Respite Island

March 3, 1944

Sandra woke slowly, savoring the soft, clean sheets that felt so smooth against her skin, and the large, firm mattress she sprawled upon. She’d always been a sprawler, and the tiny, claustrophobic berths she’d slept in for most of the past two years had been excruciating, despite her small size. Golden sunshine streamed through the open, curtained windows and a steady, cool breeze circulated in the bedroom of the surprisingly luxurious little bungalow. For just a moment, she was disoriented. Her eyes opened wider when she saw the dark hair and firmly muscled back of the man still sleeping beside her, and it all came flooding back: the hurried, awkward, glorious wedding; the boisterous reception that followed; the carriage ride to the secluded beachfront bungalow; and the night of gentle, soaring, laughing, whirlwind… electric passion that followed. She smiled, utterly content. They’d waited a long time, and sometimes she’d despaired that last night would never come, but it had been worth the wait, and more.

Matt lay on his side, taking only a small portion of the bed. He’s far more accustomed to tiny beds than I am, she reflected. He’s… economical in many ways; in tastes and often in words, but he’s extravagant in all the things that matter, she realized. He’d proven many times that his love for her knew no bounds, and he was maybe a little too generous of himself for his own good as far as his ship, crew, and cause were concerned. She gloried in the former, and had learned to accept the latter. That was part of the deal she’d made to have him, and she was wise enough to know he couldn’t-wouldn’t-ever change in that respect. As much as it worried her, she also loved him for it. It was why he was who he was.

She focused on the numerous white or purple puckered scars on his back. She remembered when he got most of them. The big, ugly one across his left shoulder blade had come from a Grik spear at Aryaal and had nearly killed him. Clusters of smaller scars had not been serious, mostly caused by tiny fragments of steel or glass she’d plucked from just under the skin. There was a long, jagged, older scar across his lower back, and she traced it softly with her finger, wondering what had caused it. She’d seen it before, of course, but it predated their acquaintance, and she’d forgotten about it. Suddenly, how he got it-like so many other things about him she didn’t know-became vitally important to her, and she cuddled up to him, molding her body to his.

“That can get you in a lot of trouble,” he warned in a pleasant, muzzy tone. She chuckled huskily.

“ That kind of trouble I can handle, sailor,” she said.

“Well, never say I didn’t warn you,” he said, mock serious, rolling over to embrace her.

“Wait!” She giggled. “We barely know each other!”

He blinked. “What do you mean?”

“I’m serious! I want to know everything… like, where’d you get that scar on your lower back?”

“I was bitten by a whale!” he said, clasping her close and kissing her.

“Tell me!” she insisted, and he paused.

“Right now?” He looked at her. “You’re serious!”

“Sure, I am! We’re married now. I want to know.”

He started to speak, then paused. After all this time, they really didn’t know a lot about each other. They knew all the things that mattered, of course, but almost nothing about each other’s lives before they met. He shrugged. “I fell off a horse on a barbed-wire fence when I was fourteen.”

“That’s it?”

“Scout’s honor.”

“Were you a Boy Scout?”


Sandra laughed. “You’re terrible!”

“Absolutely.” Matt brushed back her hair and smiled. “I’ll tell you something else, now that we’re married. You’ve got to quit looking at me-that way you do-when you think I’m about to pull some nutty stunt that’ll get me hurt. You know which look I mean! I’ve always been a sucker for big-eyed, pretty girls, and when they stick out their lip and squirt tears at me…” His smile faded slightly. “It makes it a lot harder to do what I have to do.”

“I do not ‘squirt’ tears at you!” she denied. “My arguments against your sometimes very foolish behavior are based on reason and practical concerns!”

“And when I don’t see ‘reason,’ you resort to anger. When that doesn’t work, you hammer me with the Look.”

Sandra frowned, creating a face much like the one he’d described but without the tears. “Reason should be enough,” she said at last, as if surprised it wasn’t. “Reason and anger work with everyone else, but not you! You’re too damn stubborn!” She sighed. “So maybe the tears come with frustration because I love you, you big dope! I don’t make them come-you do!”

“So… no deal?” he asked with such a pitiful tone and solemn expression that she burst into a fit of giggling. She struck him with her pillow-which disrupted the bedding in a pleasantly revealing way-and Matt embraced her again.

“Look,” he said, softly laughing, his hand gliding across her skin. “I’m sorry I brought it up. You’re right, though. We have a lot to talk about. I’ll tell you every little thing you want to know about me: every scar, every hobby, even my favorite ice cream. We’ve both got in-laws… somewhere… we don’t know anything about! I want to hear all about that privileged childhood you said you had, about every scraped knee, and even your favorite color… but later. We don’t have an awful lot of time together-like this,” he reminded gently. “I respectfully suggest we make the most of it.”

They did.

The Bosun slogged through the sand, breathing hard, and stepped up on the porch of the servants’ bungalow where Diania was staying and where Juan joined her during the day to prepare meals and such for the newlyweds, or in case Matt and Sandra wanted them for any reason. Both stewards had, for all intents and purposes, insisted. Even so, there was considerable distance between the two structures, and Gray wasn’t too happy about that. He didn’t like it whenever the Skipper-or Sandra-didn’t have anybody around to protect them. Captain Reddy had specifically prohibited a guard detail this time, however, and Gray could even understand. The location of the honeymoon was supposed to be a secret, and he doubted any Company sore losers would find them in the short time they had. He supposed somebody might have followed him out from the ship… but he doubted it. Why would they? Who here would know that he was an overprotective mother hen?

Besides, he reassured himself as he glanced surreptitiously at the other bungalow, even with just one leg, Juan’s got plenty of guts, and he can shoot. He hesitated before going inside, stomping the sand off his shoes. Okay, that’s all true. So why am I here? Was it just because he was overprotective, or did he have another reason to leave the ship when he had so much work to do?

Suddenly, the lightly built door swung open in his face and Diania confronted him, surprised. She’d ditched the goofy dress, he saw, and was back in dungarees and T-shirt. He gulped at the… glaring effect of the transformation.

“Why, g’marnin’, Mr. Gray!” the girl said a little nervously. “I hared a tarrible stampin’, an’ thought the island was a-tremble.”

“It was just me, uh… Miss Diania,” Gray stammered.

Diania was stunned. The Bosun had never actually addressed her before, other than to give her summary commands. She’d heard him refer to her as “that damn woman” a time or two, which set her apart from the other female humans aboard only in that he called them “that other damn woman” or “those other damn women.” At best, he might refer to them occupationally, like the “water-tender broad,” or something like that. Diania had to admit it hurt her feelings, because she rather admired the Super Bosun, and everyone else treated her much better than she’d ever been treated before. The thing was, she knew he didn’t resent her for being a woman suddenly elevated from her obligated status, like an Imperial man might. He just resented her for being a woman on his ship. She hadn’t understood at all until Lady Sandra explained the metaphor of old dogs and new tricks, and described the way things used to be in the Bosun’s “old” Navy.

“What did ye call me?” she asked, almost breathlessly.

“Well… Miss Diania, I guess,” Gray growled in a more normal tone. “We ain’t on the ship, and neither of us is on the watch bill, so we ain’t really on duty. ’Sides, this is kinda like me showin’ up at your off-base housin’. I got manners.” He looked around. “Where’s that little Flip on a stick?”

Diania collected herself. “Ah, ye mean Mr. Marcos? He took coffee yonder ta the Captain an’ Lady Sandra.” With a small smile, she pointed at the strange tracks in the sand. “He was very insistent that the Captain’d never forgive ’im if he neglected that duty.”

Gray grimaced. “Jeez. That’s a helluva way to bring the newlyweds back down to earth!”

Diania chuckled warily. She didn’t drink coffee and had taken Juan’s statement as fact. She took a breath. “So, ah, what brings ye here?”

Gray waved his hand. “Oh, I was ashore, roundin’ up a few lost sheep after the shindig last night, and then I had to make personal sure that maniac Silva got on the damn plane-and stayed on it this time! Skipper’s orders.” He shook his head. “Wasn’t really such a chore once I found the big lug, and then he went peaceably enough… not that he was in any shape to make a fuss!”

“Where was he?” Diania asked, boldly she thought. She was amazed that she was actually carrying on a conversation with the terrible Bosun.

“Hidin’. At least he thought he was. He must’ve picked his spot while he was… less devious than usual. And besides, Chack ratted him out.” Gray didn’t mention that he’d finally found Dennis Silva curled up and passed out inside an overturned barrel in the… sailor’s recreational district, and that he and Chack had rolled the barrel almost three hundred yards down to the dock. His sea bag was already awaiting him there, but they had to hose the insensible giant down before the “Clipper” pilot would let him aboard the plane. Gray shrugged. “Anyway, so then I thought I’d wander out here and check on things.”

Diania steeled herself. “Then ye must stay fer yer breakfast,” she said as firmly as she could. “I’m about makin’ it, anyway… as soon as Mr. Marcos returns ta oversee me skills. One more mouth’ll make no difference, an’… I’ve so many questions about the Navy life!”

Gray looked at the exotic, dark-skinned girl- She is just a girl, damn it! — and scratched the white stubble on his chin.

“Well, I s’pose the fellas on the ship can make do without me for a little longer. Thanks.”
