“Hup! Hup! Hup-hup-hup!” Mike watched the company of South Japanese troops parade. They wore mostly American uniforms, though their service caps were the short-billed Imperial Japanese style. Most of them were survivors from Hirohito’s army. Jobs were hard to come by in South Japan, especially for veterans. The American authorities discouraged employers from hiring them. So the newly formed Constitutional Guard-no one wanted to call it an army-had no trouble finding recruits.
But they weren’t good recruits. They knew what to do; it wasn’t as if they were going through basic. Giving a damn about doing it? That was a different story.
Mike turned to Dick Shirakawa. Dick was his interpreter, a California Jap who’d gone into a labor encampment after Pearl Harbor and eventually into a punishment brigade. His unit, full of Japs, had fought in Europe. The powers that be had figured ordinary American soldiers in the Pacific would shoot at them first and ask questions later. For once, Mike figured the powers that be got it right.
Like him, Dick had stayed in the Army after the war ended and got the P out from under his corporal’s stripes. Since he spoke the language, they’d decided he’d be most useful in Japan once the shooting stopped. Mike was glad to have him. His own bits of Japanese, while they helped him, weren’t enough to let him ride herd on these clowns.
“Ask ’em what’s eating them, will you?” he said to Shirakawa now. “They should make better soldiers than this.”
Dick palavered in Japanese with three or four guys who looked to have a few brain cells to rub together. They had to go back and forth for a while. Mike had learned that Jap notions of politeness involved telling you what they thought you wanted to hear, not what was really on their minds. You had to work past that if you were ever going to get anywhere. When Shirakawa turned away at last, his face wore a bemused expression.
“So what’s cookin’?” Mike asked him.
“Well, I found out how come they don’t take us serious,” the American Japanese said. “I found out, but I’m not sure I believe it.”
“Give.” Mike had already had some adventures of his own unscrewing the inscrutable.
“You know what the trouble is?” Dick said. “The trouble is, we’re too fucking nice. I shit you not, Sergeant. That’s what they tell me. Their own noncoms slugged them and kicked them whenever they pulled a rock. We don’t do any of that stuff, so the way it looks to them is, we don’t give a rat’s ass. To them, we’re just going through the motions. That’s all they think they need to do, too.”
“Fuck me.” Mike lit a cigarette. He’d imagined a lot of different troubles, but that wasn’t any of them. “You know what they sound like? They sound like a broad who’s only happy when her husband knocks her around, ’cause that’s how she knows he loves her. He cares enough to smack her one.”
Shirakawa nodded. “That’s about the size of it. What are we supposed to do? Our own brass would court-martial us-hell, they’d crucify us-if we treated these guys the way their sergeants did.”
“I’ll talk with Captain Armstrong about it, see what he thinks,” Mike said. “In the meantime, tell ’em it’s not our custom to beat the crap out of people who didn’t really earn it. Tell ’em that doesn’t make us soft, any more than surrendering or taking prisoners does. Remind ’em we won the war and they damn well didn’t, so our ways of doing things work, too.”
“I’ll try.” Shirakawa harangued the company in Japanese. Mike got maybe one word in ten; he never could have done it by himself. The Constitutional Guardsmen listened attentively. They bowed to the corporal and then, more deeply, to Mike. After that, they marched a little better, but not a lot better.
When Mike talked with Calvin Armstrong, the young officer nodded. “I’ve heard other reports like that,” he said, frowning. “I don’t know what to do about them. If we treat the Japs the way their old army did, aren’t we as bad as they were?”
“If we don’t treat ’em that way, will the new army-”
“The Constitutional Guard.”
“The Constitutional Guard. Right. Sorry. Will the goddamn Constitutional Guard be worth the paper it’s printed on? Is the idea to be nice to them or to get them so they’re able to fight?”
“I can’t order you to rough them up. My own superiors would land on me like a ton of bricks,” Armstrong said unhappily.
“Yes, sir. I understand that,” Mike said. “But I’ll tell you one thing.”
“What’s that?”
“The sorry bastards in the North Japanese Army, they don’t ever worry that the Russians telling ’em what to do are too fucking soft.”
Armstrong laughed what might have been the least mirthful laugh Mike had ever heard. “Boy, you’ve got that right,” he said. “The Red Army’s just about as dog-eat-dog as the Japs were.”
“They may be even worse,” Mike said. “Their officers have those NKVD bastards looking over their shoulder all the time.”
“Uh-huh.” Armstrong nodded. “Wouldn’t it be fun if the Jeebies kept an eye on our guys like that?”
“I never really thought about it, sir,” Mike answered. He liked Calvin Armstrong. He respected him. But he didn’t trust him enough to say anything bad about the GBI where the younger man could hear him. He didn’t want to wind up in a labor encampment again if Armstrong reported him. No, the Jeebies didn’t put political officers in U.S. Army units, or they hadn’t yet, anyhow. That didn’t mean they had no influence in the Army. Oh, no. It didn’t mean that at all.
* * *
Esther had got a call from the elementary school where Sarah and Pat went. She had to go in early and bring Pat home. He’d landed in trouble on the playground at lunchtime. Esther told Charlie the story over the phone, but he wanted to hear it from the criminal himself. Not every kindergarten kid could pull off a stunt like that.
“What happened, sport?” Charlie asked when he came back from the White House.
“Nothin’ much.” His son seemed not at all put out by landing in hot water.
“No? I heard you had kind of a fight.”
“Yeah, kind of.” Pat shrugged. No, it didn’t bother him.
“How come?”
Another shrug. “I had on this same shirt”-it was crimson cotton, just the thing for Washington’s warm spring-“and Melvin, he asked me, ‘Are you now or have you ever been a Red?’”
“And so?”
“And so I bopped him in the ol’ beezer,” Pat said, not without pride. “Everybody knows Red is a dirty name. But he got a bloody nose, and he started crying all over the place. I guess that’s why they sent me home.”
“‘Everybody knows Red is a dirty name,’” Esther echoed.
“When the five- and six-year-olds throw it at each other, you know it’s sunk in pretty deep, all right.” Charlie turned back to Pat. “From now on, don’t hit anybody unless he hits you first, okay?”
“Okay,” Pat said with no great enthusiasm.
“Promise,” Pat said, more reluctantly yet. But Charlie and Esther had taught him that promises were important, and that if you made one you had to keep it. With any luck at all, this one would keep Pat from becoming the scourge of the schoolyard-or from getting his block knocked off if he goofed.
Not long after dinner, the phone rang. Thinking it might be someone from the White House, Charlie grabbed it. “Hello?”
“Mr. Sullivan?” a woman’s voice asked. When Charlie admitted he was himself, she went on, “I am Miss Hannegan, the principal at your children’s school. I’m calling about what unfortunately happened this afternoon.”
“Oh, sure,” Charlie said. “We gave Pat a good talking-to. I don’t think you’ll have any more of that kind of trouble out of him.”
“I’m glad to hear it.” Miss Hannegan didn’t just sound glad. She sounded massively relieved. “I wanted to be positive you weren’t angry at Miss Tarleton for bringing Patrick to my office, and to remind you that of course”-she bore down hard on that-“Melvin Vangilder had no idea what you do, or he never would have said what he said to your son.”
“Uh-huh. If you hadn’t called, I never would have thought of that,” Charlie said. Miss Hannegan seemed more relieved than ever. He said his good-byes as quickly as he could and hung up.
Then he fixed himself a drink. Esther gave him a look, but he did it anyway. The principal had called to make sure he wasn’t an ogre. She assumed that someone who worked at the White House had but to say the word and Miss Tarleton (who taught Pat’s kindergarten class) would disappear into a labor encampment. So would Melvin Vangilder’s mother and father. So would Melvin himself, and never mind that he might or might not have had his sixth birthday. She might not have been wrong, either.
“But doggone it, I’m not an ogre,” Charlie muttered when he’d finished the drink-which didn’t take long.
“What?” his wife asked.
“Never mind.” The real trouble was, he understood why Miss Hannegan had been so worried. If he were an ogre, she couldn’t stop him from doing whatever he wanted to Miss Tarleton and to the Vangilders. All she could do was beg him. If he didn’t feel like listening, what would he do? He’d pick up the phone and call J. Edgar Hoover. The Jeebies would take it from there.
He’d never used his influence that way. It hadn’t occurred to him, which he supposed meant that his own parents had raised him the right way. He wondered whether Lazar Kagan, say, had got even with somebody who beat him up on a school playground back around the turn of the century. He couldn’t very well ask the next time he bumped into Kagan in the White House. And, all things considered, he was bound to be better off not knowing.
* * *
When American soldiers in Japan got some leave, they often went to Shikoku. Yes, the natives there resented their presence more than Japs in other parts of South Japan did. But the cities and towns of Shikoku had just had the hell bombed out of them. They hadn’t had the hell bombed out of them and then been fought over house by house. It made a difference.
Along with Dick Shirakawa, Mike took the ferry from Wakayama on Honshu to Tokushima on Shikoku. The ferry was a wallowing landing craft, the kind he’d ridden towards unfriendly beaches too many times. The only part of Wakayama that had much life, even now, was the harbor, and Americans were in charge there.
Tokushima. . wasn’t like that. It was the friendliest beach Mike had ever landed on. It was, in fact, a quickly run-up, low-rent version of Honolulu. The whole town, or at least the waterfront district, was designed to give servicemen a good time while separating them from their cash.
You could go to the USO and have a wholesome good time for next to nothing. Or you could do other things. You could gamble. You could drink. You could dance with taxi dancers who might or might not be available for other services, too. You could go to any number of strip joints-Japanese women, even if most of them were none too busty, had fewer inhibitions about nakedness than their American sisters did. Or you could go to a brothel. The quality of what you got there varied according to how much you felt like spending, as it did anywhere else.
MPs and shore patrolmen did their best to keep the U.S. servicemen from adding brawling to their fun and games. They also stayed alert for Jap diehards who still wanted to kill Americans even two years after the surrender. Japs not in the Constitutional Guard or the police forces weren’t supposed to have firearms. Mike knew what a forlorn hope that was. Before the American invasion, the authorities had armed as many people in the Home Islands as they could. You could get your hands on anything from one of those sad black-powder muskets to an Arisaka rifle or a Nambu light machine gun with no trouble at all.
You could also get your hands on what American soldiers still called knee mortars. You couldn’t really fire them off your knee, but you could lob the little bombs they threw for most of a mile. Every so often, Japs in the suburbs would shoot at the bright lights of the waterfront. They were only a nuisance-unless you happened to be standing where a bomb went off. The Americans seldom caught anybody. Knee mortars were too easy to ditch.
Nobody fired anything at Tokushima while Mike and Dick were in town. The days were hot and muggy: a lot like New York City in the summertime. Nights were warm and muggy. A lot of the eateries by the harbor featured hamburgers and hot dogs, or steaks if you had more money.
But you could find Japanese food, too. Mike was the only round-eye in the place he and Dick went into. He’d got halfway decent with hashi, which made the serving girl giggle in surprise. When Americans did come in here, they usually asked for a fork, not chopsticks. Between pieces of sushi, Mike said, “Before I crossed the Pacific, I never would’ve touched raw octopus or raw fish or sea urchin. I guess I know better now.”
“We mostly ate American food in L.A.,” Dick said. “Except for the rice-my mom always made sticky rice. But oh, yeah-this is good, too.”
Mike held up his empty glass. “Biru, domo.” He went back to English: “Beer washes it down great.”
“You got that right,” Shirakawa said.
They also tended to other pleasures, and went back to Wakayama four days later, lighter in the wallet but sated and otherwise amused. Mike signed for a jeep in the motor pool there, and he and Dick started north again, back toward the Agano River and the increasingly nervous demilitarized zone. Almost all of the traffic was American jeeps and trucks. That was a good thing. The Japs had driven on the left, British-style, before the occupation. Sometimes-especially when they’d had a snootful-they forgot the rules had changed. Head-on collisions with American-driven vehicles happened all too often.
A flight of F-80s screamed overhead, racing north. A few minutes later, more of the jets roared by. “Wonder what’s going on,” Dick Shirakawa said.
“Beats me,” Mike answered. “Goddamn, but those jets are noisy! Just hearing ’em makes me want to ditch the jeep and dive into a foxhole. If you didn’t know what they were, just the racket might scare you into giving up.”
They were still south of Tokyo when they got stuck behind a column of tanks, Shermans and a few of the newer, heavier Pershings, all on the way north. There was just enough southbound traffic to make Mike hesitate about pulling into the other lane and trying to pass the column. Bends in the road showed it was long. He fumed instead, crawling along at fifteen miles an hour.
An MP at a crossroads waved the jeep over to the shoulder. “Show me your papers, you two!” he barked. He kept not quite pointing his M-1 at Dick Shirakawa. Seeing a Japanese man in an American uniform made him jumpy, even if most of the Constitutional Guard wore them. He examined both sets of leave documents with microscopic care, Dick’s even more than Mike’s.
Finally, Mike got fed up and said, “What’s the story, anyway?”
The MP stared at him. “You haven’t heard?”
“I haven’t heard jack shit, man. If I had, would I be asking you?”
“You guys are fucking lucky you weren’t back at the border-that’s all I’ve got to tell you. The North Japanese are attacking South Japan. They’ve got tanks and big guns and I don’t know what all else. No warning, no nothin’. One minute, everything was quiet. The next one, all hell broke loose.”
Mike and Dick looked at each other in consternation. “We’ve got to get back up there,” Mike said. “Our buddies are there. So are the Jap troops we were training.”
“Good luck-that’s all I’ve got to tell you.” The MP liked the phrase. “Here’s what you do. Go on in to Tokyo. Get your orders there. Draw some weapons there, too. You sure as hell ain’t safe without ’em.”
Being unarmed hadn’t worried Mike till then. Riding in a jeep, he’d felt safe enough. Not if there was a new war on, though. He nodded tightly. “We’ll do that, then.”
American authorities in sad, ruined Tokyo seemed as discombobulated as if they’d taken a right from the Brown Bomber square in the kisser. They hadn’t expected an attack from North Japan. Mike didn’t know why not. Captain Armstrong had been sending in worried reports for weeks. So had other commanders near the demilitarized zone. Had anybody here believed them, or even read them? It sure didn’t look that way.
Getting weapons was easy. The armory issued Mike and Dick grease guns and as many magazines as they could carry. Getting orders. . Dick got his right away: to sit tight in Tokyo. The captain who told him to do that sounded apologetic but firm. “Corporal, I understand what you are. I understand what you’ve done for your country,” he said. “But I don’t want our own guys getting a look at you and filling you full of holes because they think you’re a North Japanese soldier in an American uniform.”
“You think our men are really that dumb, sir?” Dick Shirakawa asked.
“You tell me,” the harried captain replied. Dick thought it over. He didn’t need long. He stayed in Tokyo.
Mike scrambled into a halftrack that was part of a patched-together regimental combat team. Hardly anybody in the machine knew anybody else. That worried him. One of the reasons men fought well was to protect their buddies. Another was to keep from seeming yellow to those same buddies. How well would these guys do if they didn’t care about the men with them and those men didn’t give a damn about them?
For a while, it just seemed like a training ride. Then, off to the north, the rumble of artillery began to make itself known above the different rumble of the halftrack’s engine. Smoke stained the horizon. War and fire went together like pretzels and beer.
They stopped for the night before they found the action, or it found them. Some of them didn’t know the first thing about digging a foxhole or setting up a perimeter. They were draftees who’d been doing garrison duty, not soldiers with combat experience. Mike took charge of them. He had a first sergeant’s stripes and a manner that said he knew what he was doing.
In the morning, they went forward again. It started to be stop-and-go traffic. Refugees clogged the roads: Jap civilians who didn’t want to live under North Japan’s Rising Sun with the gold Hammer and Sickle inside. Mike didn’t blame them, but they sure didn’t make getting up there to defend South Japan any easier.
Then Mike saw other Japs getting away from the North Japanese invasion. Some wore American uniform, some that of the old, dead Imperial Army. A lot of them had thrown away their rifles so they could retreat faster. The Constitutional Guard, or big chunks of it, didn’t seem eager to guard the shiny new constitution. A few of those soldiers were wounded, but only a few. The rest were just bugging out.
Mike started worrying in earnest.
* * *
As far as the White House was concerned, the Japanese War couldn’t have come at a worse time. The Republicans had just nominated Harold Stassen. Hardly anyone outside of Minnesota had ever heard of him. The way it had looked, he would have been a token candidate, and Steele and Garner would have rolled to a fifth term.
Now? Now Joe Steele had to work again. He was almost seventy. Some of the old energy was gone. Charlie could see that. The President seemed not just insulted but amazed that Trotsky’s followers in North Japan dared try to upset the applecart.
At his orders, the Americans in South Japan tried to bomb them back to the Stone Age. B-29s thundered over North Japan, the way they’d thundered over the whole country when Hirohito still ran it. But the Imperial Japanese air defenses had been flattened before the Superfortresses rolled in.
It wasn’t so easy now. North Japan flew Gurevich-9 fighter jets. The Gu-9s weren’t as good as American F-80s. They were Russian versions of the German Me-262, probably built with the help of captured Nazi engineers and technicians. Even if they couldn’t match the American jets, though, they were far more than B-29s had been designed to face. Daylight air raids over North Japan lasted only a few days. Had they gone on any longer, there would have been precious few B-29s left to make more.
And. . Charlie went up to the oval study to ask Joe Steele a question: “Sir, is it true a lot of those Gu-9s have Russian pilots?”
“It’s true,” Joe Steele answered. “But there’s no point to saying anything about it.” He knocked dottle from his pipe into a favorite ashtray: a brass catcher’s mitt.
“Why not?” Charlie exclaimed. Propaganda points danced in his head.
Joe Steele looked at him the way he looked at Pat when his son asked a child’s question. “Well, Sullivan, do you suppose the Japs are flying all those F-80s and B-29s?”
Charlie deflated. “Oh,” he said. Then he brightened. “But North Japan invaded South Japan. We’re helping the South Japanese defend themselves. Trotsky’s pilots are helping the aggressors.”
“If you can do something with it, go ahead.” The President still sounded like a man humoring a little boy. He scratched his mustache. “What we really have to do is stop the bastards before they take Tokyo. That wouldn’t look good at all. Can’t let it happen.” He nodded in a way that said there would be some dead generals if it did happen.
Seeing that Joe Steele didn’t have anything else to tell him, Charlie got out of there. He fiddled around with the news that the Russians were flying planes for North Japan. Fiddle around was as much as he did. He couldn’t manage to bring it out in a way that didn’t show the Americans were doing more than just flying planes for South Japan. If not for American boots on the ground, the whole fragile Constitutional Monarchy of Japan might get swept away.
And one pair of those boots belonged to Mike. Charlie hoped his brother was okay. Hope was all he could do; he hadn’t heard from Mike since the fighting broke out.
Idly, or not so idly, he wondered what kind of dope J. Edgar Hoover had on Harold Stassen. Whatever it was, it would poison the well during the campaign. Joe Steele might be slowing down, but he hadn’t stopped. He wasn’t about to lose an election, not if he could help it. And, as Charlie had reason to know, he damn well could.
* * *
Utsunomiya was one more medium-sized Japanese town, about as important, or as unimportant, in the scheme of things here as Omaha was in the States. It was also one of those places that might find its way into the history books by getting drenched in blood.
If the North Japanese broke through at Utsunomiya, Mike had no idea what would stop them this side of Tokyo. He was only a first sergeant, of course. He had a bug’s-eye view of the battlefield, not a bird’s-eye view. But, by the way the brass kept piling American troops and the steadier units of the Constitutional Guard into the fight, they felt the same way.
He and his section were dug in on the northern outskirts of Utsunomiya. If they had to fall back, they had orders to fight inside the town, too. Mike hoped they wouldn’t have to. Where they were now marked the deepest penetration into South Japan the North Japanese had made.
Enemy bodies swelled in the sun in the fields north of town. That sickly-sweet stench was horribly familiar to Mike. It didn’t just fill your nostrils. It soaked into cotton and wool, too; you brought it with you when you left the battlefield.
A killed T-34/85, a hole in its side armor, sat not far from his foxhole. He eyed the steel corpse with a healthy respect. One T-34/85 could make two or three Shermans say uncle. The Russian tank was faster than its American foe, it had better armor, and its gun was more powerful. The Sherman did have better fire control-a Sherman’s gunner was more likely to hit what he aimed at. But if the round didn’t get through, what good was a hit? This particular T-34/85 hadn’t been lucky.
Or maybe a Pershing had got it. Pershings were definitely the big kids on the block, but there weren’t enough of them to go around. Mike hoped like anything more were on the way.
Cautiously, he stuck his head up out of the foxhole. The North Japanese had pulled back a couple of miles, probably to gather themselves for one more push. He could see them moving around in the distance, but not what they were up to. He wished American artillery would hit them harder.
Then flames rippled from trucks parked over there. Lances of fire stabbed up into the sky. “Hit the dirt!” Mike yelled to his men. “Katyushas!”
He’d heard that the Red Army’s rocket salvos scared the Nazis worse than anything else. He believed it. They sure as hell terrified him. He huddled in his hole as the rockets screamed down. They burst with deafening roars. Blast made breathing hard. Fragments of hot, sharp steel screamed through the air. Katyushas could devastate a whole regiment if they caught it out in the open.
But the Americans weren’t out in the open. And the rocket barrage seemed to wake up the U.S. gunners. As the North Japanese tanks and foot soldiers surged forward, 105s and 155s started dropping shells among them. Purely by luck, one scored a direct hit on a T-34/85. It went up in a blaze of glory as all its ammo blew at once.
A Sherman clanked up and sat behind the dead Russian tank near Mike. Using the T-34/85 as a shield, it pumped high-explosive rounds at the enemy infantry. It couldn’t kill enemy tanks till they got closer, and sensibly didn’t try.
Mike held his fire. A grease gun was a murder mill inside a couple of hundred yards. Past that range, it was pretty much useless.
Corsairs and Hellcats roared in low, pounding the North Japanese troops with their machine guns and dropping napalm on their heads. The prop-driven Navy planes were obsolete for air-to-air combat, but they still made dandy ground-attack machines.
The North Japanese came on anyhow. They had a few old Russian fighters, but not so many planes as the Americans did. No one could say their foot soldiers weren’t brave. Mike wished he could say that. He wouldn’t have been so nervous.
Before long, he was banging away with his submachine gun. He greased one Jap who was about to throw a grenade his way. That was as close as the enemy got. Try as the North Japanese would, they couldn’t bang their way past the defenders and into Utsunomiya.
Sullenly, they pulled back again as the sun went down in blood to the west. Mike discovered he had a gash on one arm. He had no idea when he’d got it. It didn’t start to hurt till he realized it was there. He dusted it with sulfa powder and slapped on a wound bandage. If an officer noticed before he healed up, he might get another oak-leaf cluster for his Purple Heart. If not, he didn’t care enough to make any kind of fuss.
He lit a cigarette. The smoke made him feel better for a little while. “Fuck,” he said wearily. “I think we held ’em.”
* * *
Joe Steele’s voice came out of the radio: “It looks like we have stabilized the front in Japan. Now we have to clear the invaders from the Constitutional Monarchy and drive them back across the border they violated. I am sorry to say this may not be quick, easy, or cheap. But we will do it. We have to do it. The peace of the whole world demands that we contain Red expansion wherever Trotsky’s minions try it. Like Nazism, world revolution is an idea whose time has come-and gone.”
He went on to talk about rooting out Red spies and traitors at home, and about the way the economy was booming. Charlie listened with reluctant but real admiration. “There’s life in the old boy yet,” he said.
“It seems that way.” Esther never went out on a limb to show what she thought of Joe Steele, but Charlie had no doubts on that score. She eyed him. “How much of the speech is yours?”
“Bits and pieces,” he answered honestly. “Half a dozen people feed him words and ideas. He stirs them all together, takes what he likes, and adds his own stuff. The bit about containing the Reds-I came up with the word. It’s something he wants to do. Maybe we can make it work in Japan and in Europe.”
“How about in China?” Esther asked.
“How about that?” Charlie said, deadpan. Mao kept gaining ground; Chiang kept giving it. “Mao won’t win before the election, anyway. It’s only two weeks away. That will give us a while to figure out what to do about China going Red.”
“If Joe Steele wins,” his wife said.
“Oh, he’ll win.” Charlie sounded sure because he was sure. He agreed with both John Nance Garner and Stas Mikoian: Joe Steele would be President of the United States as long as he wanted to be.
Esther eyed him again. “How much do the election results they announce have to do with the real ones?”
She’d never asked him that before, not in all the years he’d been at the White House. Maybe she hadn’t wanted to know. Charlie didn’t know himself, not exactly. Approximately? Well, yes, he knew that much. And, because he knew, he replied, “Tell you what, hon. If you pretend you didn’t say that, I’ll pretend I didn’t hear it.”
Sometimes something that wasn’t an answer turned out to be an answer after all. Esther sighed. This time, she was the one who got up, walked into the kitchen, and came back with a drink in her hand. Charlie could have used that as an excuse for one of his own. He would have not too long before. Now, he was finding he felt better when he drank less. They’d run him out of the Hibernian Hall if he ever told them so, but it was true just the same.
He stayed at the White House for election night. Esther could have gone over to listen to the returns come in, but keeping an eye on Sarah and Pat gave her the perfect excuse to stay home. Since she had it, she used it.
Maine went for Stassen. New Hampshire and Vermont joined it. So did Maryland and Delaware. Lazar Kagan swore when losing Maryland became certain. Charlie did get himself a drink then. Somebody from the state out of which the District of Columbia was carved would catch hell for not stuffing the ballot boxes better.
But the big states, the states with the piles of electoral votes, stayed in Joe Steele’s camp. New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois a little later on-they all backed the fifth term. The South stayed Solid behind the President. That was what the radio announcers said, anyhow. If the actual results were different from the announced totals, nobody was going to prove it.
Some of the states with lots of labor encampments and lots of resettled wreckers swung Harold Stassen’s way. They might have been sending a message, but it wasn’t loud enough. They didn’t have many electoral votes.
More people lived on the West Coast. All three states there remained in Joe Steele’s pocket. He didn’t win so overwhelmingly as he had in 1936, 1940, or 1944, but Stassen’s challenge wasn’t serious.
About fifteen minutes after his lead in California grew too big to overcome, the President and Betty Steele came downstairs. Charlie joined in the applause. People would have noticed if he hadn’t. Joe Steele waved to his aides and henchmen. “Well, we did it again,” he said, and got another hand. “We’ll keep on setting the country to rights, and we’ll make sure the world doesn’t go too crazy, too.”
He was telling stories with Andy Wyszynski and the young assistant attorney general when Charlie came over to congratulate him. “Thanks, Sullivan,” Joe Steele said. “You know what I wish we’d done when we went to Japan?”
“What’s that, sir?”
“I wish we’d shot down Trotsky’s plane. The Reds might’ve had themselves another civil war, trying to sort out who’d follow him.” The President shook his head in annoyance. “Too late now, dammit. I’ll never get such a good chance again.”
“Sorry, sir.” As soon as he could, Charlie hurried to the bar. He had a drink or three. Even if he didn’t need them all the time any more, sometimes he did.