A Quick Note

You made it. You got all the way to the end, thanks so much for reading my book. Since you’re so awesome, I’ve got a small request for you — and a free gift. If you would, please follow this LINK and leave me a quick review, I’d really appreciate it. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just a quick note saying whether or not you liked the book. As an independent author, it really helps me out.

Thanks so much.

As I mentioned above, I’ve also got a free gift for you, just for being such an awesome reader. You can get the novella Dead Letter, the Prequel to this book by going HERE. It’s the story of the case where Alex and Danny met, along with a few other surprises. And, because you’re awesome, it’s absolutely free. A special thanks for reading In Plain Sight.

So take two minutes and leave me a review HERE, then come back and grab your free copy of Dead Letter HERE.

You rock!

Look for Ghost of a Chance, the next book in the Arcane Casebook series, coming in January 2019.
