The story thus far...
1. Hogwarts Farewells
2. The Gwyndemere
3. Eighty-eight Knots
4. The Dream Story
5. New Amsterdam
6. Under the Warping Willow
7. Alma Aleron
8. The Vault of Destinies
9. The Archive Attack
10. James and the Skrim
11. Jardin d'Éden
12. Game Magic
13. The Octosphere and the Arbiter
14. The Magnussen Riddles
15. The Star of Convergence
16. Christmas in Philadelphia
17. The Ballad of the Rider
18. The Dimensional Key
19. Unhelpful Revelations
20. Albus' Story
21. Unlikely Alliances
22. Albus' Story
23. The Beginning of the End
24. Through the Curtains
25. Those Who Stayed Behind