"So, I was standing there with one pair of Hypes and one pair of Enzo Angiolinis. And I just couldn't make up my mind."

"Yeah, that's tough," Sebastian said vaguely, having no idea what the woman was talking about. He shifted against the booth seat, the nap of the velvet seeming like nettles through the fine lawn of his shirt. He moved again, then took a swallow of his scotch, hoping the liquor would calm the anger and the agitation inside him. Not that the four before this one had done much good.

"In the end, I didn't get either pair, because they didn't have either of them in orange, which is my signature color this season." The blonde gestured to the orange-and-white retro dress she wore.

"Very nice," Sebastian said automatically, then took another longer gulp of his drink. He'd decided to talk to this woman when she'd mentioned she was a model. A model-he glanced at the woman. A tall, stunningly gorgeous model. The surefire thing to get Mina and her deception right out of his mind. Okay, he'd been played the fool, but losing himself in this gorgeous woman's body would help soothe his wounded heart.

Pride, he corrected. Wounded pride.

"… Isn't that the funniest thing you ever heard?" The blonde laughed, leaning toward him, giving him an eyeful of tanned cleavage.

"Yes," he said with conviction, though he was pretty sure that even if he had heard what she'd said, it wouldn't have been the funniest thing he'd ever heard. But she didn't need to be funny to fulfill the needs he had tonight.

She giggled some more, the sound as nettling as the velvet against his back. He polished off the remainder of his drink, then set the glass away from him with a sharp bang.

"What do you say we head up to my place?"

The blonde seemed a little startled by his sudden request, but she nodded with a blinding grin. "Sure."

He smiled back, rising from the booth. He gestured for her to go ahead of him, then he followed her toward the back of the club. Just as they would have slipped through the backdoor, Rhys appeared.

"Where's Mina?"

Sebastian scowled at his brother. "Who?"

"Mina. Your girlfriend. The one you've been with for every moment for days, weeks."

Sebastian glared at him. Weeks. He made it sound like so much more than it was. Weeks. Right. Sebastian glanced at the woman beside him, offering her an indulgent smile.

"Rhys, as you can see, I'm a little busy at the moment," Sebastian said tolerantly, politely.

"You were busy with Mina earlier. What happened?"

Sebastian shot the woman next to him another glance, then forced a polite smile and said to her, "Would you excuse me for a moment? I need to chat with my brother."

The blonde nodded, clearly bewildered. Not that that was unusual for the poor woman.

Sebastian followed Rhys back toward the booth where Christian still sat. Thankfully, Jane and Jolee were gone or he'd have really gotten an earful.

"What the hell are you doing?" Rhys demanded as soon as Sebastian sat down in the booth with them.

"What do you mean?" Sebastian said casually. "I'm doing what I always do."

"What about Mina?"

Sebastian's chest tightened at her name, but he managed to keep his voice cool. "What about her?"

Both Rhys and Christian gave him disbelieving looks.

"Umm," Christian said as if he clearly thought Sebastian had lost his mind. "You are in love with her."

The tightening in Sebastian's chest threatened to strangle him. But he managed a look that matched Christian's. "Where did you get that idea?" He forced a brief laugh. "Me love Mina. That's quite funny."

Christian gaped at him. Rhys just looked thoroughly unconvinced.

"You two know me," Sebastian said. "I'm not the type to settle down. I like my freedom." He turned and waved to the blonde, who actually looked confused by the gesture, but she did wave back.

"I like my women."

"Yeah, and you love Mina," Rhys stated. "So what is all this about?" He jerked his head toward the other woman. The other woman — that made it sound like he was cheating on Mina, which he wasn't. How could he cheat on a relationship that hadn't been real to begin with?

Sebastian crossed his arms over his chest, wondering why he didn't just get up, tell his nosy brothers to mind their own damned business, and head up to his place with the redhead.

He glanced over his shoulder. The blonde. The blonde. Mina would have a field day if she knew that he was now not only forgetting their names, but their hair color, too. The tightening in his chest suddenly became hideously painful. Mina. She'd been playing him the whole time.

"Sebastian, what's going on?"

Sebastian stared at Rhys, the words right there. The truth of what Mina had done, but he couldn't bring himself to say them aloud. To reveal what a total sucker he'd been.

"You know you were the one who urged me not to let Jane go. And you were right," Rhys said. "Why are you blowing your chances with Mina? When you have a chance at the same happiness?"

Blowing his chances? Sebastian hadn't been the one to blow anything. He'd started to believe he could be with Mina forever-that maybe she was his Jane. His Jolee.

Yeah, the idea had scared him. How could he let a person have that much control over him? What if she hurt him? But he'd been right there, ready to take those chances.

Then all his what if's happened. Mina had hurt him. God damn it.

"You really don't know shit about this," Sebastian gritted, irritated that his brothers assumed he was the one who'd ruined things. Had he? Had he been wrong to make her leave while she was begging for him to believe her? Trust her?

"Then tell us what happened." Christian said.

Sebastian hesitated, but then he couldn't seem to stop himself. He had to have his brothers see the truth, and come to the same conclusion. He needed them to verify he hadn't just mistakenly sent away the only woman he could ever love.

Mina frowned as she peered at the warehouse. She checked the address. It was the one Daniel had given her, but the place looked abandoned. Still the Society did meet at some strange places, and they often changed meeting venues because they didn't want to draw too much attention. Again making her wonder if the Society was the one who believed they were oppressed, not humans.

She glanced over her shoulder, debating if she should leave. Something didn't feel right here. But she took a deep breath and pushed open the large metal door. She couldn't risk Daniel's being the only one heard tonight. She didn't want to think of what they might decide to do to Sebastian and Carfax Abbey.

She remembered Lizzie's suggestion that Mina just burn the place to the ground. Mina knew others in the Society wouldn't have the same hesitations she'd had. And she couldn't let something awful happen.

She stepped inside. The place was dark and definitely deserted. A noise of something scurrying away from her scratched on the concrete floors. But she saw a light in a distant room.

She walked slowly in that direction.

"Hello?" she called as she reached the doorway. The room was small and appeared empty, but there were chairs set up in neat rows. Maybe she was early. She stepped into the room, looking around.

"Hello?" she yelled again.

This time her call was answered by the loud slam of a door behind her. She spun to find Daniel leaning on the doorframe through which she'd just entered the small room.

"Daniel," she breathed, her gaze moving warily to the closed door at his back. "Where is everyone?"

"Hmm," he said as if he was considering the question. "They couldn't make it."

Her fear immediately flared, although she tried hard to block it from him. "Are they going to meet another time?"

He nodded. "I'm sure they will. The Society does love their meetings, don't they?"

Daniel stepped away from the door, but rather than moving toward her, he walked a slow circle around the room. She glanced at the door, taking a small step toward it.

Daniel stopped, spinning to look at her with his eerie dark eyes. "Don't bother. I'm much faster than you."

She paused, trying to calm herself. Trying to pretend she didn't know what he meant. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that you and I need to have a little chat."


"Because you have made things difficult for me."

"H-how?" She forced herself to meet his eyes, even though something there terrified her. Something so familiar, even though she didn't know what it was.

"Surely what I'm doing with Sebastian Young should have no effect on you," she managed to say.

"No, not really," he agreed. He began walking again, his hands clasped behind his back, his eyes focused on the floor just in front of his precise footsteps. "But you have ruined a good thing for me."

"What? How?"

He stopped again. "You really don't remember me, do you? I was so certain you did."

She frowned, staring at him. His profile, then his back as he continued his circle.

"Daniel, I have no idea what you are talking about."

He turned back to her, a smile splitting his face, as creepy as his eyes. Again she did feel she should know him, but she couldn't quite place from where.

"No, you don't, do you?" He smiled smugly.

Suddenly, whether it was something in that smile, or it was the fact that she could now sense him in a way she hadn't been able to before-not until Sebastian had helped her focus her vampire senses-she knew why this vampire made her so uneasy. So scared. Yet, what she was realizing couldn't be possible.

His smile slowly faded as he became aware of the change in Mina. She tried to block her emotions, her thoughts, using the techniques Sebastian had showed her. Focusing outside of herself. On Sebastian.

"But it will be great fun getting reacquainted," he said and began walking again, his back to her once more.

She took another backward step toward the closed door. And another, but she stopped as he spoke again.

"Let me refresh your memory, cara mia."

Daniel turned back toward her, but this time it wasn't that cadaverlike face that greeted her. It was a wide, charming smile. Dimples. Dark eyes and curly hair.

Mina stumbled back, fear seizing her, strangling her.

"Oh my God," she cried, scrambling backward not even aware of where the door was, where she was. She just needed to get away.

He slowly walked toward her.

"Now is that any way to greet your first love?"
