Chapter Five

Michaela prepared buckets of fish in a workroom for the penguins near their exhibit. It was late morning and she expected Kye would more than likely arrive soon. She couldn’t wait to see him again.

Ever since he’d left her the night before, she’d done almost nothing but think about him. She couldn’t seem to get him out of her head. And every time the remembrance of what it’d been like to be held in his arms, having him touch her in the most intimate of places played in her head, it made her body heat with desire. It also made her long to have more of Kye.

Michaela had also done a lot of thinking about Kye’s declaration, of him basically wanting a long and lasting relationship with her. She still found it hard to believe he could know his feelings were that solid for her only after a day. Though she had to admit, she had deeper feelings for him than she’d ever experienced with any other man she’d just met.

Finished filling the buckets of fish, Michaela took them outside for another animal keeper to feed the penguins. She ducked back into the workroom and washed her hands.

Outside again, she left the habitat and headed for her next job at the other end of the zoo. At this time of the day it wasn’t too crowded, which made it easier for her to look at all the faces of the people who wandered nearby. So far, she hadn’t found the one she wanted to see.

Arriving at the big cat exhibit, she felt a wide smile spread across her face when she saw Kye standing a little away from the lions’ habitat. She increased her stride until she stood directly behind him.

“So you did come,” she said.

Kye turned to face her. He looked at her, heat seeming to flare in his eyes. “There you are. I wondered if I would have to search the entire zoo to find you. I took a lucky guess that you would be with the big cats.”

“Actually, I just got here. I was over at the penguin exhibit. I helped get their morning meal ready.”

He sniffed the air. “That would explain the faint fish odor surrounding you.”

Michaela lifted her hands to her face and breathed in, but only picked up on the scent of the soap she’d used. “Really? You can smell fish on me? I can’t.”

“It’s not strong or anything. I just have a sensitive nose when it comes to things like that.”

“Just as long as I don’t reek.”

Kye chuckled and stepped closer. Leaning in—leaving some space for Nevaeh, who he carried in her baby sling across his chest—he gave her a kiss that made her wish they were alone. “No, you definitely don’t reek.”

“Good.” Taking a quick look around to see if anyone watched them, she asked, “So how is Nevaeh today? Is she more alert this morning?”

He looked down at the baby. “She’s awake. And so far, she hasn’t decided to make a mess in her drawers for me, thank god.”

Michaela stroked a finger along Nevaeh’s soft cheek. The baby smiled. “She does seem happy. I have to say she has gorgeous blue eyes. I think she’s going to be a heartbreaker when she grows up.”

Kye chuckled. “That’s what her mother thinks. Her father hopes that won’t happen. He’s already not liking the idea of his daughter dating.”

“I don’t think any dad does,” she said with a laugh. “I had to sneak out for dates when I was a teenager. If mine had his way, I still wouldn’t be allowed to go out with a man.”

“From my standpoint, I’m quite happy he isn’t.”

Michaela chuckled. “Yes, I can see that you would.” She stepped closer to the chain-link fence as one of the male lions came pretty close to it. “So have you had a chance to look at the exhibit?”

Kye shook his head. “Not yet. I’d just arrived close to the same time you did.”

“Well, come and take a look. Isn’t he gorgeous?”

“He is a majestic-looking beast. I don’t know if I like you calling another male gorgeous, though.”

“Would you feel better if I said I’m more attracted to you than him?” she asked with a giggle.

Kye shifted closer until he stood at her side. “Most definitely.”

The male lion opened his mouth, showing his sharp teeth, and in an aggressive manner, rushed at the fence directly in front of where Kye stood. His loud growl filled the air. Both of them jumped back and Nevaeh whimpered. Kye took a few more steps away from the fence, and the lion seemed to settle right down.

“I wonder what got into him?” she asked. “Tunya usually doesn’t act like that.”

Kye shrugged. “Maybe he took an instant disliking to me. I think I’ll give him some space and stay back here.”

“Yeah, that might be a good idea. Do you want to go see the tigers?”

“Actually, I think I’d prefer to skip the rest of the big cats today.”

“All right. Sorry to say, but I have some work to do here. If you’re still going to be around in an hour, that’s when I get my lunch break.”

“I’ll be around then. Should I meet you here?”

“I can join up with you at the café, if you want.”

“Sure. I don’t want my presence to piss off any more lions. One of them might try to escape just so he can take a chunk out of me.”

Michaela grinned. “We can’t have that happening. It wouldn’t look very good for the zoo.”

“I guess not. I’ll let you get back to work. I think I’ll go show Nevaeh the penguins.”

“I’ll see you later then.”

She lifted her face for the kiss Kye brushed across her lips just before he walked away. Michaela turned to look at Tunya. He’d moved off farther inside the enclosure. She still had no idea what had gotten into him, but whatever it was, it hadn’t lasted very long.

* * *

Kye resisted the urge to adjust himself inside his jeans. Christ, just being beside Michaela gave him a hard-on. And it hadn’t helped any that, as predicted, he’d had one erotic dream after another of her during the night. He’d taken a cold shower this morning, hoping it would cool his libido, but all it did was cause him to break out in goose bumps from the cold water.

Being with Michaela again, all he’d wanted to do was pull her to him and kiss her until neither one of them remembered their name. Of course he couldn’t, given the fact that, one, they were in a public place where she worked, and two, he had a baby strapped across his chest. He didn’t think Roxie or Beowulf would appreciate Kye giving her a lesson in human sexuality, not that Nevaeh would care one way or the other. Nor would she even remember it.

He arrived at the penguin exhibit in time to see them being fed by another animal keeper. It was kind of cute the way the birds clumsily waddled around. But in the water, that was where it ended. They could swim, turning on a dime, not once colliding with the others around them.

Next, Kye went to see the kangaroos and koalas. At least, his presence didn’t seem to disturb them, not like the lion. He had a feeling the male had acted so aggressively because he’d smelled another predator. Kye would’ve been deemed as competition. It didn’t matter that he was in his human form, he still carried a werewolf’s scent.

The hour nearly up, Kye changed Nevaeh’s diaper in the men’s restroom. They had one of those baby changing tables that folded up against the wall when not in use. And lucky for him, Nevaeh was only wet this time.

That chore done, he pulled his cell phone out of his front jeans pocket and saw he’d have just enough time to get to the café to meet Michaela. He put it away as he headed in the direction of the small restaurant.

He walked through the entrance, stopping just inside the door, and searched for Michaela. Spotting her, Kye headed to the table where she sat. Just before he reached her, a woman approached his mate.

“Michaela? Michaela Jones, is that you?” she asked rather loudly.

Kye came to a standstill. Michaela looked none too thrilled to see the other female. In fact, from the slight change in his mate’s scent, she was a little leery of her, even though she had a smile on her face.

“Yes, I’m Michaela Jones.”

“I thought it was you. It’s been years since the last time I saw you. I think it was in high school. Do you remember me? I’m Katy Adams.”

Michaela’s smile shifted partway into a grimace. “Of course I remember you.” Then under her breath, she said sarcastically, “How could I not.” The other woman didn’t seem to hear it.

Seeing the expression on his mate’s face, and hearing her hushed words, it didn’t take Kye long to figure out Michaela hadn’t gotten along with this Katy during high school.

Deciding Michaela needed some rescuing, Kye crossed the rest of the distance to her table, and interrupting what Katy had been about to say, he kissed the top of his would-be mate’s head. “Hi, honey. I brought someone who missed her mama.” He took Nevaeh out of the baby sling and put her in Michaela’s arms. He then pulled a chair next to hers, placing his arm around her shoulders.

Katy’s jaw dropped as she openly stared at him. “Ah, hi,” she said.

“Hi,” he replied. “I couldn’t help overhearing that you’re one of the people my wife knew in high school.”

You’re Michaela’s husband?” From her tone, he got the impression Katy didn’t think it was possible.

“Yes. My name is Kye. And this,” he nodded toward the baby, “is our daughter, Nevaeh.”

Katy’s gaze went from him to Michaela and back again, as if she couldn’t quite believe he would be with his mate. “Oh, ah, nice to meet you both.” She then focused on Michaela. “So you work here at the zoo?”

Michaela nodded. “Yes. I’m an animal keeper. Last I heard, you had gone away to college.”

“I see. And I did. I’m only back to visit my sister and her brats.” Katy motioned to a table behind her that had a stressed-out looking woman who shared a family resemblance, and had three young boys sitting with her who argued noisily.

“Well, I shouldn’t hold you up then,” Michaela said. “I’m on my lunch break and I’d like to spend some time with Kye and Nevaeh before it’s over.”

“Sure. Hey, I’m going to be here for a few days, how about the three of us go out for dinner tonight? We could catch up on old times, Michaela. That is, if you can get a sitter.”

Thinking a dinner out with Katy to be the perfect time to knock her down a peg or two, before Michaela could answer, Kye quickly said, “We’d love to.”

Michaela reached under the table and dug her nails into his thigh. He pried her hand off his leg and clasped it in his. She turned her head and gave him a stern look.

“Didn’t we already have plans to go out to dinner? Just the two of us?” she asked.

“Then you do have a sitter already,” Katy interjected. “That’s perfect. I can just tag along. It’ll be my treat, and I won’t take no for an answer.”

“See, hon,” Kye said, “Katy is willing to pay and everything. How can we refuse her generous offer?”

Katy’s laugh sounded phony. “Then it’s decided. How about we meet at The Cliff House restaurant? Say around seven-thirty?”

“We’ll be there,” he answered.

“Great. See you then.” Katy paused, then looked him up and down. “I’m looking forward to getting to know you, Kye.”

With a smile, Katy turned and walked back to the table where her sister sat. The entire group left the restaurant a few seconds later, the kids wailing and complaining as they went.

Once Katy and her crew were gone, Michaela slapped him on the chest. “What the hell was that?” she asked.

“What do you mean?” Kye removed his arm from around her shoulders and placed the diaper bag he carried on top of the table before he took out a bottle of formula.

“You know exactly what I mean. Why would you accept Katy’s offer to go out for dinner tonight? If you couldn’t tell, I’m not comfortable being around her. She was the bane of my existence in high school. One year, I ended up with no friends because of her. She was a mean, spiteful bitch back then and I doubt she’s changed over the years. If anything, she could be worse. Plus, I saw the way she looked at you. That just pissed me off.”

Kye gave Michaela a heated look. “So you don’t like another woman checking me out?”

“Of course not,” she said softly.

He gave her a hard, fast kiss, then took Nevaeh out of her arms. “Good, because you’re the only woman I want groping me with her gaze.” Kye waggled his eyebrows at Michaela.

She shook her head and chuckled. “You are bad.”

“And you like it.” He took the bottle out of the portable warmer and fed Nevaeh.

“True. Even though I don’t like that we now have to go out with Katy, thanks for the other part you did. Pretending to be my husband, and that Nevaeh is our daughter.”

“Thanks aren’t necessary. I couldn’t help noticing you weren’t thrilled to see her. I was able to put two and two together after I heard her say you went to high school together.”

“Well, thanks, anyway.”

Michaela leaned in and kissed him softly, lingering a little longer over him than a short peck would entail. It had Kye fighting his mating urge. God, did he want her. Now that he’d found her, he couldn’t picture a future without her in his life. If only she weren’t mortal, she’d be his already.

He cleared his throat, forcing the instinct to mate aside. “So you really aren’t angry about us seeing Katy later, are you? I have a reason why I accepted her offer, and it’s not because she is going to pick up the bill. I figured at the restaurant I’d bring her down a peg or two.”

“No, not really, but I’m not looking forward to dinner as much as I was when it would’ve been just the two of us. And what exactly do you have planned to accomplish that feat?”

Kye smiled. “Easy. I’m going to show her what a loving and doting husband I am to you while I look down my nose at her. If she thinks I’d give her a second look she’s mistaken. She comes across as having a big ego. My not falling for her charms should be a blow to it.”

Michaela laughed. “Yeah, she does have one. Katy was on the cheerleading squad and was prom queen. You could say her ego is huge. She’d find it inconceivable that a man like you would be more interested in me than her.”

He pulled the nipple to the now empty bottle from between the baby’s lips and put her on his shoulder to burp. His gaze locked on Michaela’s and his voice dropped to a husky timbre with the desire he felt for her. “Remember, I already told you that you are the only woman for me. And I don’t really care if she thinks I should be attracted to her. All that matters is that you know she can try her best to come between us, but it won’t change how I feel about you.”

Kye audibly heard Michaela swallow. Her eyes seemed to grow heavy-looking, and he once again smelled the delicate scent of her arousal in the air around them. His cock jerked, throbbing in time with his accelerated heart rate. The way things were going, he’d end up with blue balls. It also pushed home the fact he’d have to screw up enough courage in the next day or so to tell Michaela his secret. The mating urge tortured him too much as it was.

The spell that took hold of him, making it so everyone else in the café just disappeared, except for his would-be mate, broke when Nevaeh let out a loud burp that would do a beer guzzling truck driver proud. Both he and Michaela laughed.

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard a baby burp that loud,” Michaela said while chuckling.

“It was a whopper.”

Kye spent the rest of Michaela’s lunch hour with her. Once it was over and they had left the café, he pulled her to a relatively quiet and out of the way place. He took her lips hungrily. Reluctantly, he let her go, promising he’d pick her up at her apartment for dinner.
