Tracks riddled the stone walls of the passage. Over the eons, trickling water had nearly dissolved away some sections, though a lingering malign influence restricted the damage from being total.

Marrec pressed forward, hoping to come to the core of the Sighing Vault, but paranoid that each new shadow hid an ambush by Eschar. His companions stepped cautiously behind him, Victorious bringing up the rear.

Ususi had bolstered the ice demon with magic that should make it more resistant to instant neutralization by Eschar. That would be important were they to face Eschar again.

Echoes of their footsteps sometimes leaped ahead, causing Marrec to pause suspiciously. Marrec said, “There is an open area ahead by the sound of it.” Whispers of his voice echoed back.

They pressed ahead, and the corridor emptied into a vast space. Shapes glowed with their own foul light, tumbled under a great subterranean ceiling. Pale domes, cracked sarcophagi, and possibly thousands of clay vessels, earthenware containers, and other containers lay scattered and broken around the chamber, most half buried in millennial dust. It was impossible to tell how many thousands more containers lay completely buried.

Even the slightest sound sent echoes scurrying and whispering across the chamber.

Victoricus intoned, “The Sighing Vault.”

Ususi asked, “How can we find the token amidst this morass? It would take years.”

“I smell it,” the ice demon said, almost as if surprised.

It began to slide forward, passing the outermost vessels of the gargantuan pile. Casual inspection showed that the chests, vessels, and pots that were broken were empty of all content.

“Stay alert,” said Marrec, gripping Justlance. “Eschar’s got to be here, waiting.” He followed on the demon’s heels. Gunggari followed him, next Ususi, and Elowen took up the rear, guarding their flank.

They passed out into the great cavern, passing between larger vessels of stone and iron so large that they were like windowless, doorless buildings. Narrow “streets” of clear space wound through that city of silence, and Victoricus followed one such lane to the center of the tumbled pile.

Some of the vessels where carved with faces, bodies, skulls, demonic glyphs, and more depraved symbology. It was clear that many Nar treasures and secrets resided there in their hundreds.

Marrec said quietly, “Eschar’s been a busy collector over the centuries.”

Ususi responded, “That or he happened upon a dumping ground of failed Nar experiments. I doubt there is much of any use here. I can’t detect any magic in any of these.” She waved her hand over a field of crooked, half-shattered clay pots.

“Looking for goodies?” wondered Marrec.

“I’m looking for anything that we can use to our advantage,” huffed the wizard.

Ahead of Marrec, Victoricus slid to a halt before a salt-white dome. They had traveled several hundred yards, picking their way through the vault field, and Marrec decided they might well be in the center of the cavern.

The ice demon pointed to the vault and said, “The Queen Abiding’s token lies within.”

Apprehensive that Eschar was watching them, so close to their goal, they spread out around the dome, looking for a door, window, or even a crack large enough to provide entry. The dome, like many of the smaller containers surrounding it, seemed sealed but unbroken. As far as Marrec could determine, the dome was carved of a single piece of limestone. A line of symbols ran around the periphery of the dome. That was all.

Dissatisfied with the time they were spending, Marrec grunted, “I suppose these are in the language of ancient Narfell?” He pointed to the symbols. He couldn’t understand why Eschar hadn’t already attacked them. His neck hair continually prickled, but no threat materialized to justify his tension. Yet.

Ususi studied the symbols. She read, translating, “Once for the First; Twice for the Archduke; Thrice for the Viscount; Four revolutions for the dual lords; Five for the Prince, Six for the Hag; Seven for the Seventh; Eight for the Eighth, and Nine for the King.”

“That doesn’t sound like a healthy litany,” noted Elowen, looking around nervously.

“It does have the sound of a summoning, doesn’t it,” mused Ususi.

“Is it?” asked Marrec.

The wizard shrugged, said, “I do not believe so, no, but it does remind me of something.” She pulled upon the flaps of one of her voluminous side satchels in which she carried various slim tomes and parchments covered in crabbed runes, sorted through the contents, then pulled forth a slender volume bound in blue leather. The edges were crumbling, and the symbols were faded, though they seemed similar to those on the dome.

Ususi explained, “This tome is banned in some cities of Faerun, if you can believe it. Some people don’t understand that to fight demons and devils you have to first recognize them.”.

Marrec’s eyes widened. He asked, “You carry a tome of demonology?”

The wizard said, “I carry many bits of knowledge. You never know when you’ll stumble upon something better left alone, but how would you know it, unless you can identify it as such? Ah hah!” her finger, scanning lines, stabbed at an entry.

Ususi said, “The writing on the dome refers to the Lords of Hell itself.”

All stood silent a moment, digesting the mage’s pronouncement. Finally Marrec said, “So… what now? Are we dealing with something far beyond our ability? A gate straight into Hell? I hate these damned Nar sorceries.”

“I’m not sure, but I suspect it is a riddle, merely playing with the names of Hell. If we can answer the riddle, I predict we can open the dome and reveal the queen’s token, along with whatever else Eschar stores here.”

“And Eschar himself, no doubt,” muttered Gunggari.

“Hold on; why devils?” asked Marrec. “Aren’t the Nar known for the demons they kept in thrall?”

Ususi replied, “Demons, devils, ‘loths… the Nar were not picky in those creatures they pressed into service. We say demons, but the Nar embraced a much wider swath of foulness.”

Elowen wondered, “These devils are called the First, the Second, and so on?”

“Yes, well, that is only part of their name. For instance, a devil named Bel is Lord of the First. The Lord of the Second is Dispater.”

Marrec studied the dome for any activity following the utterance of the names. Nothing visibly changed. He said, “You said something about revolutions. Does that have something to do with the position of the moons around Faerun?” Marrec was rightfully proud of his astronomical knowledge.

“Maybe, but that would severely limit the times Eschar could get into his centermost stash,” said Ususi.

“Though he can flit into and out of spaces magically,” noted Gunggari.

Ususi nodded but said, “Let’s try thiswalk around the dome nine times. During each ‘revolution’ I’ll call out the name of a lord of Hell, from the First to the Ninth.”

Elowen said, “That seems a little simple.”

Ususi frowned.

Marrec said, “I’m not sure I want to traipse through some ritual that involves the naming of devils.”

The wizard said, “It’s the only way to gain entry, unless it doesn’t work, of course.”

Marrec finally nodded.

Once they gathered together, two by two, including chilly Victoricus, they began to walk, counterclockwise. A wide space in the earth surrounding the dome seemed to provide an ideal path. The mage walked in the lead, holding her slim blue tome open to the list of fiendish names, purportedly the names of the nine lords of Hell.

Just before they finished their first circuit, Ususi called out, “Bel, Lord of the First!”

Marrec couldn’t see any change, but they continued to walk.

On their second pass, Ususi cried, “Archduke Dispater, Lord of the Second!”

The third time around, the mage called, “Viscount Mammon, Lord of the Third!”

Small bits of dust puffed up from various parts of the vaultfield surrounding the dome.

Ususi called, “Lady Fierna and Archduke Belial, Lords of the Fourth!” on the fourth circular trip.

The cavern rolled slightly, as if in the grip of a slight tremor.

“You know, this could work,” said Elowen.

Next, “Prince Levistus, Lord of the Fifth,” then “The Hag Countess, Lord of the Sixth!”

Following that sixth revolution a wind picked up, blowing dust and grit into the air across the cavern. Marrec gripped Justlance apprehensively as the visibility worsened.

They continued through their seventh circuit. Visibility fell to nothing as the wind whipped up more fiercely. Ususi named “Archduke Baalzebul, Lord of the Seventh.”

Groans and cries, screeches and howls broke out after Ususi named “Mephistopheles, Lord of the Eighth.” Something bit Marrec on the ankle, but when he looked, nothing was there. They all hurried through the final circuit.

Ususi, her voice hoarse from the dust, finally said “King Asmodeus, Lord of the Nine Hells!” Marrec itched to plug his ears, afraid to sully his mind with names he’d prefer not to know.

Just like that the dust pulled back as if a veil drawn aside. Marrec exclaimed, “That’s new!” as they came around the dome for the ninth and last time.

A door-sized opening pierced the dome’s side, looking for all the world as if it had always been there, and from the doorway issued a shape.

The forward-protruding crown of horns on its forehead preceded its slavering mouth and lupine body. As before, the sense of evil surrounding Eschar was palpable, at least to Marrec who, as a servant of Lurue, had some experience in confronting otherworldly malevolence.

Eschar pointed at Victoricus as it had before, saying “Be still!”

Victoricus shuddered. Yellow light flickered across its form, but instead of freezing, Victoricus tittered and charged the horned demon.

Ususi breathed, “My protection held.”

Victoricus smashed into Eschar like an icy fist. Eschar shuddered but weathered the charge. Their chaperone’s cold claws left great rents down Eschar’s face and side.

Elowen charged in, her living sword strangely dull. Where she scored hits on the horned demon, no blood was drawn. Eschar laughed, almost as if slightly relieved. He continued to focus his attention on Victoricus, obviously more afraid of the servant of the Queen Abiding than all of the rest of them.

Gunggari came up on the demon’s left, wielding his dizheri. He landed a few hearty blows.

Marrec used Gunggari’s distraction to launch Justlance straight and true. It penetrated Eschar’s side. The demon let loose a roar of such intensity that it ruined the spell Ususi had been incanting.

“Enough,” muttered Eschar.

His foul breath, already hot, became a flame in truth. The coiling, white-hot fire focused itself on Victoricus, who made as if to turn, maybe to run. They would never know; when the flame touched their chaperone, its body flashed instantly from ice directly to steam, foregoing liquid. A black mist whirled away, leaving only a damp stain on the cavern floor.

Marrec held forth his hand, waiting for Justlance to return. Instead, Eschar plucked the bloodied spear from its side. The demon shouldn’t have been able to do that. He shouldn’t… his spear flashed back through the air, arrowing for Marrec’s heart. He fell forward, trying to dive, but simply tripped. The tip of Justlance scored the back of his armor.

Ususi was beside him. She said, “Get inside the dome and get the token. Command the queen to aid us. We’ll distract this whoreson of the Nine Hells.”

So saying, she shot a narrow beam of energy directly into Eschar’s eyes. It caused the demon, which had grabbed Elowen by one leg and begun squeezing, to cry out and loose the elf. It clapped both hands to its eyes, rubbing furiously while continuing to bellow.

Marrec used the moment to slip past Eschar into the dome.
