Obi-Wan thought quickly. By the open, unguarded look on Slam's face, he doubted that Slam knew someone was impersonating him.
"I've only just arrived," Slam said in an amiable way, leaning back against the bar and sipping his juice. He made a face. "Whoa, sweet. Just like my landing spot."
"So you like Romin already?" Obi-Wan asked.
Slam gave a half smile. "Let's say it likes me. The rest of the galaxy isn't too… welcoming. Hey, nice tunic."
If Slam had noticed that Obi-Wan hadn't given his name, it clearly didn't concern him. Obi-Wan imagined that in Slam's universe, many beings did not use names or discuss their occupations.
"I just got here yesterday myself," Obi-Wan said. Slam waved a glass of juice at the throng. "Interesting party."
"Paradise, I hear," Obi-Wan said. "At least, that's the theme."
Slam laughed. "Well, it looks like paradise to me. It was a rough trip for me and my friends."
So his gang is here, too. They must have escaped again. Tyro told us that escapes are common now. / have to warn the others.
"I'm supposed to meet Teda tonight. And pay the usual bribes, I'm sure things seemed a bit disorganized at the landing platform. They were having trouble with comm transmissions."
Joylin, Obi-Wan realized. They had started to disrupt communications.
"We never got a chance to get our official entry docs," Slam continued. "So, what's the Great Leader like?"
Obi-Wan spoke lightly. "Oh, he's just your average everyday dictator."
"So I hear. But for beings like me, your average everyday dictator comes in handy."
"A word to the wise, though," Obi-Wan said casually. "I wouldn't try to meet him tonight. He's in a bad mood. I just saw him use an electrojabber on a waiter."
Slam winced. "Ouch. Thanks for the tip. Well, I think I'll try the food tables instead, then."
The real Slam moved off.
Obi-Wan glanced at his chrono. He had barely ten minutes before he had to lift the codes. He had to find the others. The party was over for the Jedi.
Ferus spoke quietly, incredulously, to Anakin. "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?"
Anakin gulped. "I think so."
"She's… flirting."
"It looks like it."
"She's… flattering people."
"And she's… smiling."
"It's not just that she's smiling," Anakin added, in the interest of accuracy. "She's gushing."
Siri stood in the middle of a group of admirers. Someone had tucked a bright red flower behind one of her ears, and, as Ferus had hissed to Anakin in a fierce undertone, Siri left it there! Anakin watched as she placed a hand on a security officer's coat sleeve and leaned over to whisper in his ear. He leaned back and roared with laughter.
Whoever would have believed, Anakin thought in amazement, that Siri Tachi could be charming?
It was a night of wonders. His own Master was wearing a cloak with jeweled embroidery and pretending to love parties.
He had to laugh at the look on Ferus's face. After a moment, Ferus broke down and grinned, too. "I think Siri is just pretending to hate this, " he said. "I think she's enjoying herself."
"I think you're right," Anakin said. He glanced at his chrono. "We have about seven minutes. We should get into position."
Just as he said it, Siri said one last remark that caused the group of males around her to laugh uproariously. Then she turned away graciously.
She joined Anakin and Ferus a moment later.
"I've discovered something," she said. "Charm is exhausting. And something else. Flattery works. I've learned some things. Half the surveillance droids are fakes. Every day more officers are deserting the army. They haven't been paid in months. Teda's running out of wealth. He can't afford to prop up his government much longer, so he's looking for income wherever he can find it. In the meantime, he's cutting back."
"I've found a way out if we have to escape," Anakin said. "It would be difficult, but not impossible. There's a part of the wall that's less heavily guarded. It's behind a dense thicket of bushes with bright flowers and thorns a meter long. We could use the Force to jump over the thicket, then activate cable launchers in midair, scale the wall, and take out droids with our lightsabers as we climb. I'm not sure what we'll find on the other side. Guards are no doubt patrolling outside the palace as well."
"All in all, we just have to hope Obi-Wan doesn't get caught," Siri said.
"I'll do my best," Obi-Wan said as he came up behind her. "But in the meantime, we have another problem. The Slam gang is here. The real one."
"That's not good news," Siri said. "Does Teda know?"
"Not yet. There's interference in the comm systems. Joylin's work, no doubt. I tried to give Slam a warning about approaching him tonight. But I doubt it will keep them apart for long. Teda is making the rounds."
Siri frowned. "Time just ran out."
"This is all the more reason to help with the revolt," Anakin said.
"If it's successful, we won't have to worry about Teda or the Slams."
"Still, we can't take a risk for all of us," Obi-Wan said. "This party suddenly got very small. The three of you should head back to the villa and prepare for a quick departure with Zan Arbor. I'll steal the codes, meet up with Joylin, and join you at the villa."
Anakin shook his head. "I'm not leaving you here, Master."
"Yes, you are, because I'm ordering you to," Obi-Wan said. "Remember, my young apprentice. The mission is first."
Obi-Wan put a hand on Anakin's shoulder briefly. The gesture told Anakin that he appreciated his support, but his decision was firm.
But Anakin still didn't want to go.
"Obi-Wan is right," Siri said. "But nevertheless, we are not leaving."
Obi-Wan looked annoyed. "Siri, I don't have time to argue."
"Precisely. You need us to remain. We'll watch out for the Slams. As soon as you get the codes, we'll all go." "I don't like this," Obi-Wan said.
Siri was adamant. "Too bad."
Only a slight pressing of his lips showed Obi-Wan's displeasure. He turned abruptly and disappeared into the crowd.
Ferus let out a breath. "Whatever happened to flattery to get what you want?"
"Flattery doesn't work on Obi-Wan," Siri said. "Speaking of which, I'll track down Teda. I'll keep him away from the Slams. You two stay close to his office in case Obi-Wan needs you."
Anakin and Ferus moved off. The crowd was denser now; more beings had arrived. They were louder and giddier. The music was wailing, and some guests were dancing. Anakin could see only bright colors and faces red with a forced gaiety he found distracting. He began to feel an edge of uneasiness. They were risking exposure with every step. His Master was breaking into the secret files of a head of state. And Siri was trying to divert a madman with charm.
Slow down. Breathe. The Force will help you.
"I always hated parties," Ferus said. "I never knew how to have fun at them."
Anakin felt his nerves tighten. He saw Obi-Wan approach the two guards at the corridor's entrance. He waved his hand, and even across the room, Anakin felt the power of the Force.
The guards nodded. Obi-Wan slipped around them and was gone.
"Only a few minutes to go," Anakin said.
Ferus and Anakin waited. When Obi-Wan appeared in the corridor, they were to approach the guards and use the Force to divert them. Then Obi-Wan could simply walk out with the security codes, and they would leave the party. Simple.
Except it wasn't. Two minutes later, the security alarm went off.