The call had been unexpected. The reference — a friend of a friend of a friend — too complicated to follow. But the job — if it turned into a job — was simple enough, a missing person. Or so the caller had said. But Perry Christo, former NYPD homicide detective turned private investigator, knew nothing was ever simple.

It was six years now since he’d left the NYPD. That was the way he always said it: I left the police department six years ago. As opposed to the truth: that he had been fired. More specifically: asked to leave before he was fired.

Pericles Alexandros Christo, Perry to his friends (though he didn’t have many — his choice). His mother was the only one who had dared call him Pericles (and live). Forty-four years old, disgraced cop, divorced, one of those men who saw his child every other weekend and sometimes less. His fault. He tugged his collar up against the wind as he cut across Third Avenue. It was the kind of winter day that reminded residents Manhattan was an island surrounded by water, icy water, an unprotected twenty-four square miles of land that had nothing to shield it from the chill other than glass and steel skyscrapers that only helped create wind tunnels and lonely corridors.

But the address Perry was headed for, 720 Park Avenue, only a dozen or so blocks from his Yorkville one-bedroom, could have been a hundred miles away in every conceivable way and buffered by something special: money.

The call had come the night before.

It’s my daughter. She’s missing and—

Did you call the police?

No. It’s… a family matter. And I want to keep it that way.

How long?

How long… what?

How long has she been missing?

Oh. A week. No. Closer to two.

Perry thought: Two weeks. If his daughter were missing for two days he’d have called out the National Guard.

That’s a long time.

A pause. Well, my daughter, Angel, has a tendency to… wander. Now and then.


Yes. Take a trip, go off with a friend. She’s not a child. She’s twenty. And she doesn’t live with me.

Who does she live with?

Her father.

And I presume he hasn’t heard from her.

You presume correctly.

Have you checked with her friends?

Of course. The words barked.

Perry could tell this would be no ordinary mother-and-child reunion.

You will help me, Detective.

It was not a question. And Perry had not answered it. Instead, he waited for her next command, which followed.

Come see me. Now.


Is that a problem?

Now — as in ten at night — when he was already in his underwear, feet up, watching a Law & Order rerun. Clearly a woman used to getting what she wanted when she wanted it. But if she could wait nearly two weeks, she could wait another eight hours.

I’ll see you in the morning.

But you will get started right away.

Again, not a question.

We’ll see, he’d said, though he knew he would take the case. A job was a job. And with the current economy he needed every one, though he was doing okay. Four years now since he’d started his own PI firm. More than half of his tiny apartment was his ad hoc office: two computers, a scanner, video equipment, a digital camera with an extra-long telephoto lens, listening devices. Things he never imagined he’d be using, but necessary for the work he did for his biggest clients: insurance companies. Spent his days spying on people out dancing and climbing trees when they claimed they couldn’t walk.

It’s my daughter, she’s missing…

The woman’s words replayed in Perry’s mind as he quickened his step against the cold.

He didn’t particularly like missing persons—“locates,” as they were called in the business. Most of them were people who didn’t want to be found, embezzlers or ex-husbands behind on child support, the latter his least favorite and something he turned down when he could. Perry hadn’t missed a child support payment in five years, even at his lowest point when it meant skipping meals — but a missing girl, even one twenty years old, was something else, something to worry about.

Unless she’d run away. Perry turned the corner, more icy wind in his face. Most runaways were teenagers, he knew that, young ones who didn’t know yet how tough it could be out in the cold, cold world. Perry had found more than his share of them. Girls and boys out of the plains states, corn-fed innocents, pretty young things who’d run away because they hated their parents for good and bad reasons. A mistake either way, which they learned working Manhattan’s mean streets. Most turning up scared and sick, ruined, a few who might be saved (though he was never sure); every one of them another scar on his soul, to see what the world could do to a kid.

Perry tugged the woolen scarf — a gift from Nicky — tighter around his neck.

It’s not my birthday, kiddo.

Does it have to be your birthday to get a gift, Daddy? You give me things all the time.

Nicky had draped the scarf around his neck — soft wool, blue and tan stripes. See, it matches your eyes, Daddy.

Impossible. There’s no red in this scarf, and my eyes are always bloodshot.

Oh, pul-leese, Daddy. Your eyes are blue, like mine!

The best kid in the world — and he had lost her. Well, not entirely. But every other weekend was like a prison sentence, though one he would wait out because in another three years she’d be eighteen and thinking about college. Barnard on the Upper West Side. Something Perry had suggested. He was already checking out two-bedroom apartments in the area.

The thought made him smile, but looking around at the passersby he noted he was the only one. Lexington Avenue was clogged with people trudging to work on streets slick with ice or stepping over gutters filled with blackened snow, all of them frowning.

A strong gust of wind made him shiver. He’d walked only a few blocks, but he was freezing. His winter coat, a three-year-old trench with a cheap zip-in lining, wasn’t doing the trick. His gloveless hands — he’d lost the third pair he had bought on the street a week ago — were jammed into his pockets and going numb. If Nicky noticed, she’d be getting him a new pair for sure. God, how he loved that kid. His best work, for sure.

Last night’s call played again as he crossed Lexington Avenue.

I’ll expect you at nine, Detective.

One more time Perry had neglected to correct his status with the client he was about to see. Six years since he’d been a detective. A lifetime, though Perry still saw it like it was yesterday, that damn Bayer case immediately in his mind.

A taxi’s blaring horn brought him back to the moment in the middle of the street, but not for long.

I know you would never do anything bad, Daddy.

The look on his daughter’s face when she’d said that — bravery mixed with sadness mixed with confusion, trying to smile, to make him feel better.

You’re right, sweetheart. I wouldn’t. And I didn’t.

The taxi beeped again, the driver leaning out his window, “Get out of the street, asshole!”

Perry flipped him the finger as he dodged and jogged across the street then headed on to Park Avenue.

Could it be that the cold was a little less bitter here, the air sweeter? No dirty snow in the gutters. No ice on the perfectly clean sidewalks.

The rich, thought Perry.

He took in the wide avenue lined with beautiful old apartment buildings and beautiful new ones. He made it only halfway across, stopped by traffic, on the center divider where there were tulips in spring and begonias in summer, trees all year round. The median was currently housing large Botero sculptures of bulky men and women, three or four to a block, bronze figures lightly dusted with last week’s snow that gave them the look of huge Christmas ornaments. Perry noted one lone icicle hanging off the breast of a sculpted woman and wondered why the city needed sculptures of fat people in the middle of its ritziest avenue? Was it to make all the rich ladies, those social X-rays starving themselves to death, feel better, thinner? As if that were possible.

Perry flicked his finger at the icicle, watched it shatter. A woman beside him in a dark mink raised an eyebrow, or tried, her Botoxed mask as frozen as the ice. In a few months, he knew there would be other sculptures, then flowers, niceties few parts of the city could afford but apparently a requirement for this neighborhood.

Perry reconsidered what he had managed to glean from several hours on the Internet about Julia Drusilla. She was a socialite who was no longer very social, her name and face having disappeared from the society pages over the past few years. There’d been mention of her parents’ deaths a decade ago, and the fact that her father had made — and married — a fortune. Plus a few references to Julia Drusilla’s charitable giving. Beyond that, she remained a mystery. One he was about to confront.

Seven twenty Park was a limestone and sienna prewar building, solid and substantial-looking, with an arched entrance and canopied walkway. Huge urns with seasonal evergreens stood beside the double-door entrance. A doorman, red-nosed and with graying temples, white gloves, and a uniform so starched it could have stood on its own, opened the door while Perry attempted to smooth his own windblown hair into place. Suddenly everything about him felt wrong: his coat, his gloveless hands, his chewed cuticles, his old uniform dress shoes, which had surely lost their luster. Why hadn’t he polished them?

A few steps inside were small heaters warming the foyer so residents did not have to freeze while waiting for cars and drivers or taxis, and right now Perry appreciated them. He rubbed his hands together while a second doorman, this one a young Latino, looked him up and down with something more than the usual doorman appraisal, though Perry wasn’t sure what, or why.

“May I help you, sir?”

“I’m here to see Julia Drusilla.”

Something ticked on the young man’s face, barely noticeable but Perry caught it.

“Your name?”

“Perry Christo. She’s expecting me.”

“One moment, sir.” The young doorman plucked the house phone off the wall. “Mrs. Drusilla—” Another tic, this one longer, eye blinking, corner of the mouth tipping up to meet it. “There is a Mr. — Excuse me, I’m sorry—”


“A Mr. Christo here to see you.” The doorman nodded at Perry and offered a smile that actually seemed friendly. Then he angled his jaw toward a large lobby. “Just through there, sir.” He replaced the phone with an audible sigh.

Perry wondered if it was the job or Julia Drusilla that had caused the sigh along with the facial tics.

“The elevator is at the rear. That’s the top floor. Penthouse A.”

Perry crossed the large lobby, its centerpiece a huge display of calla lilies arranged in an even huger vase. The room was overheated, Perry going from cold to hot in a matter of seconds, the flora adding an exotic, jungle quality. Behind it, he caught his reflection in floor-to-ceiling mirrors flecked with gold. He attempted to smooth the wrinkles out of his trench then gave up, took it off, and folded it over his arm. It didn’t help. His shirt was wrinkled, too. He looked like a door-to-door salesman who’d come to the wrong door.

The elevator had more heat, more gold, and more mirrors, but Perry didn’t need another look to confirm that his wool sports jacket looked tatty, his out-of-date tie too wide.

The elevator deposited him into an equally overheated hallway leading to only two apartments — one to the east and one to the west. The door to the west apartment, directly opposite, was still adorned with a Christmas wreath and had a brand-new sisal doormat. The door to the east apartment, at the far end of the hallway, was bare, and there was no welcome mat.

Perry pressed the bell. There was a low chime from somewhere inside the apartment, and then the door opened and Julia Drusilla stood there, backlit, a dark skeleton.

“Come in,” she said, her voice a rasping whisper.

Perry closed the door behind him. In contrast to the stuffy lobby and hallway, the penthouse was not heated. It actually felt air-conditioned, with cool breezes issuing from invisible ducts that fluttered his hair and made him shiver.

Julia Drusilla, elegant in a sleeveless white tunic, was already moving down her hallway into a living room large enough to house five or six of his entire Yorkville apartment, her bare feet soundless on black marble floors that reflected nothing and gave the place the look of an endless pit. The ceilings were high, the furniture low and surprisingly spare — white couches, small slate tables. But the most impressive part of the apartment was the view behind the glass, which ran the entire length of the living room and the terrace beyond. He caught a glimpse of a terrace dotted with evergreens and what looked like fragments of sculpture, a larger-than-life-size marble foot, half a toga-clad torso. Beyond that, the spires of Manhattan apartments, a swath of Central Park, and low-hanging clouds in an endless gray sky.

“You have a magnificent view,” said Perry, taking a few steps closer.

Julia Drusilla turned her head toward the glass then back at Perry. Her pale gray eyes caught the light, startling and beautiful, but with something hard and impenetrable behind them. “I suppose,” she said. “But one gets used to such things. I rarely notice.”

“The sculpture — That foot… ”

“There are a few others you can’t see unless you go out there, and more at my homes in Palm Beach and Aspen, though I rarely go to either anymore.” She sighed, a bony, perfectly manicured hand at her throat. “They’re all Roman, late empire. The early and mid period are impossible to find; the museums have greedily scooped them up. But I’m happy with the sculptures I have. They remind me that people die but culture lives on.”

“Can I borrow that for my tombstone?”

Julia Drusilla peered at him, her gray eyes narrowed. “Is that a joke?”

“Sorry,” said Perry. “Not a very good one.

“No,” she said, with a flicker of anger before she gazed back at the terrace. “You may go out there, if you’d like, to see the sculptures. I never do. I’m not a fan of heights.”

“Then why—”

“Live in a penthouse on the twenty-fourth floor?” She smiled for a half second, translucent skin tugging away from large, capped teeth. “It was my husband’s — my ex-husband’s idea — and I got used to it, but… ” She seemed lost for a moment then focused on Perry. “You’re not what I expected.”

“That bad, huh?”

“Another joke?”

“ ’Fraid so.”

Julia Drusilla frowned. “You’re younger and better looking. I imagined a private detective would be some sort of tough guy with a greasy little mustache and bad shoes.”

Perry looked down at his old police dress shoes. They’d been good years back but not so good now, though they’d apparently passed some small test.

He glanced up and past Julia at a large abstract painting. “Pollock?”

“Yes,” she said, and cast a reappraising eye at him. “You really aren’t the typical private detective, are you?”

“My mother was an artist. Well, sort of.”

“How nice for you,” she said, brittle edging on bitter. “Mine was… ” She shook her head and looked back at the painting. “I bought it at auction, at Sotheby’s, just last week.”

“Oh yes, I read about the sale.” Perry couldn’t remember the exact price, but it had been newsworthy. Front page. It had set a record for a Jackson Pollock painting, something astronomical, in the millions; the buyer’s name undisclosed.

“You’re a very observant man.”

“It’s my job.”

“Good,” she said, giving him another look, this one impossible to read. “Would you care for something, Detective, coffee or tea?”

“If you have coffee, sure. I can’t seem to shake the chill.”

“Oh. It’s the air-conditioning. The illness raises my temperature, so I keep it on all the time. I’m afraid I hardly feel it.” She waved a hand at her face as if to cool it further. “You don’t mind, do you?”

“No,” he said, stifling a shiver.

“So, coffee… ” she said, a bewildered look entering her eyes. “Actually, I’m afraid my maid doesn’t come in until ten, and I’m lost without her.”

“No then — please don’t. I’m fine.”

“I don’t drink it myself. How about tea? I think I can boil water.”

Next thing Perry knew he was on one of the low sofas, balancing a cup of something herbal and lemony on his knee; Julia Drusilla was sitting opposite, bony fingers tapping against a china cup that looked almost, though not quite, as fragile as she was.

“That portrait, the one above your—”

“My father,” she said.

“An impressive-looking man.”

“Yes. He died some years ago, along with my mother, in a tragic accident.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I hate it when people apologize for things that have nothing to do with them.”

“I wasn’t taking responsibility, merely expressing—”

She waved his explanation away. “I don’t have time for niceties, Detective. I’m not a well woman.”

“So you said.”

“Did I?”

“Yes. But you look… fine.”

“I look like death and know it.” She made a noise in the back of her nose. “You should have seen me when I was young. I was beautiful once. Can you believe that?”

“You’re still a beautiful woman,” he said, and it was true, though the beauty had ossified.

“And you’re a liar, but a charming one. Though you must always be truthful with me.”

“I usually am.”

“Except when you are flattering an older woman or trying to save someone the pain of bad news?”

“A little of both,” said Perry.

“Well, don’t ever lie to me. Not ever. I have been lied to enough in my life, and I won’t tolerate it.” Her gray eyes had gone cold and steely, her mouth set tight. Perry noticed her hands had balled into fists, as if getting ready to strike.

“I don’t care much for lies or liars myself.

“Good,” she said, the harsh glint of metal in her eyes giving way to something a bit less threatening, though Perry hadn’t missed it. “Then we understand each other.”

“Indeed.” Perry nodded, though he allowed his stare to mimic just a bit of her rigidity before changing the subject. “So, your daughter. She disappeared from where, exactly?”

“From her father’s Montauk home. According to Norman, he has not seen her for almost two weeks.” Julia Drusilla was now up and pacing.

“I’ll need the exact time of her disappearance.”

“You can get that from Norman. I imagine you will want to speak to him.”

“Yes. And your husband didn’t call the police, didn’t report your daughter missing?”

“No. He called me. Which was the right thing to do.” Her voice took on strength.

“Tell me more about your daughter. Anything that will help me find her.” Perry plucked a pad and pen from his pocket.

“Well, Angelina, Angel, has been living with her father, my ex-husband, since our divorce.”

“Your husband got custody?” Perry tried to keep the surprise out of his voice. A father getting custody was a big deal; he knew that from experience.

“Not exactly. We determined together — my husband and I — what was better for Angel. Ours was not one of those acrimonious divorces. Angel’s happiness was all that mattered.” She ran one of her long fingers along the edge of her too-sharp jaw. “You’re not married, are you, Detective?”





“I have a daughter,” he said, wondering how this had become an interview, one he was on the wrong side of. “She lives with her mother.”

“Of course she does. Always the way, isn’t it? Well, almost always.” She stopped pacing and sagged into one of the low couches just opposite, as if the conversation was suddenly too much for her.

Perry wondered if she was acting. Everything about her seemed theatrical.

“How old was Angel when you and your husband divorced?”

“Does that matter?”

“Maybe. I’m not sure yet.”

“Fourteen. She was such a headstrong girl at the time. Of course she always was, but particularly then. Perhaps the divorce was somewhat to blame: the strain and—”

“I thought you said the divorce was amicable?”

“But I did not say it was easy. And teenagers can be difficult.”

Perry nodded, though he’d give anything to have his teenage daughter around twenty-four/seven, difficult or not.

“We considered boarding school, and in retrospect I think it would have been a better choice for her.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because Norman is far too lenient. He spoils Angel. And he has problems.”

“Such as?”

She sighed. “They’re under control now.”

“I need to know if—”

“I said they are under control.” The steel was back in her eyes — and her voice.

“Mrs. Drusilla.” Perry spoke quietly and chose his words carefully. “If I’m going to find your daughter, I need to know everything.”

“Norman would never do anything to harm Angel. It’s just that—” A short intake of breath. “He drinks. Or did. And when he does — Well, you’ve never seen such a personality change. It’s quite”—she shook her head—“extraordinary.”

“Is that the reason you two—”

“Divorced? No. It had nothing to do with that,” she said, hard. “But he’s stopped drinking. At least I think so, hope so.” Then more quietly, “All I was saying is that if Norman had been tougher, Angel might not have disappeared without a word. He doesn’t lay down any rules.”

“What about your rules?”

“I’m afraid I have little say over what Angel does. She doesn’t live here, remember?”

“But you’re her mother.”

“I repeat: she does not live here. I cannot be a disciplinarian from a distance, and Angel… well, we don’t see each other very often.”

“When was the last time?”

“We have not seen each other in… ” She looked up at ceiling. “I can’t say for certain but… probably close to a year.”

“A year?”

“Yes. Give or take a few… weeks.”

“That’s a long time. Did you have a fight?”

“No. We just… don’t get along very well. The distance is good for us.” She sighed. “I’d hoped Angel would grow out of her rebellious phase — all teenage girls have issues with their mothers, don’t they, Detective? Lord knows I gave my poor mother a terrible time. But Angel can’t seem to get past it.”

“So you did argue.”

“In the past. But not anymore. It’s hard to argue when you rarely speak.”

“I see.”

“No, I don’t think you do, Detective.” She leaned closer, her breath minty with a hint of something medicinal. “Despite our disagreements, I am her mother, and I love her very much. And I believe down deep she loves me, too. One day — soon, I hope — she will come to realize how much I love her.” She sniffed as if she was fighting tears, but her eyes were perfectly clear, her tone clipped. “It’s why I must find her. Why you must find her.” She laid a bony hand on Perry’s. It was cold and dry. “I don’t have much time, and I need to make things right between us, need to… ” Her breathing became labored, a wheezing sound, as if there was cotton wadding in her nose and throat.

“Are you all right?”

“Y-yes. Or… I will be once you find my daughter and bring her back to me.”

Bring her back? But she was never here.

She took deep breaths, a hand to her throat. “All I know is that she is gone and no one has heard from her. I’m frightened, Detective.”

Perry tried to read her face, but it was flat, expressionless. “You said that your daughter often took off, wandered, so there’s probably no reason to suspect anything is wrong — or is there?”

She looked away, and when she turned back there was something ferocious in her eyes though she spoke calmly, “No. There’s nothing. Nothing at all.” She continued to stare at him, not speaking.

Perry let the quiet expand between them. Something he’d learned as a cop: let the suspect fill the uncomfortable void.

And she did. “There’s something you should know, Detective. Angel will be twenty-one in less than two weeks, at which time she will come into a sizable fortune.”

“I see. And Angel knows this?”

“No. At least I never told her. Of course she knew she would get money, my money, which is considerable, though she has a small, serviceable income of her own. I thought it best she not spend her youth knowing she would come into tremendous wealth. I did not want money to stifle her need to work, to grow as a human being. It’s better to come into money later and not know about it, don’t you agree, Detective?”

“Sure,” said Perry. “Though I wouldn’t know.”

“Well, I do. Money can make one lazy, even corrupt.”

Money can make people do all sorts of things, thought Perry.

“All Angel has to do is sign some papers and the money is hers. I would not have waited until the last minute, but the trust stipulates that she sign on her twenty-first birthday. Not a day earlier — or later. A ridiculous technicality, but I suppose it was put there in the event that”—she heaved a sigh—“that Angel was not alive on her twenty-first birthday. My God, what a horrid thought.”

“And if she doesn’t sign?”

“The trust remains entirely with me. We are meant to split what remains of my father’s money, which he put in trust for his heirs.”

“Let me get this straight. If Angel signs, she gets half the money.”


“And if she doesn’t, you get it all.”

“Yes.” She painted on a smile. “I see what you’re thinking, Detective. That I might want to keep all of the money for myself.”

“The thought did cross my mind.”

“Please. I have more money than I know what to do with. And I’m dying.” Her eyes locked on his. “Why would I want you to find my daughter if I wanted to keep her money?”

Perry didn’t know, but he let the question sit there.

“Another two or three hundred million makes no difference to me.”

“Which is it?”

“Which is what?” She stood up and shook out her arms, then started to pace again, her white tunic floating behind her. She looks like a ghost, Perry thought.

“Two or three hundred million?”

She stopped pacing and looked at him. “I’m not sure. Does it really matter?”

“We’re talking about a lot of money.”

“I suppose.” Julia Drusilla shrugged her bony shoulders. “I just want Angel to have what is rightfully hers — to have the life she was meant to have, the freedom to do whatever she wants. Money can buy freedom, Detective.” She started pacing again, tapping her bony hand against her thigh as she did.

“I can imagine,” said Perry, and almost corrected himself: he could not imagine. He was trying to think it through: a girl about to inherit a fortune who disappears. Did she know — or didn’t she?

“Is there anyone who might benefit if Angel doesn’t sign those papers?”

Julia Drusilla stopped pacing again. “None who I know of.”

“But there could be?”

“What do you mean?”

“You said none who you know of, but could there be someone out there you don’t know of?”

“Like who?”

“What about your husband?”

“Norman? That’s ridiculous. He’s perfectly comfortable. His needs are well taken care of. I’ve seen to that.”

“Two or three hundred million dollars can fulfill even more needs.”

“Don’t be absurd. Norman adores Angel. And he has plenty of money.” Her voice went hard then softened, and she came closer, her hand on his hand again.

An air-conditioned breeze grazed the back of Perry’s neck, and he shivered — or was it Julia Drusilla’s touch?

“Anyone else?” he asked.

“No. No one.”

“If Angel doesn’t sign the papers, do you still get your half of the money?”

She let her hand drop from his. “It may take a bit longer but… yes.”

“That must be a relief.”

“I’ve already told you, Detective, the money means nothing to me.” She stared at him, her gray eyes a mix of steely and needy that made Perry uncomfortable. “You will find her, won’t you?”

“I’ll need a picture.” Perry glanced around the room; there wasn’t a single photograph anywhere.

Julia disappeared down a hallway then reappeared with a wallet-size photo, a portrait, the girl’s face filling it.

“Does she always look like this?” Perry asked.

“You mean, does it look like her?”


“It does.”

Perry studied the photo: Angel’s hair looked like gold, her eyes a startling shade of blue. There was something old-fashioned about her, too, something that brought to mind movie stars of the 1940s and ’50s, her hooded eyes and the way the corners of her lips tipped up into a sly Kewpie-doll smile.

“She’s a beautiful girl,” he said.

“Yes,” said Julia. “Very beautiful. Everybody says so.” The veins in her neck stood out.

Perry took one more look at the photo then slipped it into his pocket, feeling as if he’d accepted something forbidden.

“Well then, you have everything you need,” said Julia. She folded her thin arms across her chest and glanced at the hallway, his cue to leave.

He stood up, once again noticed the Jackson Pollock painting, and wondered why someone would buy a multimillion-dollar painting when she was about to die.

Julia led him toward the door.

“Your husband’s address?” he asked.

“Of course.” She wrote it down on a piece of lavender notepaper and placed it in his palm, her bony hand wrapping around his. “Find her, Mr. Christo. Bring my Angel back to me.”

One more time, thought Perry, it was not a question.

* * *
* * *

You sit in the rental car you can’t afford, not yet, but soon, soon, waiting outside her fancy apartment for almost an hour now, freezing, the heat switched off to save on gas, and finally he comes out in that ratty trench coat. Almost makes you laugh. I mean, Is he kidding? A private eye in a trench coat? What a fucking cliché. But this is no laughing matter.

You straighten up, concentrate on what you have to do: follow him. Not easy, following someone who is on foot, in your car, in the city, taxis and buses and people cutting ahead of you, and you don’t dare use the horn and bring attention to yourself, worrying he will spot you.

Then he stops beside a parked car, fumbles keys out of his pocket, his striped scarf blowing in the wind like a banner.

You pull into a bus stop, hoping a traffic cop does not come by, and you watch from a half block away, sipping your third black coffee of the morning, holding the damn Styrofoam cup so tight it cracks and coffee leaks onto your hand and into your lap and you’re trying to mop it up, cursing, and keep an eye on him at the same time, and suddenly he’s driving away and you forget the damn coffee, pull out of the bus stop so fast you practically hit a taxi, the driver laying on his horn so loud you’re sure the private eye can hear so you duck, keeping your head down but peering over the steering wheel, afraid you will lose him, telling yourself to be calm, to breathe, to watch, your eyes like lasers taking in the scratches on the trunk and his license plate, which you memorize, just in case, as you creep down Second Avenue, keeping a few cars between you, the way people do in the movies. But then the traffic eases and he’s driving fast, weaving around cars, but no way you’re going to lose him because this is the most important thing you ever did in your life so it doesn’t matter if you’ve got hot coffee soaking your lap or that your head is aching and your eyes itch from too little sleep and your heart pounds from all the caffeine because it’s finally happening: it’s not just a dream anymore.

You tell yourself to relax, to be cool as you watch him steer his crummy car into the single lane that’s merging into the Midtown Tunnel, your eyes on those paint scratches and license plate, repeating the numbers in your head until his car disappears into the tunnel and you follow it into the darkness with the plan in your head and murder in your heart.
