
KUDOS ALWAYS GO OUT FIRST TO MY BRILLIANT editors, Tara Weikum and Erica Sussman, who make me look good, and to Jodi Reamer, my awesome agent, who, well, also makes me look good! Thank you for being constants in my career. There are so many people at Harper whose names I don’t even know who work tirelessly on this book — thanks to every single one of you! And my foreign-rights team, Maja, Cecilia, Chelsey, the degree to which you rock cannot be described! Alec Shane, trusty agent assistant, your handwriting on my mail always means something good.

Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Carrie, Saundra (now aka Sarah) — I would go crazy without you guys. Thank you for everything! Especially the ninjas. I mean. what ninjas?

To my aunt Klea, credit and an apology. Somehow you didn’t make it into the acknowledgments of Spells! (I blame my faulty memory.) Thanks for letting me blatantly steal your name. And don’t worry, the name is where the likeness both begins and ends! Other names I stole: Mr. Robison, my high school counselor who managed to get me a diploma despite. issues. with my transcripts, thank you! Mrs. Cain — you taught me to love literature of all kinds. The use of your name in this book is a tribute; my time in your class is so appreciated, even now. Aaron Melton, Realtor extraordinaire, who lent his name and likeness to Tamani’s second-in-command. I told you I’d do it and you didn’t believe me! Ha! And to Elizabeth/LemonLight, the very first person to recognize me in a bookstore — just because I know she’ll notice.

Kenny — words cannot describe. You are my rock. Audrey, Brennan, Gideon, Gwendolyn, you are my greatest achievements. My family and family-in-law: I could not ask for better cheerleaders.

Thank you!
