The second double was as good as the first. Every time my mind tried to steer its way back to Sally and the madness that had entered my life, I fought hard to veg out and close my thoughts. The bar was now full of like-minded individuals and hotel guests. That early drinking crowd knew what they wanted. ‘Leave me alone, don’t say a word and let me revel in the peace and quiet of my own thoughts and of course the buzz.’ The few people chatting were sitting at tables away from the hardened alcoholics leaning forlornly at the bar. It was serene and comfortable and I told myself that I should make more of an effort to come into the city, instead of drinking alone at home. Oh, the joys of aging.

Maybe I should have left it at two, but I was fighting off Sally and the people of Cirion. I needed more fuel. More of what I described as my ‘Nectar-of-the-Gods’. That third double was probably why I ended up terminating Fuentes, but he would never know the real reason. Or maybe it was the two glasses of Merlot that accompanied the superb Spaghetti Pescatore in the hotel restaurant.

Eventually Sally came back, I couldn’t resist. I called her in my mind while sipping after dinner coffee.

Okay. Let’s do it.” I said to her.

Do what?” She inquired.

Terminate Fuentes.”

Sally leapt onto my heads-up display. A small doll-like figure just a few inches high. Dressed now in jeans and a white t-shirt. Her blond hair flowing in an imaginary wind. Her lips full and pouting, glistening with red lipstick. Quite simply, fucking gorgeous. She grinned with delight.


I nodded. She looked like she wanted to query my decision, but then I could see a steely look of delight in her eyes.

Now?” she said.

I nodded again.

The clip thing, right?”

My mind was swimming in a lake of alcohol; it took a while to surface. “Oh yes, right. The clip. No mess.” Then I added. “You’ve never done this before, have you?”

“No! I’ve never had someone…. I mean…. you’re the first director I’ve had.” There was a pause. “He’s in the shower.”

“What? Oh, Fuentes. Okay. Do I have to be there?” That had a sobering effect on me. I had no wish to see Fuentes die.

No, oh no. I can do it from here.” She said.


That was perfect I thought. It occurred to me that was how all military and political leaders operated. They just ordered it done. No need to get their hands dirty. No wonder it was so bloody simple to kill people. Pangs of guilt flared up in my chest, but were dulled by the alcohol. Sally’s face changed, even though these were my private thoughts, she could read my face. She knew what I was thinking and I’m sure she understood. She didn’t say anything, but she raised her eyes and creased her forehead awaiting my approval.

I accented with a nod of my head.

It’s done.” Sally said to me and even through her thoughts I could hear a change in her voice. “Do you want to see?”

I raised my hands up in front of me. I must have looked stupid, sitting alone in the restaurant, gesticulating to no-one.

No!” I exclaimed in my mind.
