I promise not to kill you CLICK…

In a statement released earlier today, British Prime Minister Peter Mandelson said that he was “fully confident of the support of the nation” and that he felt that challenges to his recent policy statements by the Liberal-MetaMarxist-Democrat leader Edward Izzard were nothing more than blatant electioneering. Izzard was unavailable for comment, but his second-in-command William Bailey said CLICK…

Stay tuned to The Arthaus Channel for our retrospective on the works of stud actor Billy Priapus, following a hypertext-enhanced screening of his masterpiece Shaven Ravers IV CLICK…

And coming in at number ten on the Billboard Chart, the new single from Bombs Not Burkas, “Jihad My Ride” CLICK…

Now, the fourth season finale of Firefly, only on Wave-Net, followed by back-to-back episodes of Sundowners. Next: on a very special CSI: Baghdad CLICK…

Sea of stones, sand waves. Harmony, come with me. Taste the blue CLICK…

This gorgeous photodiamante necklace and nose-piercing set, only twenty left now and numbers are dropping fast. If you look here you can see a lovely crystal colouration. Call now, the number is on the bottom of your screen, we accept all major creditchips, indenture warrants and PRC-certified viable transplant organs CLICK.
