10. Tuesday Afternoon: 5.45

Curtis arrived; an angry whirlwind in human form. He slammed the car door, kicked open the front door to Dog Star House. Then ripped open kitchen cupboards.

‘Why can I never find anything in this house!’

Heather tried to keep pace with him. ‘Curtis? What have you done to your face?’

‘I’ve done nothing to my face. He’s going to pay for this!’ He smashed a cupboard door shut. ‘What is it with this house? The moment you want something — need something! — it hides away!’

‘Curtis. Let me have a closer look.’

Eden stood in the doorway.

‘Yes, Eden. You join the audience. Have a really good look at this!’ He pointed to his face. ‘I told Wayne he was sacked. The ungrateful little sod took a swing at me.’

‘It might need a stitch.’ Heather held his head between her two hands as she examined the cut that ran through an eyebrow. Blood smeared the skin up into his hair line. There, dried blood formed brown crumbs amongst the silver strands.

‘A stitch. Does it hell need a stitch. I just need the first aid kit.’ He jerked his head free of his wife’s hands.

‘Eden,’ Heather said, ‘There’s antiseptic cream and plasters in the bathroom cabinet.’

‘I’ll be right back.’ Eden hurried up the stairs.

In the kitchen Curtis raged, ‘I’ll call Raj tonight. He can issue the summons. I’ll have Wayne in court so fast the little idiot won’t know what’s hit him!’
