that for the first time in his life, Lawe was helpless against it.

“Mine!” he snarled at her ear, overtaken by the sense of possession that ran hot and deep inside him. “Do you understand me, mate? You. Are. Mine!”

He had to imprint it on her as deeply as possible. He had to show her, convince her, make her see that she could never run from him again. Ensure that she could never overlook her safety as she had in the past.

His survival depended on hers.

“Tell me,” he growled as he thrust inside her harder, faster. “Tell me, Diane. You’re mine!”

“Fuck you!” she cried out. Her scent whipped around him, lust, hunger, fury and a need that made no sense to his primitive brain.

“Oh no, baby. Let me fuck you!” he snarled back at her as his head lowered to the vulnerable crook of her neck, the sensitive flesh where her shoulder met her neck, and he licked her with erotic hunger, forcibly holding himself back from the bite he needed to deliver.

His hips slammed against the rounded curves of her ass. Perspiration covered both their bodies, the wet slide of flesh and the primal joining creating an erotic, animalistic coupling that sent his senses reeling.

Control. He’d always had the control to never take a woman in such a way.

He’d always had the consideration, the knowledge of what his strength would do to them.

And still, he was helpless in taking his mate.

Helpless, filled with such hunger for her that each throaty cry from her lips, each proof of her pleasure only spurred him further, pushed him to take her with all the hunger that had burned inside him since the day her scent had slapped the animal inside him awake.

And it was awake now.

Her pussy tightened impossibly further, the burning grip of her muscles intensifying, the fluttering response that vibrated in the depths stroking against the throb of the barb beginning to emerge from captivity.

Lawe was certain he couldn’t lose control of the animalistic urges inside him more than he already had. He was certain he couldn’t mark her deeper, certain the pleasure couldn’t blaze higher or hotter.

He should have known better than to tempt his genetics with such thoughts. As her cunt began to ripple tighter around his dick, as her juices flowed hotter, her pleasure peaking to an explosion he could sense rippling through her, Lawe lost that final edge he maintained on his control.

Turning his head as he pushed the hair from the back of her neck, his lips parted over the vulnerable nape of her neck, and he bit.

He tasted her blood as his canines broke her flesh. Tasted the hormone flowing from his tongue as he felt his cock twitch, felt it swell thicker, harder, as his semen began spurting from the tip with violent ecstasy.

Immediately, a growl from his chest as the barb emerged from its position just beneath the flared head at the top of his dick, stretching his flesh, throbbing, swelling inside her and locking into that hidden curve deep in her cunt to spill its own release.

Fluttering against the ultrasensitive female flesh there, finding the bundle of nerves just beneath her clitoris and pressing inside it, the barb locked him inside her and increased the ecstasy for them both.

Rapture exploded over and over inside them.

Beneath him, Diane convulsed again, the second wave of release more intense than first, fueled by the barb spurting and fluttering against the sensitive curve it held in its possession.

Lawe growled against the nape of her neck, his hips jerking, his release spurting inside her again, blinding him with the pleasure of it until the last eruption sent a shudder racing through him.

His teeth were still locked in place, his tongue licking, stroking, easing the sting that might have existed if it weren’t for the hormone spilling into the womb.

The mating hormone.

Easing his teeth back from the shallow bite, he laved it again, this time with more languorous licks as he felt the final pulses of the hormone easing from the glands beneath his tongue.

Covering her, Lawe felt her body relax into the bed, exhausted, sated, her ragged breaths matching the pace of her still-racing heart.

Still buried inside her, locked in place to allow his seed every chance to find fertile ground, Lawe too fought to simply breathe.

A part of him felt shattered. An emotion much too close to terror began to grow insidiously inside him.

He could lose her. Even now, over twenty years after the vivisection that had killed his mother and her mate, there were still those scientists who used the pure blood groups and other various Breed enemies to secure live research specimens for them.


Those Breeds who found the one whose unique biological, chemical and pheremonal makeup came together to ensure they stayed together as long as they lived. Because each was the perfect match to the other to ensure conception and the survival of the species.

He’d heard some say God had adopted them.

The reverend he knew said God had touched man’s creation and bestowed the Breeds with a soul to show man, once and for all, that only God could give life. And still others said they were no more than a fluke of nature, like a reptile. Soulless, capable of nothing but survival and dark evil.

And there were those who would give their own children to possess a hybrid Breed, a child of a mated pair, to learn the unique secrets the Breeds could one day possess.

Proof of any of their abilities would almost certainly ensure the destruction of the Breeds if used the wrong way.

This was all that contained the information. Keeping it confined to mates for the most part. Men and women who understood exactly what they had to lose if the world ever knew.


Their souls.

“Diane,” he whispered her name as he clenched his eyes closed for the impossibly long moment it took him to bite back that dark emotion threatening to engulf him.

He’d get her back behind the protective walls of Sanctuary, deep in the middle of the compound, surrounded by the cabins, tents and lairs of the unmated Lions and Lionesses, Wolves and Coyote Breeds that constituted the Breed community.

Once there, she would be safe from the fanatics as well as her uncle’s enemies. The men who had taken her nearly a year before had been but one of the teams searching for her. They were the only ones who knew who they were searching for or at least knew the face of the woman they believed could lead them to the man they were seeking and the secrets they believed he held.

Secrets she was rumored to hold as well.

“You’re heavy, Lawe,” she answered moments later, her voice drowsy, lazy.

She would sleep well tonight.

She didn’t always sleep well, Jonas had informed him several months ago after Diane had spent a few days in the new wing of the main house, which had been built for Jonas and his mate.

Jonas was a member of the Pride family, whether he liked it or not, and his Pride leader half brother, Callan Lyons, had insisted on building the new wing to house Jonas, his new mate and their daughter. The main house was connected to a series of underground protected rooms and tunnels that had once been used for Breed research. It was now used to protect the mated wives and children on the few occasions the compound had been attacked.

Lawe knew that a wing of the main house was something he would never want himself. He’d never aspired to such things. He preferred a measure of privacy, and Lawe knew Jonas often chafed at the lack of it at times.

Lawe’s home was located close to the main house, though, less than a half acre away. As the head commander of the Bureau of Breed Affairs, his position necessitated a close proximity to the Bureau director as the commanding force behind the Bureau’s teams of Enforcers.

He worked with Jonas on each phase of every operation and mission going out of the bureau and ensured Jonas stayed up to date on each one.

Diane would be as protected as any of the Prime family, he would ensure it.

Forcing himself to ease from her, the barb finally retracting back into its position beneath the hood of his cock, Lawe collapsed beside her, exhaustion weighing his own muscles down.

He hadn’t been able to close his eyes in the nights past since the shooter had attempted to take out Diane’s head with one of the outdated sniper rifles he’d used.

Outdated, yes, but the bullet-propelled weapon was also entirely more effective, if highly illegal. The laser-powered weapons afforded more control, but their response time was much slower. Waiting for such a large weapon to power up before firing in succession didn’t leave much room for error.

A compulsion entirely foreign to him had him pulling his mate close to him, tucking her against his chest and shielding her with his body.

He made certain to lie between her and the door and window. Just in case.

Just in case anyone was stupid enough to come through the door or attempt to slip into the room. Just in case he wasn’t fast enough. He shielded her, giving her a chance to live, a chance to escape, and perhaps . . .

His jaw clenched and the fear he’d fought back earlier returned.

Just in case she had conceived his child.
