Note: The most important persons are listed here, with a few of lesser importance. Listings are by the name most often employed in the text. Thus SKIP Webster Grison will be found under “S,” and Captain Richard KAIN under “K.”
ACHILLE A beggar lacking hands.
BORIS The chief researcher at Burton, Grison, and Ibarra.
BRICE, Lt. Gerard Second mate of the Rani.
CHARLES C. Blue CHELLE’s biological father.
CHELLE Sea Blue SKIP’s college sweetheart and contracta. Note that her first name is pronounced “Shell.”
DIANNE Field SUSAN Clerkin’s assistant.
DON Miles, Cpl. A soldier on leave.
FEUER A vice president of Reanimation, Inc.
JANE Sims A physicist.
JOHNSON, Rick One of Mick TOOLEY’s volunteers.
KAIN, Capt. Richard Master of the Rani.
KENT-JERMYN, Sgt. Gerald A soldier on leave.
NAN Olivera Sgt. KENT-JERMYN’s contracta.
OBERDORF, Gary A mechanic on the Rani.
SKIP Webster Grison The managing partner at the law firm of Burton, Grison, and Ibarra.
SORIANO The soldier of fortune employed by Mick TOOLEY to retake the Rani.
SUSAN Clerkin SKIP’s confidential secretary.
TOOLEY, Mick A young attorney at Burton, Grison, and Ibarra.
TRINITY The masseuse on the Rani.
UEDA, Dr. The pediatrician who becomes the Rani’s doctor.
VANESSA Hennessey The woman who meets CHELLE when she returns to Earth. Aboard the Rani she is known as VIRGINIA Healy.
ZYGMUNT A private investigator often called “the Z man.”