

One remarkable thing about this book’s title is that it changed at least twice since Terry began working on it. It started out as Unclear Physics, then became Imperial Wizard for a few days, and finally ended up as Interesting Times:

“Rincewind and Cohen are having such fun — that is to say, death and terror attend them at every step — on the Counterweight Continent and the Forbidden City of the Agatean Empire that it might well end up being called: Imperial Wizard …which ought to sell well in the US. In some States, anyway.”

“The editor and my main beta-test reader have raised objections to the title Unclear Physics. They think it’s a lovely title but they don’t think it’s a good one for this book. Nor do I, because I’ve got a better use for it — I’ve realised how to utilize the squash court in UU… So it will be the original working title: Interesting Times. At least for this week.”
