Chapter 10

Sandra’s brain was shutting down one system at a time, so she didn’t catch exactly what Ishi had said.

Exhausted muscles trembled in her limbs as she lay across his warmth. She never wanted to move again. His hard body was the best mattress she’d ever rested on. She didn’t want to return home; she’d found everything she craved in life here.

Sighing, she rolled off and sprawled across the blankets, staring at the cave ceiling. She had to leave. Her desires didn’t matter, saving her sister’s life did. She glanced at Ishi, who stared at her with such interest it broke her heart.

“Come on.” He nudged her shoulder. “The treasure room isn’t far.” His gaze traveled from her face, caressing her nude form as it moved along her body. “I could carry you.”

She laughed. “I’m not that worn out.”

He buried his face against her neck. “Not yet.”

“But I’m not going anywhere naked. Not with that–that Urgle running around.”

His quiet chuckle by her ear melted over her heart. “I think you remaining naked is an excellent idea. You know, there once was this king in Outremer who made it a law in his kingdom that no female could wear a top.”

“You’re making that up.”

He laughed harder. “No, it’s true. The females revolted.”

She snorted. “Like they should.”

“Wait, there’s a moral to this story. Even though they protested, they still had to do it half naked or be arrested. Merchants began diverting their routes to pass through this city of bared breasts. They brought more commerce, and tourism flourished. As money began to flow into the city, the revolt was forgotten. To this day, it is one of the wealthiest places in Outremer.”

Rolling to her side, she eyed him. “I’m not seeing the moral.” What an odd world he came from.

“Breasts bring prosperity, of course.” He tweaked her nipple.

She groaned and swung the closest pillow at his head. “That’s a terrible story.”

“It’s not a story. It’s fact.” He grinned at her behind the pillow. “I’ll take you there if you’d like me to prove it.”

Her pulse slowed almost to a stop. “To Outremer?” She’d never even dared dream of crossing the gate.

Turning his back to her, he settled the pillow where it belonged. “Sure.” He glanced over his shoulder. “You’d have to go topless.” Then he winked.

She tossed another pillow at his head.

“Stop that. Are you forgetting what I am?”

“An egotistical dragon with a terrible sense of humor and a bad case of scale rot?” She climbed out of bed and grabbed her wet jeans. Without a tube of lubricant, she’d never get them on.

“Is that what you think?” He pulled her against him. “And you still had sex with me? Must be true love.” His mouth found hers before she could respond. Firm, full lips devoured her as she went limp in his arms. It was exactly what she thought of him. He was perfect.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. If only…

With a sigh, he retreated from her hungry lips. “I have some spare clothes in a trunk around here somewhere.” He strode to a pile of rolled carpets, discarded blankets and pillows. Tossing things to the side, he revealed an old wooden chest and pulled it free. He opened it and pulled out one brightly colored garment after another.

“Where did you get these?” She leaned against his back and peeked around his shoulder. Inside lay a pile of dresses and blouses made of very fine fabrics.

He held a bikini-like top made of brass disks.


His grin faded. “You’re not any fun.”

“Fine.” She snatched it from his hand and tried to make sense of how to wear it. “I won’t even ask how you got it.”

“That’s a good policy.” He dug in the box and came out with a pair of filmy transparent pants.

“Were you dating a genie?” She latched the top and could barely squeeze her breasts inside the cups. Apparently, a much smaller sized female once owned this.

“Better for you not to know.”

She took the offered pink pants and dressed, tying the sash around her waist. With a shake of her shoulders, she made the metal disks chime.

“Whoa.” He stepped back. “I retract my offer to bring you to that city. I’d have to fight off hordes.”

“And I retract my statement as well. Where did all these clothes come from?” Wearing an old girlfriend’s outfit made her skin crawl. She reached behind her to unclasp the bra, but Ishi grasped her hand.

“Most are from travelers immigrating to Inverness. I can’t let them into your world wearing clothes like this. They have to discard their past and leave here looking human.” He drew her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “That outfit was from a fairy princess who ran from an unhappy engagement.” Brushing his fingertips over the metal, he gave her a smug grin. “You make those chimes ring much better.”

“So some supernatural creatures live on my side of the gate?”

He shrugged. “Sure. I do, don’t I? Other gatekeepers, those who wish to leave magic behind or are in hiding or fall in love with a human–there are a lot of different reasons I might let them stay. This gate leaves it up to me to decide. I think it trusts me.”

Goosebumps rose on her arms. “You talk as if it’s sentient.” Magic and dragons, now smart gates. What next?

He scratched his cheek as he spoke. “In some ways, I think it is. Every gate is different and each one chooses its keeper.”

“So every keeper is as different as its gate.”


“What if you tire of guarding it? Can you quit?”

“No, until my death do we part. I’m bound to the gate as long as I live.”

“Or it gets destroyed.” She imagined dragons could live very long. It seemed like a terrible fate.

Ishi’s sudden and intense glare made her uncomfortable. “I don’t think they can be destroyed. I’ve never heard of it happening. Nor have I ever tried.” He chucked her chin with his knuckle as if pleased. “You’re very fun to talk with. I’m glad I pursued you.” He pulled out a pair of black silken pants from the trunk and dressed. The material clung in all the right places. Maybe the cloth was magical, because no male should look that good in silk.

She raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. “You pursued me? I didn’t see you tromping the mountainside trying to attract my attention.”

“Why would I do that when I had you doing it for me?” He grasped her hand and made her follow. “The treasure room is this way.”

Gaping at his back, she all but swallowed her tongue. He’d led her around like a puppy and she’d jumped every hoop he tossed her way. Why had he gone through all that trouble? “Why didn’t you just tell me you were the dragon when we met?”

“And miss all the fun?”

“Of tricking me?” She stopped and tore her hand from his.

He tilted his head as he regarded her. “No, of getting to know you as a human does. You never would have been comfortable with me if you’d known.” He gave her a shy smile. “I like how you still treat me as if I’m only Koishi.”


“This way.” He turned through a doorway next to his chamber.

She took a deep breath. He had pursued her. Every moment in the past two days had led to now. Here, standing in a fairy princess outfit outside a dragon’s treasure room, finally the truth sank in.

He liked her.

If it were just sex, he could have seduced her the day they’d met. He had those skills in spades.

“Sandra?” He poked his head around the doorway. “Are you all right?”

“Yeah.” Warmth bloomed in her stomach and filled her empty heart. “I’m great.” She stepped inside and her legs stalled at the threshold.

Ishi was making his way around a great golden mass of melted together–stuff. Cups, jewelry, and other miscellaneous things stuck together in a–a nest-like shape. He turned her way. “It’s my bed.”

She pointed outside the door. “And what were we just lying in?”

“I can’t very well sleep on that in dragon form. First, it’s too small, and second, it would catch on fire.” He rolled his eyes. “Gold retains heat and molds itself to my shape.” Gazing at the metal, he stroked it with a lover’s touch. “Can’t say that about the mattress.”

“Isn’t it hard?” She approached the large mass and rose on tiptoe to glance inside.

“With my body heat, it softens.”

She clenched her fists and glanced at the precious necklace hanging from his neck.

His gaze followed hers, and he fingered it. “I wouldn’t melt this for my bed. I have a place for special things.” He crooked a finger at her to come closer.

Like a good little human, she raced into his arms. Honestly, after that kind of sex, what woman wouldn’t?

He ran a possessive hand along her waist to her ass. “I’ve always liked fairy fashion.”

“I thought you preferred me naked.”

Wicked longing sparked in his eyes as his gazed darted to meet hers. “I do.”

“Then I wouldn’t be able to do this.” She made her breasts chime.

His nostrils flared and a growl rumbled in his chest.

Before he could melt the bra off her body, she raced away toward an exit on the other side of his bed. On fleet bare feet, she padded into the room and came to another full halt.

Ishi was a step behind her and slammed into her body. “Hey.” Catching her in his strong arms, he kept her from doing a nosedive off the ledge of a low cliff.

Her heart did a jig. She stared at the room below them, at the pile of gems and precious metals, pieces of art sitting on display stands, weapons hanging on the wall. She exhaled, not realizing she’d been holding her breath. “The treasure room, I suppose?”

He chuckled. “Yes.”


They descended along a narrow stairway. “This is my hoard. I don’t let just anyone in here.”

“I’m honored.”

“You should be.” He took her by the hand. “I know every piece in my collections. This area in the far back is where I keep my more dangerous and powerful items.”

“Like the saji.”

“No. The saji doesn’t require much magic, which is why it will work in this realm.”

She glanced at the area he pointed toward. “There’s not much stuff back there.”

“Not anymore. Wizards and witches used to create such unbelievable works. Things that could bring the dead to life, swords that could kill angels, even some items that could feed whole nations.” He shook his head, sadness shadowed his eyes. “Those days are long gone. I don’t know of anyone who could wield that kind of power anymore. Just a few items scattered through Outremer remain.”

“Probably in other dragons’ hoards.” She patted his shoulder and pretended to care. She wasn’t a dragon and didn’t give a rat’s ass about gold, but he did. His hoard meant something to him, so she’d do her best to learn to care.

“Excellent point, Sandra. They probably are in others’ hoards.” He tapped his chin. “It’s been a long while since I raided one.” He returned to the front of his treasure room, where odd objects lay discarded against the wall. Kneeling, he sorted through it until he held a pewter colored spoon. He rose and placed it in her hand. “This is a saji.”

Her eyes went wide as she stared at it. “A spoon?”

“A magical spoon.”

Running her finger along the cold metal, she sensed nothing special. She shot him a look. Was he playing another trick?

He cupped her hands with his. “I forget how magic-deaf humans are. I can sense it pulsing in your hands.”

She closed her eyes and held her breath. Pouring all her concentration into her palms, she felt…she felt…nothing. “I’ll have to take your word for it. How does it work?”

“It heals the sick. Feed them with this spoon and they’ll become better.”

“That’s it?”

He nodded.

“No chanting, pentagrams, or sacrifices?”

“Nope. Items like this carry their own magic so it doesn’t need to be channeled, but you can only use it one time before it has to be returned to Outremer for recharging.”

“I only have to feed her with this?” Tears made her eyes swim and she blinked them away.

“Who–” He paused as if hearing something. “Stay hidden in here.” Then he vanished.
