Jonathan Torres
ROUND 1999 I discovered Dick’s novel, Funland. That will always be one of my favorites. It was such a kick to read despite, or maybe because of, the nasty things that happened within. Ever since then, I have devoured every Laymon book I got my hands on.
During the same time period, I had just started writing “seriously.” Richard Laymon jump-started my writing. His novels provided the spark that made me passionate about writing. His novels have also been the standard I measure my writing against. I don’t think I’ll ever come close, but I still try.
After seeing and talking to Dick at a few signings, I realized something; he truly had a blast with his writing. It came through in his writing and when you talked to him. You can’t separate one from the other. His personality and writing are interrelated.
Dick was the real deal. As much as any of us try to emulate him, none of us will ever match him. But one thing I can take from him and make my own is this: I can enjoy the hell out of what I do. If I enjoy it, maybe others will feel the same way.
I think that’s something Dick would agree with.