Chapter Eight

Several hours later, after an afternoon spent loving, eating, laughing, and generally getting to know each other's bodies, Sheridan groaned and tried to move back from the intensity between her legs. Jules's mouth felt like torture, so hot, so exciting. He burned her from the inside out. The desire she continually felt in his presence flared into a heated life of its own.

“Oh yeah. Hot and sweet.” He rubbed his face against her, arousing her with more than his breath but with his mouth as well as he licked her desire. When she tried to inch away from the intensity, he held her fast, and his strength only increased her arousal. So dominant, so forceful, he fulfilled fantasies she'd never known she'd had as she instinctively submitted to Jules's touch.

The overwhelming pleasure started to scare her, because she couldn't control the growing need. His little finger shoved inside her, then retreated and inched lower, toward her virgin ass. When he rimmed her there and pushed forward, he pulled from her a deep-throated moan she wouldn't have thought she had it in her to give. Not to any man.

For so long she'd been immersed in work, in her plants, in her mind, keeping to herself to protect the nature of her ability. And then she'd met Jules, and everything ceased to matter except him. The feminist inside her railed at the truth, but the woman in Sheridan could no longer deny it. No matter what tomorrow brought, she'd take this pleasure and share in it. Hell, I deserve it for what I’ve been through.

“I'll tell you anything you want to know, but you can't stop. Please,” she said on a breath, wishing she sounded firmer and not like a woman starring in an adult movie.

“I couldn't stop now if the world ended. I need this. We need this,” he growled and showed her the beast in his slit pupils, in the rasp of his words uttered around fangs.

Yesss,” she hissed.

Jules's mouth interrupted her again. He sucked hard at her clit and shoved his fingers deeper inside her. Everywhere. Her ass burned, and then the pain turned to unfathomable pleasure as he angled his little finger deeper and prodded her sensitive flesh.

She trembled as her body tensed and her orgasm loomed close.

Then Jules withdrew and covered her in one smooth move, penetrating her pussy with his thick, hard cock.

She screamed out as ecstasy splintered her body, dimly aware of him riding her with a rough rhythm until he stopped and came inside her once more. Sheridan could only feel as ripples of pleasure overwhelmed the sense of caution warning her to take heed. Thoughts of babies and disease paled next to the feeling of warm cum satisfying the sudden need in her body. The lusty energy she and Jules seemed to exchange settled and calmed her as his seed seeped into her womb. A burst of affection filled her for her generous lover, and she wanted to hold him tight and never let go.

Jules pulled out and pumped a few more threads of seed over her belly, rubbing the mess over her stomach and marking her breasts with his cum.

“There we go. All over you,” he said in a deep, gravelly voice.

She blinked up at his wild eyes, enthralled at the silver brightness gleaming around his slit pupils. When he spoke, his visible fangs made his voice sound harsh.

His flesh darkened. The pattern of interlocking cells on his skin tightened as she watched. Jules knelt over her, yet it was no longer him, but the creature that lived inside him.

Stunned, exhilarated, and a bit nervous, she could only watch as he subtly, slowly grew. Wider, taller, brawnier. His soft, thick black hair lengthened, tickling his neck, then draping over his shoulders to lie against the middle of his back.

“I love this side of you. It's so sexy.”

The fingers gripping his cock elongated and thickened, as did that most impressive part of him that refused to flag. “Good. Because I love this side of you.” He nuzzled one nipple with his mouth and grazed it with a fang, causing her to gasp as yet another wave of heat swept over her.

Impossibly, her body warmed to arousal once more, as if she hadn't just come hard all over him.

Sheridan swallowed hard, and Jules's attention left her body to fall on her mouth. He grinned, a dark expression that caused her to shiver with foreboding.

“Don't worry, we'll get to that sweet mouth of yours,” he promised. “But I want answers first.”

She tried to scoot back, out from under him, not wanting to feel so vulnerable while they had this conversation. But Jules leaned forward and pinned her hands on either side of her head. His knees caged her hips, keeping her under him without applying his considerable weight, for which she was thankful.

“Now, Sheridan, I want to know what the fuck is going on. I need to know what happened. Tell me so we can get back to soaking all of you in my cum.” She swallowed hard, wishing she didn't want that so much. “What did you do to me?” she couldn't help asking. “I'm not me.”

“Then who are you?” he drawled.

“I feel like you. I can't stop wanting you, so horny, I can't think. You came inside me, and I don't care. I should care!”

“Granted, it's a little late for safe sex.”

“Jules,” she warned, not appreciating the humor she could hear in his voice or the appreciative gaze roaming her chest.

“Circs don't carry sexual diseases. And unless you're Circ, you can't get pregnant.” He paused and leaned down to take a good, hard whiff at her neck. “Are you Circ? I honestly can't tell, and that's just weird. You smell like me already. But that can't be unless you're Circ and we mated.” He didn't sound upset with the prospect, and for the life of her, she didn't feel averse to the idea either. I am certifiably crazy. I can’t love a man I barely know.

One who’s not exactly human.

“I'm not Circ. I just handle energy in a way different than most people. Maybe that's why I smell like you. You and I share a weird connection when we touch. Not like what I felt from Kisho or Olivia. Or anyone else for that matter. It's just you.”

“Good.” He stroked the inside of her wrist, and she shivered. “Now tell me about the jungle. Start with what happened after the mutant attacked, and we'll go from there.”

She forced herself not to look down at his growing erection. Talk. He wanted to talk.

“The rogues attacked while you fought the mutant. Grayson and Raul helped fend off the other rogues, and then they helped you kill the mutant. You'd almost done the job yourself, but you were dying.”

“Mutant toxin is deadly.”

“Well, that, and you'd already lost a lot of blood.” She remembered her panic that he'd die, and she never wanted to feel that again. She licked her lips and calmly told him the rest. “Once Grayson and Raul pulled the mutant from you, I healed you. But it took a lot out of me. You were totally unconscious, and I couldn't help you any more.”

“So this Grayson and Raul helped you out of the goodness of their hearts?” His tense expression warned her to tread warily.

She swallowed hard. “Not exactly. In exchange for healing them from some drug Ricardo injected all the Circs at the compound with, they offered to hide me and take you away to safety. I gave Raul the number you gave me. He left you at the hotel and called your friends.”

He leaned down to nuzzle her throat. Then he nicked her skin and licked the pain away. “They didn't touch you. I'd know if they had.”

“N-no. Grayson was kind.”

“And Raul?” he asked as he leaned back a little, his face inches from hers as he studied her.

“Raul didn't touch me, because Grayson was there. I didn't trust him, though.” She gnawed her lip, wondering if she should tell Jules what she'd suspected. He looked angrier to her, though his expression remained flat.

“Tell me.”

Her eyes flashed to his. “Can you read my mind too?” Dear God, that would be a real nightmare.

He grinned, the murderous rage leaving his eyes. “No, but you don't have a face for poker. Your eyes don't lie.” He kissed her cheek, the motion so gentle, she stared up at him in wonder. “Tell me,” he said again.

“Raul insisted you were a mercenary. That you slept around with tons of women and stole whatever you could get your hands on. He said that the reason you'd been in Ricardo's jail cell was because you were his rival and trying to hone in on his drug trade.”

When he said nothing, she continued. “I didn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it. You were so protective of me, so caring. And when we made love—” She flushed when his eyes gleamed with hunger. She amended, “Had sex, I—”

“Made love,” he murmured. “We made love in the jungle, where you gave yourself to me.”

She nodded slowly, following the movement of his firm lips. “Yes. Together we felt so good. And when I healed you, it was even hotter. Well, I'm not exactly psychic. I don't feel emotions or read thoughts. But you just felt so pure, so good. I didn't want to believe what Raul said.”

He glanced down at one of his hands holding her wrist. “Did you give me this ring?”

She couldn't believe she'd forgotten all about it and felt more than foolish.


“I haven't taken it off,” he whispered. “It felt right on my hand.”

“Yes.” She had so much she wanted to say, but confusing amazing sex with incredible psychic chemistry wouldn't be smart.

He watched her for a moment. “Sheridan, why did you wait so long to come to me?”

She sighed. “I was scared. It took a few weeks to safely escape the jungle. Then more time to sneak into the States and find you again.”

“Why the hell were you at Montaña's compound to begin with?” Jules asked.

“That's been killing me, not knowing.”

She gratefully answered. “I went to Vida Verde to work on my plants, and somehow I ended up with Ricardo at his lab.”

Jules stilled. “Vida Verde?”

“You know the company?”

“No shit.” He swore some more. “Olivia's aunt and uncle run the organization.”

What were the odds? “Belinda and Jaime Esteves? They're the ones who set me up with Ricardo when I needed access to certain testing materials.”

“We need to talk to Olivia about this.” He let go of her wrists and levered off her body to sit next to her on the bed.

It was all she could do to keep her eyes on his face and not on the thick shaft that still gleamed with her own cum. Sheridan took a deep breath and sat up. She crossed her arms over her chest, suddenly embarrassed to be naked in front of him.

He pushed her arms away. “No, Sheridan. Let me see those pretty breasts.

Hmm. Such tight nipples. And you smell good. Like you need more of me.” She blushed when he glanced at her body and licked his lips. When he cupped his balls and stroked his shaft—one that was scar free, thanks to her handiwork—

she forced herself to look back up at his face.

He bared his teeth in a half smile. “Still shy? Don't be. Not with me. I like your curves, Sheridan. The intelligence behind those baby blues. And then there's the way those full lips know how to hug a man's cock.” His voice lowered. “A man doesn't forget a mouth like that.

“Touch me again,” he dared and grabbed her hand. He pulled her closer and tried to wrap her fingers around his cock, but he was too big. “God, you feel so good.” She stared at him, taken with the rougher texture of his skin. So much longer and harder than she could handle, yet Jules felt right. He made her feel safe. Even when he had cause to doubt her, he hadn't done more than hold her tight. Never hurting her, unless she wanted him to. And the way he looked at her right now, like he cared…

“Lick me,” he growled.

“What if I don't?” she teased, amazing herself that she felt free to taunt his beast.

“If you don't, I'll paddle that ass before I fuck it,” he promised, breathing hard.

A bead of dew filled his tip, his arousal obvious and growing stronger as she watched. The feminine power coursing through her veins thrilled her, and Sheridan licked her lips, teasing him again.

Jules growled.

Sheridan petted him, relearning the feel of his sex as she ran her hands over him. To her surprise, the hair around his groin had disappeared with his change.

Hairless, he looked even more imposing.

“Taste me, please.”

He sounded ragged, and she loved knowing she'd brought him to that.

The wet tip of his shaft shone, drawing her to temptation. The warm vanilla musk that thickened around them enticed her closer. She gave in and licked the crown of his cock.

He moaned, his cock jerked, and she sucked the head into her mouth.

His hands fisted in her hair. “I've dreamed about this, seeing your dark red hair over my thighs when you go down on me. Oh yeah.” She didn't answer, taken with the sultry texture and taste of him. Wild, pure, masculine. They fit together. She knew it. She accepted it, but she still wasn't sure ultimately what to do about it. But right now, she didn't have to think. She only needed to feel as she tasted him.

“Lick me, baby. That's it,” he said, panting as she stroked him with her tongue.

He spread his thighs wider and pulled her head closer.

She couldn't take much of him inside her mouth, but the little tease of his cockhead disappearing between her lips seemed to entrance him.

“You're going to lick me until I come. Then I'm going to shoot all over those pretty tits. So much seed to mark you as mine,” he promised, his beast domineering, assured.

They settled into a rhythm—he guided her by her hair, and she sucked him hard, the press of her teeth and the suction of her lips strong enough to make him groan his encouragement.

“That's it. I'm going to cover you with my cum, and then I'm going to eat you again. Fill you up all night long. Won't that be good, baby?” He cupped her breast and squeezed, and an answering heat continued to build between her thighs. An almost animalistic need filled her, a foreign yet familiar sense that she experienced what he felt. And she loved it.

“Hmm, good girl.”

His gritty voice stroked her like silk. His compliments made her yearn for more of him, to swallow his orgasm and bring to him to the bliss he constantly gave her. His taste brought her closer and closer to orgasm.

And then the door burst open.

Jules's hands tugged her head by her hair. “Don't stop.”

“Fuck me, that's hot.” Tersch's low growl should have embarrassed her. But Jules continued to fuck her mouth, and she couldn't stop licking him. To her shock, she didn't care that Tersch was in the room. In fact, she wanted him to watch, to see how she pleasured her mate.

Jules snarled. “I told you—”

“Yeah, yeah, not to bug you unless I'm on fire,” Tersch rasped. “Well, I'm not.

But Jack and Melissa's place is. Does that count?”

* * *

“Yeah, it's burning. You want me to engage?”

Ricardo Montaña smiled and toyed with his mustache as he spoke into the speaker. “No. Not yet.”

“What about the couple? I have them in the van. Bring them in or kill them?”

Ricardo thought about it. “Break a few of Jack Keiser's limbs to let the Circs know we mean business. I want the Dawn Endeavor team panicked. And I want them to have some doubts about their new houseguest. Give Melissa Sheridan's message.”

“Will do.” The Circ disconnected the call.

Ricardo Montaña pressed a button on his phone and stared at the device, lost in thought. For two long months, he'd waited. He'd planned, he'd cursed, he'd killed.

Still, nothing took the edge off. He'd grown accustomed to Sheridan's presence in her time at the compound. He liked watching her at all hours without her being aware. His possession, she belonged to him. And now she'd been stolen by a dickhead Circ without a true appreciation for what she could do. Healing was the least of Sheridan's worth. Ricardo had chosen her to breed his children. A privilege many would kill for, yet he'd been minutes away from bestowing it on the bitch.

Finally ready to start his legacy to the world, he'd had everything in place.

And then they'd fucked him over.

He'd publicly disemboweled Pedro to discourage future mutiny among the men. He'd tightened security as well as his hold over the rogue Circs, increasing the dosage of their “vitamins” Manoel had improved.

Despite the chaos of Sheridan's escape, he had a good idea of what had gone down. Pedro had disabled the security. Raul and Grayson, two of his strongest rogues, had gone after Sheridan, but either the mutant or Hawkins had killed the other rogues he'd sent after them as well as Raul, and they'd nearly taken Grayson.

Luckily, Grayson had a brain in his thick skull, and he'd reported back to Ricardo and followed Sheridan out of the country. At this very moment, Grayson continued to keep tabs on the stupid puta. Elena hadn't survived Ricardo's fury either when he'd discovered Sheridan gone. Because of her jealousy, he'd lost his opportunity to breed strong sons with Sheridan.

He snorted. As if Elena could have kept him satisfied. Women like her could be found in every port in every city. But Sheridan had something none of them did. She had power, the ability to heal. He'd only suspected, but after she'd healed Hawkins not once, but twice, she'd shown her ability to be even stronger than he'd imagined.

Bringing her to his compound had been a huge test—an exercise in restraint on his part. He'd hoped she might show him some gratitude, even loyalty.

She'd failed miserably.

“Ricardo?” a voice called through the intercom. Ken Williams, his new chief of security. The rogue had a sadistic penchant for blood that Ricardo appreciated.

“Yes, Ken?”

“We've lost another Circ. He's mutated. Should I cage him with the others or put him down?”

Ricardo frowned. The control drug didn't seem to be working as well as it should, unless this batch of rogue Circs was tainted. Considering his boss had paired him with this group, he couldn't be sure. “Kill him. I need functioning muscle, not a mindless killer.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Patch me through to Dr. Silva.”

“Hold on, sir.”

Ricardo waited until he heard Manoel's tired voice. “Yes?”

“Any luck with Hawkins's blood?”

Manoel sighed. “No. I need more. I was so close to perfecting the invisibility formula, but then a few rogues lost control in the lab. They fought and destroyed my last test. I need another forty milliliters of blood, as well as a fresh skin sample.”

“I have men on-site, but I can't move yet.” I can’t chance them hurting the future mother of my sons. Not until she’s conceived and bred my children, at least.

“So have you found her?”

“Yes. As we thought, she eventually showed up in North Carolina. Business unfinished with Hawkins, I take it.” Ricardo didn't like that at all. He'd replayed her interactions with the bastard so many times, he could see their meetings replay in his mind's eye. Hell, he could almost feel her small hands pumping Hawkins's cock, could taste the warm spice of her breath, the way he had just a couple months ago.

His arousal stirred, the recollection of those full breasts under his own palms exciting him. He couldn't deny how stimulating it had been to finally show Sheridan how it would be between them. And having her watch as he fucked Elena had been so good.

Manoel called his name, and he forced himself to pay attention. Ricardo sighed. “What now?”

“I want to run tests on Sheridan as well. When do you think you'll have her again?”

“Soon, Manoel. But first we'll scare them, show Dawn Endeavor they're not as safe and secure as they think they are. There's nowhere they can run that I can't reach.” Ricardo smiled, grateful to that DC asshole he was forced to call el jefe—the boss—well, at least for now. “I'm keeping a team on them while we run this next shipment of the drug. But we need to see progress, amigo.”

No hay problema. I got word that one of London's psychics convulsed and died just moments ago after trying to use his gift. And it was all thanks to us and our 'wonder drug.'”

Ricardo hoped el jefe would be happy enough with this latest test result. The asshole always wanted more, and he knew the risks they took to smuggle the drug onto US soil. Admiral London's psychics had just moved from Washington DC to Quantico, Virginia, home of not only the US Marine Corps but the Federal Bureau of Investigation as well. Despite the security in the area, Manoel had managed to infect one of London's men. Ricardo wanted to crow his victory to one and all.

“The man was a telekinetic. Word has it the secret project no one's supposed to know about might die before it begins,” Manoel said in a smug voice.

“Good. One less problem to deal with.” Now I just have those fucking Dawn Endeavor Circs to take care of. Well, them and el jefe.

“I'll keep you informed. I sent you a video of the test, so when the boss calls, you'll be able to give him details.”

And that's why Ricardo treasured Manoel. He didn't complain, he could be trusted, and he stayed one step ahead of everyone else.

Ricardo smiled. “Good work. I'll get back to you as we know more. And I'll try to get you the samples you need soon. Give me a few days, ?”

“Okay.” Manoel hung up, and Ricardo decided to reward himself for a job well done.

He punched in a few buttons and waited to hear Ken's voice again.


“I need a woman. Send her up, pronto.”

“Sure thing.” Ken hung up.

Ricardo didn't have to wait long. He pushed back from his chair and dragged a whip off his wall. Caressing the braided leather gave him a hard-on, and he imagined using it on Sheridan before he fucked her until she screamed.

A knock came on the door. “Come in.” The petite redhead who awaited him, dressed in nothing but pale pink panties, resembled Sheridan, except for the brown eyes. Not bad. Not bad at all. He cracked the whip and the redhead jumped, fear flashing over her innocent face.

Ken Williams deserved a raise.

“Come here, you little whore. And do what Master tells you to.” The tears in her eyes made everything that much sweeter, and Ricardo unleashed the whip with a fire in his belly and a burn in his soul.
