Walking away from Irah’s office, Cole mulled over what he wanted to do. Being devious and underhanded was no problem. Cops were allowed to lie in pursuit of a confession. As long as he avoided anything that would screw up the eventual prosecution. The biggest problem with it all was timing…being able to charge up and catch each subject at the right moment. A gamble, yes, though he did have a few things going for him. Irah’s suspicions of Lamper. Differences between her and big brother on how to solve business problems. And he had Earl Lamper.

So let the games begin.

He still had time this afternoon for an opening round to test his effectiveness with Lamper. Shuttling back and forth between Lamper and Irah’s offices, he waited for the chance to catch Lamper alone when Irah was also alone.

To his frustration Lamper seemed glued to his desk and computer. Hope rose as five o’clock approached and the Bookkeeping staff began closing down their work stations while Lamper kept working. Once they cleared out, he was in business.

Or not. Mrs. Gao and Kenisha Hayes showed no sign of quitting, either.

Cole scowled at them as the last of the others left. “Damn it, go home, ladies.”

He was considering subliminal whispers when Lamper shoved back from his desk and walked out of the department. Cole followed. And cheered silently when Lamper headed into the men’s room…into a stall. A lucky break. He should be able to pull this off without materializing.

A quick check on Irah found her alone. Back in the men’s room, Lamper remained the only occupant.

Cole leaned against the stall door at the height of Irah’s head, pulled in some room heat, just in case, and imagined his voice as Irah’s. “So…had a good day, Earl?”

Stepping up high enough to see over the stall door, he found Lamper frozen on the john. The magnifying effect of Lamper’s glasses made him look twice as startled. “Irah?” His hands clapped together over his lap, as though he thought she could see through the door. “What are you doing in here?”

Good. He heard. And the voice was right. Cole ducked back down. “I just wanted a word. Don’t let me interrupt you.”

“I’ll be back in my office in a minute.”

“No, this is better.” Cole put an edge on his voice. “It’s more private.”

Another look over the door confirmed that Lamper heard it. His expression went baffled and wary. “What?”

“I never realized that you had any sense of humor but now that I see you do, I have to say your idea of a joke is in poor taste.”

Lamper blinked. “What joke?”

“Standing outside Donald’s washroom this afternoon…pretending to be Inspector Dunavan and making accusations about me.”

“Standing-” Lamper’s jaw dropped. “I did no such thing! What accusations?”

“About Wednesday night.” Cole turned Irah’s voice into a snarl. “About Dunavan and Sara Benay. Who’s been talking to you?”

An angry flush rose in Lamper’s face. “I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about. What do you have to do with Dunavan and Sara? Will you please leave? If you want to talk to me, do it in my office.”

He was recovering his composure. That needed to change. Cole ducked down. “Don’t make me an enemy like…others have, Earl. That would be big mistake.” He backed away to the screen wall and around it. “A very big mistake.”

Lamper called Irah’s name. Moments later trousers rose from around Lamper’s ankles and the toilet flushed. Lamper peered cautiously out of the stall, then into the hallway. He beelined for Flaxx’s office. Cole followed.

Maldonado had gone and Flaxx’s door stood open. Lamper knocked on the frame. “Donald, I’m sorry to bother you. May I come in?”

Flaxx waved him in with a hearty smile. “You’re always welcome. You know that.” He eyed Lamper. “Is something wrong?”

Perching stiffly on a chair, Lamper licked his lips. “I–I just had a…bizarre encounter with Irah.”

Flaxx’s smile turned into lipless displeasure as Lamper described the incident.

“She’s wrong, Donald.” Lamper leaned close to the desk. “I wasn’t outside your washroom. I swear. What kind of accusation could there be about her and Inspector Dunavan and Sara? And saying I shouldn’t make her an enemy sounded, well, like a threat. Why would she think I’d make her my enemy?”

Cole listened in satisfaction. Lamper’s bafflement and concern must reassure Flaxx of Lamper’s innocence and his control of his flunky.

The smile came back, even heartier than before…reassuring. “I think Irah was indulging in a little twisted humor of her own. I’ll talk to her and straighten it out.” He walked Lamper to the door, an arm across his shoulders. “Don’t you give it another thought. Worrying won’t help your recovery, you know.”

Lamper still looked uneasy as he returned to his office. Behind Lamper’s back. Flaxx’s smile vanished. He stalked down the side hallway toward Irah’s office. Cole short-cut through the wall to be there when Flaxx banged in.

Irah stood at her desk pulling sun glasses out of her purse, clearly preparing to leave. Her brows rose. “Barging in without knocking is becoming- ”

“What the hell did you think you were you doing!” Flaxx slammed the door closed. “Need I remind you how important Earl Lamper is to this operation? Where do you get off threatening and upsetting him?”

She set the sun glasses on top of her head. “What are you talking about?”

He folded his arms. “Don’t try playing innocent! Did you think he wouldn’t come straight and tell me!”

She zipped the purse closed, laid it down, and sat on the edge of the desk. “I wouldn’t expect anything else from Earl, but…what did he have to tell this time? You’ll have to enlighten me.”

Cool and controlled, Cole noted. Her pulse had not changed by a beat.

Flaxx enlightened in terse sentences.

Her eyes narrowed as she listened. Cole watched wheels turn behind them. When Flaxx finished, she shook her head. “That never happened. I haven’t left this office since our last chat.”

“Can you prove that?”

She glanced toward the door. “Is Katherine still here?”


“Then I can’t prove it. But can Earl prove I was in the men’s room?”

Flaxx’s nostrils flared. “You think Earl would lie…to me?”

Cole smiled. Unthinkable, right? But your opinion of old Earl may have to change.

Irah said, “Since I never did what he’s claiming, what else would you call it? Why he’s doing it, I don’t know, but it goes along with him being the one outside the washroom. He’s definitely up to something.”

“No.” Flaxx shook his head emphatically. “I could tell he doesn’t know anything about the washroom incident or Wednesday night. So lay off him! Have you put up any spy cameras yet?”

“I can’t with people in the office.”

“Then stick around until everyone’s gone. I want you set up tonight to start hunting the bastard who did pull that stunt.” He wheeled and stalked out.

She caught the door to keep it from slamming again. “Nobody knows better than you, Donald, right?” She closed the door. “You want spy cameras, you got ‘em. And they’re going to prove you’re a fool.”

Cole grinned. The opening round had scored some hits.

Then he sobered. He needed to pass Irah’s admissions on to Razor. More, he had Round Two coming up…the first real test of his ability to pull off an impersonation. It would make or break of his game plan. If he screwed up, it went down the tubes, leaving him no way to prove Sara innocent of killing him. And Irah and Flaxx would walk.
