With her arms still folded, she shrugged. “That’s the big deal you couldn’t tell me? That it might be a constructed spell?”

“If you mess with them and accidentally do the wrong thing, some constructed spells can kill everyone within dozens of miles.”

Her arms came unfolded. “Oh.”

“They can also be incredibly dangerous in other ways as well. Unexpected ways. If it really is a constructed spell, or even if it isn’t but it functions something like one, it’s not any kind of constructed spell I’m familiar with, and yet it has many of the routines and protocols I recognize. On top of that, not all the symbols are close to the same as those in the version of the language of Creation that I’m familiar with. That makes it hard to know precisely what each of those protocols means, how they function, and if there is a specific order to using them.

“Some constructed spells have fail-safes built into them that can kill you if you do the wrong thing at the wrong time. I will need to study it some more, first, before I can say for certain exactly what we are dealing with, here.”

Vika looked at the stone and then back to him. “But if it really is the language of Creation, you should be able to understand it, shouldn’t you?”

“I believe that the language of Creation may have different dialects. The markings here might simply be one of those different dialects, and that’s why I’m having trouble understanding it. That makes it a little more difficult to translate all these symbols. It won’t prevent me from translating what they say, but I first need to be sure of what some of the more familiar ones mean. Once I’m sure of the meaning of the symbols in those, that will help me translate others. That’s going to take me some time. I don’t know how much time, but I need to be left to it.”

She shrugged. “All right, so study it.”

He gave her a meaningful look. “I would appreciate it if you went over there and watched the Glee to keep them from getting too curious so I can concentrate in this.”

“Oh. All right. Well, why didn’t you just say so? But if you really think it is a constructed spell, wouldn’t that mean this thing is powered by magic?”

Richard shook his head, feeling frustration that he had a hard time explaining all the technicalities. “I don’t know. Maybe. I understand constructed spells, and I know how they function. I’ve even made a number of them myself. This looks in many ways like it could very well be a constructed spell, but in other ways it’s different, so I’m not yet entirely sure.

“It may simply share some aspects with a constructed spell. It may be a coincidence that it looks like one to me in part because I’m not able to read all the symbols. I might also be reading too much into it. I just don’t know yet. But these symbols are the key to learning how this thing functions, and if it actually is a constructed spell, so that’s why I need to study it. Got it now?”

“What difference could that make?” She frowned at him. “If you simply reset it so they can’t use it, that’s all you really need to do, right?”

“Sure, unless someone comes along who can recognize the symbols or figure them out and then reset it for themselves so they could use the gateway. I’m trying to figure out if there is a way to lock in the reset, or better yet, use a fail-safe. So, unless you know how to work a constructed spell or you understand the language of Creation, would you please go over there and watch those Glee? And be prepared in case something happens.”

Vika glanced to the Glee and then back at him. “Something like what?”

“Are you going to ask questions all the time for the rest of our lives in this awful world?”

Vika only smiled.

Richard looked over at the Glee out of the corner of one eye. “I don’t know for sure what might happen, but if this thing really is a constructed spell powered by magic and something happens, they may become alarmed.”

“What should I be prepared for?”

Richard let out a weary sigh. “Vika, Sang is going to soon grow impatient that I am not destroying this thing. I don’t know what the other Glee will do if this stone starts making noises or something. After all, they seem to regard this thing as some sort of sacred object given to them by gods.”

Vika finally relented. “All right. That makes sense. But if I have to start using my Agiel on them, things could get messy.”

“Well, I don’t want you to do that. Just keep your eye on them. Strike up a conversation or something. Divert their attention. Ask them about their offspring. Parents love to talk about that.”

As soon as he said that, he wished he hadn’t.

“I’m not all that experienced at small talk, but I’ll give it a try.”

“Is life with you in this world always going to be this difficult?”

Vika smiled again. “You wouldn’t want life here to be boring, would you?”

Richard shook his head before turning back to the stone as Vika walked over to Sang.
